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Broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is R T International thomas certainly glad to have you with us. The french president has opened up about an air of tension and conflict heading into the g. 7 summit which has now wrapped up a manual mccrone earlier held a joint News Conference with donald trump in southwest france where the leaders played down any apparent refs. Be the most 1st of all i would like to thank President Trump and all the heads of states and government present here for the extremely Productive Work and very productive discussions weve had since saturday evening together i want to thank you very much mr president for the credible job you did this is a truly successful g 7 there was tremendous unity it was great unity. The president has stated that the leaders only managed to agree on a one page declaration from the summit. Looks at what might have been in the document. Present trump and president very chummy in front of the cameras on monday afternoon but there are a long list of disagreements not just between those 2 leaders but also between other leaders of the g. 7 and present langhorne himself highlighting that this summit imbue its been full of tension and they feel there was a lot of nervousness at the outset a lot of expectations a lot of tension and we had a lot of conflicts. Well one of the biggest tensions going into this meeting was what would happen if a roll on of course the u. S. On the door trying famously pulled out of the Iranian Nuclear deal just over a year ago because donald trump said it just wasnt a good enough deal since then president has tried to sort of be the go between between iran and the United States and meanwhile the United States has placed sanctions on iran theres been these growing tensions in the persian gulf and the president might call an ace up his sleeve at this summit he pilled a rather diplomatic move and flew in the Iranian Foreign minister to be a rates for discussions about iran now there was no meeting between the u. S. Delegation and iran but today at the press conference president machen said he very much hoped that in the next few weeks there would be a meeting between president rouhani of iran and the President Trump now and he also then went on to say that it no way would it be possible or did he want for iran to secure a Nuclear Weapon nor for the country to forego its commitments to that Nuclear Accord now President Trump on the other hand would he be in agreement to meet president rouhani he didnt seem to be that certain that this would be going ahead and the thing that they talked about was the trade war between the usa and china president ford saying that the uncertainty that that was causing was actually bad for the Global Economy and he wanted to see a trade deal done very very quickly now we know that President Trump says hes due to meet with the chinese delegation later this week to discuss that trade war he says that theyre looking for a deal but he also had said during this summit that is only regretted not tradeable so far is that he hasnt put high enough tariffs on china and. Then there was the fill in the issue of russia and whether russia could be reintegrated into the g 7 making it once again the g 8 present trumpet muted this idea during a dinner hed been supported apparently by the italian Prime Minister but not the other leaders who are all in disagreement again at the press Conference Today dont trip spoke about this saying it was back to have russia in the tent and outside and it was necessary because russia was a big power to talk about global issues with them but would russia want to rejoin at the g 7 we know that president putin has said previously that once she leaves something no longer exists. It doesnt exist anymore how can i return to an organization which doesnt exist today its the g 7 regarding a potential format with 8 Member States we never reject any proposals some time ago it was russias turn to hold a g. 8 meeting but our partners didnt come up short there are other International Organizations which play a significant role in International Affairs take the g 20. But it did seem to be some disagreement over the gaffe attacks this is been a source of tension between france and the United States the last few months ever since france said it was going to introduce this tax on digital giants the u. S. Had previously accuse france of double taxation which sort of goes against the rules in principle of tax france it said it was absolutely necessary because the Big Companies like google like amazon like facebook and apple were not paying tax it seems that there has been agreement between the 2 countries and france looks like its now going to grow back and if not to proceed with the socalled gap attacks and thats probably a good thing this President Trump had threatened that he would put huge tariffs on french wine hes also previously said that he doesnt think french wine is very good but perhaps its the 1st lady that loves french wine you know i can confirm that the 1st lady loved your french wine ok all right you love your french one so thank you very much thats right we do know is chummy in front of the camera today but still so many disagreements not just between president s trump but also the other leaders of the g 7 nations. U. S. Libertarian politician or even a voice says that the importance of the g 7 in Global Politics is now past. Is to the world that what the Federal Reserve is the United States is a meddling problematic and internationally damaging organization whose time has come and gone and we no longer should be having meetings at all with you and to me it was political theater i think that the United States and iran should talk i think that not talking to an unstable regime bed is on the verge of becoming a Nuclear Power is a diplomatic mistake what should be doing in terms of of tariffs is getting rid of all of them thats means a lower cost for american businesses a. Be more innovative create better jobs rather than having to pay inflated prices for the Bare Necessities of functioning that does not require a g 7. 00 or g 8 or a g 20 it simply requires individuals to say i dont want to pay more for the same thing i mean country that unilaterally lowers tariffs is going to benefit its own citizens immediately. U. S. A pharmaceutical giant johnson and johnson has been found responsible for causing an Opioid Crisis in the us big pharma has been accused of pushing american doctors into prescribing opioids neglecting the downsides such as risk of addiction and has more on the importance of the ruling. Weve got a landmark ruling today in oklahoma the drug manufacturer johnson and johnson a giant Big Pharmaceutical Company in the United States has been found guilty and has been ordered to pay 572000000 dollars to the state of oklahoma in order to deal with the ongoing Opioid Epidemic in the United States this is the 1st time that a big pharmaceutical manufacturers corporation has gone to trial in a case alleging responsibility regarding the Opioid Crisis this is the prosecutor in the case stating what the judge ruled today judge bachmann has affirmed or position that johnson and johnson motivated by greed and avarice is responsible for the oak you would have to make. Johnson and johnson will finally be hill accountable for thousands of deaths and addiction caused by their activities now at the trial the prosecution argued that johnson and johnson and its subsidiaries had overstated the effectiveness of their opioid drugs when it comes came to treating ongoing chronic pain they overstated their effectiveness in treating ongoing chronic pain and understated the risk of addiction posed by their products previously the way Big Pharmaceutical Companies have avoided going to trial is by settling out of court and paying out hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements to avoid such a proceeding as we saw monday taking place previously it was not only johnson and johnson that stood as defendants but furthermore pardieu pharmaceuticals was on trial as well however they were and they managed to withdraw themselves from the case by paying a 270000000. 00 settlement now they do expect to appeal the decision the defense argues that this will not hold up in a court of appeal they think that they will be exempt and that the the conviction will be overturned however this is a landmark moment because this is the 1st time that a Big Pharmaceutical Company has been found at trial to be responsible for the Opioid Epidemic and many different forces in the United States have long argued that Big Pharmaceutical Companies should be held responsible for the ongoing Opioid Epidemic that has claimed a number a large number of american lives and the crisis goes back to the 1990 s. When opioid debased to drugs flooded the u. S. Market the problem grew as patients are turned to heroin dealers after their prescriptions and started to run in 2018 almost 70000 people died from drug overdoses across the country on average 130 americans die every day from an opioid overdose the legal battle against the drug manufacturers is ongoing in dozens of u. S. States. Were now joined by ana lemke who is a doctor specializing in addiction thank you very much for being with us as you very well know this is such an important topic. That a lot of lip service is paid to but not a lot of action is being done so we have had pharmaceutical Companies Settle out of court in these cases in the past but this is the 1st time one has been found guilty how significant is this ruling for you. Its a really big deal because basically what it says is that the court upheld the idea of the public nuisance which basically means that the manufacturer johnson and johnson harmed the public good by overstating the benefits in understanding the risks of the opioids that they manufacture because it went all the way to trial it really portends that in future cases that go to trial that the jury may indeed also find against opioid manufacture so its a big its a big case so how much do doctors themselves bear responsibility for this i mean after all no one can force a doctor to write a prescription there are surely cases when severe Pain Management is in fact required how do you make sure that those patients still have access to the medication that they need. Well dr certainly there are some responsibility for the Opioid Epidemic but i think to really understand how this happened in the United States its necessary to realize that a whole generation of physicians was educated to believe that opioids are not addictive as long as youre giving them to a patient in pain and this was a message that was eagerly adopted by produced by johnson and johnson by chance and by t. V. By many other opioid manufacturers why because it helped their bottom line to sell more opioids so certainly doctors have to be reeducated as they are now they have to withhold opioids they have to stop prescribing opioids for ankle sprains for chronic pain conditions as you suggest we would not want the pendulum to swing in the opposite direction and for people who really need opioids not to be able to get them so finding some kind of middle ground is going to be essential do you think decisions like this can really have an impact on the open crisis in the country i mean. How is this going to affect the availability of with opioids to those who need them. Well its a good question because although 570 some 1000000 dollars seems like a lot of money its really a judge drop in the bucket for a big pharmaceutical manufacturer so i dont know if this one individual ruling is going to make a big difference its really kind of like a bump in the road for johnson and johnson but theres a federal case pending in court coming to trial in october that cases a consolidation of almost 2000 litigants if that goes to trial and if those plaintiffs win it could mean billions of dollars of restitution for opioid manufacturers which might in fact bankrupt some of these companies and will i think have a huge impact hopefully those dollars will be siphoned to help people who have been harmed by these opioids to help people whove become addicted all right very interesting to hear your thoughts i hope as we explore this further you can come back on and help us chat about this very important topic dr on a winner and happens addiction specialist thanks for being with us on the international. Right once a celebrated as a farm the promoted free thought and lively discussion google has issued a new set of Community Guidelines banning political debate at work the decision marks the culmination of several years of intense scrutiny over its policies both internal and external and influence on public discourse. I certainly find the selection deeply offensive and that i think not just in United States but around the world is whats fueling concerns zina phobia hatred and a desire for answers that may or may not be there what we all need right now is googles management has had enough after contending with so much bad p. R. Over the last year the bosses have decided to say no more politics on the shop floor while sharing information and ideas with colleagues helps build Community Districts in the work day to have a raging debate over policy so the latest news story does not our primary responsibility is to do the work weve each been hired to do not to spend working time on debates about nonwork topics companys new guidelines demand that employees stop insulting demeaning or humiliating their coworkers and others plans or even already in place to hire a team to moderate coworkers internal Message Boards and while political debates are generally frowned upon at work googles earned quite the reputation. And. On top of that recent leaks by google employees sparked accusations of widespread political bias in the company from manipulating search algorithms to fit a liberal agenda i see google executives go to congress and say that its not going to be late it is not political and im just so sure thats not true to punishing those who oppose the companys political line one former worker of google even said he was fired for being conservative when i joined google i saw a lot of employees being mistreated interviews. And harassed for sharing conservative views or just for question Company Policies and maybe one of the most powerful companies in the world but it seems when it comes to controlling its own staff management just needs to google it there are always guidelines governing employee behavior of course but this these are unusual guidelines because theyre specifically at targeting political speech now that ive not really seen and thats just tremendous concern because what theyre really doing here is when theyre trying to suppress political speech by employees theyre really trying to suppress political speech by conservative employees leakers the whistleblowers so far have come forward have been conservative employes thats whats google is most concerned about parents even starting last year google began to restrict access to documents by its own employees so i think if you look internally in the company that theyre probably doing much more extreme sayings to try to get their employees under control then were aware of i dont think it will work i think it will backfire. Israel is being accused of having launched the airstrikes in lebanon on sunday and monday the reaction of the lebanese leaders and more details have short break this is our. You know worlds big partners. Lot of things and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slow. The door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race in this spearing Dramatic Development that only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. And welcome to the International Lebanon has asked of the un to put pressure on israel over recent series of strikes that hit targets in lebanon on sunday and monday. Did not mince their words describing the rates will top and as a declaration a war that allows us to defend so sober and independence and territorial integrity. According to reports tel aviv launched 3 air strikes on the palestinian paramilitary groups base in the east of lebanon on sunday 2 drones believed to be israeli crashed down in beirut and hit buildings being used by the iran backed Hezbollah Party it is believed there were no fatalities now the death of an iran backed militia member in iraq has however been pinned on israel that raid also took place on sunday while in neighboring syria israel confirmed an operation that targeted a Shiite Militia group and possible Iranian Military advisors Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said action was taken to thwart an imminent attack earlier we heard from regional experts on whats behind to tel aviv and to tehrans respective strategies. Iran is trying to envelope israel from all of the sides through which is affectively iran through syria through iraq and even through gaza its like a big octopus sending its arms in order to strangle israel israel has no issue with iran if iran would focus. On its own people and stop trying to destroy israel as it explicitly says it will do and tear around the world we would have no issue with iran however iran has decided. To build forces and to strangle israel were not going to wait with Defense Systems you dont win by playing defense you have to preempt and thats what we will do the problem you have israel is like this oil brought over the world. And because no one no one calls it to account its allowed to get away with essentially murder. Its targeted and hit 3 separate sovereign countries in the past few days i see no one questioning why israel is doing something or why israel is provoking the situation at the end of the day israel needs to understand that iran has said this time and time again that look youre playing with fire dont do this dont be silly behave yourself iran has no real interest in starting a war and iran will not start a war its a long and i have said it categorically however what iran will do if it is attacked or its allies within the resistance axis are directly attacked they will retaliate and rightly so because in this case the aggressor the one whos instigating problems whos lying and making up fairy stories because its control and influence within the Mainstream Media is israel and everyone knows israel is a rogue state its a country that has close to 400 Nuclear Weapons targeted at multiple countries and yet no n. P. T. And no questioning no no discussion about it yet iran which has a Nuclear Program of Energy Program constantly gets accused of making Nuclear Weapons and all this stuff which is slightly from the supreme leaders own disk discourse is forbidden. Family of a british sudanese man who has been held for over 3 months in a sudanese prison has strongly condemned what they call the u. K. Governments disappointing lack of action med was imprisoned in may after criticizing on social media the african nations Transitional Military Council it was later cleared by prosecutors of any wrongdoing or trees i ask you taylor had the chance to speak to one of mr r. Meds daughters about his continuing to touch. On the 11th of may 6th year old. British sudanese citizen was arrested and detained in khartoum despite a prosecutor finding him not guilty of any alleged crimes the sudanese authorities refuse to release him ive come to liverpool where one of kamalas daughters lives she tells me her fathers story and how at the British Government for its failure to take action and protecting one of its own citizens were extremely worried obviously its been 3 months now were going into the 4th month of his detention despite the fact that he has not been charged with anything and his release has been ordered. It still hasnt been carried out gaining access to kemal in prison is difficult and unreliable even his own lawyer has not been allowed to visit him but as a has been once and described the conditions there very isolated from the outside world they dont have access telephone calls we try to send in newspapers hes not allowed access to newspapers. Hes not been allowed access to his lawyer which is a basic human right for all detainees kemal moved to the u. K. In 1986 and what the n. H. S. As a doctor for 20 years or 4 of his children are british citizens too but the Foreign Office has been unresponsive to pleas from calls family to step in and secure his freedom the embassy in khartoum havent actually had. Direct contact with my father we as a family have been in contact with them updating them on my fathers condition unfortunately theyve had very little input so our only contact with the Foreign Office has been through our m. P. And theyve been very slow to respond their responses have been very disappointing i think its very shameful it reflects very badly on the British Government. Whether youre a dual national or British National if theres injustice happening then you need to take action early on in his detention kemal went on an 8 day Hunger Strike hoping to draw attention to his plight but though it sparked protests in his hometown the International Community failed to take notice it was a cry for attention and he went on a Hunger Strike for 8 days but unfortunately fell on deaf ears is obvious this is a human rights violation and i would call upon Human International human rights organizations to get involved in my fathers case i think there does need to be more attention on this to pressurize the British Government into taking action against unjust attention from all the case is not unique a recent petition to force the Foreign Office to make its protection of citizens an obligation not a choice reveals that as many as 1000 brits apart and being detained abroad without trial as as un others like her take matters into their own hands one can also the question is do you take government doing all it can to secure the well that human rights of all its citizens sask taylor all to you live. In a bit of an update since the. Report the british Foreign Office has stated that it is in contact with the sudanese authorities concerning the mall or detention well be following this story closely and let you know about any developments in the case. Right youre watching International Back with more news about 33 minutes stay with us. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or somehow want to be rich. But you do like to be cross with the wife of a full screen of all cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of the color. Question. She said she stressed to me not long but they say that the british and the bill of books set up that if you have the will to. Stop the show so youll see the face to seize every so i push what all shall. See done and look what youve seen the Member States future. For sure. In the short of your remarks your bonus for c. B. S. Will be. Good to mr ellsworth support. For them to the spirit of full through this interview but you believe that that its a studio actually that person to be vocal or should stop and speak to. Spur. New chick or threatening them or. Im a little but i think in my ended up going to one when theres a real body. Did both lot on. One of them when i do you should have been asked. To put them down i dont want or i cant as many as i knew she knew the outcome of to me and i did yeah i am kind of sneak. Peek its kinda he had a chicken dads the night he made the move a little bit of that young enough but otoh both were out of the. Hello and welcome to crossfire where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle Prime Minister Boris Johnson did you ever think you would say that it seems we live in a world where anything can happen

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