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And whats this beloved british cartoon character fireman sam is as a brigade mascot for not being inclusive enough we got some feedback from the public in the u. K. I. Think its just somebody taking it to the degree really enough income quite happy with what it is very very hard at heart and renamed firefighters. To then become a non gender specific person. Good morning Start International on sunday the 15th of october live from moscow with me kev you know its the weekly roundup of the big stories we brought you over the last 7 days and 1st actually happening right now this weekend u. S. Secretary of state payers accused iran of launching a quote of this salt on the Worlds Energy supply saying that it was behind those attacks on saudi arabias oil production. We call on all motions to publicly and unequivocally condemn irans attacks the United States will work with our partners and allies to ensure that Energy Markets remain well supplied and iran is held accountable for its aggression so as it stands the smalling all production in saudi arabia has now been half as the result of fires at 2 major state run Oil Facilities eyewitnesses shared a video on twitter capturing a huge blaze and gunshots in the background earlier yemens who 3 rebels claimed responsibility for deploying nearly a dozen drones to attack saudi Oil Processing facility and a Major Oil Field they say the strikes were in response to the saudi led war in yemen and theyre demanding an end to riyadhs 4 year long intervention in the country thats backed by the u. S. Meantime washington is also previously charged a run of course with lending support to the who theories mousavi professor of Political Science at university of turan believes these latest accusations by the u. S. Are most likely baseless. Our michael has a very long history of making accusations without providing any actual evidence there who deserve already claimed responsibility for these attacks and although the scale of these attacks are on precedented we have to remember that the who t. F. Have launched drone attacks deep inside saudi arabia for months now so i think theres no surprise there and the u. S. Has accused iran of sending weaponry to the who tease but we also have to remember that yemen has been under a very severe military blockade by the saudis with the help actually of the americans for over 4 years now making it very difficult to even send food lead to loan weaponry so i think hes just trying to come up with excuses to charge iran of crimes that iran has actually not committed so the villain and he ran rhetoric from the u. S. Continues even after one of the rounds most outspoken critics National Security advisor john bolton was fired by President Trump on choose day was one of the big stories of the week trump claimed he disagreed with several key Foreign Policy issues still no word yet on whos going to be the next National Security adviser as for john bolton he was well known for his aggressive hawkish approach to Foreign Policy but for instance scrapping the Iran Nuclear Deal as well as supporting the idea of regime change and to run the also supported the u. S. Intervention in syria and was staunchly against easing pressure on north korea and hawken the stakes a closer look at boltons track record. Scandals resignations and dismissals are part and parcel of trumps presidency a few policy disagreements a swift tweet from the president s and another Administration Official bites the dust it was clear from the outset that trump and his National Security advisor would have their disagreements im the one that tempers him but thats ok i have different sides i mean i have john bolton and i have other people that are a little more dovish than him and ultimately i make that decision we can speculate on which exact what will lead to boltons exit the failed talks on afghanistan the question of rush hour or perhaps iran but it seems the animosity lasted until his final day in office i offered to resign last night and President Trump said lets talk about it tomorrow i informed john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration views himself as a skilled dealmaker who talked tough when needed for bolton but wasnt enough he needed to walk the walk and actively consistently show strength on all fronts the middle east russia north korea latin america you name it he held out on compromising stance on sanctions military action and regime change. Bolton was one of the key advocates of toppling the madeira government using any means necessary all options on the table ready to go this troika of tyranny this triangle of care stretching from havana to caracas to managua is the cause of immense human suffering this is a time for action. Trump showed he was willing to meet to negotiate with even the greatest perceived u. S. Adversities even if it meant just a symbolic photo op the right intentions seems to be their bet it will make it clear that they wont i dont like sanctions because. In his country i think they want to make peace i think its time for bolton though this was unacceptable so it could be a long and unproductive meeting or it could be a short non productive meeting we have very much in mind the libyan model from 20032004 while bolton boiled that north korea had violated un sanctions off the missile test and may trump downplayed the incident saying he wasnt spooked north korea fired off some small weapons which disturbed some of my people and others but not me. Taking on iran was perhaps boltons priority number one within a month of his appointment in april 28th in the u. S. Have pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and advocate of preemptive strikes he pushed for military action against iran after a u. S. Drone was brought down and as ever his thinly veiled threats centered around regime change we hope that these new measures directed at the a rainy and dictatorship will compel the government to reevaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people well i think he is on the verge of making a mistake i think his advisors are pushing him in the wrong direction ironically just as bolton prepared to depart speculation has been rife on possible talks between trump and the rein in president rouhani it would have thought that possible after so much hostile rhetoric perhaps the final straw was trumps plan to wind down the longest war in u. S. History including hosting talks with taliban leaders that count david its speculated that bolton this was in comprehensible so whats next for u. S. Foreign policy will troops words often have little correlation with his actions and the u. S. Secretary of state reassures us not too much will change of leave to the present to talk about the reasons he made the decision but i would say this the president s intitled to the staff that he wants it at any moment. A staff person who works directly for the president that states and he should have people he trusted values and whose efforts and judgments benefit him and delivering american Foreign Policy seems that where the without boltons presence u. S. Foreign policy may have more surprises in store during trumps 1st. Un the e. U. And some arab countries have condemned a Campaign Promise by the israeli Prime Minister to an explosion parts of the occupied west bank but you may not know its pledge came ahead of a snap election thats to this choose day and he hinted that washington might approve his plan to. We are on the eve of elections President Trump said that after the elections he would present his deal of the century for a permanent agreement for israels and the palestinians this offers us a great challenge and a great historic once in a lifetime opportunity to apply israel sovereignty over our settlements in judea and samaria and also other areas with significance for our security our heritage and our future any. Israeli decision to impose its laws jurisdiction administration in the occupied west bank is without any International Legal effect there is home to some 3000000 palestinians but increasing numbers of israelis of settle there over recent years with Major International organizations labeling it occupied territory and theres concern too that a move by israel to seize the area known as the Jordan Valley could mark an end to any 2 state solution and this is still rick conflict. Meantime the trump administrations long delayed peace plan for the Israeli Palestinian conflict is have a publication after those elections in israel choose day but adding to the doubts about the deal is the resignation of the u. S. Special envoy for middle east peace and the palestinian leaderships already rejected the proposal saying its clearly biased towards israel previously leaked details highlighted some k. Areas like an expansion of israels territory to include west Bank Settlements while palestinians would get part of the gaza strip for infrastructure but they couldnt live there the leaks also suggested that the palestinians would be forbidden from having an army guest thrashed out the plans. 1st of all lets agree that the there and there might be a plan that the Us Administration is working on but that piece is not part of it and the palestinians are not part of it then thats why the palestinians have taken the very logical approach in forming the International Committee that so long as this administration does not recognize palestinian rights for International Law theres really not much to talk about if the palestinians are going to simply boycott mr green blood boycott mr trump boycott the saudis boycott anything before they even seen the play and then theres no opportunity for a gauge of it this is the time for engagement not for boycotts and when you start to boycott the arab world and the United States youre going down a very slippery slope only guns in riyadh. Nobodys well i caught palestinians have with palestine is an integral part of the arab world mr greenblatt is someone who has is not only committed ideologically to the Settler Movement he is a contributor to the entrancement of the settlements regime which is illegal under International Law in the heart of the occupied west bank so there was never. A moment where this Administration Even made a slight effort to give the impression that it has any inclination or any interest in being balanced in being objective thats the Palestinian Authority that have got to get with the program they live in the middle east that they essentially believe they are the center of the middle east and theyre really theyve really become a footnote and theyre about to throw the throw themselves excuse me into the waste basket of history of the less they begin to engage with the greatest superpower on earth which is the troubled ministration who truly wants the best for the Palestinian People and is trying yet again after 25 years of failures to help the Palestinian People and their israeli neighbors come to an. Diplomatic political and economic solution and the palestinians throughout the past years with successive american administrations have bent over backwards to try and reach a solution that would guarantee a real 2 state formula now if youre talking about formulas that were presented that would give the palestinians far less than a state then naturally the palestinian leadership which is accountable to the Palestinian People cannot accept something that is not acceptable less than a palestinian state its time for the Palestinian Authority to pony up and get with the program so that they can achieve the type of independence that israel can have the type of rights and security that the jewish people so much deserve in this part of the world so its a win win recognizing israels illegal annexation of jerusalem has been rejected worldwide recognizing israels illegal annexation of the syrian golan has been rejected worldwide a win win situation in the middle east is quite simple and it starts by putting the occupation in the historic waste bin big. Bucks and now in the u. K. A cartoon being criticized for failing to keep up with modern equality standards the classic childrens t. V. Character is just but actually his job as a mascot for a local brigade of the boss is this if he could discourage women from joining. His friends needing more than an. Hour. On the phone to the rescue team managed to save the day. First it back in 97 as an animation of firefighters in the small welsh village since then has been widely used to promote fire safety and services across the u. K. But now it seems his time is up at least in some parts of the boy has got more. Generations of kids may have grown up with him but legendary childrens t. V. Show character fireman sam needs to get with the times thats according to the lincolnshire fire and rescue service for years he was their mascot helping to recruit new fina fighters but not now lincolnshire fire and rescue service say that fineman sam is outdated and noninclusive and hes putting off potential female recruits firefighters nationally and residents locally have raised some concerns that farm and some doesnt reflect the former Service Today in terms of both the job itself and our workforce its important to us that our open dates and Community Events dont think anyone feel excluded and therefore we took this decision lincolnshire chief fire officer. Fired fireman sam has been getting where you stayed for it really does a great job for you as a one writing life as a wind a way thats not yours its not i think you should do is to for yourself that is a leaf im a stand alone this isnt the 1st time that firemen sam has been in hot water many argue that while the show is politically correct and features plenty of female characters it should be renamed to firefighter. No i think you got it right i think its just somebody taking it to the fore and stickery really and i think come quite happy with what it is he is the epitome of straight. To my mind. May not be terribly appealing to people who want to be. Firemen however if youre to be a farmer you should want to know. Why didnt you just stick to the basics and enjoy and get back to the basics so we might have a nicer place to live. Very very happy to have been renamed firefighters and 1st some to then become a non gender specific person. But why not some sort of gender specific name but street yes now muslim and yes exactly exactly the could be put in here because no rubbish it could be so just do. It was just a childrens character youre going to take things too far is that you and another british cartoon icon peppa pig was recently but rated by none other then the london fire brigade whose head is by the way a woman for featuring an episode where mommy pig pretended to be a fire man and not a fire fighter mommy pig is dressed as a fireman. Why are you dress like. Im going to the mummys fire engine practice come on peppa pig weve not been firemen for 30 years you have a huge influence on kids and using out of date stereotypical gender specific wording prevents young girls from becoming firefighters join our Fire Fighting sexism Campaign Women make up just 5. 2 percent of firefighters in england and with that in mind lincolnshire fire and rescue service have come up with 3 original new characters to help attract more diverse recruits that anthropomorphized fire extinguishes freddy phil but and penelope. It more than news that we brought you a storm will trump drops a heartbroken peace deal with the taliban just as is about to be followers will tell you why when we come back. We was a cattle republic because we think it would be feared to our people and we want to contribute to the wealth of europe into the European Values of democracy of equality of dialogue of peace and we think that we are ready to contribute on our own with this new europe but part of the euro mean the European Community and constituency whats the big deal whats the problem why cant we accept that possibility in the 20 percent. What weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in his own spirit Dramatic Development only. Exist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down in. Again 20 minutes past the hour and the Afghan Taliban donald trump to return to the negotiating table in exclusive interview with r. T. They are here in moscow as part of regular talks with russian officials this week trump shut down the year long Peace Process with a militant group that could have seen an end to almost 2 decades of the u. S. War in afghanistan the taliban negotiators were supposed to go to the United States before signing an agreement the deal was to include america withdrawing troops in exchange for a commitment from the militants not to shelter terrorists trump justified end of negotiations citing an islamist attack in the Afghan Capital that resulted in the death of an american soldier r. T. S. The taliban direct how it expects trump to the go with them when theyre killing us troops. The next day when mr tucker cancelled this. Negotiation he added mr buffett with his father is that he says he admitted that he had a good 1000. 00 well so if big get a dollars off us why we can not get one of the more blogger know what is imposed on us. American soldiers dont want to stop its not our image it jurors are going to be in washington they are never there was one of us but still we. Proposed and we are very keen to bring peace and i want some through the question but unfortunately i need to which weve reached some sort of finality when it was canceled by the american side cites if the if the american side is not willing to push it and did not want peace on the day it will so all that we would be compared to defend ourselves i would never could do this 500. 00 he is. I do know that the reason behind it may be you can ask them what happened but we are still committed to the negotiations we see that are i want to stand on the sea from this time to get out of the sadness that theres no solution for the one conflict except negotiations and accept the peace on the table so here we are if i realize we hope that i was struck dumb he didnt fit his. Own spirit in he come back to where we were and be just the side of the doubt after that and practically be able to recover. The taliban which now holds more territory than before the us invaded afghanistan in 2001 is frequently responsible for terrorist attacks across the country. You know. What will be brief clashes erupted in the french city of leone where yellow vests protesters of rally against the presence of manama crohns policies demonstrations have been happening despite a reported ban in certain areas of the city the protests in violent with police using tear gas rigs in the pictures yourself in yellow vests to be marching since last November Mass protests across the country. Protests elsewhere to antigovernment protesters have rallied outside the british consulate now in hong kong singing god save the queen in a plea for help from the former colonial power if alos months of chaotic protests that were triggered by a proposed extradition bill would allow suspects to be sent to Mainland China the bill was eventually suspended but the protests have quickly turned into a broader probe democracy movement. In the bahamas still bad weather Tropical Storm battering those islands now on top of Everything Else it comes just 2 weeks after Hurricane Dorian ravaged the region killing 50 and leaving thousands in need of aid and shelter about 1300. 00 people are still missing the u. N. Estimates the financial cost of the damage there and millions sorry billions of dollars such as the state of it. Was sway some a big world news story shapes up over the last 7 days around us much more happening right now at r. T. Dot com here in moscow its kevin 0 in st francis watching him stand by for worlds apart after this break. Today there are good tennis and bad evidence the bad news in yemen the United States deems to be a threat the looked at those one in syria the cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up the right way military windows funding an army of death squads theres no posts anymore because theres always a small income for a really good. Profit. To lose. You or to use you or you. Are going to go. To sleep. Come on a while come to worlds apart today were coming to you from barcelona where thousands of people to go to the streets to celebrate the national day without yet having a nation state to hear us after they washed the independence referendum catalonia remains both a thorn in the bargaining chip in spanish politics and nothing acting government in my face that just average closer to the 4th elections in 4 years what is a clean secessionist cost ill be putting this question to alfred bosch minister for foreign action is it your tional relations. Transparency i tell on am. All for bush its good to talk to thank you very much for your time thanks for inviting me. I introduced you as a minister but the spanish authorities you are more like a councillor with an outsized mandate because the spanish authorities dont believe that colony is supposed to have any foreign the action of Foreign Policy and then data independent state why this could tell on a need to have for an action that you are responsible for or were not going to argue about words we simply translated like that in english so that you understand that im part of a government the Catalan Government is not an independent government belonging to recognise state but still we do have a government minister like lenders in germany have or other governments also have. Yes weve been seeing how the Spanish Government especially the ministry of Foreign Affairs led brady has been trying to stop us from making any foreign action we think were entitled to that because. Nowadays in the 21st century you go to be competitive and have a place in the world otherwise you will prosper im sure would agree that the lonnies not like any other city in spain this dispute has been plaguing this country for 3 centuries and if you look at the recent polls its not evident that the majority of cut the line support independence i wonder how do you frame this issue right there is it still about full if independence or do you stop way outsell determination and the right to vote the regardless of which way the boat go from a Pro Independence party and our ideas that we can have a better country and better welfare for all people with a cow to learn republic so thats what were pursuing. Regarding how many people support that you have all kinds of polls some of them were a majority. And some others perhaps not but thats exactly why we want to vote we want to know the real numbers we want to know whos supporting in the pens and who does not and theres no way the kingdom of spain can agree on such a referendum like the u. K. Did it for scotland or the so we dont think were better than any other nation but were not less than any other nation but the e. U. Know that the problem with referenda and i think the bracks and station shows that the independents moment its called support is that as well is that people may change their mind the circumstances may change. Are you sure that if you have internationally a recognised referendum and if the majority of catalan say no to independence is that going to put the issue to rest once and for all. Not for me or people like me but we will have a result and we will accept it obviously

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