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Working scale well anxious and our job has been weve sent delegates members of the committee of the pas to the headquarters of the home office that is operating the scheme in liverpool to find out what is happening on the over the over half i think its a over the 1000000 up of the 3000000 people in this country have now had settled status and the numbers are going up and i think the home office what they can but what are the numbers i mean you rich i want to get on to the to the letter this is away from all the procedures and all the drama in westminster this is what is the scale here because obviously millions of people are British Nationals are in the e. U. And there are millions of those here in britain tell me about this letter that youve written not pretty to tell but to the bricks secretary. Well were asking their go to the 3rd of september we have. Dont apply yet asking for an update of the position of all the. British People Living in europe regarding their health their pensions provision of that car and we want an update given that the government has pledged to levy of of the 31st of october an update of what their position is and then we will summon witnesses i suspect to ask the government to close examine them as to how efficient and how wide eyed how comprehensive the provision is to give assured still people who are very very very well they know that paula bench is put we can sit the committee can sit so we can do our job supervising what is happening so theres new scrutiny and at the same time Boris Johnson has been very clear they would rather a new deal breaks it by the 30. You just said to 30 whereas parliament is going to be a new deal on the 31st which means presumably the beach and potatoes of this letter its. Its up for grabs as part of the negotiations whether it be the irish the backstop whether it be whatever citizenship brady i think anything can happen but in the meantime were not able to give a show to people. Regarding the efficiency of the scheme operated by the home office and when we come back we will sit and consider it but of course as a former attorney general you are very aware that in these 5 weeks Parliament May not be sitting but courts will be sitting weve already seen that recent cases of the Supreme Court and other lower level courts being talked about john major former Prime Minister gina millett bringing cases denied about process presumably if anything came up as regards the issues in this letter of a National Status in this country a British National state in the e. U. Before the 7th of october. Someone could bring it up in court or something to avoid being the prospect of deportation what could be it could be that we have this once parliament closes down does not sitting this very long period to pull the geisha is really. So fundamentally dangerous for ordinary people ordinary people of this card who were anxious to be satisfied that their life protected with the speaker. Did seem to be slightly concerned about it but its all legal its part of the british political process the government is quite entitle to do what its been doing as regards purgation brazil you agree with that yes well i said that quite clearly in a an interview i had with the times recently that i. Know the procedures have been followed its the Party Ministers duty to advise the queen extended duty and the convention of the queen accept the advice of the privatised. Of the house is that. I suspect i may be wrong i suspect the court will hold that all the procedures been taken but that doesnt go by. To the problem the basic problem is that there is no parliament to supervise the government to make the government answerable to parliament that is the heart of the problem and is that not the reason why many are resorting to the courts theres been a new book where for was just as good sumption lot of legal debate about what is the rule of the Supreme Court in britain can the Supremes Court overrule the Prime Minister you mention the the queen presumably the queen is of no importance in any of this she is just a figurehead but do we live in a Constitutional Monarchy or a democracy my guess is that the courts will not intervene as i said. I think i could belong i would be of a surprised if the courts intervened in what is a procedural matter which seems to be followed a political decision. Quite unhappy that the courts are involved a tall but we have a system here which we are very very proud of of judicial review where ministers and indeed public bodies can be called before the court if there is a decision has been in the bill or they havent followed the procedures so theyre perfect to do it but whether they would succeed. But i may be wrong because you mentioned when russian interestingly former Supreme Court justice actually claimed whilst saying that we should be proud of our system and so on like. All of the big lawyers in this country. System does politically protect minorities from ethnic or religious discrimination theres windrush was a clear example of where the system did not work as regards what dres amaze government was doing it was a big bug ive caused a lot of and to people who have been here maybe if of the. Age of 5 maybe less able if it can happen to black people thats what we want as a committee to ensure that it doesnt happen are the youve appeared bases or youve appeared nationals here or British Nationals in new up we want to ensure there is no there petition. Because of a failure of a system and i think if i guess correctly that wed be going back to this issue time and time again it is a question of cost but when it comes to the exile of people that well have to consider really what view is or the lack of evidence other than an email you mentioned emails goes todays deadline day for parts johnson according to the law has passed on monday he has to give up emails whats out messages around the will there be no eyebrows raised that theres been a lot of the sources of the like coming out of downing street saying you know what. The government may break them or i mean on serious or Mainstream Media programs in this country there will be debates what happens if brian minister breaks the law what have you made of it and is allowed to were not allowed to forget but b. Who breaks the law i think in public to the 3rd of his cabinet i suspect the lord chancellor the tenor judge of the the the lord chancellor is obliged by a specific act of parliament when the status of the office was changed to defend the rule of law and my guess is that there are many people in the government who would not only be unhappy but would find it very difficult to serve and they got they dont know and if you were to any general today in geoffrey caucuses and you knew that say one of Dominic Cummings people in downing street was Briefing Journalists saying you know war if necessary well break the law would you resigned as attorney general i would be sending for the Prime Minister. Explain what the situation is. I would not be able to serve and would you really i mean it seems such an obvious i would not be able to serve in a government of that kind i would give him a chance to explain himself but i suspect no lawyer and yesterday would want to be the government where there is a serious expectation the Prime Minister intends to break the law i hope this is not an event to comment but its not a comment where there is any substance behind it and just finally and very briefly away from breaks away from all of these debates since David Camerons resume the beginning of a sturdy the bankers bailout legal aid has been cut and access to justice has been cut according to activist groups any chance of something changing in the near future for those seeking legal aid theres nothing of substance but we have. Come to an end i raised the matter of the lords 3 weeks ago that if a standard is coming to a dead or house come to an end that the posting should be opened to jordan ordinary people have access to the law i mean theyve abolished it a great portion of family law the. Of the criminal solicitors have to work see times as hard probably for the same pay as they had 20 years ago theyve been cut and cut and cut and i would feel very unhappy to advise anyone to going to the practice of the criminal law and we desperately need good pictish has to defend the rights of citizens morris thank you. After the break with the rest set to continue at the Worlds Largest alms fed today in london revolutionary ill just beat it cannot images be a complicity in war crimes and speaks about a lifetime of visual dissent going up about through going underground. Today there are good terrorists and bad at it its the bad news in yemen the United States deems to be a threat the good those who work in syria the cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up the right way military juntas funding an army of death squads theres no any more because theres always a small people for really good thats. A profit. What politicians do. Put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. Most somewhat want to. Have to go right to the press which is what the before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters in the house. They should. Welcome back todays 46 years since the u. S. U. K. Backed coup that killed Salvador Allende of chile a coup supported by just 5 u. S. Official john bolton well here is the arguable favorite to be britains next Prime Minister paying tribute to i went to meet. More skills are. On the sentence. Was just. It was an attempt to kill a whole generation that leader unlike u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson oppose u. S. U. K. Policy that arguably led to another anniversary today the 911. 00 attacks on washington and new york were carried out by supporters of angloamerican backing for the budget heading in afghanistan let alone islam ists in yugoslavia today britain has a Prime Minister who attacks opponents of alqaeda across the middle east johnson let alone new labor blairites were even warned about it by the leader who defeated them in syria but a call for half an hour earlier to talk about on the top of the total well i can know how people come in my reply to feel for understand the i would have felt from his idea. If he were free to go if you dont like and was so fond of coming Boris Johnson supported nato violence the doggedly aided al qaeda supporters in syria afghanistan and iraq but his support for the tory new labor blairites war in libya which created a safe haven for al qaeda in the mediterranean is more nuanced British Foreign secretary Boris Johnson has to say the removal of former libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 has proved to be a humanitarian and security tragedy that was speaking on his return to the u. K. Up to today because its immediately he the men are able parties in the country to try and reach a compromise what does Boris Johnson know about David Camerons catastrophic destruction of africas richest per capita country that others dont as foreign secretary he would have been privy to top secret documents pertaining to m i 6 and in my 5 relations with islam is groups in libya alleged m i 5 complicity has been raised by the father of 8 year old sufi resource the youngest victim of the Manchester Arena terror attack as an area ground to concerts i put the blame on m i 5 and our government for this. Because he knew about thinking about some a long time ago now new questions of emerged because johnsons government once evidence about the is that mr mansour reno atrocity to be heard in secret johnsons new home secretary pretty patel says its all about National Security this from someone who infamously resigned of a covert meetings with supporter of alqaeda linked groups in syria Benyamin Netanyahu he was one of the last leaders to meet johnson before parliament was shut down on monday and all this as even u. K. State mandated media has followed this program in this channel in reporting connections between the u. K. And those who celebrate september the 11th we expense now i need money and our jihad. It is im fortunate to be strengthening extremists and because im a groups well joining me now is a chronicler of britains socalled war on terror is britains foremost political artist banksy has had to have john birger says his work is haunting the Royal College of arts professor of political odd peter cannot his book visual dissent is out now about pluto press joins me now thanks so much of a coming on tell me about the book and if you look through it how it seems to differ so much from the arguably advertiser lead i dont know young british artists and all the rest of it they get all the attention when it comes to british yeah well i well i want to do a book that wasnt seen as an art but was actually 50 years of history because one of my just to get through to young people and to make history live was i think its very important to know about the events so ive done 50 years since i saw in 1990 and political stuff going right through to this year and talked about a particular subject within nature and then talked talked about what i did about it in terms of on look so you know lets explore some of that because obviously weve just been having this school. People have been arrested which as you know. Just down the road from me in east london does a double page spread hidden in here all the largest Manufacturing Company in this country it makes weapons be a way why be a b. A. Seems to be almost an arm of the government now and its selling arms to regimes a. Totally and to human rights and selling arms to the saudi arabians thats why you know its because. We know its going on the saudi arabia especially in yemen. You know the weapons are killing civilians women and children and i say in the book that they will have these sort of the logos and be who you know they they say were doing this for the people of for with us and all of this and they put themselves over as a sort of peace Loving Company that selling something but the reality is theyre making weapons well. And they stay when they presumably say the government has them to export these weapons and yeah as the ira have to train their pilots bombing bombing yemen im going to ask you just mentioned already the accessibility that was so important to you over your a. Lot of the magazine covers as well as the final if you did in calories around the world. For magazines nowadays i didnt see or would go to the front pages of the like you know i mean papers of become more on a dime in the sort of in this country in images they use and they tend to put film stars on the cover papers think that they the cartoonists can say what they want to say because its a cartoon so its going to also whereas if you do a montage they think people wont understand that its something constructed and theyll think its an actual picture they have all these with ideas people. On the broad tell them to pieces as part of our. Culture the book begins as it 50 years ago with kissinger. Half century ago when the new labor let alone conservative ministers are aching to have their photograph taken with enriquez and sure that we can see the one in the book here i mean. That kicks off the whole book way way the importance of what i mean i think he he represents the sanitization of someone the to me was a warmonger in terms of fear and im combo did he actually instigated all the experimentation with the weapons or the napalm on he was very much the brains behind that and now hes seen as a very. Honored elder statesman and i think thats what can happen to people like that you know if they live long enough people actually forget what theyve done we had the g. 8 recently or the g 7 g 7 has been you know in b. R. It theres a whole selection of pictures here that you did for the g. 8 as it is then before russia was left over little change i mean they did say they gave someone a for Climate Change i think but tell me about does a lot want to do saying that because the it was in the end the skin and i want to sign that people could. Use so what i did with those i put them all up on on the internet different sizes high res and a lot of red so people could actually make their own versions you know what do you think would you would you do on t. V. The be or its g 7 john barry rolling into town talking about the issues of the day the kind of concerns that you have the but i think theyre talking about them in terms of theatrical rather than reality and one of one of the pictures is. Of the child to a casino table which is easy for merely from leg 98. 00 of them we can tell you about it. Its the sort of roulette wheel of poverty that gambling with childrens lives and the way that acting is not going to change peoples lives like that its just its again its window dressing and thats what the point of montage is to break through that window dressing to give people another look at whats going on i dont think it is propaganda. From telling people what to do or who to join no its trying to get people to think critically as media is mainly just going from one subject to another and sort of a general way and covering up a lot of whats actually going on and the point of montage is to uncover it to sort of smash it open in some way and show the collision of forces i know you talked in the past with eleanor hall were chained coud you feel these influences you pioneered a lot of new techniques and want to interesting how that kind of would go into the techniques could be used for a political yeah were. Thinking as you watched the technique so you may have a need to use d. D. Had video of other advertising well advertising is avariciously ideas that go around takes patience taking ideas a copy you know the copywriters and the visualize a seal part of the problem im sure youve helped yeah you get a gene and yeah and then they take it up and whatever advertising the tories did it with such and such they use montage you know with such labors and working with those sort of things but it doesnt mean that my own images can get used by them because they hope for the critique is in it so they cant be it can be misused you know its as i say in the book that one of the was i was told by a tory that she loved it and she put it had it in the loo in number 10 as Queen Victorias book i dont know if its true but thats what he said. Well you know obviously everything that happens right now in british politics arguably it all whereas didnt bulleteer mean the influence of the bailout of the banks in 2008 tell me about the pictures of the hands and the stock market so i just wanted to make some very visceral its one of the things big like youre saying everybody does montage and its very smooth the way that i want to do something very rough that was i mean when i show this i actually show the newspaper. Born with the hand. Drawn and printed onto it and its a question who it who are the hand the victims of all these very drunks of share prices or are they the other the hands of the stock market or of the Stock Brokers i mean i did i use i used to take out with some of these images in take it down to the Stock Exchange and just put them up in the street to get discussion and some stopper of his did i actually think it was a special stockbroker out for them and i came in burma to get a good show and you think the anger is subsided a little known Boris Johnson Prime Minister who famously said i have done more for the bankers than anyone else and though there was a good thing to say yeah yeah. No good still i mean the poverty is is incredible in this country and thats another thing we talk about whats hot stuff in the media if the e. U. Which is to be dogged by john pilger on this program was an agency of nature was Nuclear Weapon so important its been born throughout your work and your people here in Mainstream Media certainly dont even cover the trite now and the debate that led to the threat of global annihilation why do you think its lessened in putins in. Media generally but you know i think thats part of the you know the media sort of needs to ties in people that they think that you know what. Theyve kept the peaceful thats what sort of thing of the thing now with trump hes torn up the. Intermediate missile treaty treaty yeah Nuclear Treaty so you know theres a theoretically Cruise Missile Cruise Missiles could come back and so on because today people may not remember the protect and survive actual government no no and that you followed him around you know theyve done damage thats one of the things to actually remind people and of course there is now an enormous connection because they say that the american military. Is the biggest user of oil of any company in the world. Doing something for. Extinction about him and they do something and ill toba well im going to combine. The miss and the almost right and they all Oil Production as youve already done projections which are read finishes this book the projections. For the office and low interest in rebellion in me my feeling is that if were actually going to get anywhere now weve got to come together all these different groups with a different specialist interest of actually go to come together where i think its right doc time is wearing and you know rise of fascism and fascism and you know i mention a vote over that on the other hand the rebellion against it is growing you know and even in the art world theres much more questioning like of sponsorship which is something i go into and it is how have you seen that change because i could say the abstract expressionist were political yeah they were really so that we went through the eightys at that your area which is in this book i presume we had art schools maybe even when you were teaching now they would have said oh dont be oh yeah i dont being a real losses do you explain too much. Changing though its slowly changing its changing because the students to demand it because theyve. Well it is so different from when i was a student you know they rush in london where they live how do they pay for it so that as and took that consciousness so they started thinking about social and political issues because thats how the people do think about them through their own involvement peter cannot thank you and thats it for the show will be back on saturday 59 years to the day of the u. K. Back to military could you vote but very late to assassinate the democratically elected government of Patrice Lumumba in the democratic republic of congo a deal that he would not try just on me to try going underground jonell if you that. Pain years and prosperity started 10 years i think its time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what ive been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts fight it out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option 25. 00 experts. One red rose another suggestion geopolitical jeopardy parity no political cookout where we will literally wrote the elites. Late night show its a rare form of these days and its cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner. To leave me with one of my i guess i can do this campbell after politics gone wild like music. Ok crosstalk is not about hype its about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. Peter if you want to change something why dont we get rid of the bow tie no that is too much. Well you know the pirate thing weve kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. I mean theyre in this small boat sniffs it hard pulling ships and its standing. On top and. The limited self did beak told fish already 90 percent of the dot and blown that connor. Concept 15 scoops 75 tons of tuna and they do it several times a day with the big fleets you know you get an idea on why the ocean is the fish. We have to understand we could not stay still and just. Be within this the deal going on because. Im doing this because i want the future world to the future can generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. Top stories in the u. S. President far as one of the most hawkish members of his White House Team john bolton becomes the 3rd National Security adviser to be booted out by donald trump. Also to come pulp fiction moscow was branded a c. N. N. Report that claims u. S. Secret service is extracted a high level spy from moscow back in 2017 and. 16. By promising to annex large parts of the west Bank Although it has sparked outrage in the arab world and warnings from the u. S

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