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The top stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment developments as well this is the weekly on r. T. International a little welcome. U. S. Secretary of state mike pompeo has accused iran of launching a quote precedented assault on the Worlds Energy supply saying that iran is behind attacks on saudi arabias Oil Production denies any involvement in the attack calling the u. S. Psyches ations a lie heres the exact wording from the u. S. We call on all motions to publicly unequivocally condemn irans attacks the United States will work with our partners and allies to ensure that Energy Markets remain well supplied and the run is held accountable for its aggression. Such accusations as well as blind in inappropriate comments in the diplomatic context are in comprehensible and meaningless it looks like the maximum pressure policy has failed and has now become the maxim why or the refining in saudi arabia has not been the result of fires and 2 major state run facilities eyewitnesses shared a video on social media of a huge blaze where gunshots counted partly be heard in the background the u. S. Claims it was a result of drone strikes with one of them being launched from iraqi territory or baghdad and denies any possibility its territory was used. Earlier yemen rebels claim responsibility for deploying nearly a dozen drones to attack the. Processing facility on a Major Oil Field they say the strikes were in response to the saudi led war in yemen are demanding an end to riyadhs 4 year long intervention in the country by the us washington has also previously charged the run with lending support to the hoodies amid a professor of Political Science at the university of tehran believes these latest accusations from the us are most likely baseless. How long might come how has a very long history of making accusations without providing any actual evidence who t. F. Have already claimed responsibility for these attacks and although the scale of these attacks are on precedented we have to remember that the who tees have launched drone attacks deep inside saudi arabia for months now so i think there is no surprise there and the u. S. Has accused iran of sending weaponry to the who t. F. But we also have to remember that yemen has been under a very sea year a military blockade by the saudis with the help actually of the americans for over 4 years now making it very difficult to even send food lead to loan weaponry so i think hes just trying to come up with excuses to charge iran of crimes that iran has actually not commit. So the vehement rhetoric from the u. S. Continues even after one of the most outspoken critics National Security advisor john bolton was fired by President Trump on choose they had close at one of the big headlines of the week mr trump claimed he disagreed with bolton on several key Foreign Policy issues theres no word yet on who will be the next National Security adviser john bolton is rino not for his aggressive hawkish approach to Foreign Policy he supported the u. S. Intervention in syria and was staunchly against easing pressure on north korea he also adopted a tough stance on iran unbox scrapping the nuclear deal but in the hawkins has been taking a closer look at his record. Scandals resignations and dismissals are part and parcel of trumps presidency a few policy disagreements a swift tweet from the president s and another Administration Official bites the dust it was clear from the outset that trump and his National Security advisor would have their disagreements im the one that tempers him but thats ok i have different sides i mean i have john bolton and i have other people that are a little more dovish than him and ultimately i make that decision we can speculate on which exact what will lead to boltons exit the failed talks on afghanistan the question of rush hour or perhaps a run but it seems the animosity lasted until his final day in office i offered to resign last night and President Trump said lets talk about it tomorrow i informed of john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration the trump views himself as a skilled dealmaker who talked tough where needed for bolton but wasnt enough he needed to walk the walk and actively consistently show strength on all fronts the middle east russia north korea latin america you name it he held out on compromising stance on sanctions military action and regime change. Bolton was one of the key advocates of toppling the madeira government using any means necessary all options on the table ready to go this troika of tyranny this triangle of chairs stretching from havana to caracas to managua is the cause of immense human suffering this is a time for action. Trump showed he was willing to meet to negotiate with even the greatest perceived u. S. Adversities even if it meant just for symbolic photo op the right intentions seems to be their bet it will make it clear that they wont go like sanctions because. In this country i think they want to make peace i think its time for bolton though this was unacceptable so it could be a long and unproductive meeting or it could be a short non productive meeting we have very much in mind the libyan model from 20032004 while bolton boiled that north korea had violated u. N. Sanctions offer a missile test and may trump downplayed the incident saying he wasnt spooked north korea fired off some small weapons which disturbed some of my people and others but not me. Taking on iran was perhaps boltons priority number one within a month of his appointment in april 28th in the us have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and advocate of preemptive strikes he pushed for military action against iran after a u. S. Drone was brought down and as ever his thinly veiled threats centered around regime change we hope that these new measures directed at the arabian dictatorship will compel the government to reevaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people well i think he is on the verge of making a mistake i think his advisors are pushing him in the wrong direction ironically just as bolton prepared to depart speculations been rife on possible talks between trump and the rein in president rouhani it would have thought that possible after so much hostile rhetoric perhaps the final straw was trumps plan to wind down the longest war in u. S. History including hosting talks with taliban leaders at camp david its speculated that bolton this was in comprehensible it seems that with or without boltons presence u. S. Foreign policy may have more surprises in store during trumps 1st. Year in the latter part of. And says what we focus on later of galveston even though the u. S. Shut down in the heart brokered peace talks the taliban still wants to be. To the negotiating table as our team find out in an exclusive interview with their negotiating team its a head this far. The russian government has described a c. N. N. Report pulp fiction after the news channel aired claims about this cia withdrawing a high level spy from moscow c. N. N. Reported on a u. S. Agent inside the russian government was successfully returned to america in 2017 or concerns about the way donald trump humble classified information but both the white house and the cia say that the story is incorrect taylors been delving deeper. Secret missions exfiltration of spies top level intelligence it sounds like the makings of a thriller and in a way it is because this is an elaborate tale recently that by c. N. N. Multiple trump Administration Officials tell me that these are officials with direct knowledge that in a previously undisclosed to secret mission in 2017 the u. S. Successfully extracted from russia one of its highest level sources covert sources inside the russian government the c. N. N. Report claims a man at the highest level of the kremlin was feeding information for a decade but he was so ensconced within the kremlin wall so friendly with and trusted by president putins in a circle but he even managed to photograph documents on the russian leaders desk u. S. Intelligence officials had already expressed concerns about the safety of this spy and other russian assets given the length of their cooperation with the u. S. This according to a former Senior Intelligence official the report is peppered with fake mentions of it sources mysterious interviews and skips a bit on the facts facts make a thrilla indeed this. C. N. N. Report doesnt even given in the playing of the identity of the informant but the Russian Media was willing to give it a chance and landed on one leg while in cough its been reported that he previously worked at the Russian Embassy in washington before becoming up to stay counselor at the president ial administration not really the pinnacle of influence which is true that smiling cough worked in the president S Administration but several years ago he was fired his position wasnt that of a top official all the discussion in the us media about someone urgently extracting someone and saving someone etc it is part of as you know a sort of pope fiction genre but c. N. N. Probably felt it had a bombshell report on its hands it found yet another unverified crumps just it was the russians not the American Public who elected trump and then showing that washington had fix us fully outwitted moscow by sneaking a legit spy out but what could make this revelation who are more delicious how about trump also being shown to be an unreliable slipped president now that would be called a person directly involved in these discussions said that the removal of the russian was driven in part by concerns that President Trump and hiS Administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and that that could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy are so just to clarify the cia gave up its most important source on the off chance that trump might spill the beans a source thats been cultivated over 10 years in the country is readily says its almost impossible to infiltrate i could even buy into that if the cia gave me something to what quits i mean they arent exactly trumps cheerleaders their response that must have come as a bitter blow at c. N. N. H. Q. Misguided speculation that the president s handling of our nations most sensitive intelligence which he has access to each and every day drew. The alleged x. Filtration operation is inaccurate i love a good story but Anonymous Sources classified information which is impossible to verify trump is incapable of dealing with the discreet demands of office and washington being a step ahead of everyone well it just fits all too neatly. Lets move now to a mystery that has puzzled minds for the past 60 years in 1959 a group of salvi it hikers disappeared in the euro margins 9 bodies were eventually found various theorise are on the pos dads. Special project launched by ortiz video agency ripley we chronicle the fateful incident. Yeah the indepth project by ripley allows you to follow the hikers 10 day trek you can explore what the group did each day through photos through the sun also indeed what they wrote to the sky or more about the all mixed made in arrays the bodies the various theories as to what exactly happened but its all about interaction 2. You can put yourself into the shoes of one of the team members as they walk along the route and then vote on your preferred version of just what happened after weighing up the evidence youre presented with. Still to come on the program the beloved british cartoon character a fireman is fired thats a brigade a month skeleton for not being inclusive enough story and more when we return. You know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Make this manufacture consent to public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. In the final merry go round. The one percent. We can all middle of the room sick. I mean real news. In an exclusive interview with r. T. The Afghan Taliban house urged double trump to return to the negotiating to. Able they were here in moscow as part of regular talks with russian officials this week mr trump done the year long Peace Process with the militant group which code ive seen and then to almost to get aids of u. S. War in afghanistan the taliban negotiators were supposed to go to the United States before signing an agreement the deal was to include washington withdrawing troops in exchange for a commitment from the militants not to shelter of terrorists. Well donald trump justified ending the negotiations citing an islamist attack in the Afghan Capital which resulted in the death of an american soldier it was a suicide car bombing that left 10 people dead and injured dozens more r. T. S. The taliban how it expects trying to negotiate with them when theyre killing history. The next day when minnesota hes going to consider this a. Negotiation he mr buffett of his father is that he says he admitted that if you have good 1000. 00 well so if big dollars off us why we cannot give you one of them or 2 of them know what was imposed on us. American soldiers dont want to its not i would have made it to the soldiers and watching them there was a lot of us but still we. Proposed and we were keen to bring peace and i want some political situation but unfortunately i need to which we reached some sort of finality when it was considered by the american side that sense if if the american side is not willing to bushs of it and did not want based on the doable so all that we would be compared to defend ourselves and i would never do this welcome libyas. I dont know that the reason behind it may be you can ask them what happened but we are still committed to the leadership as we see that i would stand and i would gladly see from this time the commitment of this time is that they did this most of you should have fought off one conflict except negotiations and accept the peace on the table so we dont want to revitalize and we hope that im stuck on. His. Nose with him he comes back to where i want to be would be just the sign of the doubt after the fact if youre going to go there go. Ok i want to bring you. To the thick of things right now in hong kong where police have clashed with protesters who threw petrol bombs and bricks at officers and this is the scene right in the city states just coming up to 20 minutes past 8 pm in the evening we had been seeing pictures quite a tense standoff a lot of police in full riot gear a lot of press on protesters between them as well just holding off and lets go to some pictures we took a little bit earlier in the day authorities have responded to protesters blasting. The activists and you can see the blue there to identify those involved in that what were seeing though is the 15th straight week of protests in hong kong the scenes follow months of demonstrations that were triggered by a proposed extradition bill and would allow a suspects to be sent to Mainland China and the bill was eventually suspended but the protests already turned into a broader Pro Democracy Movement our news team escaping a close eye on developments right now as we enter into night time in hong kong and in all developments we will bring it to you. Ok lets take you know to the u. K. A different type of story now but one thats got a lot of people talking a cartoon fireman has been criticized for failing to keep up with modern equality standards the classic childrens t. V. Card has been axed from his job as a must call for a local brigade after bosses there said he could be discouraging women from joining. His friends need him more than ever. We sent him the phone to the rescue team managed to save the day. Firemen 1st heard in 1907. About firefighters in a small welsh village since then hes been widely used to promote Fire Safety Services across the bay but now it seems is times in some parts at least as arties poly being. Generations of kids may have grown up with him but legendary childrens t. V. Show character fireman sam needs to get with the times thats according to the lincolnshire fire and rescue service for years he was there must call its helping to recruit new find a fight his bonce now lincolnshire fire and rescue service say that find him and sam is out dated and noninclusive and hes putting off potential female recruits firefighters nationally and residents locally have raised some concerns that farm and sam doesnt reflect the former Service Today in terms of both the job itself and our workforce its important to us that our open days and Community Events dont think anyone feel excluded and therefore we took this decision lincoln chose chief fire officer. Fired fireman sam has been getting where you stayed for it really does a great job you know as a want to live as a wind away thats not yes its not i think you should do is to for yourself. And leave farmer sam alone this isnt the 1st time that fireman sam has been in hot war so many argue that while the show is politically correct and features plenty of female characters it should be renamed to fire for. Fight. Oh no i think you got it right i think its just somebody taking it up she took it so that and stickery really enough and come quite happy with what it is he is the epitome of straight. To my mind. May not be terribly appealing to people who want to be. Firemen however if youre to be a farmer on the farm it sounds like the people might and you just stick to the basics and enjoy and get back to the basics so we might have a nicer place to live very very happy to have been renamed firefighters and 1st some to then become a non gender specific person over here. Why not some sort of gender specific name thats true ok so yes now most amount yeah exactly exactly they could be. Because no rubbish it couldnt be so just do it it was just a childrens character you didnt take things too far as that music and another british cartoon icon peppa pig was recently been rated by none other then the london fire brigade whose head is by the way a woman for featuring an episode where mommy pig pretended to be a fire man and not a fire fighter. Big east dressed as a fireman on a. Like. Im going to the mummys fire engine practice come on peppa pig weve not been fireman for 30 years you have a huge influence on kids and using out of date stereotypical gender specific wording prevents young girls from becoming firefighters join our Fire Fighting sexism Campaign Women make up just 5. 2 percent of firefighters in england and with that in mind lincolnshire fire and rescue service have come up with 3 original new characters to help us. Tracked more diverse recruits that anthropomorphise sized fire extinguisher as freddy failed but and penelope. Now a sobering stuff that 10 percent of all plastic produced ends up in our oceans should the worlds biggest corporations be doing more to ensure profits dont equal pollution. Or documentary coca colas hidden secret explores more and its next. To me there are good terrorists and bad the bad terrorists and those in need and then who the United States deems to be a threat to the good of those who work in syria the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up the right way military funding an army death squads theres no. War because theres always a small. Really good. Profit. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Thinks. We dare to ask. They all see themselves. As dying swans in their dreams. But only one in the cells and will ever make it to the child. Theyre ready to give their lives for the chance to die on stage its only once. Not even broken wings capitalism. For generations to come a risky set a ballet sweat and tears. In front of the cameras cocacola c. E. O. Promises us a World Without waste thats our objective. But behind the scenes the American Company is doing everything in its power to eschew any alternatives to plastic like the return of a bottle i think obviously the show. After months of negotiations with the american multinational we have a meeting at the headquarters of cocacola france for an interview on. The message later not so well. When i live to see. A polite and when welcome. In the publishing we dont know if you want to go further but it seems we have not yet won that trust. Question in the room was a short supply problem with every thought low enough echo to see the action force all wrong. The Vice President of the Company Michael goldsman has travelled from the United States to on so all questions while he has worked for cocacola for 21 ms hes in charge of Global Policy and environmental sustainability and hes a french speaker. And will soon after the long ones that are new that all thanks hop on over. There either an odd offer set up a coffee room so our interview is done in french. Cook i could have. Some dish told. I think gets me. Because they perceived that the south. Korean economy secular dont. Move. The l u u ts. Who. Would take. Their kid a. May. Day. Affair on a. Didnt really. Set folks all. Those objectives. To perform also. See. It. Dont plan to be. I dont. Know if we knew the

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