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The u. S. Became involved and its led to a situation that at this current time the taliban is pretty much more in control of afghanistan than its been at any time since 2001 and so really i mean trumps instincts i think as we often see and we often say that trumps instincts are right here but i think that possibly he has seen this attack as an opportunity to exactly often perhaps clarify what the american position is going to be you know. This is just delaying the inevitable ok you know we should have i think intelligently. In in 2001 go in destroy al qaeda and get out it was should have been a Police Action a crime was committed then you do a Police Action and then you would draw from it all its a reason why the doors of u. S. Allies agreed to join this authorization but i agree. With. Its a big problem for trump because it was during his campaign between 2016 he was against the war in iraq and it was through. This time that you promised a victory so it didnt promise deal with taliban but its a bit but its very interesting if you look what victories does he. Ok deemer and i think this is exactly what thinking is is that he didnt he didnt see with what was proposed to him i dont think it was his idea this was a proposal he didnt see a win either way going through with the deal or abandoning it ok hes looking for a better option but for the last 18 years there hasnt been very many good options except for one get out several clear well its the longest war in American History and let me give you a precise figures even according to wikipedia 2400 American Military deaths almost to solve civilian contractors killed in against this is just americans there were also or there are now or 9000 european allies operating in afghanistan getting killed every day or almost every day you know i especially feel pity for you to busy me and says story and a lot of it is who went there with the soviet troops in the 8 s. Who were stupid enough to go all the 2nd time with nato and the. Reaction from the United States is just hilarious you know mike bell said that it was a success today al qaeda doesnt even amount to a shadow always form a self in afghanistan yes it was this plays by the socalled Islamic State which is even more dangerous about now we have delivered what have you believe 8150000 african deaths 5000 men so its you know its go back to charles and london charles it seems to me that trumps move is actually a sign of weakness ok because hes showing that the taliban has. The initiative and they are calling the shots and theyre calling the timetable his reaction you know this could last decades longer was a really a very lame reaction to it because its not a proactive approach in resolving something that he said he wants resolved so i think again weakness out of this white house go ahead charles. Yes or no so in the background i think trump recognizes the his positions week i mean he so obviously a very transactional personality he sees its in terms of transactions as he see so much fallen and security relations and he sees here that if there was a deal to be struck hes got to appear tough not withstanding that actually his position on the ground the u. S. Position on the ground is extremely weak the taliban know that the u. S. Knows that trumps no sat and so therefore pulling out of the last minute its almost as if he saying ok you need to deliver more in other word stop these attacks on u. S. Troops and coalition and afghan troops if im going to hold a meeting with you but the problem is that of course actually its him that wants to meeting in a white and the or van more the net the taliban do the taliban know that they its just a matter of time before the Afghan Government forwards and before the or that they get a deal with a Afghan Government which hes very advantageous to the taliban and they know it some out of time before the u. S. Its going to withdraw and again where we turn to to steam of the timeframe of events and how america sees things in very short termism a short term missed way not withstanding but this is now 18 years and yet the enemy for the u. S. Is prepared to sit out a much longer and ive got are much greater stake in this i mean its their country lets not forget me this and the taliban of course and and the other point of make very quickly here is that way its being said thought of course yes america ive always said the america when it does to leave will reframed the situation to put try as a victory and when deep weve seen to save the last couple of days as you mention that its being phrased as or framed us of victory over al qaida i mean pleat to some extent thats true but that was true in to you but that was true in 2000 of want to see 1000 into they print fighting the taliban it you know a Little Program for washington its a what would happen a was a we leave a of ghanas son because a look at deal their contrary in in it was big to stern in keller in took many the. Russian chinese influence so the good direction know we still kish there of course have the good relations with china and with russia so it means as soon as they will leave afghanistan there we have the sound and it also you know i mean the taliban after all this effort fighting al qaeda and Islamic State the american puppet government why in the world would they want to get in bed with al qaeda again ok theres no theres a logical reason for the troops remember that i mean karzai yet he said that there is some basis for Islamic State in afghanistan. By the us were by the us so what they want the true the know exactly what theyre doing and that their short term is couldnt agree more well it seems to me that this is about the 2nd part of our program this is about iran they want to have a position inside of quote unquote keep their eyes on a red its always about iran in the region theyre ok again with what the administration is talking about their talking points and the medias reaction to it is really irrelevant to whats going on go ahead name. It its irrelevant but you know the point about the Central Asian states theyre less concerned about the american withdrawal than the european states than america already when russia you know if you listen to the statements from the from was because they are. You know they fear americans more than the us because they know that taliban are only strong. Against exactly theyre not drawn in this town at the g. Q. Stand these countries were good were going to go to charles finish up this block here charles a im old enough to remember i wasnt very old but i was old enough to remember the fall of saigon this is what history is repeating itself here because look the trumping ministration didnt even bring in the. Afghan government into these negotiations ok i mean because and we had a guest on card crosseyed to few days ago an afghan himself to be sent what we know the government will fail almost immediately out to be americans levites that i was the 18 Year Investment in afghanistan finish it out go ahead charles yes and of course what trump on be us a trying to avoid use those iconic t. V. Scenes of people scrambling on tally copters in leaving at the last minute which we saw inside gone and i trying to avoid that with cobol if the Afghan Government can collapse and the taliban takeover out with america out of the way than america of course can say listen we invested all of this money all of this blood and treasure into afghanistan just like their said with a rock and then the afghans as safe said about iraqi is they lettuce down we gave them every chance to invest in democracy and indeed they to vent most america we threw it collapse so no other words its another issue where americas largely created the situation and then when the inevitable consequence follows then blame the local people for as and thats what im trying to you here i suspect it 20 seconds go it though just do couldnt agree more again or the its over up with their we find a word to were not to do use a nigga cup to a to to tickle from the u. N. A because he hurts you are but begin no one will ever be held accountable for the 05 seconds theme of oh yeah i just loved mahdi is a karas called meant hes it going to be the same withdrawal s. With syria this is a him but you think it could put marlin to jump in here were going to go to a short break an app for that short break well can you know were discussion of on real news state with on glenn. Glenn. Glenn. Glenn. Played. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Play. Live. Lists lists lists. Lists. Playing. Very well now continue watching us and see us. Desists is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers there are the bad was there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. Soon as excuse so. That seems cool sets theres less secrecy today cost me on my end i need to stay on your phones at special projects funding me. On the im your best bet is the end of a footy team but for now the mountains of waste only grow. Well you know the fires they were kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. I mean theyre in this small ball its next to the harp on ships and its. Not up to. The little self to big cold fish already 90 percent of it are not and it wont recover. To conduct 15 scoops 75 tons and they do it several times a day with a big fleet so no you get an idea of why ocean fish. We have to understand we can all still use to just. Be with them this will be the old boy is ours. Im doing this because i want the future world to future generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. The world is. Saying. Please. Welcome back to cross talk where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing some real news. Ok i want to go back to charles in london lets switch gears and talk about your ram maximum pressure well thats not working very well is it ok and this is been the whole problem with the trumpet ministrations approach specifically. With regards to iran it doesnt ever have any other options in this is whats putting trump in a bind we hes in a bind with afghanistan to bind with john in a bind in syria. In iran and we do there are there are theres gossip and theres some whispers that trump obviously isnt satisfied with that oh let me throw in venezuela too satisfied with whats going on he was promised all you had to do was put on the sanctions cut off the oil and the whole thing will fall apart will be regime change we all knew that wasnt going to happen trump may seems that trump does want to make some kind of direct contact but for obvious reasons the who amiens have no interest in talking to donald trump about anything because his policy is a failure what do you think charles yes hes trying to i think hes trying to engineer situation similar to what happened with career where. He will put on maximum pressure one way or another particular course economically in the case of iran causing great suffering by all measures amongst ordinary iranian people not necessarily amongst the leadership. In an attempt to turn against the government just as hes done of course in venezuela and at the same time then think that theres going to be some caving in and then some. Big summit that he can then present himself as the peacemaker particular of course with the election coming up but the thing is that hes not in a position to be had to offer anything. Actually even reverse what he or the other what he left talents people like bolton and pence and so on has actually driven and that is that of course this is a policy that isnt driven by american interests this is a policy against iran that is overwhelmingly driven by lobbyists by the Interest Groups not of the United States but of its 2 main allies in that region which is saudi arabia and of course israel and therefore its not in americas interests to pursue this policy particular because and i know were going to cover this im sure we will the fact that of course in the same way the american policy towards russia over the last few years has driven. And made the drive towards better relations with china and russia inevitable so thats happening now with iran and of course even the statistics we dont have sound and so on through thought that trump has chosen to place or play this is a 0 sum game in a way with all of the powers or all the same time been perhaps a bit more tatts go he would have taken on iran 1st and then look to tackle china in the way that he wants to but no hes decided actually im going to take on the whole world at the same time so much so hes even apart from the u. K. Of course the good old faithful u. K. Hes alienated even most of its european allies as well in the process and so american at the moment largely because of iran stands as isolated as it stood in many many years in the past you know. Over the last few days there was a high level chinese officials visiting to talk. Thing about investment buying oil ignoring the american. Threats here i mean just like it is charles said you know when by alienating russia for so long russia is moved looked towards east to china and now the iranians say we have a partner see the trumpet ministration and the American Foreign policy establishment in general cant conceive that iran could have friends actually has a lot of friends in the region and further afield and you know it was the motive is there anything in that attention to the Washington Post on iran or on the venezuelan. Gave a 1000000000 profit. Of the same moment so in my opinion there isnt as i pointed out i think that trump wanted to destroy the only diplomatic success of obama. Very much its important if you know what i mean psychologically. And i wont be surprised if maybe in one year. Before the election it would have maybe the same agreement telling its completely new its a good agreement his time with iran so thats what i hope because as you said. Actually there are some figures the detainees are ready to invest 250000000000 on the. Dont care about the washington sanctions. Dont care anymore you very much are you are the same ssion regime it least in the United States its slightly different than europe but once you put sanctions on they almost never go away yeah i mean and actually congress mandates that it tice the hand of the president even if you wanted to do that and so again i you know why why should the arena and speak to the americans now they have nothing to offer there is not a week without any threat of sanctions a few ascensions. Any country in the world so. Used to that and the know how to react to to cooperate together to know when what theyre doing is the u. S. Is devaluing its own currency the dollar in the process going well i agree with salvia that obviously trumps policy towards iran was a also about undoing what they only would think that obama did but despite all of that trump is the 1st president in 30 years not to have started a war during his 1st term so far so ok so it just shows you its not because drum for such a nice person is because there is a quarrel there is a call flicked between him and the chorus in between various factions in the Us Administration so it is this the reason why the new war has not started but left me a. Trumpet that will show us some of his policy towards iraq he said about afghanistan if we wanted to fight a war in afghanistan and win it i could win that war in a week i just dont want to kill 10000000 people and wipe them off the face of the us and after that they criticized the reunion leadership for irresponsible statements about destroying the state of israel isnt that a much more rabid threat you know and trump just said that in past you know in june this year almost no one noticed and what a lot of people that i dont think people get 0 and want to mention was paid to any stupid statement from mark my dinners or you know when he threatened israel basically your world in that mistranslation yes i do it. Against israel is very much of a crucial statement about the United States we will bury you its an ideological inertia from that time so that iranian revolution very few actually and no one believes that iran because iran is the weaker in this in this possible confrontation with these are going to protecting it some here gentlemen want to talk about another topic of a. Believe me go back to charles we had a Prisoner Exchange with russia and ukraine with the new president s i linsky in ukraine what is that significance is it a putting a marker down to move forward or is it just kind of like putting a flag up the pole and see if anybody salutes go ahead charles. Thats a good way to put it peter of course its possible in a way to be both. What weve got is a situation here i think where again weve often seen in the past not just in ukraine but in other areas careers are perhaps an example of this where once the big powers stay out of things where all the or the west particularly lets say for example when we had the minsk agreements that was largely done at the behest of Russia Ukraine france and germany they excluded for example the u. K. And the u. S. From those negotiations and from that process and a Peace Agreement or cease fire not perfect but one was able to be achieved and weve got a similar situation here where russia and ukraine together have got their differences put aside on this particular issue and have produced some progress which is sunnys producing humanitarian progress i suspect both sides will use this as. A negotiation point they will pretend that they are going to make further concessions but i think both sides particular with the new ukraine process president after hes got a election commitment to this want to put the ukraine situation to bed and resolve it one way or another of course that isnt necessarily what many countries in the west want and some of the Interest Groups within those and were talking about the u. S. For example where there are so many Interest Groups that want to stoke this conflict the arms industry and so on to constantly present russia as a threat and its significant i tell you whats really significant i think its the fact that ukraine one of those people that ukraine sent back to russia the prisoner swap was somebody that the west particularly holland britain america had almost begged ukraine not to send in other words that person that was wanted in connection with the team down of m. H. 17 hours is right and its interesting that all really groups object to this progress in the relations between russia and ukraine where 40 european politicians who urged the president not. This guy who is accused of being complicit in the union m. H. 17 for russia well 1st. He was not complicit because if he had been the ukrainians would have meant he would be their own witness. He was an old man kidnapped. You know he was good given an injection and kidnapped by the Ukrainian Special forces from his home and then yes he walked. A physical exercise teacher but what is even more important for us russians besides this exchange the other Important News is that america is not given 250000000. 00 water of military equipment to create every dollar of that equipment can kill a ukrainian or russian citizen any moment so who is objecting to it you know with the prisoner swap it was the europeans but its now we have basically the washington possed question this decision by trump not with great money and saying that 1st mr trump is catering to mr putin and 2nd marriage. And the like gender keys and temptation to force mr seely anstey to intervene in that 2020 us president ial election by the launch in any investigation of the leading democrat that created it joe biden broadly is their job biden is involved in corruption in ukraine his son became a billionaire or gas deals in ukraine when mr by that was ordered to be there look at the general we know this steel dossier came from you exactly right you know its about time that youre 40 seconds ago it was really interesting the way. Talk about to putin it was like a partner we agree were meant to know agreement we we promised we did it pronouns were important there yes. I mean. I think its a new step no lets see what would happen because there is. A list. For instance of a minister of interior it could be dangerous but. Im satisfied i can tell when i get like we do everything starts with one step ahead of the brochure put it its its a its a its a really good news in my opinion and. The russian side on the inside everybody was such you cite it and we should look out what up front its. Hold is probably so he was elected by almost 75 well see its almost people never heard in this program on a positive note but we did with you thanks for all the time we have many thanks to my guests here in moscow and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r. T. C. Unix time and remember crosstalk. Well you know the thing weve kind of adopted because were called pirates so long. I mean theyre in the small ball it makes it hard to watch it and its. The little self the big fish already 90 percent of the guard on any calmer. If things go 75 tons they do it several times a day with a big fleet oh you get an idea. We have to understand we can all stay used to just. Be with them this will be used the old boy. Im doing this because i want them for the future world to future generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. Desists is a stick of water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are trying this way industry should be blamed for all of this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. Stickle capsules excuse so they may let that seems cool settle some their classes to seek a cost me on my end on a day when you dont have a special projects funding me. On the new vest that is the end of it for the team but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. The barbarians the vandals of wall street are now actively plundering your bank account with a negative Interest Rate and a sonic anomic policy there and theres no economics behind it that would cue to any school of economics that has ever existed as dr Michael Hudson said since the bronze age its just out right for harry as a. The headlines this hour the taliban moons of more american deaths will trump cancels out peace talks on u. S. Soil if we take a look at how the u. S. Engagement with the is in this minute and. Also to come londons messy konstanz the worlds largest. Being hosted in his city branding it a polar and and americas special envoy for middle east peace resigns leaving current Israeli Palestinian plans in the hands of a less experienced successor we assess what that means for the region. Time for the Palestinian Authority to pony up and get with the program so that they can achieve the type of independence that israel can have the type of rights and secure

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