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Good morning just going to 8 oclock here in moscow youre watching r. T. International our top story this hour a u. S. Court will decide later whether there is enough evidence to go ahead with the censorship case against Facebook Google twitter and also apple is bringing the lawsuits accused the tech giants of bias and suppressing content from the conservative end of the political spectrum. As more. If you havent heard of a laura loom or now is the time the young female activists dared to go against the all mighty big tag and could actually shake things up more on that in just a sec shes known as someone whos been banned from seemingly all kinds of essential Online Services from twitter and facebook to pay pal and when i got banned from twitter. And i lost 95000. 00 and i got banned from dell for me i got and. I didnt just get depressed i thought straight up to this i dont know but many of those in america whove heard of laura loom or will associate her activism with islamophobia and far right conspiracy theories most of these people would probably totally back the bands against her while at one point she decided to put up a real fight and court having teamed up with a group called freedom watch she sued apple Facebook Google and twitter accusing them of working together to intentionally and willfully suppress politically conservative content the lawsuit also alleged before had violated the 1st amendment and the u. S. Antimonopoly serious stuff but 1st the court said were not looking into this an appeal by lunar followed straight after the tech giants wanted that one nipped in the bud but wow their plan didnt work the clinic is instructed to enter a briefing shuttle on succumbing to this case for presentation to a merits panel so yeah the merits of this lawsuit will be heard more lunar and coal are way through far from winning the war but theyve won this initial small battle which is crucial given how many other conservative or all right figures were told theyre not welcome on this or that Online Platform and some in the conservative wing did call for legal action before donald trump did so too are they breaking the law mr president well i do. I dont whether it but i tell you what they should be sued only censorship against the right claims have quite often been dismissed as conspiracy theories but hey lately a growing number of the testimonies from those who work for the big tech have indeed pointed to the existence of anti conservative bias we even have blacklist where someone just robbed us shows that there are conservative then theyll be blacklisted between Different Companies and different teams. That really need to change i see google executives go to congress and say that its not going to be good it is not political and im just so sure thats not true theyre telling people that oh they dont they dont have any blacklist this is all you know they dont have any political ideology they dont have any political bias but its really clear that they do the tech giant bosses have time and again denied any wrongdoing were just platforms is what they kept saying plus the current legal consensus is that these guys are allowed to moderate the content that appears on their sites or through their apps do you discriminate more on philosophy anti conservative versus liberal know or oppose susan are rhythms dont take into consideration any affiliation philosophy were viewpoint there is absolutely no directive in any of the changes that we make to have a bias in anything that we do we use a robust methodology to reflect what is being said about any given topic at any particular time and we try to do it objective lee using a set of threw bricks its clear they are worried that at some point they wont be able to get away with just saying now youve got nothing to blame us for well we might have just seen a tiny 1st sign that could be turning so lets indeed watch out for laura lou murder case. Well the media commentators you know loud and things that take giants do need to be questioned about possible bias certainly if this happened to her this is happened to a lot of people and its high time that the big tech giants were challenge to hunt this theres a confusion i think because americans love free speech and we love private property so we love for example when its a company and we say well that company has a right to do anything it wants to but there comes a point where its almost like a public utility because they have such a monopoly on communication in general especially in terms of social media so some of these giants that really do have control. Theyve changed the game you can only come to one conclusion when it seems to only happen against conservatives in general and and i think that this flies in the face of of our free speech and you know that for most of us in america we could agree that our 1st amendment speech is critical to everything that is freedom and most of us would wish that some of these tech giants would go along with that. Now in other news russia and china have called for Global Action to prevent a new arms race following the collapse of a key arms control agreement moscow in beijing called a u. N. Security Council Meeting after the u. S. Tested a Cruise Missile previously banned by the i. N. F. Treaty and rival powers blamed each other for the ongoing escalation. You realize that because of the u. S. Ambitions we are one step away from an arms race that cannot be controlled or regulates it in any way the United States will not remain a party to a treaty that is deliberately violated by russia as if this depended only on us we would not have reached this dangerous situation the United States is taking the necessary steps to address the threat posed by intermediate range Missile Forces being deployed in ever larger numbers by russia and china are good to do but what about you they going to evade responsibility for what is happening will future generations forgive you this russias present actions are in line with a pattern of aggression that represents a clear threat to International Peace and security of the Russian Federation because the sole responsibility for the reason demise of the media was it would have been you might just do not understand that by your response to the americans youre returning to a historical situation when missiles were targeting european cities from different sides. Was a heated debate at the United Nations Security Council now the United States has recently withdrawn from the i. N. F. Treaty the intermediate range Nuclear Forces agreement and not only has the usa withdrawn from the treaty but the usa recently tested a missile that would have been a violation of that treaty had it still been in effect many are viewing this as an escalation of a potential new arms race between russia and the United States now when the representative of the United States spoke to the Security Council they accused russia of being responsible for the agreements demise this is the us representative here today because the Russian Federation preferred a world in which the United States continued to fulfill its i. N. F. Treaty obligations while the Russian Federation did not weve heard a narrative today that the United States had itself been in violation of the i. N. F. Treaty because of our recent flight test which used the m k 41 launcher that is also found in our aid. The sure Missile Defense system this is categorically false now russia emphasize that its concerns about the m. K. 41 launcher have been proven to be indeed correct and that this launcher could easily be tested in transformed into the tomahawk missiles that were recently tested by the United States and those missiles do indeed violate the treaty now russia which had been accused of adding violated the i. N. F. Treaty had repeatedly requested that inspectors come to russia and see if indeed these allegations from u. S. Leaders were true however the United Nations and the United States ignored their requests to defend themselves against these allegations of violating the i. N. F. Treaty russia asked for dialogue around the issue and this dialogue was ignored heres some of what we heard from the russian representative. In accusing russia the United States and the countries that support it or ignoring facts and common sense as we proposed closed door meeting to look at all missing all of this close and fool information to convince them that it did not violate the treaty they refused we cannot understand the arguments from the u. S. But we do want to save the treaty china was also subject to u. S. Allegations that the Security Council the United States accused china of boosting its military arsenal as well china responded that it was not correct for the United States to withdraw from the treating and blaming china for their decision was not honest or correct either this is the chinese representative addressing the Security Council with the i. N. F. Treaty is of great importance to not only the u. S. And russia but its a global peace and security it is an accent to which used china as an excuse for leaving the treaty china rejects that by societys ations from the u. S. Now the i. M. F. Treaty was signed in 1987 it was a key moment in the deescalation and ultimate end of the cold war between the United States and the soviet union and a recent decision of the United States. Withdraw from that tree as many concerns about the potential for a new Nuclear Arms Race now may hope that meeting could be the opening of dialogue toward restoring some kind of treaty regarding intermediate range Nuclear Forces missiles and such and wherever while a lot of accusations were exchanged no real consensus seems to have existed among the countries represented at the un Security Council. And reporting the investigative journalist Dave Lindorff says the u. S. Is forcing rival into a race. The u. S. Was preparing to do this. That the fact that they launched this tomahawk missile from a mark 41 launcher proves what russia had been complaining about when the us put these agents Missile Systems near the russian border russian western border and said oh these are to guard against iranian missiles which of course dont even exist there are no russian intermediate range missiles based around the United States and there arent any chinese intermediate range missiles based around the United States the United States however wants to return to a situation like pre 987 when the u. S. Said pershing missiles highly accurate 300300 kilogram ton were head missiles all over europe aimed at russia and the danger of these missiles is that they can strike their targets within minutes so it forces countries like russia or china to put their i. C. B. M. Sign here trigger response this is very very dangerous time now and its a going to lead to an enormous arms race. Have a german captain of a migrant rescued by tell pricing in the mediterranean a snub the mother of Bravery Award to to her by france teams as paris of the pole crecy given its treatment of migrants amref and chains what in the 27 saying. Is saying is by telling authorities in the portland that there is a with rescued migrants on board she was charged with assisting an eagle immigration and could face up to 20 of those in jail shot in the bin school as more in a story. We do not need authorities deciding about who is a hero and who is illegal at the same time your police is stealing blankets from people that you forced to live in the streets while you read protests and criminal ice people that are standing up for rights of migrants and Asylum Seekers we are waiting for you in paris to show you the different ways we are ensuring a dignified reception for migrants despite the tensions that exist on the subject with the state youll fight is ours the parish has consistently lobbied for better or worse that consent is for migrants while the city was actually the 1st to open a temporary Reception Center which some 13000 like its a set of past 3 and its invested 40000. 00 of us in a restaurant to feed my kids if the price mess says they would have done more but for the french government i do not understand why the government is allowing indignity and kiryas on the capitals doorstep between 700 and the 1200 migrants are sleeping rough in the streets in makeshift camps under bridges on roadsides where theyre forced to leave inhumane conditions and does she have a point that the french state has repeatedly cleared michael camps in paris but when one is dismantled sure enough another suing replaces it michaels government has also been criticized for a controversial asylum and immigration bill in a bid to limit new arrivals that law double to 90 days the time in which Illegal Immigrants could be detained it shortened deploying school asylum applications and made illegal crossing of borders as in the fence with a jail time of up to a year but is also really in a position to sort out the problem itself its been trying with germany to find consensus across the entire you for a solution to the crisis on. Level brussels is slamming italy and the Eastern European countries for shutting their doors tom migrants its very people critical where the mayor of paris is doing i dont know what went into our mind goes mind because you see of course theyre not welcome you can go from here and you can see the people sleeping in the street its a tough. Political with respect to eat it because it is getting most of the mines and friends and take them in in such large numbers so they blame the tenant for not opening their bulldozer to the fans dont do that either so its completely people critical the thousands of those in the media and maybe because exactly because of the socalled humanitarian probably see which gives them the illusion that they would be rescued and they want the i mean the world all be from migrants in not be at the way that they treated the activists not happy at the way you know called government to helping the local governments not being happy with the federal government and those federal governments not happy with brussels brussels it seems is not happy either its one of huge circle going around and around but its actually not getting any challenge even ski on paris so well ahead for you this morning a new study has cast doubt on whether peace can be achieved in afghanistan even if the u. S. And the taliban do manage to reach a deal well have a look at that in more detail plus of the stories tell you just after the break. You know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. When we all make this manufactured consensus public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the flame of merry go round lifts only the one percent. Nor middle of the room sick. Room in the real news room. Welcome back now a 9th round of peace talks between the u. S. And the taliban is currently underway in cats but a new study has raised concern that any Peace Agreement in afghanistan could be undermined by cia backed militias operating in the country the report by Brown Universitys whats an institute argues that if a deal is broke couldnt washington withdraws its troops the militias could start causing trouble dont quarter as more. Peace talks with the taliban could be making some serious headway washington is certainly optimistic about them conversations are going well the truth will be in the reality of what really happens other going to we can reduce violence will create a space where we can withdraw not only american support but nato forces that are there as well reducing violence would be great in a country thats seen 19 years of continuous war according to the reports there are 4 key negotiating points at the moment 1st the taliban must guarantee that it will not allow Foreign Armed groups to use afghanistan as a base for their terrorist attacks an obvious reference to alqaeda which brought the u. S. And its allies to the country in the 1st place and return the u. S. And nato troops must pull out from afghanistan then theres the questions of a permanent cease fire an internal political dialogue and then theres a couple of elephants in the room like for example the future of cia armed and trained afghan militias a new report by a u. S. Based Brown Universitys Watson Institute argues in fact no real peace could be possible unless their future is addressed. Militias that operate outside of the control of the Central States on the chain of command of his own forces will undermine the process of state formation and the prospects for a sustainable peace our concern is if such units and militias continue to operate from afghanistan in afghanistan its going to. Cause the white linen to continue because its not going to be the only the cia that will continue its operation but how they can treat well follow suit and i think in such a situation a lot of even it will allow some taliban fighters to continue in effect to groups like they just because. They will see that such such militias continue and i think that these militias are uncontrollable the most infamous of these groups is the socalled Coast Protection force from summary executions to torture you name the human rights abuses theyve probably been accused of it and theyre not exactly shy about who they hang around with we are better trained than the Afghan National Army Helicopters and drones belong to the u. S. But we regularly received requests to support them. The cia doesnt at mit they train these militias of course but they have quite the track record during the soviet afghan war they financed a group of islamic fighters called the mujahideen to fight the Afghan Government then backed by the u. S. S. R. And guess who came out of the mujahideen the same taliban that continues to be a thorn in the side of the u. S. To this day one of the conditions of u. S. Withdrawal is that the cia also will. Stop all activities and leave the country newsgroups. Or their return to the good cool or take it under control rather the Central Government in kabul then this Peace Process is a complete sham and it will carry about as much we as a bunch of slangs went because these groups will still be operating this year you will still have a presence in the country therefore the us will still object to. Afghanistan when training more militant groups to fight the ones that turned on you last time lands you in trouble once again it might be time to take a hint. That human Rights Groups have raised the alarm after the trumpet ministration revealed it would be replacing an agreement that currently limits how long undocumented children can be kept in detention. The detention of children can lead to trauma susanto feelings and exposure to dangerously natick with medical can no mound of time and attention is safe for children and prolonged detention is particularly harmful well under the 997 floras agreement the government has to release detained Migrant Children and their parents of present after a period of 20 days in policy reportedly but that time restrictions though will be introduced within 60 days and is likely to face legal challenges own Security Officials say that the current agreement encourages migrants to bring children with them in a bid to get released into the us. The new rules protect children by reducing incentives for adults including human smugglers to exploit minors in the dangerous journey to our border using them to beat the system and be released into United States no child should be upon in a scheme to manipulate our immigration system which is why the new rule eliminates the incentive to floyd children as a free ticket or as one gentleman in one of mottled me a passport for migration to United States with a large number of Central American families have been making their way to the Us Mexico Border with 600000 people to tang that they share undocumented children are reportedly valued being held in the in conditions of extreme over crowding 7 children have died in immigration custody since last year we spoke to human rights lawyer to uncover lake who thinks the new policy could actually make things worse. It does 3 things actually whats being proposed it would as you say allow children to be held indefinitely right now there are limits on how long a child can be held in detention the 2nd thing it does as well lou all state regulations on these types of the Attention Centers and that there are only does is it will deny access to independent observers who want to go to sea and make sure that the conditions that hold. Children and their families are appropriate so if theyre held indefinitely well you know children are going to be abused and treated terribly these immigrants are already and uniquely terrible circumstances and this is only going to make it worse the u. S. Eeriness really has a coercive measure to try to get your migrants from coming into the country basically that the u. S. Is saying. If you come to this country with children youre going to be treated very badly in your children are going to be treated badly so dont come. Now the colombian authorities are cracking down on illegal cocoa farms but farmers say that the crops are matter of survival and accuse the government of failing to provide be aid promised to them under a peace deal you can watch a documentary called the cocoa trap throughout the day here in r. T. And online but is a pretty. The lonely go home of the employees of the state on bookies the muzzy put a bet lead and our media will see those of us bozo know the thing. Is going to a whole heap of money for. Those companies he most people almost couldnt bear most came in the us from billy mean absolutely was he received his prou. In Columbia Point throughout. The. Time and then the live head of people in the us youre not going source whos he live in the middle you i got in those can feel a bit old. You know theyve been missed or no better or for their lies it with their hand out because i had a vision an article vocal know someone else on the run all the tools you know and i stuck in the know those of us with a model yet not they completely ended up a bit biased they cant get that much of a look at it. When it is someone on process we have passed it on or say stanley you know seeing in my band my loneliness will see at least one in pm play call political momentum but they get a. Mark down most of their almost going out of most voters this is when you pick up on the seals. Washing out a thank you company this morning that sign things are looking so far today were back again just like the house. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond shill and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport business im show business ill see you then. Cas calendar is dying alfonzo on monday has died thats changing paid change dard served our. Whose 1st words were at a lot of us here a challenging post youve got 2 years to live. I have no doubt that what happened was scriven. The sites concentrate marketing is a 1000000000. 00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to saudis probably there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to test facts right concentrates free in fits of its own that Patients Want gives them doctors the wrong choice to quite gone through stuff why that would keep me from secure those years day. And people still die and im always question or so i tried being hard to live when so many have. Most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the 1st one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid into truth to stand down lose business you just need as the right questions and demand the right answer. Questions. You know to go home i live where they dont focus the muslim people it badly i doubt the media knows the laws of this bozo not only made the i think not just one of the whole time he left might want. To. Leave because it gives me too much less to be a big call couple to get push here but i only said it could. Be. Someplace he most people almost call me i most came in nobody goes from believe me National Security was he was put to you in colombia the article. That id pull. Out of the compass he will. Deny someone to sleep on us youre not one source whos he live in the field by leaving i come on the field because. Gen also knows all the discipline little models little old men if you see all of them i call them not because i have you seen the medical

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