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On this misinformation right and typically you know theres the official secrets act and if you give. Government information to the media you know youre breaking the law when seal is being linked to everything from the script. To nigeria would you want the u. K. Government. To reprimand steel if you can. On the wrong war which is report well i hope again i think all i know is there was a lot of wrongdoing and i think there was a lot of misinformation and a lot of rules that were broken so i think the more that people more thats the truth is finally exposed and people stop covering up the the wrongdoing back in 2016 i think its its not. Long overdue and i think you know once these. False hoods are exposed i think its really be a positive step forward for each of our countries but you can forgive some for believing in what youre saying a false would surely give in to the d. N. I. Which involves the cia the f. B. I. We have all the agencies they targeted this program they said were in a conspiracy to stop Hillary Clinton from being made president its terrible because a lot of the same people you know that wrote this report you know the top people are you know contributor at c. N. N. And m. S. N. Be a lot of these you know media organizations in fairness to him and i got to say. We can get m i 6 on to refute what youre saying i presume theyd say he knows a great deal about russia is one of the brightest people with the British Foreign Intelligence Agency in famous of the f. B. I. Their top lawyer former joe blow james baker said you know we we took it seriously the dossier but not necessarily literally. What do you make of that from the general counsel of the f. B. I. About presumably allegations against yourself its just so preposterous and i mean. Who knows what they mean you know i think its just such tremendous misinformation and false that have been put out there its quiet and down a little all the russia gate stuff since Robert Willis testimony in congress but he did move us said he had new poets in the final 4th face a war and he wanted to explain this against you in june of 2017 all the people said it would have needed his approval would have you testimony on the. War against you and i think. He largely avoided the question. But i think what he said the reason i didnt have any i wasnt. Well whats unfortunate is that final warrant application was signed by mr rosenstein and so i think there needs to be somebody general until recently. So its really unfortunate and i think its important that we get to the truth because what the false hoods and the law is that they submitted to in a court in the u. S. Federal court. In washington i think is really historic wrongdoing and i think it really needs to be fixed but i think at the end of the day it is you know now that these facts have now that the real facts are starting to come out i think itll itll just show. How you know resilient and how strong he has been from the very beginning and i think it can pass you know out in the mall or reported even alluded to the negative impact that it had on u. S. Foreign policy im cautiously optimistic that if the full truth is indeed exposed as it should be and should have been a long time ago this is a great opportunity for each of our 3 countries but you have no proof that the reason the warrants against you were based on this dossier that the British Government or the Intelligence Services were working with steel law even the loadable pretty well i think there is there have been some reports in the telegraph newspaper and elsewhere. That there was coordination between. Between mr steele in the u. K. Government ok so at least the Inspector General of the devoted just as his people to london for this grilling on presumably allegations against you Robert Mueller didnt even talk to julian assange. For his reports and made allegations about then he went on to say some going to do is that the president is kind of guilty until proven innocent according to us. Know what did you make of. It was really sad. Its funny because when these. When his investigation began in the 1st half of 2017 i thought as a u. S. Former u. S. Marine this person would would have a lot of integrity but its unfortunate that he repeated lies about a 1000000000 deal in iraq congressional testimony yeah why did trump think that was a good guy to be running well you know i think. It was really in a bad position and there is just so much misinformation being pushed out there by the media and its political opponents really rested their credibility on these false rumors going after the wiki leaks founder julian this because. You know i am always very careful about not talking about george i dont know about you know theres been so much wrong doing which was directly. Directed at him. You know and using me as a way of damaging him in the media well the u. N. Says hes been tortured. What was a personal toll for you i know that Michael Flitter was on this program obviously sentence. What was it all of you i dont think hes been. Sent a sentence but he had but theres a shadow over him and these other people with the toll on you watch you know i think about the toll that its had on our country and the world and i mean its been a tremendous challenge but you know im more concerned about the damage that its done for so many other people you know a few of whom you named including general flynn etc which is just a terrible beating that even the d. N. C. Weaponize this kind of disinformation for 2020 you think all these reports i mean well i think thats whats important from historic standpoint in terms of what i will be happening over the months to come i think as as this information continues to be you know exposed with all the wrongdoing that was committed you know you talk about personal toll you know i know having dealt with a lot of these media organizations theyve certainly paid a tremendous price a lot of what is also in the Foreign Policy Campaign Team george puppet opelousas being on this sure. Has been tweeting out his book he is saying that there was a concerted attempt here in this country by your officials in the u. S. Embassy in london who didnt want to elected basically clinton that a fan club across the diplomatic world here in government they just didnt want your president elected well i think that. Again i dont like to speculate and well have to wait and see what comes out in these final official reports just fine were going to know what do you think i do think should take care with Boris Johnson because Boris Johnson theres a picture of him with professor miffs would of course the mysterious professor was implicated in trying to damage the. Presidency of the old europe do you think u. S. U. K. Relations. A little bit more work needs to be done before forgiveness is the order of the day for the White House Well i think you know there is a lot of positive steps that. The new Prime Minister has started to take and you know positive statements that have been made so this is a great new page got a page thank you thanks very much after the break how political and media elites framed catastrophic Climate Change the atlantic voyage of pressure from budget and britain just a quarter away from possible recession would Goldsmith University have to apologise to jason hicks will be all but true of going on the ground. With the. Only. My little course under. The rolls can you say the boy understands with the most intuitive look. This is new with a. Lot of fellows on the shelf last night i was looking at him. Ok see that guy go and be a buddy also look at them out on your buddies comply with most of the socalled small but just choose the fluid souls legroom newborn your partner were complete. Live. Play. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Clint. Lift. And a very warm welcome to you watching us in such. Cast calendar is diary alfonzo a long day has died has changed in page change dard served our heart. Was 1st words were added i will see youre a child of the post you got to use to me. I have no doubt that what happened was criminal. Offense concentrate market is a 1000000000. 00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to sow these products there are numerous stocks showing that doctors work keen to test facts re concentrate straight infectivity on the patient one keeps them doctors the wrong is to play golf term for stuff why that would keep me from secure those whose day. People still die and im always question or so i tried being hard to leave so many have. Welcome back 200 years ago the british people began to learn of an atrocity in manchester that would come to be known as the peterloo massacre it was catalyze a massive crackdown on civil rights and journalism Jeremy Corbyn leader of western europes largest socialist movement and hot on the heels of increasing the British Labor partys share of the vote by more than any leader since 945 invoked it well before this weeks other verse 3 and his bid to be caretaker Prime Minister next year marks the 200th anniversary of the pizza massacre when 50 peaceful demonstrators were killed and hundreds injured on the streets of manchester by troops sent in by the tories to suppress the struggle with democratic rights. The great english poets. Wrote a poem about massacre and that was the origin of last logan for the many not the few ironically given peterloo is remembered not just for shelley but the ensuing media crackdown it is members of corbins own body and parliament who have attempted to crackdown on media like this t. V. Channel and the arguably failed to raise the fate of the worlds most famous publisher julian a son she currently in solitary confinement in london as for the media landscape in britain and 2019 Mainstream Media journalists have been taking time out in august to attack this 16 year old Swedish Environmental activist sailing the atlantic to highlight the threat of global catastrophe every person who fights for the same thing and use voice gets hurt is very important and it doesnt really matter. What background that person has done and it has dedication and wants to fight for a better well well here in britain goldsmiths part of the university of london has been apparently fighting for a better world too joining me now is dr jason who called who is on the British Labor bodys task force on International Development jason thanks for coming back on what is the Green New Deal at goldsmiths than way you taking such extreme measures thats what that will be to the present and therefore really negative actually are quite reasonable compared to what we need to accomplish our con objectives but yeah its a its a comprehensive plan for dramatically reducing goldsmiths missions it focuses on decarbonising the entire institution by 2025 which is consistent with. You know with principles of International Justice in terms of rich countries in the emissions more quickly than poor countries so were really putting about one energy it means different suppliers i mean solar panels its not going to mean you know maximizing universes use of solar panels on available respect its going to be switching to Renewable Energy supplier which is relatively easy to do and the institution can make that happen very quickly its going to mean you know reducing carbon through in the cafeterias restarting with who is the food. Is that god it is just the gods intention yes i mean how can you one u. K. State when dated media outlet said york a tailing choice of food thats the big story about the green. Deal yeah so what the universe is that is to do is simply to remove b. From campus menus its really not a huge that we know the beef is by far the most environmentally impactful and destructive of all periods effectively you know in terms of land use deforestation and the emissions that come for it from every kilogram of protein that we get we consume from beef much more destructive than any other category of meat or even dairy and so getting rid of beef is a very simple thing that we can do to dramatically reduce our impact on the planet over and over again in the i. P. C. C. And other uni parts of come out and other scientific reports are coming out saying that you know reducing consumption and rich nations like britain is going to be essential to us meeting our chronicles and so really theres nothing extreme about this the students have aligned with existing science and are making you know bold and promising choices for a Better Future and they know that even the whole spill europe had recently is credited with the religious will rise in world war 2 to levels why do you think what you and your fellow colleagues at goldsmiths its being framed by the media is students will they be willing to pay higher tuition fees presumably because a lot of the clean Energy Supplies are not as economic i mean whether create a new suppliers are actually in many cases in most cases cheaper than the big 6 Energy Suppliers so thats not an argument but they are concerned about what needs to be done in terms of you know insulating buildings you know removing boiler heaters and shipping to electric heating and so on make everything more efficient in the university which could actually tell significant cost savings ultimately but you know the principle that we need to defend here is that we once both the transition to you know a clean Green Economy rapidly and we also once you know free tuition for Higher Education i think that those 2 go. The principles are not incommensurable we can fund Higher Education and the transition to clean energy with progressive taxes making the people that are responsible for this crisis ultimately pay for it and right now we know that our governments are acting too slowly on this issue and so people are ready to take matters into their hands and what we can do is we can start with our own institutions be it schools or universities or hospitals or Even Companies you know creating a policy in the places that we live and work and accomplish its goals well rhetorically anyway we have a Climate Emergency declared by paula but i mean do you think that i mean young people are also notoriously remain according to the polls bricks it could be a key to enlarging this the green deal across the country because the European Union there for subsidies for beef and dairy cattle from enough to rule well its interesting i mean theres a debate on the left of course about about the climate implications of drugs but ultimately i think that drugs it would be you know potentially catastrophic in terms of our Climate Change position because you know its not enough for just the u. K. To take progressive action on Climate Change we need you know the whole western world in particular to get behind i have never have when britain resumes or not i think if we do it in up with a progressive governments in power in the u. K. That you know lobby very hard to make sure that the rest of it you follow suit and right now those Political Parties in europe like the m 25. 00 the bias for if like us that are putting together a comprehensive proposal for a Green New Deal for europe any minority will julie about the rise of the right of for me what is the right through your well well i think that there are those who dont even accept Climate Change i think some of the other theres a Strong Movement and faith in favor of strong action on this is just that thus far politicians have not been tapping into that for years youve worked on the topic of growth and illusions about the need for g. D. P. Increase and how it correlates to a Human Happiness what do you make of the fact that britain has just seen the. Growth figures down people. Saying its terrible we might go into recession or another quarter goes down germany gloomy good predictions just dry in the compensate for all the media reporting and explain why group is not the key well basically you know when g. D. P. Figures start going down and everybody freaks out and i think that this is not the way to be thinking about it right you know g. D. P. Is a relatively arbitrary figure we could measure economic progress in lots of different ways in terms of human of human well being in terms of ecological wellbeing its not its not our so what g. D. P. Measures is basically didnt of nature and human labor that we turned into money and sell every year right so its not clear that rising g. D. P. Has you know is contributing much to the wellbeing of ordinary people in countries like britain and the reason is because the vast majority of new income from group from growth globally goes to the very richest right so you know we can improve peoples lives right now give people meaning you meaningful work simply by redistributing what we already you know produce and consume in the economy the income that we already generate rather than plundering the earth for more every year i mean the idea that we should pursue g. D. P. Growth and leslie forever at the existing rates is ecologically you know unfeasible and socially kind of surge and should we need a tax on the 16 year old environmental campaigner great as on big optimistically that this 16 year old poses such a threat to vested interests i mean we are getting a kickback against the rise in environmental coal just as we read the bill gates and billionaires telling us you know stop complaining things are actually better now than theyve ever been in human history. Right well in terms of this narrative coming from people like gates and thinker theres a strong narrative that you know we should stop complaining about the way that the Global Economy operates and distributes income because its an even bigger and bill gates is going to begin to write because ultimately they argue that you know new liberalism is also the same dont bend. Reducing poverty etc etc and i think that merits of the empirically flawed so thats something ive been working on recently. I mean is it does that mean that basically hes dangerous bill gates i mean this is huge for. Philanthropy. Its not my job to say whether it is dangerous but my job is to look at data and draw conclusions from that what i can tell you is that the number of People Living in poverty has increased dramatically around the world since 180. 00. By about 1000000000 people in today about 4200000000 people are living in conditions of poverty thats close to 60 percent of the human population and interestingly the you know these are the people who deliver the majority of the labor and the resources that the Global Economy uses every year and yet they get literally pennies for for it in return and i think thats you know fundamentally problematic. So people like get Something Like look those pennies of the earning are bringing them a lot above this arbitrary poverty line they call it of 1. 9 dollars a day but what we know is that living above that level is still living in poverty and scholars have been pointing out that until you have about 7. 40 a day at minimum you know you cant achieve even basic access to adequate nutrition and health care and Life Expectancy so if you measure poverty at that level then things are significantly worse today than bill gates and steve pinker would have it so really that you know the way i see their narrative is that effectively tries to. Take the wind out of the sails of people who are trying to call for a fairer Global Economy direct our attention away from the problem of growing inequality right and we know that you know since 160 is the per capita income gap between rich countries in the global north and poor countries in global south has quadrupled i mean theres been been this dramatic divergence between north and south over the past half century worsening even since colonialism and thats because you know the rules of the Global Economy are effectively organized in such a way as to benefit rich nations at the expense of point actions. And thats fundamentally something that goes against you know the infrastructure that has allowed people like bill gates to accumulate the kind of wealth of they have accrued because the news has been dominated build so much my goodness im going to actually buy the rioting in Hong Kong Chinas growth figures have been hit arguably because of the huge new environmental strategies pursued by beijing whilst obviously admitting protests is part of any democracy and so on why do you think the media in the countries nato countries are so keen to talk about the rioting and all go the narrative as effective leaders are prone to necrotic protesters against and you know. A brutal military state and thats you know thats true and we should support the principle of that of course and china is really a complicated one in this on the one hand we should be able to you know criticize some of its political policies of course but we also need to recognise what is accomplished economically which is has been in many cases to lift people out of poverty at a significantly rapid rate and thats important because this is the one part of the world that was not the design of new liberal policies forcibly imposed on us by western powers right so in the rest of the world in the rest of the global south the world bank and the i. M. F. Imposed structural doesnt programs they were effectively kind of this dramatic. You know free market Shock Therapy that was not done in china and. In countries and weve seen significantly more success from those in those areas so but you know but china success on this front you know which has been using progressive developmental policies like you know state guided industrial policy. You know land reform and so on are ultimately against the kinds of principles that people like bill gates and Steven Pinker and other neo liberals you know call for and thats been a threat to the washington consensus model for a long time every other country in the global south thats brought up policies like that with success has had been reversed by some kind of intervention and i think that china stands and someone is kind of the last well the last man standing really and that is the lesson that i think and i think that the trouble ministration is. It is really the size of about trying to undermine the ability of trying to continue to pursue those economic objectives which is nickel thank you thank you well thats it for the show will be back on monday was legendary james bond villain that just didnt book off about playing Saddam Hussein with his next role will be told trump until then can we talk about social media as a scribe to going on because you tube channel. What politicians do. You put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or something want to. Have to go right to the press this is what the before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of the house. Question. What is do before you came here where did you work before you came here when you live well death row im in many u. S. States Capital Punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims families they are very much in favor the Death Penalty there are some people that because of what they did have given up their rights is live among us some of even proven innocent of 2 years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about it. And this community there are people who believe that its ok if we dont like its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with arguments theres a lot of conflict in the game between the most of the conflict i would say revolves around money and most of them money has made. Us one on each others. Each other this could be the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of prison complex and you get some 20 year life where. You dont care. So you care mind anything. But. I. Will not do. The trumpet ministration urges congress to permanently. Suspended must serve valence program prompting and i cry from rights groups. Coming up on the program the u. S. Issues a warrant to seize in there really an oil tanker off. Court ordered its release earlier this week the vessel had been impounded by British Royal marines in the mediterranean last month. On the family of a girl rejected from germanys most reputable boys choir series for gender discrimination but a court in berlin rules otherwise

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