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French president emanuel mccrone is meeting with Russias Putin at his summer residence on the mediterranean coast of this weekends g. 7 summit was a pretty. To spoke to reporters a couple of hours ago the reports now from the french riviera. Well i guess you dont really give personal invitations to an International Leader to these kind of places in this kind of format even if its the president of a very important geopolitical player unless they are your friends so clearly in the past few years mr mack on mr putin developed a close relationship we heard Emmanuel Macron call his counterpart dear vladimir a few times in death of lot of our putin just when he arrived he came with ok of flowers for emanuel macedoines wife and it seemed that the french president wanted to make his russian counterpart feel as much comfortable as possible on his visit to france in the present macron was very kind and let us sit in the shade while he and his delegation are sitting right under the sun so ill try to be brief. This kind of coziness definitely helps because the 2 president s have many important tough matters to resolve in particular the crisis in east ukraine and they were frank that they were going to talk about it a lot busy what they want to do is discuss the revival of the socalled normandy format thats when the president s of russia and ukraine get together with the leaders of germany and france to try and help resolve the cranium crisis which has escalated in the past couple of months and weve made sure his demands can mr putin and i mean its america we will try to. To kinda normally do for him it in a few weeks but. Theres no alternative to the normandy format and will obviously support it. Now heres Something Else thats very important the french president emmanuel made it clear that for him it was very important to meet president putin face to face before the french leader heads to bad treats that is the venue of the upcoming g. 7 summit thats about to kick off in just a few days and this is a summit that russia has not been part of for more than 5 years straight after the events in ukraine and mr putin was asked by one of the journalists if russia was keen to return well heres what he said. What g. 8 doesnt exist anymore how can i return to an organization which doesnt exist today its the g 7 regarding a potential format with 8 Member States we never reject any proposals some time ago it was russias turn to hold a g. 8 meeting but our partners didnt. And did for now it seems that russia and the g 7 countries that were used to be known as the g 8 when russia was still part of it are on the different sides of the barricade when it comes to resolving the crisis in east ukraine however there are other issues like iran or disarmament or Climate Change in this case it seems that paris and moscow are on the same page and clearly this is also a message to donald trump who recently tweeted that and manual macron shouldnt be speaking on behalf of the u. S. That tweet seem to be very angry but at least from what were hearing from emanuel macron here at ford to brag on song it seems that the french leader is not changing his mind. And you are trying to reporting that of all the russian and french leaders discussed washingtons withdrawal from the intermediate range Nuclear Missile treaty the United States has been busy conducting a missile test launch with a come under that agreement or u. S. Correspondents across that story later in the program. Next i dont trump has launched another so. Gating attack on the New York Times accusing it of producing some of the worst journalism in history help us came after leak the audio and most of the papers executive editor discussing how to cover the president and his administration in the wake of the russia gate scandal his ego is donald trump is a russian acid this message of the not too carefully ciphered in articles and reports has been overwhelming americans and the New York Times seemingly used all the power and authority of its Award Winning journalism to propagate the message. But then came the miller report something that was until supposed to become the fatal blow to Donald Trumps credibility rebound ricocheted and had the media back with the momentum of a boomerang for the New York Times it meant this we built our newsroom to cover one story and we did it truly well now we have to regroup and shift resources and emphasis to take on a different story this is part of a league transcript from dean baquet the New York Times executive editor giving a speech in front of the papers authors this shift hes talking about is far from good news for trump because apparently now the newspaper is going to degrade him from a russian puppet to something arguably much worse a racist. Race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the american story and i mean race in terms of not only africanamericans and their relationship with donald trump but latino asian immigration work to the near times for 15 years i think that the New York Times has immensely damaged its credibility by trumpeting this narrative trump was a russian agent certainly within the last few decades one of the most egregious journalistic failures a terrible terrible failing and. I find it disturbing that dean baquet the executive editor of the New York Times what will even acknowledge it mr kay also likes to put the New York Times on a pedestal for being one of the few remaining independent journalism sources out there except to believe that youd have to deliberately ignore the distinctive scent of partisanship reeking from the papers supposed new racism narrative donald trump publicly and unapologetically embraced a political strategy may hate racism and division hes a man who cosies out to the white supremacist has been about trying to divide us in a way that its been about trying to sell hate and division among us we have a president of the United States is a racist this is a guy who is worse than a racist he is actually using racist tropes and racial language for political gain the newspaper might have begun to retroactively implement the changes since it recently changed the headline of one of its articles from this to this under the pressure from well the democrats so one thing is for sure race will be a huge part of the american story next year the president ial one what happened. The report did not deliver as the New York Times and much of the other Mainstream Media promised that it would and from that transcript you see that they are going to pivot to another kind of campaign against trump which will be focusing on is racism but none of this is journalism and some is a kind of switching of one moral crusade or self defined moral crusade with another their coverage of the russia gate of the russian clues and story was a huge squat and during that story critics accuse them of ignoring other things that trump was doing so now after russia after the russia collusion story as for up to 4 times as decided to cover other issues like trump and racism but believe me theyll do a very bad job. Theyll get a lot of basic things wrong and and. Benefits rather more than they were. Several hours on now the New York Times is it still yet to react to the release of that odia recording and it hasnt responded to a request for comment from on but if we have i will let you know. Thanks to a social Media Network game to young british muslims to stimulate political and religious discussion as it turned out to be part of a u. K. Government Counterterrorism Program reporting next from london has asked a tailor. Basically what is a social News Platform the what being a popular term used to describe someone who is acutely aware of social justice issues especially racism and it uses bright colors its got a multi and bold design and its basically a space for politically engaged young people to come together and discuss the bunny issues of the day. Were created for us to eat what you dont go. What is fake news just lies really which is you know top dog so this. Topic is off limits. Gender issues Climate Change deaconess and cats thats something for everyone and across all it sites has around 73000 for your photos and one of its most successful videos has hit a 1700000 view mark so it does enjoy considerable popularity but if you scroll through its pages you can see that its content is primarily centered around discussions on british muslims identity and politics so alongside islamic holiday said it well wishes you also have debates about varying perspectives on terrorism for example now no one has had an issue with the content of but rather with its sponsor because a report has just revealed that the platform is the covert arm of a u. K. Government counterterrorism strategy not the home office has not been particularly forthcoming about with details of its involvement with wolk it has admitted that it has material from the project but refused to answer any further questions about the motives behind establishing at all or indeed what methods it uses allegedly on the grounds of National Security and its short statement on the issue didnt really help clarify anything further were committed to using all the tools the bubel to come to the throne. From terrorism in the u. K. The home office works and botanists it with a range of organizations to reduce vulnerabilities to organized criminal extremist interest throats in the u. K. Now its not just the wider public or uses who want told about the governments role the report also reveals that people who were invited onto woken actually featured in discussions one informed that it was a part of the home office and initiative this is an initiative called prevent that has caused a great controversy since its implementation back in 2003 and thats been accused of essentially being a state sanctioned spying and targeting muslim minorities so the revelation that wont is a part of that very project probably unsurprisingly was met with quite the backlash this complete absence of transparency is just one of many reasons why there is such little trust between muslim communities and government. So angry about home or this this is what. I cant articulate myself how can the government expect muslims not to have trust issues with our government the betrayal of trust that we face at every level of every institution include an online spaces media platforms arts and cultural events civic life and Everything Else is on this list something i think everyone concerned with racism it all needs to be screaming about this is urgent a recent segment on wont discuss tackling fake news im sure the irony is not lost on many now that when they look at the platform and see it as a manufactured brand filled with content thats pushing secretly an agenda on behalf of the British Government so there are serious questions being raised especially in a country that was of course voted once as the most transparent in the world meanwhile facebook is expanding its fake news climbed down to its instagram platform a new programs reportedly being tested for the public to become their own Fact Checkers if authorized by facebook to do so posts can be marked fake or false and will then automatically be deleted from searches and have pages for example if an image is posted with a simple mathematics calculation by this one under the hash tag math expert the fact checker the market is false post will never appear again under that trend social Media Privacy advocate bill me a bit skeptical he says facebook struggles to monitor its own pages. Its when you get into pictures and primarily with video where things start to get really really difficult and at this moment in time the automated tools that theyre using cannot tell the difference between a cat a dog and a terrorist at this moment in time the harbin certainly would lead you on facebook platform to use an enormous number of me who sit and do nothing but look through these videos to moderate them and to recognize them. Taking this sort of technique to instagram which is largely a picture based medium oversee the same challenges are going to face them and if they havent got the resources to absolutely get on top of things on facebook you have to question whether theyve also got resources to pull isnt always well so i think what we need to see is accuracy and authenticity. An American Mother living in saudi arabia has lost custody of her 4 year old daughter after being told by a court that her lifestyle is too western it after her exhusband whos a Saudi National presented evidence showing how she hasnt embraced islamic values and therefore wouldnt be able to raise their child in a properly Bethany Vieira has 32. 00 moved to saudi arabia and 201132 the university and she later married a saudi businessman with whom she had her daughter the couple divorced last year and things started getting more complicated with accusing him of verbal abuse and drug use claims he denies the saudi court ruled against her the deadline for an appeal to expire on sunday the mother is new to islam is a foreigner in this country and continues to definitively embrace the customs and traditions of her upbringing we must avoid exposing zarina to these customs and traditions especially at this early age we spoke to Catherine Schachter whos a Senior Analyst at the alibi and Public Policy think tank she believes bethany had no chance of winning her case because of her gender. Women to begin away at in the kingdom do not have many rights just because and of course when it comes to custody cases it is very often that the husband has priority and is given everything whereas the woman is giving nothing and i think that in this case they are just using her nationality and the flag she was raised in the west against her alleging that she has pulls an ethic and that she doesnt fit within the Islamic School good at least the version that saudi arabia holds obviously saudi arabia has been repeatedly criticized over it record on the womens rights although theres arguably been some improvement in recent years. Its very difficult to say you know whether the prince is actually really genuine in his desire for we close because they all coming so clearly. Or whether youre just some kind of a quick met a claim to tried to you know its Richard Riley your raw and Public Opinion you know in his favor as it was to truly trying to change what is going on in his society and we have to admit and this is not even an opinion its a fact that saudi arabia is running centuries behind everybody else when he calls to formulating what society is and how people relate to one another and the dynamics. In the kingdom women. Because to get to about 50 percent of society you cannot function as a state if you do not an awful group of creation the right to be to be evil or even to choose for themselves. As you mentioned no towards the top of the program the United States has launched its 1st test of a 500 kilometer Cruise Missile since pulling out of a Bilateral Agreement between moscow and washington they all have treaty was signed over 30 years ago to prevent the production and use of such weapons thats going to speed on this now then life in new york on a kind of open i kind of bring us up to speed on the missile test that. Well we have a sissel word from the pentagon that indeed there has been a test of a missile that would have violated the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty that treaty has now expired and the usa has conducted a test of a missile that would have violated it heres what we heard from the pentagon the department of defense conducted to fly test of a conventionally configured ground Cruise Missile of the u. S. West coast sunday the test missile exited its ground mobile launcher and accurately impacted this target after more than 500 kilometers of flight. Now the test was conducted on San Nicolas Island off the coast of california and not surprisingly this test of a missile that would have violated the treaty was conducted on the very day that the treaty expired now the official reason for the United States withdrawing from the i. N. F. Treaty was that they accused russia of violating that agreement now russia has said they did not and denies violating this agreement we also heard from russian president Vladimir Putin who emphasized that russia wont be the 1st to boost its military if the usa if the usa were not to escalate following the withdrawal of the treaty this is what the russian president said. If we receive very hard information that the u. S. Has been is developing started producing these Systems Russia will be forced to begin its development of suman a missile so even after the United States withdrew from the i. N. F. Treaty we did not see an escalation from russia however the United States has proceeded to test this missile that would have violated the treaty now its important to remember that the i. N. F. Treaty was signed in 1987 and it was a key moment in the scaling down in deescalation and eventually end of the cold war however that i. N. F. Treaty that banned nuclear and missiles of a certain length is no longer in effect now russia has repeatedly reached out to the United States for dialogue around this issue but so far the conversation hasnt seemed to start ok for that kind of open in new york thanks for that. Excalibur has condemned a decision by the British Government to strip a former Islamic State farther of its citizenship using its ally of shirking its responsibilities is arties policy. While the u. K. Has stripped form of fighter jet lifts who has been dubbed by the media as jihadi jack of his british citizenship but not canada has criticized this they say that theyre disappointed in the decision dont forget that this jack lets also has Canadian Citizenship and a statement has been released by the Canadian Ministry of Public Safety terrorism knows no borders so countries need to Work Together to keep each other safe countries disappointed that the United Kingdom has taken this unilateral action to offload their responsibilities lets trucked out of university after converting to islam and moving to syria back in 2014 he participated in a number of battles before being taken hostage by could forces in june 2016 he gave an interview in which he said that his move to the middle east was part of a search for the truth and he denied having ever been involved in Islamic State its a controversial move by the United Kingdom that whenever it finds that its citizens are accused of being involved in some kind of terrorism it needs to strip them of the citizenship it was another case recently of begum who also went to live in syria under Islamic State now according to International Law no country can strip a post some of their nationality if it leaves them homeless as it does in the case of begum lawyers representing her family have actually written to the home secretary and accused british authorities are failing to protect the teenager from being sucked in and being groomed by Islamic State the u. K. Has a long tradition of stripping its nationals of citizenship as a means of. Vaine ting them from returning to britain after they become accused of being involved in terror activities european human rights judges have also ruled that this is illegal and what we see at the moment is hundreds are foreign nationals who joined Islamic State moved across to syria and iraq to fight in their ranks who are now being stripped of their nationality and being prevented from returning home. With almost daily warnings of an impending Global Climate catastrophe Germanys Green Party has been enjoying a surge in support among its ambitious Environmental Policies as a plan to completely fully phase out domestic flights by overhauling the railways but are most germans on board with all that peter all of it takes a closer look. Germanys green policies being in full bloom in the polls of late one of the most recent policies they put forward is a Railway Revolution all trains on a hike to schedule moving at a cheaper price waste that so why fight it with the ultimate aim of making the internal flights in germany i think of the past in the next 50 years by trying to city 5 who want to make domestic flights largely obsolete with all of that said to cost the states around 3000000000. 00 euro a year off the rail passengers think of the proposal i definitely would support the policy i think i draw to take the plane more often at the trains 3 than the plane yeah if that whole network would have to be in a better condition going by train is really expensive and its not very complicated if youre doing a lot of traveling like me its nearly impossible to prove all the wrong to germany on the big 3 so. The moment theres no alternative forms of things because of his suv im not a frequent flyer but in that case i would abstain from flying altogether. My last minute ticket from munich cost me 150 euro if i booked in advance it would have been cheap but if i booked for it to that sounds it would have been a fraction of that cost everybody wants to see travel be quick and cheap bring them however how much of this plan is achievable and how much of it just for the headline. This would be a long way to go because it requires us investments in infrastructure and so far germany is struggling since years to complete right away in a structure projects took 21. 00 which was supposed to make flights obsolete in the south of germany by allowing for fog. To rain kind of train connections between paris and the end of. The broaddrick this delay to paris become twice as costly as the planned time so yes i ask myself how is it going to be put into practice. Here we are in munich now that journey took just short of 5 hours under the proposed plans all journeys would have to be completed within 4 and its not just by lowering train face that the hoping to get people to the plane and take the train its also by raising aspect is part of the plan is to put taxation on kerosene jet fuel on a level with taxation on petrol at 65. 00 euro cents a liter currently depending on the length of the flight passengers will pay up to around 40 euro in taxes according to calculations from the German Environment Ministry increasing kerosene taxes could raise as much as 7000000000 euro are new really here at the may want ports in munich we found a real mixed bag of opinions when it came to getting people off planes and on to trains. It takes them so i wouldnt want to say i was for so much to travel as i think it should be wise versus should be better to invest in the infrastructure of the trains that federer cycles more reliability better prices not going to take the train to bed linwood going now. 10 hours pay like yeah the same of going to kill if he dont care isnt into consideration i think trains are better but not in terms of speed. But when the trains dont go away you need to the only option available is the cost germany has the highest level of call rhona ship in the European Union and the germans love affair with the automobile certainly not going away anytime soon peter all of a. Dont forget you can get more on all the stories were across by heading to altie dot com all getting the apps for him ill be back here with more from the moscow news team and i just have a half an hour in the room singing. What politicians do. Put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and. Somehow want to. Have to go right to the press its like im up for 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of our. City. But after a time so were going underground is the u. N. Security Council Meets to discuss syria ahead of wednesdays 6 Year Anniversary of the still this putrid so called chemical attack in ghouta after which the British Government failed to get the approval of parliament to bomb the country coming up with a show for breakfast its a u. K. Arms sales to saudi arabia we discussed the relevance of goods as steam packed with legendary actor Steven Berkoff over the simple coming up in todays going underground but 1st as Boris Johnsons war ships near irans coast it is 66 years to the day that britain overthrew the democratically elected leader of middle east Oil Superpower iran before the coup labors Clement Attlee covertly undermined. The government of irans Prime Minister well but most of that then came Winston Churchill and his men desperate to effectively steal iranian oil the british sent some of their their officials their agents to washington and late 1952 to. Put across this idea of carrying out a coup they did meet with some sympathy from the incoming eisenhower people but i dont believe that i somehow or or his associates needed any convincing i think they 1st of all did not want to cede that kind of issue to the british i think they believe that they they knew perfectly well how the world worked and what the United States needed to advance its interests they did not need london to tell them that today venezuelan back t. V. Sees the u. K. U. S. Coup is more relevant than a ogust 19th semester remark paid for in american dollars

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