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The policy is the right thing to do and said this keep us from credit speaking as a constituency m. P. I do find people who have problems with it but they are being addressed i do think its the right way forward and help people to work. So later on detail with the sentiments the same they both would keep universal credit i mean obviously teething issues is quite a thing to say when so many people so many people are in pain i understand theres a lot of privatization outsourcing deloitte having to go through the quarter because of a 1000000 or 80 firm queen movie got 3000000 for a t. Do you think we should give the 80 for those of outsourcing contractors and d. W. P. Little and raise me a break so said the figures ive been astonishing to disability groups in particular have seen the amount of money you mention the figures you mentioned 600000 going into privatized and yet the system is still in such distress and the teething problems that jeremy hunt mentioned is probably referencing a d. W. P. Own report which said that some case of universal universal credit did cause Financial Difficulties but some are going to even further linking it to rise and set and even suicides. Even p. C. s the union represents workers in the d. W. P. Has asked for the policy to be scrapped to replace what we had sure the wife of the former Prime Minister tony blair on about arbitrated tension in the un special rapporteur she said the un doesnt have an army what does it is anything going to happen because Philip Alston is complaining about universal credit rights to a lot of activists this is the issue because this is now the 5th un report into possible austerity linked to Human Rights Violations that the un have issued and it kind of its also parallel because recently theres been an opportune torturers come to the u. K. To investigate the case of julian the sanj his conclusion was that julius once had been psychologically tortured he was equally dismissed by the government Philip Alston has shown frustration with the fact that hes been dismissed he wrote an article independent last month saying i prove that austerity destroys lives and all the government has done is try to discredit me i mean its slightly disturbing in the context of the report which has some incredibly pressing quotes he found. 14000000 People Living in poverty rising infant mortality rates falling Life Expectancy Food Bank Usage skyrocketing rising homelessness an overloaded and struggling schools and Police Offices he said most of these problems are the direct result of Government Policies in his final report and may accuse ministers being in a state of denial about policies like universal credit and broad responded like this we are not so pads we dont think we can design as we try to adjust universal credit for the benefit of everybody but that sort of language was totally inappropriate and actually discredited a lot of what he was saying she was supposedly going to lodge a complaint with the un about the report but i also d. W. P. And they havent yet confirmed whether or she did that they did however give me this statement saying the uns own data shows the u. K. Is one of the happiest places in the world to live and other countries have come here to find out more about how we support people to improve their lives therefore this is a barely believe full documentation of britain based on a tiny period of time spent here it paints a completely inaccurate picture of our approach to tackling poverty you find that full statement online maybe people can get in touch with going underground tell us how happy they are on universal credit jolly good thank you if tomorrows universal credit figures demonstrate anything it will be Class Division a concept painfully clear to our next guest the while ballet schools youngest ever principal ballet dancer before dropping the establishment to go solo surrogate balloon in grew up you know arguably i am if destroyed ukraine going underground went to 20 studios in east london to ask one of the greatest dancers in the world about challenging Class Division through art thank you so much for inviting us to the dance studio before we even get to the italian 2 or the premiere of romeo and juliet in verona what do you think about the critics here in britain do they fear you wouldnt you know whats been your reaction to your palladium shows i dont really know what to think about it its its an interesting observation and a few times they stop me you know Going Forward in a way you know i can afford to buy a good but critics can really ruin support and that you have to begin with it was hard when you get. But critics when you 1st start time do something people still believe in the new especially in the u. K. And that can be very very tough and i had few a few tough years that i had to prove to my team to the people around will still carry the go and i believe with in what im doing critics i think sometimes have agenda or have the way they work and its not always helpful for art and artists in famous you rework some rite of spring stuff and when gaggle of cocteau and stravinsky were doing right or spring 100 or so years ago they booed that to do anything really change is it to do with the way youve choreographed registering in the last. The 1st full i want to say the music is still relevant and its and its amazing and ski and live oversleep are so inspiring you know he still carries on the what they did many years ago and actually i dont know its richard just people when theyve done to this powerful music for 36 minutes straight people get. Recharged and its its a powerful piece actually powerful tool but again its who you want to believe they want to believe audience everyone to believe critics and they judging they judging this new way youre doing radio spring or they judging the fact you left the royal ballet and. So many many things i dont think they like the way i live or deal like. The freedom of it and also i left a star bush went which they did punish me at certain time for and also i didnt say good things about them either. Its like. You know i dont think theyre a positive thing in the world and they dont think im a good. For the culture is a close thing because other parts of the world ballet is for the people arguably weve covered it in cuba were going to lead america its russia bit over here obviously not so many people can afford the ticket prices but. Is there a problem of out the ballet establishment in this country it isnt the way country is set up its its a little bit of a strict in the way it even by a lady its restrictive you know you dont go 100 percent its a little bit lower arms its a little bit more cold so we see if there is like country i guess has rules and you feel that and if you feel that. Also and then dunson and then different country have different different responses and different different understanding sometimes and i cannot say in england audiences are amazing in all of audience and thats why im coming back to england and coming back to u. K. A lot of the people and all of the audience but the part of this is its hard to. Penetrate that or change it and they dont want to change what is a jealousy envy you think the class ridden establishment sure the viral video of you dunce into the hozier track 27000000 views or whatever and thought they were somehow angry about the success of it what was going on there. Lets show it but bali is for the rich you know it is a divide and divide in itself even more from normal people so it is a luxury thing to have and people actually dont want rich people dont want other people to have it youre going to ruin juliet premiering it in one of the best preserved ancient arenas on earth what do you expect to get that show in bruno in there on the for me i have goals in life you know and im one of the biggest goals was to perform for a remus and to be able to fit my own team is mum production to create a couple work which is the most which is the hardest to pull on. You need to have resources you need to have time you need to have teams you need to build sets. So 1st time im actually achieving these 2 big goals in classical ballet i will be done doing classical work that Everybody Loves me doing and. You know i studied that in the hometown of the plot of romeo and juliet exactly and they happened by accident it wasnt like plot oh its very wrong theres going to be romeo it wasnt just i want to to work with you one called burke who by chance wanted to the roman jew lit and i go invitation from the degree on the to do something at the same time and i and i was like oh this is a perfect opportunity to combine the 2 people who enjoy it who is now you know who listens to police mr rock they can easily come go there and and say thats cool thats crazy presumably you were a bit disappointed with these people as activists because you just read rock energy youre on the record for liking Freddie Mercury and jordan and various other famous activists or the very you know what do you make of these activists trying to shut it down it does on the ground waters and actually some people dont want to. Let me into italian markets it is a competition and certain people control the markets and they dont want other people to come in and suddenly to have this freedom of doing whatever they want to do whos going to say they know its going to be bad but they put this rumors out and they happens to me quite often in the next year to this when its competition other dunces go to direct and say this is my place you know minimal you know dont invite him because its you know youre going into their territory and its hard for artists to accept it and i got kicked out a few times from the sea at this or help until a skull i happened to that other done since the help and 2 parter soper it was nothing to do is my instagram it was was other dunces my instagram just gave them a Little Something to catch on to make a scandal out of it the but the. One of the reasons im doing my own stuff its to have freedom to do what i want and i want actually done system have the freedom and the artists to just be able to create and do stuff is supposed to be completely controlled quiet and have no autonomy it. Is true and this system is built so. That we tell you what to do even though allowed to go to the toilet you know to come on you know a lot to warm up you know its very they dictate to you what they want and the countrys on to. So actually originated when the king of france he loved bali but theyve done siskel downs for him where presence i didnt know theres no management theres no agents there is no theres no freedom and. Been abused like that have no right for anything and they dont know about it they live in their bubble they think im a bad guy because i come out of their bubble but i see how much theyve been taken advantage of because weve talked to hollywood actors who feel theres a bubble where you can say anything nice about donald trump even if you and you go under attack for seemingly wanting i dont know dialogue between putin whatever you know lead to say that either as a human beings we all have different opinions but as a collective mind we have to sting in one way and if you dont think that way you get kicked out and thats been supported and to be honest a lot of people agree with me but collectively they have to go. And publicly say either way so again to somebody that move from surrogate balloon in after this break. Chose seemed wrong on one old rule just dont hold. The world to get to shape out just because the ticket and indeed trip equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Well you know the pirate thing weve kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. I mean theyre in this small ball of snakes a hard pull of ships and its still very. Much up in. The little self did big cold fish already 90 percent of it don i need to call in with connor. Cons of 15 scoops 75 tons 200 stored several times a day with a big fleets you know you get an idea of why the ocean is full of fish. We have to understand we can all stay still and just. Be with them this will be used well be going to the hours. Im doing this because i want the future world to the future can generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. A. Few. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or something i want to. Have to go on to be close to see what the full story in the morning cant be good that im interested always in the waters in the college. First signal. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Gary thinks. We. Ask. Welcome back im still with sergey probably in what role does the media have that because the powerful have the media arguably. Although you have your own social media of media is extremely powerful and important and its a tool but yes they can actually. Understood that theres many countries in the world so i. If i dont die if for example england or america or any other country doesnt support me because i am i am looking at the world as the world or maybe the media is different from those people itself because you go indeed Russian Media has been a bit critical and what is going on in europes largest country ukraine you are a birth place where are theres some going to blacklisting going on ukraine yes i was unfortunately been blacklisted in ukraine when does that mean that you contact romeo and juliet. And country and they want to take my passport away but they couldnt legally there was a before. Election the new president of ukraine that was before us before and it was because i performed in the crimean and i want to cross the border and then he stopped they stopped me actually they they help me one of the people in the Cultural Department in ukraine he called me and said do not cross the border because he will be taken or done singh. Said yes. And that kind of kicked my think in the its like ok thats not right yeah i still cannot. Goaded which is shame because they have. Grandmothers you are afraid about the rise of fascism in ukraine i think we live in there bit of a dark time where its. Bad it is a bit over power and. Good and and i dont support russia because. Its russia like i see it as a good. Ministration doing actually good in the world and thats why i decided to support them and you know its controversial here in britain russia of course yes and i actually think youve brought britain and russia would get along. There could be no war in the world its just 2 countries has to find the right. Connection the outgoing Prime Minister teresa mayes is the russians killed people using chemical weapons. I mean this a lot of them thinks. Its going to give a do tonight im going to get into the film career in a 2nd but do you think ballet education is Getting Better since the days when your parents had to save so much money for you to be educated know whats whats really good about this education is that you want to get out its hunger of having the better life that you work hard and you dont want to stay there and you dont want to come back that hunger made you work harder. Than the rest because if you live in the comfortable conditions. Why should i push whats a go whats that for me was. And the scape and the opportunity. And thats why it works hard to you know to help the family and to help myself. And that gives you this. Adrenalin the goal and the power to go forward what is it about ballet then that is so political because coco is associated with the French Communist Party we did something on this program about Carlos Acosta who was shocked everyone by going back to cuba after he was in london nuria of course used by the americans as a cold war tool why is it always ballet more than any other art form of gambling i mean the round ball is extremely important and influential people because its stayed there so around it its Business People politicians. Its important people actually around it. But also if you come back to the original of human nature you know used to be a sham one dunce and then people used to worship him and stand around and see this one thing done some who were who was a leader. And so when people see you downs. They kind of worship you know they they put you in the different level and they listen to you and they they want to be like you or they inspired by you so you have the power of influence people but this sort of language the not yet discovered fully. Its a credible powerful language evidence of the readings the parties we just restrict ourselves where we tend to become the dunce. But there should be in our d. N. A. It is in our d. N. A. We just need to use it. Whats it done to you when you fight against those in power who want to use your power theres a difference i would like i like to help people who i think need help and i believe in. You know i if i see an artist who needs help to be able to do a movie for example the movie i will give myself and my time to the person and if i believe in that person if i believe in the politician that hes doing the right thing i will give my time on my. Vote and devotion to him but if youre an artist and the establishment wants to crush you would advise would you give them just. Back or just. Only think crush is yourself its you and yourself. Nobody. Nobody can do anything unless you start you start destroying yourself for example. If somebody says something and knocked her and you know on the man wants to get rid of him he starts to drink he starts to take drugs he starts to kill himself basically and then he cannot come back either. If you know where you go and if you. Have straight reason if youre sober if you have amazing people around you who you have to trust and surround you can stop you. You build your own the stuff and having said that. Big mainstream films do like you you would murder in the Orient Express with Kenneth Branagh red sparrow just tell me about the new one pass your sampler. In the simple a yes its. Amazing and direct. Its a story about love relationship between man french woman and russian. And its its a true story and its. And its very passionate and a very good film i think is if i didnt mess it up. Its going to be amazing movie because everything was. Top notch it was r t s camara workers and amazing luck trace knocked as around me it was going to do more film i mean i did actually i should ask with there any of the performances of this version of romeo and juliet are going to be available video as well lou it is in the mind i would love to film it i would love to film it properly and i think dance language in the movie is going to be a very. Big and its going to happen soon and if you know going to jump on it somebody else will we be surprised when the viral video went out and people who might not normally watch ballet were always sort of used to it and there was a sort of i was in the negative stated that that time and when they saw a video i actually was disappointed and i thought oh well just about i did the opposite excess will know it just didnt happen just not good enough to me it was my dance and and when they put it out when they put out on you tube people for stuff to come on up to me and say oh this is amazing video and there was a politically say you know the. Kind of i was a little bit embarrassed by it. Suddenly i realized i have to go towards light not. To be the bad guy but to be the good guy who inspires people thats to me was more effective and more powerful and you personally really were down it wasnt a case of stendhal of skin thing no no it was and then actually the war was just starting to go in ukraine and i was crying for 9 hours during the video and it helped me. Thinking about this young man in the you know its help me he does during the sniper fire in the square. From ukraine yes and. Yes that was good and then there was. Suspected as provoking to us. And then there was actual of a start to this useless war on the borders. And actually one of the people there who were as a crew member he went to fight and he disappeared forever so in dhanbad us and the northeast what do you think of the Media Coverage of all these sorts of events and because when you talk even about jean ukraine if you read the Mainstream Media reports here in britain they have rather a different view i dont think you can trust it and its interesting travel and. Travel in the around the world because he he. He she different Media Coverage is and its all different and when it comes to criticism will you forgive all these critics when youre here say back on top in riyadh will we see you not forgive them. When theyre desperately trying to get an interview with you actually in a few years to me i really am thankful that theyre writing about me to me its already amazing. So good and bad that its like to me im thankful that somebody actually stopped me. So they give me but theyre saying its terrible. Now i dont that. Doesnt affect me just was hard 2 years ago when i. Didnt know that will help and my team wasnt prepared and. Establishment. Listens to critic which is that on their mind they listen to newspapers i dont know whether you call glastonbury the big Music Festival here one of the largest in the world and storm z. The grime the most mainstream crime story really came out and talked about ballet and racism in ballet. And you know with the horses i dont know joe because he was talking about the color of ballet shoes they were only one color for ages and ages signs of ballet is getting more and more mainstream that it was up there and it still works as they worked 100 years ago and i dont see that much. Sort of. Change the way its represent. Its very has many bugs still many when you bones as. Well though if you enjoy that episode of going underground will continue showing your favorite episodes from this season which were back for a brand new season on wednesday the 11th of september until then keep it up via social media and dont forget our you tube channels these. Exist is a sticker from the water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers theyre the bad ones theyre the litter bugs are throwing us away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. To cook absolutely. Essential projects funded. On. The mountains of waste only grow heigho. Today there are good dentists and bad evidence the bad news in yemen the United States deems to be a threat the good of those who are in syria the cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right away military windows funding an army of death squads theres no any more because theres always a small people for really good thats. For profit. One thing that. I did. You. Just see it goes up to. The taliban warned of more american deaths after donald trump cancels afghan peace talks. Also this hour America Special envoy for middle east peace resigns leaving Israeli Palestinian plans and the hand of a less experienced susser with us what that means for the region. Its time for the Palestinian Authority to pony up and get with the program so that they can achieve the type of independence when when situation in the middle east is quite simply and it starts by putting the occupation in the historic waste bin. And the russian journalist who was part of a historic prisoner swap with ukraine

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