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Never saw any contact between the 2 any kind went back to where they were so the asters back here their fight again 15 feet apart at this point and thats when the officer pulled out his gun and he did on 3. I knew it was not happen so i turned away. After i counted were drawn or more shots. Very very large our smart. Guy your me me or my very you know your numero my old man yawning wired. Your body all right now. No more hard. Line and. Learn a 1000000 or one ready. I dont even know i was. Gone i here are. That day i didnt see the new subject begin to beat the officer with the wouldnt be taunt striking him in the head the officer with you was why the Police Detectives came to my house put me in a car end of the about all my son. You know in the course of my mobile in this car from like 30 to 45 minutes i was puzzled like what do they wont get one car was the problem and i told him the name he has his own b. S. This. Trade you are saying they are straight asked to work with a couple of temp agencies because of his illness he has in been able to keep a job. So they will say next have we put this down and i asked him what was going on is that well that was our vacation where they all part. And our trade was in a scuffle with a Police Officer and that trey is the safest. Way he told me my brother did just not tell him this. And his words were. We thought you would have seen it on t. V. Good afternoon the decision is a 31 year old male by the name of don tre hamilton now in the course of our investigation into his background we have learned that this is not his 1st experience with the walkie Police Department as recently as last year and moves on thursday afternoon chiefs lives 1st words were i dont want to demonize this man. But he was. Homeless a robber and all these type of things that he was going other events hes been arrested for Armed Robbery and for Disorderly Conduct he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and until recently according to his grieving family theyve been acting strange and they stick to this Mental Health issue because when you hear Mental Health you think crazy so if they can put in peoples mind said that this was a crazy person who attacked an officer then they feel that they have leverage within the community we have violently mentally ill people whose violence is a direct result of their untreated Mental Illness. They are on the streets of our cities because there is no place else for them to go and their families cannot control them. We have extended. Warranty and they take so long to tell us what happened and. They said the name. This is in his wallet. And this writer see. Yes. They have closed in this case to with. Chief flynn said that we need to do a better job in tunis that is something that is very true. But the tray have limits will is to not kill him that officer murdered my brother. As they didnt know one way or another if you had a Mental Illness until my mom was questioned in the car for 5 minutes. When i met her i believe damien was 2 years old. And that. They may grow up to be the overseer of his brothers jr he always was there. Before one or you know. Trey was more quiet. To get to know. And you didnt see any of the sickness coming and im sorry as he was brought up as. Me with a different turn it is 6 where his decision on alcohol whether hes been charged officer or not and they are just been trying. To step in their way. So today they are not going to talk to me what i know. That theyre not going to be released. I use them on the run around. It is hard to put into words the turmoil at the screen right now they are just having a tremendous time dealing with the fact that there hasnt been a resolution charging decision as we had believed that it was going to be the day for that. Theyre not going to make any mistakes anytime youre looking police use of force to use the results of the faith tells you thats a Homicide Investigation. Youre determining whether they had a legitimate subjectively reasonable basis to use force under the circumstances. This particular case is complex because of occurred in downtown milwaukee you know Late Afternoon work day and you literally had hundreds of witnesses and those have to be interviewed you have to look at the friends are gathered and. Trained never show any. 3 anything. Or frantic she was lonely and drive. Home. And no one in my family no one gets family. When they even have a hot woman with schizophrenia and what do we call them. Friends. House and he would always. Are or he will say just like they do that. You dont leave. Them. In the boat. Its going to be. Sold. That was uniquely may. And hes gonna rest now with the same god that created them. Is that illness is not there to be a parade of is not then to run. Is not then. That anybody is to die for. The. Little. Very well now continue your. Global insurrection goes back or occupation we started that. Before occupy wall street before the revolution in cairo before obviously. In france or the protests and theyre all connected all these protests are connected theyre all connected to a rebellion against money and banks are all global and treasury and bank right. Said she stressed to. Mr banta but nash wasnt at the bull a bunch up in here to. Stop the show so here shes been a statistic shes a cia bush quote oshawa. To which she never happened and now look what youve seen and i must get your car moment in the air force you shant. Want to talk to me so if youre my its your bonus for trivia. Its a mistake so its a quarter im still put into the spirit of a full transition to be valuable piece that its a student actually of course in the pursuit of a drunk or should its just a game spinning. Expressed. The comic that we have selected is titled a collaborative response to crime and violence in the community and the others in the audience who are on the committee. She did. All. This get it limply gondry hamilton case for the better part of 6 months was agreed by everyone including the family to have been a tragedy arising out of untreated Mental Illness in a public space the resulting violence. Which is what this was dealing with the upcoming reforms of the saudis and the mentally ill youre the guy youre the eat all the services having the any other big cities weve got a problem with untreated mentally ill people who have no options. Im so sick on your back not your meds and. It was a Mental Health issue in april once ferguson broke suddenly as a racial issue. Says to the shooting of michael brown. Were hearing that there may be many more and there were a lot of boldfaced opportunists who latched onto this family and decided it wasnt a Mental Health story anymore it was a race story. To start a call is for justice started because we were at around the only thing we need to. Ask me that has culminated in 4. Hours can i still just get new to all this process but i saw a lot of courage in a clue this may. I will say im a nonconfrontational person but theyre not saying serious. Windows just as her. Just try. To move on with his life. There are a lot of good you have forgotten to write what happened that day so it will. Be there. You know i asked her to. Just. Wait almost. After man was shot her son. Bought her. Her. Cut 2 out. Looking at life stuff was working protests causing some chaos on the stump some avenues are as im not able to get behind these demonstrators theyre upset over the shooting at red hot one months ago the trade hamilton. Was the likely to support the deal. Im im. When i 1st heard initial reports on my were down trade i have a robbery on his record you know but i think they just headed. I think i just turned 18. But had a baby. So me and robin some older guy and some younger guy and i think weve got a couple lottery tickets and i watch for Something Like what is no more 50. 00. But the next morning 2 detectives came to the house they basically handcuffed me right in the liberty on. An island doing 18 months and commit corrections to 16 years they sent us. Some of those life lessons right there needs to be a better person. Yes i make mistakes but i dont think anyone came home to the standard of what i was 17 years. After. I have the opportunity to speak and of his mother and his brother and one of the things that he made clear to me that theyre interested in is restoring the dignity of their son to name their sons name and in particular several items one tree was not homeless 2nd he was not an armed robber. And so i want our community to know that he was neither homeless nor was he an armed robber. My understanding theres a team. Im foreign to time for hes. Just 15 and it was rough for you know im single parent you know working every day and it was cool and it leads to some stuff that i didnt know. Ask me again my days i still have my nights it is good 15 years right you know brianna walked into the Mental Health on his neck was broke his back was broken 3 places he laid in a diaper for 3 days begging for his life so. Im still i still dont know what. Her son was shot 14 time on which i said youre not as much just its somebody is worse than we make right but im glad to be a part of this because i want to see something happen. And then why are our want to hoe this thing up our boat i think it is. I had a son his name was michael bell who was killed on november 9th 2004. He was coming home with a night out with friends designated driver he came intoxicated. Michaels like youre too drunk to drive im going to drive michael was under the influence of alcohol but you can look on the gas cam video hes driving perfectly straight up in front of his house and just then a squad car pulls up behind him and my son got out of the car because he was at his own home but the officer pull up said get back in the car get back in the car. Cording to offer testimony and saw this other guy in the front seat and he dragged michael and he took me on the back of the car off camera. Under getting down. Multiple times ranting back at the house. Michael was accused of all rushing an officer here and this is actually a car that was here it was hasnt moved in in 10 years and sadly thats thats the area where Michael Michael died. You can see. Michael was shot in the morning of november 9th 2004 on friday they really really it was justified before crime ad reports are complete before autopsy risk complete before witness statements or even taken they were they they held their own thing and it will adjust a 5. Heres a picture of michael im a veteran and i always felt that i was really a brother with Law Enforcement. I was a cab then this was my copilot navigator and boom operator its time for 23 years i go out and believe in the democratic principle just to come home and have a Police Officer killed my child and then think im going to get a fair and due process and the doors pretty much shut in my face. This data is there the news reports throughout the years we have to go to governor doyle at the time ready to go to the attorney general they dont even bother to mccollum this is the contract for a billboard that owning the warrior in it had to resort to full page ads in newspapers and the boards to get her to justifiable but the city settled out of court with bells family ready ready mychal bells father use the settlement money to put up billboards around the state calling for a change in the way these investigations are handled backing a bill that would require officer involved deaths to be reviewed by an independent authority. To see. What profession is fine and ask yourself you cannot have colleagues and asking colleagues and think youre going to get an objective report youre not and theres no profession earth who can do it so why would we expect that of Law Enforcement when the stakes are so high. The law had just passed and the john tray hamilton case happened a week later and i dont think the city was ready for the new laws require that it be an outside agency other than the marquis Police Department to investigate the evidence to interview witnesses collect the evidence that would then be provided to the District Attorneys Office what we found pretty early on in this case is what really was walking Police Department detectives the did the investigation. What was the phrase. Leave us to gauge as they get there fast freeze the scene identify witnesses and get a preliminary idea of what happened this day downtown or we can just stand around for the what are some possible witnesses were your own home. When d. C. I. Got there it became their investigation. Best guess was done by d. C. I. Best case is has a lot of different agencies on him but the ones that investigated entrees case was ex milwaukee Police Officers special agent David Cooke Bundy spent 25 years at n. P. T. And collecting a city panter not 5000. 00 a month special agent Gilbert Hernandez spent 35 years in a. Challenge here of course this concert is where the only big city. There was the state is overwhelmingly world and suburban white the walk is where the homicides occur i cant get a copper from dram or to come here and know what to do about a Homicide Investigation of the challenge quite honestly is the what or how many levels of review you read for some folks that review doesnt result in a Police Officer under arrest its not bully. I live with a Mental Health issue do i look like a criminal to. Im here because i want your support i want your help but i cant do that if im afraid thank you. Shack 14 times so we are home in good shape for all these all this officer which say they want you these good reasons is a bag so i am safe they side with a. Prison for me is the way through this procedure. Every year i have. To. Be having my. All we say is the time i got. I. We have to look im more detail workers for man came from. Worse he born it worse he raised it did he have black friends did he have mexican friends. And when you look into his record more and you know that he had a communication problem. Yes 17 other occurrences where he either use Excessive Force or he used language he had a Sexual Assault on his record we say the client was darting in and out of traffic here going up to cars with workouts and trying to even beat up a white clown grandstand and thats when things got heated in the incident is all caught on camera. During the Great Depression which im old enough to remember there was most of my family were poor working class there wasnt it was bed you know much worse objectively today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. There was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt today todays america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. Reduced democracy attack so low down to engineer elections manufacture consent and other prince holds according to no im trying to get one set of rules for the rich opposite. Thats what happens when you put her into the hands of. Sure truth will switch is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as youd expect one of the most into and chill intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. I. Ready ready ready ready am sure to stop at the continuing to grow. I just never know very good about the idea of bringing children into the world because i didnt feel like things were in very good shape that a life was just going to be a lot of software programs. Theres no reason the more kids you take things that are to me the theres no reason to make Something Else that. Everybodys scared to talk about it certifiable is really dependent on us addressing this issue and if we can even talk about it every chance even have a conversation or that it. Ready kind of financial fun today was about Money Laundering 1st visit this is just a different. Oh good its a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up maybe something to do something in america something overseas it became an island to do all these banks are complicit in the kleptocracy just after didnt fall and say hey im ready to do some serious. Ok lets see how we did well weve got to come out and i still dream watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about. Luxury automobile again you know what Money Laundering is highly illegal thank you so much guys of course. Please. Tell our. Leading pharmaceutical Companies Increase their feeling americas a. P. I. That the demick by aggressively pushing is paying killers and downplaying their risks the accusations are made in new delhi released Court Documents also to come this hour hundreds of people are currently protesting in hong kong despite the authorities banning an antigovernment rally that was planned for today and leaked emails reveal chemical giant monsanto spied discredit the action group moms across america which has been campaigning against its products. Like morning welcome just going on a clock here in moscow you watching. It like

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