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News center in moscow this is r t pleasure to have your company i mean and oneill our top story french president is meeting Russias Vladimir Putin his summer residence on the mediterranean coast today ahead of the summit in the weekend. On the French Riviera too where the 2 leaders are i believe soon to start talks. Said i can see perhaps not entirely though a holiday out whats expected. You know and you really cant help feeling like you are on vacation here called who are in france but this is a very special moment because right when i began talking to you the. Helicopter of the russian president i hope you can see it behind my shoulder i just want to ask my cameraman to try and zoom in its right there. You can we see it we can actually see it this is the helicopter of the russian president Vladimir Putin arriving at the fort of song that is the summer residence of Emmanuel Macron what a coincidence and its great to be talking to you now and right when this is your timing of the high shoulder now. That was a good one just moving on to i just want to tell you whats happening around here everyones on the beach nobody was told to leave and this looks like something very special because we do understand that the leaders of the 2 countries are meeting right behind my shoulder i believe its only about 400 meters away from where im standing right now of course there are Police Officers around here there are police vans but you know i was once in greece and one of a lot of our putin arrived they asked everyone to leave the whole place was deserted here it seems that nothings changed the risk routines of the holidaymakers around here and you know i think the police are having a good time they are in the shade and obviously this is nowhere near handling some yellow vests protests i guess so again what youre seeing behind me is called fort bragg on song that is the residence the official summer residence of the french president and its been like that for half a century ive seen the area where manual macron and Vladimir Putin are going to sit down together white chairs a beautiful horse yard where you could really feel the Summer Breeze and we know that their conversations at that table well be followed by a dinner and you might want to ask why. Such warmth from the french president well its believed that it could be that emanuel macron once the e. U. To improve relations with russia now that there is a chance for a breakthrough in the ukraine crisis we understand that ukraine is now got a new president and also his party won the majority of seats in the parliament so something new could be around the corner possibly a restart of the socalled talks in normandy format thats when the president s of Russia Ukraine germany and france get together so thats definitely going to be on the table im on other things some of the most important topics will be obviously syria and iran as well and we also have to remember that in just a few days here in france as well but at a different location a g. 20 summit sorry a g. 7 summit is going to happen we do have to remember that russia was kicked out of the g. 8 group that was what its called before because of the ukraine crisis so definitely emanuel will bring some kind of messages from his russian counterpart when he welcomes the other major war leaders in france for the g. 7 summit on the 24th of august i believe so lets wait and see what happens next as far as i understand both president s are going to deliver a message to the media and thats about to happen in 5 minutes or so so watch out for that you know we certainly will if thanks very much for bringing us right up to date on what will be discussed today are to go on the French Riviera. Ok in the meantime lets go with some more global world News Donald Trump has launched another skipping a time on the New York Times accusing the publication of that using some of the worst journalism in history the 1st came after leaked or you emerged of the papers executive editor discussing how to cover the president and his administration in the wake of the brush a gate scandal he said on the principle. Frump is the russian acid this message of the not too carefully ciphered in articles and reports has been overwhelming americans and the New York Times seemingly used all the power and authority of its Award Winning journalism to propagate the message. But then came the miller report something that was until supported to become the fatal blow to Donald Trumps credibility rebound ricocheted and had the media back with the momentum of a boomerang for the New York Times it meant this we built our newsroom to cover one story and we did it truly well now we have to regroup and shift resources and emphasis to take on a different story this is part of a league transcript from dean baquet the New York Times executive editor giving a speech in front of the papers authors this shift hes talking about is far from good news for trump because apparently now the newspaper is going to degrade him from a russian puppet to something arguably much worse a racist. Race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the american story and i mean race in terms of not only africanamericans and their relationship with donald trump but latino asian immigration work to the near times for 15 years i think that the New York Times has immensely damaged its credibility by trumpeting this narrative that trump was a russian agent certainly within the last few decades one of the most egregious journalistic failures a terrible terrible failing and. I find it disturbing that dean baquet the executive editor of the New York Times what will even acknowledge that mr k. Also likes to put the New York Times on a pedestal for being one of the few remaining independent journalism sources out there except to believe that youd have to deliberately ignore the distinctive scent of partisanship reeking from the papers supposed new racism narrative donald trump publicly and unapologetically embraced a political strategy may hate racism and division hes a man who cosies out to the white supremacist has been about trying to divide us in a way that its been about trying to sell hate and division among us we have a president of the United States is a racist this is a guy who is worse than a racist he is actually using racist tropes and racial language for political gain the newspaper might have begun to retroactively implement the changes since it recently changed the headline of one of its articles from this to this under the pressure from well the democrats so one thing is for sure race will be a huge part of the american story next year the president ial one what happened. The moeller report did not deliver as the New York Times and much of the other Mainstream Media promised that it would and from that transcript you see that they are going to pivot to another kind of campaign against trump which will be focusing on is racism but none of this is is journalism and some is a kind of switching of one moral crusade or self defined moral crusade with another their coverage of the russia gate of the russian clues and story was a huge flop and during that story critics accuse them of ignoring other things that trump was doing so now after russia after the russia collusion story has for up to the times has decided to cover other issues like trump and racism but believe me and theyll do a very bad job. Theyll get a lot of basic things wrong and and probably benefits rob more than they will hurt it in the New York Times has not reacted to the release of the audio recording or responded to a request for comment from r. T. E. Or lets not delve a little further into the issue of Racial Division in the u. S. Alleged f. B. I. Documents have emerged detailing how the agency intends to tackle rising levels of hate crime breaking down the story kill up. There are many different threats that are being faced by americas men and women of the f. B. I. This point its Mass Shootings and terrorist attacks that tend to grab the headlines but they are facing another top priority that would be racial Violent Crime racially motivated violent extremism encompasses threats involving the use or threat of force or violence in violation of federal law in furtherance of political or social agendas which are deemed to derive from bias often related to race held by the actor against others including a given Population Group now lets be clear this is not some kind of political statement by the f. B. I. Its actually based on the data that they have collected what they refer to as white identity extremists and black identity extremists are committing crimes in rising numbers heres what they said about some racially motivated violent extremists driven by a belief in the superiority of the white race and a perception that the u. S. Government is conspiring with jews and other minority populations to bring about the races demise of the racially motivated violent extremists use force or violence in violation of criminal law in response to perceived racism and injustice in American Society or in an effort to establish a separate black homeland or autonomous black social institutions communities or governing organizations within the us its true that racially motivated Violent Crimes have been increasing across the United States since 2015 this trend has continued in 2019 even though the overall crime rate in the city is surveyed has declined. Because of. The attack in El Paso Texas underscores the continued threat posed by domestic violent extremists and perpetrators of hate crimes were talking about a wide spectrum of racially motivated incidents and yes White Nationalism has no place in this country i could tell you the majority of people in this country from all walks of life all ethnicities and religions condemn White Nationalism so the f. B. I. Sees somewhat of a spike if you will a growth if you will and people being radicalized through White Nationalism but it is being addressed rather vigorously by the f. B. I. And other intelligence agencies but we have to be careful in this country to make sure that the f. B. I. And other intelligence agencies do not become politicized unfortunately because of the political atmosphere we now see in the United States there has been the politicization of the f. B. I. Ok youre watching our to International Just after the break well be going back to the French Riviera were waiting for france president money out of love him or putin the russian leader to come on its in the afternoon august sun ahead of their talks on talk a little bit to the cameras will be keeping right up to date on the. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Spearing dramatic to follow only im going to do exist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Trace. Gapping the spread is widening into what i call the Interest Rate apartheid if youre in the wrong side of the premise of Geoffrey Epstein you end up in a bantustan of extortion neri credit card rights if youre a friend of Geoffrey Epstein then you get the insider rate of negative and you get paid to lend money or to borrow money excuse me from the bank. With our to international. Decision by the British Government to strip a former Islamic State find her off his citizenship accusing itself of shirking responsibility closely or picks up the story. Well the u. K. Has stripped form of fighter jet lifts who has been dubbed by the media as jihadi jack of his british citizenship but not canada has criticized this they say that theyre disappointed in the decision dont forget that this jack lets also has Canadian Citizenship and a statement has been released by the Canadian Ministry of Public Safety terrorism knows no borders so countries need to Work Together to keep each other safe. Disappointed that the United Kingdom has taken this unilateral action to offload their responsibilities let struct out if university after converting to islam and moving to syria back in 2014 he participated in a number of battles before being taken hostage by could forces in june 2016 he gave an interview in which he said that his move to the middle east was part of a search for the truth and he denied having ever been involved in Islamic State its a controversial move by the United Kingdom that whenever it finds that its citizens are accused of being involved in some kind of terrorism it needs to strip them of the citizenship it was another case recently of begum who also went to live in syria and the Islamic State now according to International Law no country can strip a post some of their nationality if it leaves them homeless as it does in the case of begum lawyers representing her family have actually written to the home secretary and accused british authorities are failing to protect the teenager from being sucked in and being groomed by Islamic State the u. K. Has a long tradition of stripping its nationals of citizenship as a means of preventing them from returning to britain after they become accused of being involved in terrorist activities european human rights judges have also ruled that this is illegal and if the. We see at the moment is hundreds of nationals who joined Islamic State of the cost to soviet and iraq to fight in their ranks who are now being stripped of their nationality and being prevented from the turning her. Ok lets say a brick in again for the this News Conference between russian president Vladimir Putin and his french counterpart and money or. Just begun to talk just making sure they have a translator lets listen in as the french leader some our resident. Caus told them in the tranny and see that always had a very big importance for all relations and a lot of russian are his true writers musicians from russia they used to leave in this region such people is now bulk of that again they have strive in ski and a lot of. Historic figures send they were inspired by these places and todays dielike in discussion are very important for me because were going through a historical period now. And of course were going to talk 1st about the krises weve talked about this and were going to speak about iran we are going to disguise all the ways to discuss the situation in iran then the region the weeks weve been working a lot on it so we had some suggestions regarding this issue and we are in the Constant Contact with the President Trump and with president rouhani. And to so that you know iran in part is they talk to the conditions according to the iranian accord still were going to discuss ukraine were going to discount ukrainian crisis about elections about the choice that were made by president lansky recently regarding that position that he to create simply i know that mr putin had a conversation with him a number of conversation in the last days so we will be able to discuss all of that we will be able to prepare for the future meetings and weve lansky and mr putin and me its a medical we will try to. Get. To work in the normal before him it in a few weeks so we also are going to discuss the situation in syria where a lot of work has been done hand in hand in the rates in months for example and st it is burke in the east and bull we have started a number of human need. Missions weve developed new initiatives and today. We are really concerned about what is happening in the leap because population of 3 at least are living under constant bombardments the civilians children start dying and i think that. The situation is really extreme and there is so we need to stick to the c. Is fired decision that we agreed upon in such as so we need the parties to fulfill these agreements so we are going to develop some consider diplomatic steps and timeframes so that basically means for followed the. Also we did a lot of work to mobilize all the parties all the players and. We will try to achieve stability and to reconstruct this situation and to solve the crisis in syria so thats what were going to discuss later today scenes in france in a few days were going to hold the. G. s savants. Where we are going to discuss these issues as well so thats why i wanted to discuss these matters with mr putin before this summit takes place and. We have a number of topics to discuss and of cores were talking about security about disarmament. In their words some decisions regarding of the i and after treaty and now we need to build the future of the european safety and security is so i hold how a chance to speak thoroughly about these topics to also we are going to talk about the climatic climactic changes i know that recently in russia very important decision was made without ratifying the perrys treaty its an important step on behalf of russia supporting the carrots and chanda its a very important step so like. To mention the fires that the play is in siberia this summer so its all from my condolences and the climatic janda. Its an important issue its an urgent issue for today and i would like to say that the current. Multilateral approach is being attacked from all the sides and we need to think how can we rebuild this world in these way of things and we need to find new mechanisms of cooperation you makeni isnt so that will be useful for all of us and in these cases and this context all right bill lateral relations and relations between russia and e. U. Are of a key importance i think about everything that happened in the last decade about what made us stand further away from each other i know that russia is a european country and i really. Believe it with all my heart and we believe in this europe from leeds byrne to vladivostok. As one the great russian writers sad. So the best i can remember. Russians how good is a specific feature about them. It was the most it was the most european so we really. Need to make room russian citizens to be to become united with the european citizen so i believe in this unified concept so we really need to reconsider rebell of the architecture of chilled trust between russia and e. U. And france is going to play a troll in this approach as you know that we have and you threats that we all face or we can speak about the Nuclear Sphere or about Cyber Threats so we need to work on this agenda and we need to come up with ways to resolve these conflicts together and seems russia is a european country and has its place full fledged plays within the european family and thats why france did all it coots so to bring russia back to the council of europe and since france is the chairman of the. Board of the council of europe we use this chance and we to the necessary measures to make it happen and scenes council of europe. Its very important thing for a council of europe so they really stick to freedom to the lever to use to the Civil Liberties freedom of speech and we also need to see that all these freedoms and liberties were given on the territory of russia seems russia has the right plan contrary believe that. I believe that the presence of mr putin here in bragg and so on today is a very important thing can i really believe that we are going to have a few hours together thank you mr president thank you coming to beg and so on here today thank you for having the time to come here and im really grateful. On my behalf. To thank you for the invitation to visit this wonderful place this is a wonderful residence. We. Had a look. From a helicopter we saw that this area of france is really beautiful and. You see how nice mr mark ronnies our delegation is in the show and his delegation is in the sun so ill try to be brief not to over expose them to the sun. Again we will focus on. Barbell a troll tries. Thanks to the french president s initiative apart from a traditional areas of cooperation we. Pursue our. Dollar between so societies our trade is going up while theres been a. You know drop in the 1st 6 months but there are objective reasons but overall the balance of trade evening out. The total investment of Russian Companies into the French Economy total more than 3000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars. While french investment is 17000000000. 00 in u. S. Dollars about 500. 00 Companies Operate in the russian markets. Ive met. French c. E. O. s. Several months ago we had such a meeting in moscow. Now on the International Agenda for them a little bit i think we will discuss. International affairs and the french president mentioned some of the issues here and there i did certain issues and it was not russia thats with drew youre not unilaterally from the. And from the i. M. F. Treaties. The go world war currently. We are discussing an extension to the new start treaty so far we dont see any initiatives on the part of our u. S. Counterparts while our offers are on the table were also concerned. You. Know on Nuclear Tests we are concerned with the possible mental militarization of space and so we will talk about that in detail we need to know what is. The position of france. I would like to remind you of on the i. M. F. Treaty as i said earlier like to reiterate it once again here in france. We will take up a commitment you know actual commitment. If the u. S. Does go ahead it. Does go ahead with these plans then we will deploy them to. Unless the us deploys them these missiles in a particular region we will not deploy our missiles there too so far we have not heard any response to it it seems that we are being ignored but i think the europeans are interested in having this dialogue in having that response from the us. Would also discuss regional conflicts

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