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Here but russia gate the hoax failed now theyve come up with another story. I think its pretty clear to say that this is this obscene is a pretty awful human being he should have been in prison a long time ago hes getting a lot of protection seemingly but is it because they were they the left wants another bite at the apple and theyve come up with this story because its so lurid its so disgusting and so click bait a bowl that people are going to follow the story instead of the real issues like i try to do on this program gino go ahead and West Palm Beach. Well its very much like the russian hoax in fact that the only collusion that has actually come out of the russian hoax as you know is that there were democrats colluding all over the place with foreign governments and so this i think will turn out to be much the same honestly weve had President Trump more than 10 years ago kicked epstein out of all of his properties based upon the report of one father to President Trump privately one father came along and said i dont like the way he approached my daughter President Trump said youre gone youre off all Trump Properties for ever and theyve been completely alienated from one another ever since so to try to draw this close to trump is as ridiculous as that is to try not to draw it to former president clinton because we have pictures of president clinton more than 26. 00 legs of flights in route and back from this island where all of this cilicia took place and so it doesnt surprise me that the democrats are trying once again not to put it on a truck but to deflect from their own guilt remember that Jeffrey Epstein is a major donor and that President Trump as candidate trump in 2015 at sea pac when interviewed by sean hannity said when he was asked about bill clinton he said he better keep his distance from epstein because im telling you what that ships going down so hes been warning about epstein for more than a decade to try to tie this to him is as ridiculous as trying to present the trump russia collusion story that didnt work i you know that was pretty ridiculous so im not surprised youre trying it again brian your thoughts on all of this and maybe any thoughts about the timing of it why now go ahead. Well 1st id like to go back and correct a couple of factual inaccuracy is number one the Russian Investigation is not a hoax number 2 we all know from volume 2 page 2 of them all the report that donald trump is more than likely guilty of obstruction of justice ok. Lets put it lets talk about Jeffrey Epstein lets talk about the. Yeah keep going yes lets put that aside ok well lets talk about the more important issue of Sexual Harassment Sexual Deviancy sexual predation what we know is that this is a man who you know the shame to me peter the way politics is so polarized today is everybody is looking to pin this on somebody else or case or if youre trying to support or you want to immediately pivot back to the clintons or god and of course a lot of liberals would like to point out that donald trump was very good friends with Jeffrey Epstein as well what this indicates to me is the same thing that i learned from the Harvey Weinstein incidents all these other reports of powerful wealthy well connected men who are preying on young women and preying on victims it is something that infiltrates all levels of society i believe in the world i mean we see this to the tops of hollywood to the highest offices in washington d. C. To people on wall street from the tops of companies to the bottom of companies there are sexual predators all across the world and. Its something i think we should all be concerned about i think we should all put aside our political differences as well lets stop blaming bill clinton here id like to point out that the current president of the United States if we want to talk politics has been accused of raping or assaulting 24 different women which is might have anything to get young girls cant play out of this is a serious issue to. Be on so you can think youre already 18 wait your turn speak i have to ask you a straight man and im going way over to turn. On at home. Done everybody done speaking done speaking you know theres no need to interrupt me and. I would just like to point that out ill put on aside the politics this is a serious issue that transcends politics ok you jump in there and be but theres no indictment against donald trump ok and i mean that is a big difference here ok and but what brian does bring up a good point and a very fair point here but i found my last sentence in my introduction was about getting justice im more interested in that and then scoring political points here because Geoffrey Epstein was in investigated and he was let off with a lie this. Lie just imagine a sentence here ok and i dont care what political affiliation was involved in that but the problem the process broke down and the victims there were victims that were even told about the settlement and then we dont know what happened from then but i tend to have a feeling that if people dont change very much behaviors dont change here and so with this light sentencing and seen presumably kept going on with his quote unquote lifestyle im worried about that justice we needs to be served go ahead. I completely agree with you and this is always a case of power born out of insecurity we see it played out over and over again your other guest is right about that much in hollywood in television in general in all sorts of entertainment and naturally in politics any place where power can be used as a weapon were going to continue to see this but this case is special and different in a really disgusting manner and the fact that this is directed at children at the trafficking and raping and prostitution of children how dare anyone conflate relationships extramarital or whatever that many men have in this country how dare anyone conflate that with the rape of a child i will not sit here as a mother of young daughters and let that be and so i want to correct that record right now in no case is the president in any way charged or even accused of any such goings on so we will not conflate that any further but focusing back on the power this is really common we see it in the bully on the playground my background as you know is in Human Behavior and i studied this literally my whole life the play of power is very interesting because we dont tend to think of power as something tangible to expend in our culture we know money has we think of money as paper even though most money isnt paper we think of you know goods as as something that is tangible but power is something that can be played most effectively perhaps that we cant see and its for that reason that a lot of times its played in the darkest and most underhanded ways. You know power is power is assured when you have protection and i think thats really what youve been getting at here. At the duran dot com youve been focusing a lot on that i mean to go back to the beginning i mean who is this guy how did he get this circle of friends and are these people protecting him or is he doing something to them like extortion i mean we dont know. But but jane is absolutely right the end issue of power is central to all of this go ahead alex and athens absolutely and thats why you know as much as we would like to separate the politics from this story because what has happened is truly disgusting we simply cant because this man Jeffrey Epstein was connected to a lot of powerful people and he was he was giving these girls to these powerful people i mean we have a witness testimony to that we have documentation from actual victims that say they have been on this island they were on this plane called the lead express and they had sexual relations with powerful people we know this the question peter is that are we going to find out what really happened because when youre talking about powerful people i dont want to see another incident like what happened at the jesse small lek case i dont want to see another incident like the hoax that was kavanagh which was a hoax where is julie sweat nick what is going what happened with all the kavanaugh witnesses that suddenly disappeared and the russia gate thing which was a hoax you cant deny these things and i dont want to see this happen again and the people dont want to see this happen again because you are dealing with the most vulnerable of society which are children that is just a fact and these powerful people took advantage of children aided by this custodian like figure known as epstein the question is was epstein really behind this are we talking about even more powerful people that were behind this ok im going to jump in here were going to go to a short break and out about a short break well continue our discussion on how to tory elites stay with. Us. Through. Interesting to cook now helping move take and morgan through the house and go out with mike i think im ready this perpetrator for the summer and youre headed to the starboard see the card and will echo in fact underneath block today to install the International Docking adapters 3 to pressure. And you are the youre here for. Going back to medieval days you have the church which is like the monetarist present day 21st century where they would discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a pin and they were in power and they enclosed this little model and now weve got neo feudalism or you guys central bankers discussing how many derivatives can be stuff into a worthless action fund and weve got folks in San Francisco in newark new jersey dying for medieval diseases. Because they give me my. Cup with him and we said. Yes but. Theres not a mole but im also the most companies he knows ive been a good who says you. Know most of when i meet. Companies he most people and most people you know he goes from did you know just to see he has put you through a coke. Can with some and im going to hit a thief in the tonight you see him in the middle you i dont know you kind of the nice. Little kid is hes. Always been this whole bundle of them in the clip that he comes to your list to. Go to you can see you know men because hes. A little. The 4. Leg. Leg. Play. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Play it. Live. Lists lists lists leg. Lifts. Playing. And very well might continue watching on since last. Welcome back across the uk where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing predatory elites. Ok brian let me go back to you again i want to stress the timing why do you think this happened now because you know coming down to the studio to record this program with your good folks here i mean they were dozens and dozens of videos on you tube spanning over the last 10 years talking about this guy and his escapades ok i mean why now and why is the jurisdiction in new york particularly interested in this and maybe a 2nd part here is that at the same probably know that he has a very powerful Social Circle he most definitely has information about them i mean do you see some kind of you know. Plead where hes going to cough up people in there or will the authorities not let that happen because thats what we saw what happened to him in florida he got protection go ahead brian. Well lets address a couple of these issues because i think its sort of like a 2 part question 1st peter i think this if theres still any wonder why sometimes it takes victims this long or a story this long to come to light lets just stop and consider the circumstances to Jeffrey Epstein because its a great example of what gina and alex have been talking about here the power and the wealth and just the power over people that comes with this lets say youre a 14 Year Old Girl who says she was raped or assaulted by Jeffrey Epstein all the way back in 1997 ok lets look at who Jeffrey Epsteins friends are one of his friends is the current president of the United States bill clinton one of his other friends will be president in 20 years donald trump and the man who the attorney who cut the sweetheart deal to let your predator go is now the secretary of labor just stop and think about that youre a 14 Year Old Girl who was assaulted by somebody i think youre going up against a president of the United States another president of the United States and an attorney who is now the secretary of labor this is why a lot of victims dont come forward in the 1st place because they feel like the Justice System is completely stacked against them nobodys going to believe them and even if they do believe them nothings going to happen. Thats very depressing isnt it i think all of our viewers would agree that its very depressing and that and gina i. Go to you i mean thats the conclusion ive drawn to all right i mean because it seems to me that theres so much protection of the powerful that theyre going to. Cut a deal among themselves i think epstein is definitely going to go to prison thats for sure i mean considering what they found in his mansion i mean but at the same time we ever find out the truth and i think this is you know we look at varsity blues we look at the me too movement i think so and you know a lot about psychology i think all of us are getting really sick and tired of the free pass for the rich and powerful when everyone else has to follow the law and i mean it becomes its so patently obvious and its so repetitive here again i want to take the politics out i want justice not only for these victims but a sense of justice in society because why believe in the as these institutions i know that the police in florida were outraged by the by how epstein was treated ok i mean that youre demoralizing institutions ok and this is really dangerous give us your thoughtful psychological thoughts on that go ahead gina. Well if the power is absolutely at play here but if if this was allowed to happen its hard to take the template of politics off of it because politics became the cover that shielded it right from ever coming to light and that is absolutely the truth we know that epstein was a top donor to democrats not republicans democrats we know that the current president President Trump has called for the deepest of investigations into this he wants the truth eliminated he called for it back in 2015 he banned epstein from all properties going on a dozen a decade ago i think rather and so many of us especially here in palm beach where ive seen have a home as you know have been watching this case for a long time this is very close to us and we sort of dont want our town tarnished by the goings on of epstein and theyve known for a long time that he for example is not allowed at any of the Trump Properties here and that he and trump have been very much at odds for a very long time and when i hear about things like the recent evidence that has come out since the trial that happened and i understand why perhaps someone might have taken a plea deal back in the day when they were being threatened with no jail time at all for epstein which is a horrifying thought i dont know that prosecutors have that much influence on what kind of cushy prison somebody gets like epstein ended up in i would say thats where more political power came to into play and i would bet if you like anything in politics if you follow the money youre going to find out exactly where the cover up came from and i dont think this is going to a good for democrats going into 2020 and i dont think you can remove that point and i think thats why theyre deflecting to the president will follow the money and can is there a true although i mean thats one of the things you brought up is there a trail because from what i understand he didnt have any infrastructure no computers no suit servers very few employees i mean 100 to do it by magic i mean is there a trail here i mean theres even questions about. The illegal ownership of his mansion in new york theres no evidence he actually bought it if he has it but did he buy it and if he didnt did someone else give it to him and if someone gave it to him why go ahead and who gave it to him why we know that he didnt have a Hedge Fund Business because he didnt have the infrastructure for a Hedge Fund Business so we have to deal with facts peter and i want to correct brian a little bit on correct and i want to stick to facts its i dont think its right to say that trump was his friend i also dont think its right to say that bill clinton was his friend i think we shouldnt use words like that because we dont know what their relationship was we know we know that epstein was writing this lolita express plane to this island we know that bill clintons name shows up in the locks 26 to 27 times ive heard 26 of her 27 but we know his name is there we know trumps name is not there we just know that trump said hes a terrific guy in passing years ago we also know that trump in 20082009 actually was the only person that helped to give some legal team that was a press against epstein in florida he was the only one that helped them out he was the only one that that would take the cause to try and prosecute epstein we also know however that a cost when he was entering the white house did say that he was told epstein belonged to intelligence thats a quote from the daily beast so once again who is epstein and what did and what does a cost to nor what was he told so we need to stick to facts you cant sit there and say trump was his friend we cant say bill clinton was from we dont know what their relationship was but we do know that right now we have a lot of luck we have we have a lot of instances where bill clintons name shows up in the lock files we know that trump is not connected to epstein fusion g. P. S. Try to connect him there is that name fusion g. P. S. Remember them they. Try to connect trump have seen they came up with nothing 0 so we need to follow the facts year we just cant go on and say trump is buddies with Epstein Clinton was buddies we still dont know yet but i hope we do find out later ok i do too and i think thats a very good point that youre making people are throwing this term around they were friends ok maybe it was transactional if it was transactional what was the transaction ok we need to know that brian i want to go back to something you said when weve been talking about Alexander Acosta i think i would like to have him under oath and ask a few questions about the case about 10 years ago in florida why did he make the decisions that he did and he did say that he was told to leave it alone what does that mean and why brian. Well i dont think thats going to happen i dont think alex accost is going to be under oath any time soon because i dont think donald trump will allow it and i dont think republicans will allow it so i would just get that out of your mind completely but you know its very clear to me peter that i believe the other 2 guests here its clear that theyre trying to pin everything back to the clintons and thats fine because i understand republicans 20 years later still have not gotten over the clintons thats very clear but you know sticking to the facts sure lets stick to the facts if youre wondering why people use this story to go after donald trump lets stick to the facts i will go back to a fact that i have already pointed out on the show the current president of the United States has been accused of harassing or raping over 20 women and yes geno that doesnt pollute at least one under a. Meeting to go used if you want to play didnt. Screw the talking i let you talk to me right now let me. Let you talk to me and now lets talk excuse me maam i let you talk you can i mean not going to let you can talk all you want youre not going to talk over without me having it who apparently more time i have let you talk you will not let me speak and youre not going to speak over me if you want to play this game i can talk right over you all day long he has been accused of rape and assault more times that bill clinton and bill cosby combined thats a fact about the current sitting senator president talking about a lot of women here with that fact rather than i dont think that you i dont think that the point youre making has anything to do yesterday when they rule and they are going to be right here today im going to do you know them especially in a way and then we go to jeanne now lets go to brian robbie for be fair lets go to gina go ahead gina. Ok should i interrupt her the way she did with me because theres a. There is a time theres a time its all right said go ahead go ahead and i think and i thank you and i think in particular its very important that we dont let the left whos trying to paint a certain picture or anyone else if it comes from the right i dont even care juxtapose the difference between the rape of a child we need to be very careful here with our own political will and personal will there is nothing similar to the rape of a child and an extramarital affair and especially when there is 0 proof or 0 evidence of any of the above so we need to drop that accusation and focus here that children were raped and abused and exploited that possibly worse things went on here than we even know about yet and i do agree with our president this needs to be investigated in every way possible and mark my words hell be the one demanding the investigation well watch and see if the allies of your other friends who want to conflate rape and relationship let me make of children jump in here to put adult well look and see if theyre demanding let me divest acacia as we give the last word here alex are a lot of people having a hard time demanding go ahead or now lets go ahead alex 30 seconds. We cant look to say someone is accused one time or a 100 times does it mean anything peter was he found guilty no right People Commission those people all people can accuse people all they want all they want if youre a powerful person if youre a billionaire real estate about the liberty bill clinton bill cosby went on trial and the trial played out on it so far today as we sit here in speech all you have is accusations we need to stick to the we just stick to the facts stick to the facts last night and were going to end this program sticking with the facts many things in my. Yes in chattanooga West Palm Beach and athens and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time and remember. You know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. In this community there are people who believe that its ok to sell fractional food on my table its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments theres a lot of conflict in the game between the teams most of the conflict i would say. And most of them money is made. Close one on each other the scene on each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000 dollars and you have to presume complexes to get some point in your life where. You dont care and one of my hair is a monster so your hair might anything. Canas calendar is downright alfonzo along. This changing page hes dard served our. Whose 1st words were i will i will see youre a child he post you got 2 years to live. I have no doubt that what happened was scriven. The sense concentrate market is a 1000000000. 00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to solve these problems there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to test facts or a concentrate straight infectivity on the patients wont give them doctors the wrong stoplight long term stuff why they would keep me from secure those whose day. People still die and im always question or so i tried being hard to live when so many have. Interviewed. President putin visits finland than condemns a recent u. S. Missile test saying the weapon appears to have been developed long before washington quit the i. M. F. Treaty. A leaked gaudio sheds light on how the us oil lobby has managed to criminalize protests against pipelines. And 6 years on from a chemical attack near damascus we look into the official investigation which is still ongoing. A lot from moscow whats your thought international on Daniel Hawkins refutes union from welcome to the program russias

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