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Prime minister Boris Johnson suffers another defeat as m. P. s again vote against his motion to force a snap election but the opposition accusing him of playing political tricks to force through a new. Way on the looking into traps like this Prime Minister these government will not today brics. Youre watching are to international bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims tel aviv identified a number of Nuclear Weapon sites in iran that were then quickly dismantled by tehran it comes a week ahead of elections which netanyahu is fighting for political survive here and has rejected his latest allegation saying the real possessor of nukes is crying wolf while staff has the details. I hope you caught the latest installment of the b. B. Show its really classic stuff israels Prime Minister laser pointer and bashing big bad iran and this iran conducted experiments to develop Nuclear Weapons unfortunately the best i could do in such short notice is this chopstick good enough but what a great show this time around netanyahu upgraded to a laser pointer fancy stuff cameras audience the whole show bang he revealed also the site of a secret iranian Nuclear Weapons facility as luck would have it it isnt there anymore that is of course if you trust b. B. s word when iran realize we uncovered this heres what they do they destroy. It just worked it out oh gosh darn how unfortunate for Global Security and justice and fortunately the b. B. s Election Campaign forgot to mention the facility was apparently and this is going on b. B. s word here the straw did in july this year and the Prime Minister waited until now just a few days before a crucial election to tell everyone this is what i have to say to the currents of iran. Israel knows what youre doing is wrong knows when youre doing it and israel knows we are doing it wake up says netanyahu to the world iran a liar and everyone should dog pile on them with sanctions and pressure iran was unimpressed saying bibis theatrically were a ploy to create a pretext for war the possessor of real nukes cries wolf on an alleged demolished site in iran he and b. Team just want a war no matter innocent blood and another 7 trillion dollars if youre a fan of bibis performances youll remember the one that made such a splash last time april 2018. Was very. Low back in those days b. B. We had a regular pointer like i do now none of this fancy laser stuff he revealed then an alleged israeli operation to smuggle documents about Irans Nuclear program out of iran but the u. N. Nuclear watchdog the i. A. E. A. A rained on b. B. C. Parade said they found new evidence of iran developing any Nuclear Weapons after 2009 what happened last time is a few days off the p. B. S. Spectacle trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal which took years of work by a host of nations reintroduced sanctions and made life that much more miserable for millions of iranians sent thousands more troops to menace iran obviously bibis best friend is a huge fan of the show but right now it remains to be seen if this gig mobey as big a hit as the last one seems to mean hes trying to kill 2 birds with one stone under one. And. Been to iran scare mongering and instill fear a mind is really voters actually in order to move. More waters to me. And to. Us in iran the phenomena see. Going forward. Because french president to make possible. Under sideline of the. General Assembly Meeting in new york so mr netanyahu is a master of deception is basically using a north playbook of iran fear mongering. Puppet fiction thats how moscow has branded a c. N. N. Report that u. S. Secret service has extracted a high level spire from moscow in 2017 but the white house and the cia also say that parts of the report are incorrect i discuss the details of the story with our correspondent tosca taylor. The cold war might be over but the spy games continue it seems a need and this time its c. N. N. Because the outlet in its typical fashion of into multiple secret sources with holding concrete facts and of course taking a swing at trump reported on monday that back in 2017 the u. S. Government successfully extracted a top level spy from russia multiple Trump Administration officials tell me that these are officials with direct knowledge that in a previously undisclosed to secret mission in 2017 the u. S. Successfully extracted from russia one of its highest level sources covert sources inside the russian government a person directly involved in these discussions said that the removal of the russian was driven in part by concerns that President Trump iS Administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and that that could contribute to exposing the. Overtures as a spy are how has the russian government responded to this well in the absence of any hard evidence the rumor mill of course went into overdrive and the spy was widely speculated to be a leg swelling cough now someone cough is of Russian National who previously worked at the embassy in washington before becoming really a 3rd terrorist state counselor so not particularly influential in the articles though hes been painted as one of the cias most valued assets who had access to the highest levels of the kremlin and today russias foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said that while hes not going to comment on rumors he can confirm that hes not talk to smile and cough nor even met him shortly afterwards the kremlin spokes possible so came out and said what he really tried to lay to rest the idea that smiling cough was really part of this in a cycle which is true that small income worked in the president S Administration but several years ago he was fired his position wasnt very much of a top official all the discussion in the u. S. Media about someone urgently extracting someone and saving someone etc it is part of as you know a sort of pope fiction genre and on the other side what we heard from u. S. Officials well the other aspect of this story that poses some questions is what role donald trump played this is a c. N. N. Article after all now the spy was said to have been targeted long ago so long before trump came to power and really cultivated for a long time apparently the whole situation was so sensitive that barack obama didnt receive any information on the informant in his daily briefs but was rather mysterious he sent this information with secret in secret special sealed envelopes to the wire to the oval office but then again reportedly everything changed when trump came to power c. N. N. Alleges that the u. S. Intelligence got a bit rattled and they were concerned. Trump would mishandle classified information and potentially even inadvertently expose the spy so they decided that was the time to exfiltrate him whats interesting is that c. N. N. Actually asked the cia about all of this and were probably disappointed when the agency really cost them strong doubt about the truth behind all of that misguided speculation that the president s handling of our nations most sensitive intelligence which he has access to each and every day driven alleged exfiltration operation is inaccurate now shortly after that putting yet another spot in the c. N. N. Report trump 2 came forward and vehemently denied his involvement now i know nothing about it i see the cia responded perfectly so whatever the cia said is fine with me but i heard they responded perfectly i dont think so there are many holes to the story were relying on Anonymous Sources and classified information which makes it almost impossible to verify but of course the major actors who deny any involvement or indeed knowledge of the case despite being named can sort of shamed quite confidently but without really any evidence in the report the fact that it also conveniently depicts trump as a person incapable of dealing with the discreet dumonds of office is probably a bonus for the us media but with so many threats at this stage as such need more than anything else reads like a very good spy thriller. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has lost a 2nd attempt at triggering a general election success at the ballot box could have allowed him to repeal a recently passed law end up blocking a no deal braggs it during a heated debate in parliament both sides of the house accuse each other of playing political games. Many of our constituents will be confused tonight because the labor party this ask for a general election for 2 years turned it down and we have to stop these proceedings and we are not walking into traps laid by this Prime Minister became the 1st leader of the opposition in the history of our country to show his confidence in her majestys government yeah why did how i mean the opportunity to have an election with a view to removing the government this house has lost the respect of the country as a laughingstock around the world the Prime Minister has warned his peers in office our number of. Parliament is now prorogue or suspended until october the 14th which is a massive 5 weeks away even after a horrendous week in parliament and in fact that terrible night last night Boris Johnson still maintains that breck set needs these government will not to marry bricks it any further we will not allow the emphatic good into the referendum to be slowly suffocated by poor thank you very much he says is the point of. Delivery thats what they want. To force us to pay for yet another part of this. I would everybody to know there are circumstances in which i ask brussels to do that were leaving on the 31st of october gives all bugs a timetable was absolutely mammoth us included kill emergency debates plus Boris Johnsons notion on a snap general election the 1st emergency to pay requires the release of no preparation documents actually squeeze through with a majority of no i basically requiring the government to hand over documents and messages and can. Cation it also includes the operation Yellow Hammer of documents theres a files on preparations they too should also be to disclosed on to this motion now the government yesterday responded saying that it would share these appropriate documents that believes its absolutely unprecedented and disproportionate in the current parliamentary session has now wrapped up once and for all to october the 14th 5 weeks away and for the opposition it seems like its been quite a good end to that session for Boris Johnson it could get a lot worse Parliament May have entered its 5 week suspension but not before plenty of commotion in the house of commons with m. P. s holding up signs reading silenced one even threw himself across the speaker of the house as chair to prevent him from leaving the conservative politician roger evans believes another break that delay would be pointless. I think he will do his level best to get this done by the 31st of october without an extension if he doesnt it will bring considerable discredit upon the political process in this country because we keep seeing this difficult decision kicked into the long grass what difference is the 3 moment extension really going to make anyway if you look at the timetable for this time if you were about to go off into the Party Conference season and i dont know if the parties were actually seriously considering abandoning those come from says so they could continue talking about the solutions they didnt want to braggs it which is all you have to hear out of the house of commons but we dont Live Conference coming up in the labor conference then the tory conference so we would expect people to be away from poland and not having debates and making a lot this time if you or anyone. Staying in london 5 senior mosque officials have been banned from office after an inquiry into the actions of an ice will extract miss who worked with m m r hock was jailed for life last year for attempting to create whats been called a harvest child army from young worshippers and questions have been asked about how it was allowed to happen boycott reports. Step around the corner of this suburban london street and the windows on the building and the plaque on the door will reveal that this is in fact a mosque and its a mosque that sin a bit of trouble right now for hiring a dangerous extremist to teach children and then trying to cover it up 26 year old mahaan taught islamic studies at the mosque despite having no qualifications and being employed as an administrator. Was jailed for life gerry in the trial the court heard details of how hed shown extremist materials to children that had attended the off to school club here and how he tried to mold them into an army of kids. Terrorism like how to fight he wants a group of 300 men. And those children to reenact the westminster time he was showing them very concerning terrorist related propaganda videos videos such as beheading videos. Yet you power laws them with fear from the point of view that if they raise the law then something similar would happen today. An inquiry by the Charity Commission thats the governing body which regulates the way that charities in england and wales a run has now disqualified 5 of the senior officials that used to run the sh. Sis loud make a cab to me for failing to safeguard children as young as 11 from the attempted of radicalization by that former employee many of the children that attended the claw says here were too frightened to tell their parents about the graphic and violent videos that whom are hike was showing them now that the bosses here have been removed and interior more sc manager has been appointed to get things back on the straight and narrow but for the residence every pull road there are still questions about how how x. Activities were allowed to continue unchecked for so long bert overseas quite frightening be in an you does stay because you see everything on the news and obviously its a wise quite far away eason is our is a bit frightening to think that cats there when im here you know hours of been an influx of different nationalities world wide i wouldnt sound surprise to tall many so National Problem as name is not a problem for our suge cross a comp so you so it does out pit just around the corner could be money he was doing in a we never knew because you know is your just never know well this is a large fave there are no pass in the its not just the bought the management ones who have just been dismissed for their failures because its more than just a failure because when you read the report they are chiefly help structed the investigator is inch away but its obviously a failings on the Education System in not heavier to actually full a check book from a self i think its also the problem were anybody who questions anything to do with is a long is villa fired are not thus so we are consume but people should be able to openly raise concerns of anything that they feel is a problem and let it be investigated and if theres no problem phone north but if the ways than obvious of the children other pio its are and italy the newly formed Government Faces a 2nd vote of no confidence well tell you more on that and other stories after the break. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. Thinks. We fear to ask. The barbarians that vandals on wall street are now actively plundering your bank account with a negative Interest Rate in astronomy Economic Policy theres no economics behind it that would cue to any school of economics that has ever existed as dr michael has said since the bronze age its just out right harry isnt. Welcome back italys Prime Minister with his newly formed government are facing a 2nd vote of no confidence on monday just have a contact when the 1st vote 2 and also announce the new direction italy would take under the coalition he now heads. Has the details. Much more toned language coming from italys Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti talking about the new government having to have more humanism and also talking about integration when it comes to immigrants lets have a listen to what else he had to say we are more and more convinced that protectionism is not a matter of Quick Response to immigration that is why we believe that the defense of our National Interests and our values has to be conducted in a common battle together with other European Countries where there are protests outside the Italian Parliament as Giuseppe Conlon saying and speaking amongst the protesters there is much really believed to of the league and the countrys former interior minister the man who is hard line stance on illegal immigration such as closing the ports to charity rescue ships has seen the number of people coming to italy illegal via the sea decrease rapidly since those policies were introduced now he spoke to protesters saying that he wants special elections and he said that the new government is looking to. The work he did when it came to illegal immigration there are 1st signs of government trying to reopen. This case we close together. And. Lets release government may feel new but it seems as if the shine is already beginning to wear off between the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party with many predicting that the coalition wont be able to go the distance something that im sure taylor salvini will be rubbing his hands in glee over with the prospect of early elections in italy. People are lining up to take aim at hollywoods latest comic book movie before it even hit the big screens the jokers been accused of glorifying violence. Akim phoenix stars as the joker documenting the early years of the villain from the batman franchise and shows him as a loner who descends into madness its not yet on public roads release but a screening at the Venice Film Festival has got people arguing online with many saying it encourages the viewers to sympathize with problematic themes. I dont want to have sympathy for a man best known for his robbery murder and arguably rape shoved down my throat for 2 hours it was not that long ago when a socially isolated discretion chilled white man who felt wronged by society quite literally dressed up as a joker and shot up a Movie Theater in colorado joke of a film where youre supposed to sympathize with a mediocre white man radicalising to do range violence will no doubt be appealing to the wrong audience for the worst reasons millions of children will see the upcoming film joker to laugh at a clown millions of children will be taught that crime violence and mayhem are the stuff of jokes one will howl with take responsibility for promoting a culture of crime. We spoke to the filmmaker who believes censorship should be a last resort. The problem with criticizing a film before it comes out for what its supposed to say is that were starting to as a lot of people like to do in this country self censor art and creative expressions of art and i have a big issue with pure and simply because its really difficult to comment on something that youve not seen and if youre already saying that something is going to be the way you think its going to be and you dont want to see it then we have a problem we have a problem that we have in this country with. At a political level at a cultural level we dont want to see what we think is going to be different from what we think about what we support i dont think that video games or movies will encourage people to to commit acts of violence i think. Is the source of education of many things that are going on in this country when it comes to shootings and role violence i think intertainment if something is an expression of something that is happening in this society that we need to deal with and its a reminder that there is a lot of issues that are not dealt with and i feel that a lot of people like to put those issues under the carpet instead of dealing with them head on. Thats our governors are up for now but ill be back at the top of the hour with the latest thanks for tuning it. Would normally just manufacture concern to the public well. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the frame a merry go round be the one percent. We can or middle of the room signals. The real. World. And the big pain years crossed ive started 10 years i think its time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what ive been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts cited out for a stroll what do you think ok a more affordable option 25 text birds. And one red rose another suggestion geo political jeopardy parody no political cookout where we will literally wrote the elites. Late night show its a rare format these days and its cheap all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner. To leave me with i guess i can do this campbell after politics gone wild like music. Ok crosstalk is not about hype its about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. Peter if you want to change something why dont we get rid of the gotye you know that is too much. Rick. Hello there im max kaiser this is the kaiser report yes were still in paris oh my love for all things stacey just grows by the minute every time im here in the city of lights stacey and the city of love its called re well you know what while weve been here there has been a new fascinating term use for what youve called financial terrorist and it used to be called financial repression remember all these low res declining rates negative rates quantitative easing was considered financial repression it was repressing all throughout the at qana me for the better of the whole economy well here is a phrase financial vandals and its an interesting one pension world reels from financial bendel ism of falling yields and they speak to mark doubting the chief Investment Officer at blue Bay Asset Management he has he has pension fund mandates and he says about these ever declining rates that quote the true badness is Pension Funds being forced to invest and assets which will be guaranteed to lose such as in the case of long dated inflation linked to guilt real eales of negative 3 percent he said it is financial benda lism and the government and Central Banks need to wake up to this my brother my brother but because of what theyre sure what could just a people stop me and say you know you want what because so if thats your message yes im going to my blue area in fact his granddaughter granddaughter said i looked like them going through blue period but lets talk about financial by vandalism for a 2nd so you know as you point out there was a term floated about called financial repression when. Interest rates were under the inflation rate so people had a negative kind of repressed feeling about how the economy was working and it was couched in economic language in davos speak and how policymakers needed to engage in this type of policy to restore integrity to the banks or some other phrase that they would is then to morph now into financial vandalism means that the press the Mainstream Press well we were we were accused of talking about heterodox economics when we

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