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Good evening our welcome this is r. T. International. Recently unsealed Court Documents reveal that pharma conspired to aggressively push its opioid painkillers screenshots of email correspondence published in a multi district opioid lawsuit of led to accusations the giant corporation caused americas biggest drug epidemic the company is also accused of downplaying the risks of addiction its led to doctors prescribing its pills to patients even with only minor pains the further details. The usa is in the midst of an ongoing Opioid Epidemic. With the. In response to the Opioid Epidemic 48 different us states have taken action against produce pharma a drug manufacturer owned by the Sackler Family now even the company itself admits that those affected should get help as soon as possible while purdie farmer is prepared to defend itself vigorously in the opioids a geisha the company has made clear that it sees little good coming from here so its a geisha and the pills that people and communities affected by the opiate crisis need help now now its certainly commendable the focus on helping victims rather than simply avoiding blame whats a 1000000 emails that have just been released show the Sackler Family and produce pharmaceuticals in a rather negative light Richard Sackler then the president oversaw the creation of some Public Health advocacy groups its implied that the American Pain Society and the now defunct American Pain Foundation operated almost as front groups then president Richard Sackler explained his motives our goal is to buying these organizations more closely to us than here to for but also to align them with our expanded mission and to see that the fate of our products are next to it could we pound up with the trajectory of the Pain Movement that these organizations works to convince the us public that pain related issues were not being properly addressed however thats not all the emails have shown dr Kathleen Foley a neurologist who was also a paid speaker for produce pharma urged Richard Sackler to expand and to collaborate with other Drug Companies who stood to make a profit from an expansion of pain awareness. Im thinking of an alternative strategy of bringing together all the members of the pharmaceutical industry who have drugs out there and try to come together as a sort of the hes if recognizing that your particular drug has been recently identified in the newspapers as a drug issue the Pain Awareness Campaign may have resulted in giving some people a temporary buzz but the pain felt by u. S. Society in the aftermath of the resulting Opioid Epidemic is far greater interior is clear that purview pharma and other manufacturers from very early on were interested in one thing and that was their bottom line they were really indifferent to the well being of patients who would actually be taking the opioids that they were peddling and their wanted gender was to make money so pilate manufacturers played a major role in the current american hope you would have to demick they were not the sole and to be responsible for the epidemic but without their involvement i highly doubt this epidemic would have come to pass it was their misrepresentation of the risks and benefits pain killers that led 1st and foremost to an epidemic of over prescribing painkillers for minor and chronic pain conditions which ultimately gave way to the current epidemic of opioid addiction an overdose death we have asked to do from a 4 comments we will bring you any response when it comes. Clashes have erupted in hong kong where people have taken to the streets despise a plan process that protest having been bound by the authorities that. 1000 started marching peacefully earlier today through the city center but rest soon broke out with police resorting to tear gas and water cannon that was infused with blue dye of fires began on the streets the official reason for the protest ban is the violence thats been seen previous demonstrations in the past weeks and Months Police have warned that anyone taking part in saturdays action could face prosecution u. S. President donald trump commented on the current tensions between hong kong and china saying the anti beijing protests should be handled in a humane fashion. I think if it werent for the trade. Hong kong would be a much bigger job i think it would have been much slower ballad i really believe john wants to make a deal. Puts us in a very bad position if this is not a new way of handling the problems and id let him know that. You made. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed this discontent with the white house for showing empathy with what it calls radicalized protest this friday to ball protest leaders were arrested on suspicion of organizing an authorized rallies but were later released on bail one of them rose to prominence 5 years ago during the umbrella and theyve been protests. I. No matter how the rest. Which we saw just one of the lead to self the current protests but apparently he learned the art of protest not just at the demos of 5 years ago as a potential explains. Hes only 22. 00 but hes already backed himself at least a few lines in the history books joshua wong has already served several prison sentences hes a leader of a Political Party hes followed 5300000 users on twitter is invited to speak on the most Prominent International news channel clearly your message to anyone who has demonstrated previously is disregards to come out and demonstrate again. Yeah thats. Us now on the phone is prodemocracy activist from Hong Kong Joshua wa he was an independent inquiry into police abuse youve been very critical of Police Tactics he has just got out of prison at 3 and a half hours ago just so how does it feel to be free to issue a warning is frank hed love a bit of western support i hope you as a politician they should take a more active row to support hong kong democrat high station to ensure the interests of you asked citizens in hong kong. And prolific go and Economic Freedom in hong kong can still be guaranteed in the future and apparently hes highly admired by many in America Joshua wong went to washington in 2015 to get an award from Freedom House and n. G. O. S which power gets most of its funding from u. S. Government grants and a couple of years american lawmakers nominated the young man and his associates for the noble peace prize this month it was revealed his in touch with american diplomats in hong kong after he was photographed meeting the political unit chief of the local u. S. Consul general the activist said he thought theres no big deal about it but even went to washington several times so whats so special about mit in the u. S. Consul chinese authorities though have been making it clear they are firmly against other countries getting involved. In the hong kong situation. We are strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to carping remarks in the g 7 leaders statement acting as the backseat driver on Hong Kong Affairs we have time and again emphasized that Hong Kong Affairs are purely the internal affairs of china and no Foreign Government organization or individual has the right to intervene however some of the protests skills George Szell Wong and his fellow activists have up their sleeves were picked up from abroad in the build up to the 2014 hong kong uprising the folks from the socalled owes low Freedom Forum share their protest expertise with joe show wall and co today hes calm for the Democratic Political reforms are the only way forward for hong kong and he says he wont shy away from challenging the most senior officials at home and in beijing. We spoke to china specialist underline q says the unrest in hong kong is being stirred up by external activists distill reports of some of these photos those out of the middle of the train in the all slow Freedom Forum busy. Which of course this is all that a lot of these theres a world trade in whole trading on tactics of some of. The establishment tactic the socalled civil disobedience act its so i think that and also there are funds. Supported by International Organizations including the National Endowment for democracy of the United States of course in others they say it will create a country and this organization is an ngo support democracy is round the world but on the other hand is to link the rectally. This kind of inputs but only had there is no doubt that the militants are highly trained to look at the way that their formation and the violin and also policy in those of the ministers and so on. Pakistans Prime Minister is warned about a looming direct military confrontation with india over kashmir during demonstrations in islamabad on friday imran khan urged the world to address the issue in order to avoid a catastrophic war. When muslims are oppressed those who we call the International Community those bodies who are supposed to up hold justice keep silent our army is ready to respond to any move against a free kashmir but the world must know that when there are 2 states with Nuclear Weapons they clash will impact not only the subcontinent but the whole world. The region in question kashmir is located in the north of india and pakistan both countries like claim to the area with the un describing it as a disputed territory the socalled line of control remains the defacto border and kashmir maintains its own administration but earlier this month india revoked its special autonomy status on friday the Indian Foreign minister said that the country would be willing to enter talks with pakistan but only in an atmosphere free of terror and violence and un prohibits changes to any disputed territory its also feared kashmir is muslim majority population could be targeted by people of other faiths in the region the dispute over the territory has been ongoing for more than 70 years without a solution. For more perspective we heard from john had drawn his mum about based expert on political and geo Strategic Issues and syrian charlie a professor from the Jindal School of International Fast you know even in run cons all im secure to the Prime Ministers office has been threaten to be a confidant electricity because if they have not cleared their news so i think this you know of not many of these threats and warnings are mainly alarmist in nature and not intended to provoke International Intervention i mean one of the problems in rounds on publish was in the New York Times so clearly hes aiming at the west turn you know a liberal establishment and possibly even to again reengage president honored from the east village to have negotiations and dogs but not the you know the the gun advocates ahead you know and thats the emotional blackmail so i think the emotional agrement of on sunday is not meaning many of you know the viewpoints more divided and they need to look at it rationally in the moment they do that i think we have much more calm and a gradual anonymization of the situation indeed part of the nation has been under fire for a small cost one month people are dying of starvation not because of necker medicine nearly 100000 but a 1000000000 apparently dropped out of their back to flex that. Every conceivable mattered to suppress this uprising i did what is a likely scenario is that this will not only litter the cotton is going to be lifted india will have to lift the christmas been close to one month now and men never back the course was lifted that means morse tragic stories that we are you will come to know the scale of the operation the number of the people who have died in these were pressed and the number of the people who have been illegally detained by the Indian Security forces. U. S. Democratic president ial hopeful joe biden has been making his case just to why he should get his partys nomination but some of the stories hes been telling while campaigning about when he was in afghanistan turned out to be not entirely true and not for the 1st time. Young navy captain up in the mountain the cone our ground in afghanistan one of his buddies got shot fell down a ravine of the sky climbed down a ravine carried this guy up on his back under fire general want to me to pin the silver star on us. I love this place i would look whats not to like about from on terms of the beauty of it and what a neat town. Watch with populace can support can come up to see moonalice Vice President then once i knew that and so some of you covered it. International leaders spoke about you had people like margaret back high school me you had people like the pitch i know every one of these leaders except i dont know the new Prime Minister of a of of england he looks like down chump i dont know. 4 kids who just as brady just says talons white kids plan monsanto time fantasies of things hes been my friend. Thats one use coming your way ill be back in a couple of minutes. When lawmakers manufacture consent to public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. When the crime. Lifts and be the one person. Nor middle of the room sick. When it comes down to it it is not actually that i think one can say oh well the russians are all bad this certainly is not the case that the west is only good there are absolutely things that the west needs to be doing and what i would like to see is much much less of the chutney counterproductive rhetorical struggles we see against russia that its you know it its become an easy way of getting certain the audiences to approach you is to come up with cheap russian bashing that helps move. Newly released emails reveal how chemical John Monsanto attempted to discredit an action group campaigning against its weed killer moms across america address the alarm about the use of one of the companys leading products roundup. Thats your enemy read it out of them and put them on the defensive and you wont have this problem i have been arguing for a week to beat the shit out of them and i have clearly lost we dont want to be seen as beating up on mothers nobody will listen to it anyway it has to be done by 3rd parties. 2013 the action group sent an open letter to monsantos top management calling on them to stop selling g. M. O. Seeds and spraying crops with life sites under the post the signs of course americas director told us why the organization promotes organic farming all we need to do is to take matters into our own hands and to make sure that the food supply is safe and that our families are not exposed to toxic chemicals and what weve done is created a moms across america Gold Standard and so this is a new seal of approval that brands can get to show that theyre not only organic and not g. M. All but theyve gone the extra mile and gotten some pesticide testing done their packaging might even be bio degradable so your trade is used to mainly raised animal products is used and they support the transition from g. M. O. Chemical farming to regenerative organic farming and so as a mother and mothers by 85 percent of the food we believe that they are listening to us and that it does make a difference and we ask all the consumers out there to continue speaking up and to go to moms across america dot org and find out more about our Gold Standard that will be launching next month. And its not just moms across america thats been targeted by monsanto documents reveal the company also operated a socalled Intelligence Fusion Center its aimed to monitor and discredit critics who claim that glide for say the main ingredient to monsantos weed killer is extremely dangerous to human health life say its herbicide and crop drying agents after sprayed on to crops that ends up in food in the air and tap water in several lawsuits monsantos close a base product was even ruled to have caused cancer but the Company States its product is safe to use and has appealed against those moms across americas director again told us that this shows the companies has a disregard for Public Health. This is an example of the type of mentality that g. M. O. Companies have and that shows a complete disregard for Public Health and this is very disturbing considering that our government would like to now go into the hands of regulation into the hands of these companies they are they are proposing to allow g. M. O. Companies to dish sellers determine whether or not their products are safe or not and so as a mother just doesnt make any sense to me at all that the mentality of these tests were the type of people will have control over whether or not our supply is safe thats extremely disturbing to me and must not happen in all our government must regulate g. M. O. Those and they must be able to determine whether or not theyre safe or not and these emails are a very good example exactly why that must happen. Thousands of people have taken to the streets of london and other british cities to vent their anger at Prime Minister baraks johnsons decision to suspend Parliament People surrounded government buildings waving e. U. Flags and empty brags it placards joness decision has outraised and pays on those opposed to the ukase leaving the without a deal it means that the less time for m. P. s to debate brags that number of legal challenges that have been lost to try to overturn the move. Into the 0 will be moving its capital away from jakarta to a new location on the island of borneo which is the largest on the day ship indonesian government plans to begin relocating the capital from 2024 in a move prompted budget conscious growing environmental challenges. Council sufficing another pressing problem the illegal draining of aquifers by both locals and industries is causing massive lines of sides and thats put many buildings on the brink of collapse we asked indonesians for their thoughts on the plan to move the capital to borneo. I mean done what i because i believe the government has a strong reason to move the capital city so i have to agree with the decision that it will well i agree with the relocation but attention should be also given to people our economy struggling there is unemployment and Many Companies are collapsing. But is that yes the juices i dont agree with this jakarta has already become the sense of life where is the new areas not ready its still jungle but nothing of the reasons for moving the capital with the traffic the sinking and flooding i dont agree with that because the president promised to fix out much of the rather cation well how Development Across only regions that i am in favor of i will be back with those for you in half an hours time see other. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy Going Foundation let it be an arms race is on off and spearing Dramatic Development is only going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. You know world of big part of the lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time. For Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Know why a paradise with some around turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. So who is Christopher Manny well i grew up in several small towns throughout the midwest. From a good christian family. And joined the National Guard and eventually college and along force. I did 13 a half years work in the street here everybody who was in my p. Knew that they could trust including the street people. You know a lot of people dont realize but i was a single parent raising to chance farai places street races guys. And were reaching to mexico and my kids are of a different race today we are going to go through the autopsy report of dads radials why couldnt you just talk to the fact the matter is thats only to try to do and the attack was so quick and so violent you know i kept pushing off and he just kept texting what was going through your mind at that point. Just to houston if you dont think. Weve got a 14 guards shot. And 15 gursharan. Theres no stiffening. For a bird or bird gunpowder particles on the skin surrounding any of the entrances so. That fire was not what that strategist says the quest for many when he shot the said this every 7 roxane balance travel back our. Hands he had a friend on the right side of the. Scout this made total kind of face that pressed for may have. Been one of the top to point poured out of the fire our. Meeting with the District Attorney we were provided with photographs of Christopher Manny the day of the incident. There were no visible injuries to his head his neck his face shoulders his back there was a very small abrasion or a laceration to his thumb. But were you saying you dont know if you think it was i dont even know what i was. Told. Right i mean theyre all in there no never you got here or so they say. You know if youve been struck. Instantly and i remember touching my head and i really felt like my brains coming out. I remember an officer touched me on the shoulder and i said how bad is it and i kind of left my brains pouring out and he said no youve got smarts got sprucing youve got some issues but your brains are untapped. Market Police Department is conducted a comprehensive internal investigation into the officer involved shooting of dawn tre hamilton at Red Arrow Park on april 30th 2014 based on the comprehensive internal investigation i signed an order terminating christopher amanti from his employment with the milwaukee Police Department earlier today. In this case were manny to produce this individual as though he were a criminal suspect even though the officer self reported that he thought he had mental problems upon his approach the training to deal with the mentally ill people tells you. Again absent the behaving as a menace in fashion objective the putting your hands on him is almost the worst thing you can do chief and find says officer Christopher Manning sierra in jazz by not following Proper Police training and protocol its important to keep in mind that i ruled that the officer violated our core value of

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