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And i live worldwide this is r. T. International im calling bring the newsroom in moscow with your update this hour into the program 1st for you then the french president has opened up about an air of tension and conflicts heading into the g. 7 summit which is now wrapping up emmanuelle mccrum earlier held a joint News Conference with donald trump in southwest france where the leaders played down any apparent rift. First of all i would like to thank President Trump and all the heads of states and government present here for the extremely Productive Work and very productive discussions that weve had since saturday evening together i want to thank you very much mr president for the credible job you did this is a truly successful g 7 there was tremendous unity there was great unity a president stated. The leaders only managed to agree on a one page declaration from the summit it shall do but it takes a closer look at what might mean in the document. Present trump and president back home very chummy in front of the cameras on monday afternoon but there are a long list of disagreements not just between those 2 leaders but also between other leaders of the g 7 president mark or himself highlighting that this summit in berates had been full of tension and. There was a lot of nervousness at the outset a lot of expectations a lot of tension and we had a lot of conflicts. Well one of the biggest tensions going into this meeting was what would happen wrong of course the u. S. Under donald trump famously pulled out of the Iranian Nuclear deal just over a year ago because donald trump said it just wasnt a good enough deal since then president has tried to sort of be the go between between iran and the United States meanwhile the United States has placed sanctions on iran theres been these growing tensions in the persian gulf and the president might call an ace up his sleeve at this summit he pilled a rather diplomatic move and flew in the rainy and foreign minister to be a rates for discussions about iran now there was no meeting between the u. S. Delegation and iran but today at the press conference president machen said he very much hoped that in the next few weeks there would be a meeting between president rouhani of iran and the President Trump now and he also then went on to say that it no way would it be possible or did he want for iran to secure a Nuclear Weapon nor for the country to forego its commitments to that Nuclear Accord now President Trump on the other hand would he be in agreement to meet president rouhani he didnt seem to be that certain that this would be going ahead and the thing that they talked about was the trade war between the usa and china president saying that the uncertainty that that was causing was actually bad for the Global Economy and he wanted to see a trade deal done very very quickly now we know that President Trump says hes due to meet with the chinese delegation later this week to discuss that trade war he says that theyre looking for a deal but he also had said during this summit that is only regretted not tradeable so far is that he hasnt put high enough tariffs on china and. And then there was the other film the issue of russia and whether russia could be reintegrated into the g. 7 making it once again the g 8 present trumpet this idea during a dinner hed been supported apparently by the italian Prime Minister but not the other leaders who were all in disagreement again at the press Conference Today dont trump spoke about this saying it was better to have russia in the tent and outside and it was necessary because russia was a big power to talk about global issues with them but would russia want to rejoin at the g 7 we know that president putin has said previously that once she leaves something no longer exists. The g 8 doesnt exist anymore how can i return to an organization which doesnt exist today its the g 7 regarding a potential format with 8 Member States we never reject any proposals some time ago it was russias turn to hold a g. 8 meeting but our partners didnt come up she was there are other International Organizations which play a significant role in International Affairs take the g 20. But they did seem to be some disagreement over the gaffer taxes has been a source of tension between france and the United States the last few months ever since front said it was going to introduce this tax on digital giants the u. S. Had previously accuse france of double taxation which sort of goes against the rules and principle of tax france it said it was absolutely necessary because the Big Companies like google like amazon like facebook and apple were not paying tax it seems that there has been an agreement between the 2 countries and france looks like its now going to grow back and not proceed with that socalled gaffe attacks thats probably a good thing because President Trump had threatened that he would put a huge tax on french wine hes also previously said that he doesnt think french wine is very good but perhaps its the 1st leg of that law. You know i can confirm that the 1st lady loved your french wife ok all right you love your french one so thank you very much we do know is chummy in front of the camera today but still so many disagreements not just between president s. But also the other leaders of the g. 7 nations. Despite the apparent tensions at the g 7 it wasnt all doom and gloom a shot was intimating that here are some of the more affectionate moments. This one celebrated as a firm that promoted free thought and lively discussion google has issued a new set of Community Guidelines banning political debate or work the decision marks the culmination of several years of intense scrutiny over its policies both internal and external and its influence on public discourse. I certainly find the selection deeply offensive and that i think not just in United States but around the world is whats fueling concerns zina phobia hatred and a desire for answers that may or may not be there what we all need right now is googles management has had enough after contending with so much bad p. R. Over the last year the bosses have decided to say no more politics on the shop floor while sharing information and ideas with colleagues helps build Community Districts in the work day to have a raging debate over policy so the latest news story does not our primary responsibility is to do the work weve each been hired to do not to spend working time on debates about no one Topics Companies new guidelines demand that employees stop insulting demeaning or humiliating their coworkers and others plans or even already in place to hire a team to moderate coworkers internal Message Boards and while political debates are generally frowned upon at work googles earned quite the reputation. And. On top of that recent leaks by google employees sparked accusations of widespread political bias in the company from manipulating search algorithms to fit a liberal agenda i see google executives go to congress and say that its not going to be late it is not political and im just so sure thats not true to punishing those who oppose the companys political line one former worker of google even said he was fired for being conservative when i joined google i saw a lot of employees being mistreated interviews. And harassed for sharing conservative views or just for questioning Company Policies maybe one of the most powerful companies in the world but it seems when it comes to controlling its own staff management just needs to google it there are always guidelines governing employee behavior of course but this these are unusual guidelines because they are specifically targeting political speech now that i have not really seen and thats just tremendous concern because what theyre really doing here when theyre trying to suppress political speech by employees theyre really trying to suppress political speech by conservative employees leakers the whistleblowers so far have come forward have been conservative employes thats whats google is most concerned about parents even starting last year google began to restrict access to documents by its own employees so i think if you look internally in the company youll find that theyre probably doing much more extreme sayings to try to get their employees under control then were aware of i dont think it will work i think it will backfire. Actually lebanese officials have slammed a series of alleged israeli strikes that had targets in lebanon on sunday and also earlier this monday. Will top and as a declaration the wall that allows us to defend so sober into independence and territorial integrity. Well according to reports tel aviv launched 3 air strikes on a palestinian paramilitary groups base in the east of lebanon while on sunday 2 drones also believed to be israeli crashdown in beirut and hit buildings being used by the iran backed Hezbollah Group its believed there were no fatalities in that incident the death of an iran backed militia member in iraq however is that right also took place on a sunday while in neighboring syria israel confirms that there was an operation that targeted a Shiite Militia group and possible Iranian Military advisors Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said action was taken to thwart an imminent attack. Were joined now by political analysts and commentators should be or has an early welcome back to r. T. We heard last hour from a former Israeli Government minister who said his country is convinced iran is trying to kill its tentacles as he puts it there have been movements by iran in syria iraq and lebanon its quite difficult to see how that is not in some way threatening behavior. Well i think when we hear israel saying that its convinced of something we need to just cast our minds back to just a few years ago when mr netanyahu was convinced that in the next half hour iran would have a Nuclear Weapon which of course the world knows is complete rubbish. The problem you have is israel is like this oil brat of the world and because no one no one calls it to account its allowed to get away with essentially minute. Talking to it and hit 3 separate sovereign countries in the past few days. And in the Mainstream Media you dont hear anything its all silent and as if you know everythings fine ok granted in britain were going through the chaos of pranks but everywhere else you dont hear anything in america everyone will say oh you know its iran is circling israel and iran is imminently going to attack like you know you quoted from the from these or any minister this is just whats going to happen when someone is allowed impunity to commit crimes as the israelis have being in gaza in palestine proper in lebanon. No one calls into account so they will make up all sorts of stories unfortunately so irans moved with militias in syria iraq and by hezbollah thats got nothing to do with israel and well look irans approach to supporting the lebanese people and their resistance because you have to remember whatever everyone might save the only commonality it really has with iran is that theyre both muslims shia muslims side from that hizbollah does its own thing hizbullah does its own strategizing its own thinking yes it might will take advice from. Iranian generals it might follow the leader in iran. And i but thats a religious aspect in terms of their policy they are a part of the lebanon government and you know other. Groups within syria that youve mentioned and you know i think incorrectly called the militias these are resistance groups that are defending syria against the plate that was unleashed upon syria and iraq as well by the United States by saudi arabia and a plague in which even russians have been bent hurt and russias them huge amounts of work to support syria and. Lebanon and iraq even in defending themselves and faulting the plague of that isis so you know how come no one says that hezbollah or the shah be all for example these groups in syria im not russian backed why iran but why why because the target is iran so why those groups is or israel put it move dangerously close to israels borders led. Well theyre allowed to go anywhere within the border region of syria or iraq or lebanon this is their sovereign territory one might actually i ask why is Israel Occupying and stealing swathes of land in the golan which has no right to internet internationally it still owns it was stolen rather portions of lebanon such as the shebaa farms it has no rights over there i see no one questioning why israel is doing something or why israel is provoking the situation at the end of the day israel needs to understand that iran has said this time and time again that look youre playing with fire dont do this dont be silly behave yourself iran has no real interest in starting a war and iran will not start a war its a long and i have said it categorically. What iran will do if it is attacked or its allies within the resistance axis i directly attack them hizbullah is actually tape of the live defending itself very very competently. They will retaliate and rightly so because in this case the aggressor the one whos instigating problems whos lying. And making up fairy stories because its control and influence within the Mainstream Media is israel and everyone knows israel is a rogue state its a country that has almost a 400 Nuclear Weapons targeted multiple countries and yet no n. P. T. And no questioning no no discussion about it yet iran which has a Nuclear Program Energy Program which of course russia you know is helping iran with it constantly gets accused of making Nuclear Weapons and all this stuff which is slightly from the supreme leaders own discourse is for even if iran is simply trying to expand its political influence in the region many countries do the same so theres nothing wrong with that the nature of some of the groups and forces that iran is backing other countries beyond israel also see this as not only provocative but its as i put it our guest last hour is poking a hornets nest here its only going to provoke a reaction. I understand where youre coming from however i respectfully disagree i dont think iran is provoking anything if you look at every action that iran has taken political b. S. Social beat whatever military whatever it is being in response its been there replying to an action that these rallies the americans unfortunately the british and others have made against iran youve had all sorts of bellicose rhetoric coming out of washington and youve had people like john bolton and pump a 0 sitting down with groups that sworn to destroy iran youve got america making claims that you know you know he can just wait into iraq and just use iraq as a means to attack iran and of course you know all of these people are saying hold on a minute whats going on over here this is invalid you know we are suffering countries and if iran has people for example or if people in syria groups in syria that have a degree of affinity to iran maybe they support what iran stands for i. E. The resistance axis then the reality is that you cant turn around and blame iran for taking a defensive approach otherwise you know iran would be the best friend of america because what america wants is america to buckle down and. And not respond if you like but iran will not do this because iran is so frame and iran has its own strength and its own authority and these railings and the americans cant deal with this because they dont know what to do but instead they turn around and theyre ready to sell Nuclear Information whatever that might mean to you know a rogue nation like socal saudi arabia which are literally like cuts its own people up some acid when they disagree with them and then buries them you know in some dust bowl somewhere so its a case of people need to understand that iran is not the enemy cant iraq is not the problem israel america they are the problem all right i really appreciate your time again on the house and ali. For coming on to us to thank you for having me. So i begin to take a look at the case of a texas man who was executed last week for rape and murder despite his lawyer insisting Scientific Evidence was ignored which would have cleared his client its an extortion. You know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Seem wrong but. Just dont. Get to see palin. As a kid and in games from an equal betrayal. When something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Logan the family of a british a sudanese man whos been held for over 3 months in a sudanese prison has strongly condemned what they called the u. K. Governments disappointing lack of action are ahmed who was imprisoned in may after criticizing on social media the african nations Transitional Military Council but was later cleared by prosecutors of any wrongdoing. That had the chance to speak to one of us to ahmeds daughters about his continuing detention. On the 11th of may 6th year old. British sudanese citizen was arrested and detained in khartoum despite a prosecutor finding him not guilty of any alleged crimes the sudanese authorities refuse to release him ive come to liverpool where one of kamalas daughters lives she tells me her fathers story and how anger at the British Government for its failure to take action and protecting one of its own citizens were extremely worried obviously its been 3 months now were going into the 4th month of his detention despite the fact that he has not been charged with anything and his release has been ordered. It still hasnt been carried out gaining access to kemal in prison is difficult and unreliable even his own lawyer has not been allowed to visit him but as it has been once and describes the conditions there are very isolated from the outside world they dont have access to telephone calls weve tried to send in newspapers hes not allowed access to newspapers. Hes not been allowed access to his lawyer which is a basic human right for all detainees kemal moved to the u. K. In 1986 and worked for the n. H. S. As a doctor for 20 years all 4 of his children are british citizens too but the Foreign Office has been unresponsive to pleas from commands family to step in and secure his freedom the embassy in khartoum havent actually had direct contact with my father. We as a family have been in contact with them updating them on my fathers condition unfortunately theyve had very little input so our only contact with the Foreign Office has been through our m. P. And theyve been very slow to respond their responses have been very disappointing i think its very shameful it reflects very badly on the British Government. Whether youre a dual national or British National if theres injustice happening then you need to take action early on in his detention kemal went on an 8 day Hunger Strike hoping to draw attention to his plight but though it sparked protests in his hometown the International Community failed to take notice it was a cry for attention and he went on a Hunger Strike for 8 days but unfortunately fell on deaf ears is obvious this is a human rights violation and i would call upon Human International human rights organizations to get involved in my fathers case i think there does need to be more attention on this to pressurize the British Government into taking action against his unjust attention im all the case is not unique a recent petition to force the Foreign Office to make its protection of citizens an obligation not a choice reveals that as many as 1000 brits apparently being detained abroad without trial as as others like her take matters into their own hands one can also the question is do you take government doing all it can to secure the welfare and human rights of all its citizens sask taylor all too little. For you on this the british Foreign Office has stated that it is in contract with the sudanese or for it is concerning most attention will keep on top of the situation if we hear any more we will of course let you know. About a texas has been executed for the rape or murder of a College Students last despite larry swear into a lawyer insisting on his clients innocence for decades. Prosecutors are adamant swearin 2 most responsible for the murder they did earlier argued that they were quote mountains of evidence demonstrating his guilt including for instance bits of the victims clothing found in his trailer where engine had asked a fellow inmate to write a letter to his lawyer told him to be the real killer additionally he had a track record of violence against women. But his defense claims that there were significant discrepancies in the prosecutions chronology and that on that basis he could not have been responsible they also allege that the clothing in the former electricians trailer may have been wrong to someone else and that the blood found under the victims fingernails didnt belong to me to her also engine they executed mans lawyer told us more about the conflicting evidence. We presented the opinions of no less than 5 medical examiners who reviewed the path ology who reviewed the histology and all converged on a single conclusion which was that the body was left in the woods after mr sware engine was incarcerated they all work pro bono on mr sawyer engines case they did not ask for a dime the examiner that 1st compared those 2 pieces of pantyhose said they were not a physical match it took 2 and a half days and eventually she made them match mr swear engine was poor he was an educated and he did very ignorant things that made him look guilty we believe that. The state needs to take some action about how the Scientific Evidence is presented and evaluated by the courts. News for now your next update from us is in just over half an hour to see you. Guys are. Located easy this is a central plank support dying at the limits of the problem right now so you stop. Youre watching the Season Finale of going underground with me Afshin Rattansi just hours after european parliamentarians awarded julian a songe its most prestigious prize for journalists whistleblowers and defenders of the right to information we will ask the un special rapporteur on torture about the british capture and imprisonment of the wiki leaks founder but 1st straight to new york to speak to legendary pink floyd front man roger waters about whether the actions of treys a made all trump and then an merino against isnt just symptomatic of rogue states. Well jeff thanks for coming on the show lets just start with what went through your mind when you saw the pictures of his sons being dragged out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in london by British Police we had been warned for several days because wiki leaks had got wind of the fact that they were going to actually do this but to see them physically carrying him out. Special order no special branch as pows and putting him in that van and driving him away was absolutely chilling to think that the u. K. Has become such a willing accomplice and satellites of the american empire that it would do such a thing in contravention of all lords moral ethical and actual legal restrictions is absolutely stunningly appalling and makes me ashamed to be an englishman i know you have Campaign Begins environmental destruction in ecuador under the lenin merino administration what do you think is behind the decision to let u. K. Police in to the embassy to capture him jump ill just said on this show that it would be a warning from history they bribe him with the promise of a 4700000000 i. M. F. Loan i may say that they culminate does not end with getting more rain out to give up julian assange. Also they have plans to let chevron start drilling for oil in ecuador as most Important National park which is a travesty beyond all imagination but lets stick to judea and the lower in the United States. Off to the patch or tax and 10221021 the amendments to it citizens barely have rights anymore everything is at the whim of the commander in chief and the commander in chief is anything is allowed now there is no law there is no recourse to the law something ive written about in lots of my songs over the years because its when

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