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A leak in criticizing the us administration. Protect society from the abuse of power. Helps release the full potential of a nation. Under global conference for major freedom is underway in london but our t. V. On the Russian News Agency sputnik from entry. Its just gone 3 am here in moscow watching national with me. And fussed a u. S. Federal judge has told washington it must stop alleging that a russian pharmac used all the election map and was funded by the kremlin or face a range of potential sanctions the court found that such unsubstantiated claims against the Internet Research agency which are not included in the 2800. 00 document against at risk prejudicing a jury. Reports. The mulu report the us investigation the media everyone accuses russia of carrying out a sweeping Systematic Campaign meddling campaign in the us election into in 2016 they did it via 2 methods the 1st one was. Intelligence Agency Hackers g. R. U. Haggis who broke into the d. N. C. Systems they allege stole a bunch of embarrassing democrat emails and then released them causing again embarrassment for the democrats all again allegedly russia denies all of this the 2nd part of the operation is the scribe William Burns the special counsel report outlines 2 main efforts by the russian government to influence the 2016 election. First the report details efforts by the Internet Research agency a Russian Company with close ties to the russian government to sow social discord among American Voters through decision from asian and social Media Operations he said Russian Operations or russian state of russian government operation the Internet Research agency they called the troll farm in the United States in the media theyre accused of spreading disinformation of Backing Trump denigrating Hillary Clinton spreading fake news meddling in the election theyre currently fighting a legal battle against the United States government and the judge has ordered the government to refrain from linking these companies the Internet Research agency and the russian government because in the Mueller Report william said in the new report that they link this company to the russian government theyre carrying out orders on behalf of the russian government they offered proof saying the head of this Internet Research agency is an ally of lied to me a putin that theyve had a number of government contracts and they leave it at that that. Supposed to establish that the company was acting on behalf of the extension of the russian government in the indictment the legal document with the charges with the accusations they make new such link they call them a private entity a private company a federal judge now ordering the government to stop trying to link this private company the Internet Research agency which theyve called the troll and the russian government because it is significant and prejudicial until a trial in the future stablish is otherwise if it does so new york based on the believes the ruling cost out of the findings of the middle report and allowed to trump russia collusion the court has pointed up a great contradiction or a weakness in muellers muellers whole methodology the americans assume that russia and russians are the same thing but theyre not the half of the mule reports thesis is now been invalidated by the other half of the special counsels. Case also very likely untrue because the scenario that mueller outlines in his report just doesnt make sense the chronology does not add up so essentially what happens is we have the 2 parts of muellers case now really just dont add up to anything at all theyre both equally weak. A u. S. State Department Official has defended the trumpet ministrations use of the palace to sell arms to saudi arabia thats despite concerns of the civilian deaths in yemen. It was grilled by senators in the export of 8000000000. 00 worth of precision guided missiles weapons which have repeatedly been used on schools and hospitals and he came up with some surprising justifications as reports well it was a Heated Exchange on capitol hill and it was a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and we saw this state Department Official being grilled over the fact that the trumpet ministration pressed ahead with arms sales to saudi arabia despite the objections of both houses of the u. S. Congress and now the individual in question from the state department was actually the assistant secretary of state our Clarke Cooper is the assistant secretary of state for political and military affairs and he actually said that selling these weapons fits into a strategy of the United States for promoting human rights this is what he said our policy is not just limited to arms transfers it is an expression a manifestation of what else we export. Open Society Human rights that is a part of our policy. We do export the best of america with our arms transfer policy now it has been overwhelmingly u. S. Made weapons sold to saudi arabia by the United States that have been used by saudi arabia in its attack on yemen which is ongoing and has killed roughly 70000 people and its important to note that in 28 teen on average roughly 100 civilians died every single week now when cooper was pressed further he did admit 7 that this has a lot to do with the bottom line and business this is a follow up after he was pressed we do not suspend our security relationship with a partner that carries so much weight for our interests and our equity in the region but youre saying that the u. S. Conventional arms transfer policy can be sacrificed if we have an important relationship with a country no it should not be starker thats what youre doing because youre transferring weapons if you have knowledge that the folly to do National Norms now on may 24th u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei oh and vote an exemption under the emergency arms control act that basically pushed forward 8 point 1000000000. 00 in arms sales to saudi arabia as well as jordan and the United Arab Emirates in response to the senate voted to block the deal with a Bipartisan Group both democrats and republicans objecting 8 most especially in the aftermath of the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in turkey the extra extrajudicial execution he walked in to the Saudi Embassy in turkey and never walked out again in the aftermath of that there has been widespread questioning of the continued u. S. Financial and military relationship with saudi arabia and it seems that this disagreement that we saw before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is the latest public episode of this strong disagreement about u. S. Policy in the middle east and the continued u. S. Support for saudi arabia and to iraq to this madame benjamin told us the state departments defense of. Any credibility. It was quite comical today to hear the representative from the state department say that the United States is exporting open society and democracy by selling weapons to saudi arabia i dont think anybody any of the senators who are listening to believe there are any of the people in the audience but it is really quite tragic there that the u. S. Representatives gets away with saying such ridiculous things the trumpet ministration is going around congress to sell these weapons by calling it a National Emergency and as the senators were asking what is this emergency and its a very dangerous slope when the administration can go around the congress and now that you then give them notification of weapons sales do so much money to be made these weapons manufacturers are very powerful they have strong lobbies in washington d. C. And the other is the American People dont know very much about this because its not our news media and so they dont care very much about it. The British Ambassador to the u. S. The kentaro cuz announced hes stepping down after a series of highly critical comments that he made about the trumpet ministration were leaked to the press in confidential cable sent back to officials in london the diplomat had described the white house as dysfunctional and apt and chaotic. Since the leak of official documents from this embassy there has been a great deal of speculation surrounding my position and that you ration of my remaining term as ambassador i want to put an end to that speculation the Current Situation is making it impossible for me to carry out my role as i would like britains most senior diplomat has been forced to resign and that comes after donald trump the president of the United States that he no longer be able to deal with him hes emails to the United Kingdom they in fact were leaked and they describe Donald Trumps administration as inept now this political scandal has been on ruffling over the last few days Prime Minister to resign may and the labor leader Jeremy Corbyn they were able to publicly back him in fact they said it was regrettable that he was forced to resign and theresa may went a step further in the house of commons earlier today explaining that british diplomats and politicians should be able to stand up for the principles they believe and if indeed they feel theyre under attack this is a matter of great regret that he has felt it necessary to leave his position. The. Whole cabinet rightly gave its full support to sic him on tuesday. So kim has given has given a lifetime of service to the United Kingdom and we owe him an enormous debt of gratitude. Now it must be said that these robust assessments are in fact routine and secure Diplomatic Communications but of course donald trump has taken to his favorite platform of social media off twitter to vocalize his anger in fact calling for kim few fit guy i know it must be says that number 7 has tried to distance itself from 2nd darrick assessments and communications by saying that they do not really support the u. K. Governments opinions having says that its not up to number 10 nor theresa may and what they have to say in fact all eyes are now on Boris Johnson or jeremy high. And of course one of the 2 will become the next Prime Minister and both of them have very different opinions when it comes to this political saga the wacky ambassador that the u. K. For we stood upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with a very stupid guy he should speak to his country and Prime Minister may about their failed breaks in negotiation and not be upset with my criticism of how badly it was handled donald trump friend speak frankly so i will these comments disrespectful and wrong to our Prime Minister and my country you said the u. K. U. S. Alliance was the greatest in history and i agree but i need to treat each other with respect as threes im a is always done with you ive got a Good Relationship with the white house and ive had no embarrassment in saying that the United States is has been will be for the foreseeable future our number one political military friend well there you had the gaffe prone guy Boris Johnson with his usual explicit flair and of course this has angered many in the house of commons who are deeply critical of Boris Johnson stance in fact that also includes the Foreign Office minister sir alan duncan and hes accused mr johnson of throwing the ambassador under a bus now we do know that the British Government has announced a full scale investigation into how these unvarnished thoughts of the kim derrick ended up on the front pages of a National Newspaper over the weekend following that many really are enraged and they really do believe that this is a very bad day for british diplomacy a very bad day for angloamerican relations because they consider the former now ambassador of the u. K. To the United States as a man who has been hailed with the height of professionalism and class. In the latest edition of going on the ground which you can catch on r. T. Dot com a former White House Communications director tells afscme a ton see he believes the British Ambassador was the victim of a political hit job inside the Foreign Office we asked optionality a who if anyone might stand to benefit from secure his departure. Well it goes Boris Johnson presumably the new Prime Minister of this country in 2 weeks time was the foreign secretary and had access to all manner of the intelligence operators but of course in a sense this is also mysterious and i did our scans and hes got a movie about this we know through Edward Snowden who is taking asylum in moscow that the 5 eyes project indeed the National Security agency they have access to encrypted emails all around the world why did it take a leak from london to a british newspaper to inform donald trump that britains man in washington had such a low opinion of donald trump do they not know these things without people here for whatever political reasons for whether whatever hit me and reasons they can they just get it from surveillance do they really need it leaked because of internal politics here that is about the succession after theresa may in downing street art has been banned from attending a conference on reality afraid of any more not after the short break danko. And you try and be professional you try and leave it outside the door you try and put in the come up compartment in the eyes its in your brain and so you can forget about it but little by little these. These little whispers come and for me it was actually putting some ice into my wifes glass of gin and told me the science and the sound of ice cream to the glass reminded me of how we can the bodies queen in bali which was with banks of supermarkets our ice. You know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Back day one of the global conference for me to freedom has been held in london cohosted by britain and canada however not allowed through the doors as all 10 russian sputnik newsagency were barred from the party. A free media both protects society from the abuse of power. And helps release the full potential of a nation signing pledges and making speeches isnt us enough they must make sure that their laws respect Media Freedom the formula to reduce journalese is simple and effective and government in many countries are Getting Better at destroying the free press. The gun that was used to shoot a majority still lives is. And that same gun lobby use against the politicians if we dont stand up and fight for Media Freedom 60 minutes is the thousands of reports and thousands of esteemed members of Civil Society and academics are all due to attend this inaugural conference on Media Freedoms around the world its hosted by the u. K. In the canadian governments here in london one of the special guests is a certain clooney the International Human rights lawyer also the wife to the hollywood Actor George Clooney shes been appointed britains special envoy on Media Freedoms here at this event the gates to which is just behind me but guess who isnt going to be inside thats right its me here i am billy no mates outside left out in the cold because myself and my artsy colleagues and also colleagues at sputnik which is the other russian News Organization that broadcast in english weve all been banned from attending the global conference on Media Freedoms we applied in good time for press accreditation like all the other Media Outlets and we received a pretty standard stock reply it said unfortunately we have been unable to approve your application to a credit as media i think that should have been a warning sign but we thought maybe we just theyve run out of space theres nothing specifically about us in that reply but behind our backs other news channels got a very different message we have not accredited or sputnik because of their active role in spreading disinformation well its not possible to accommodate all requests for recruited fiction journalists from across the worlds media are attending the conference including from russia the russian government is. Impressed with this lack of hospitality to say the least the Russian Embassy here in london has written to the Foreign Office to express its expressed resolute disagreement with what has taken place and Russias Foreign Ministry spokesperson maria zahar of us also weighed in take a listen. Has demonstrated their true intentions in 2 to Media Freedom by turning the event into the means of achieving opportunistic political and we believe other countries and responsible journalists will draw their appropriate conclusions and we hope the human rights n. G. O. S who are Relevant International actions hes will not shy away from stating their position. And the artsy News Organization itself has released a statement take a listen it takes a particular brand of hypocrisy to advocate for freedom of press and inconvenient voices and slandering alternative media cycle of the world has learned to expect just that from the u. K. Foreign office are not the only journalists that cant attend the global conference on Media Freedoms i dont want to compare myself to Julian Assange but the editor of wiki leaks is currently incarcerated in a prison. And there is a small demonstration here calling for his release chanting freedom to Julian Assange and now julian the songes mother found out about r c not being allowed to attend and shes tweeted her response take a listen to why she thinks we havent been allowed maybe r. T. Will still listen practicing Media Freedom by reporting the facts of the political persecution of my son journalist julian the sunshine nor to norty dont you realize you are supposed to get Us Government clearance 1st then and only then are you free to publish one more important thing to note here which i think is quite curious. Is that although russian state funded news outlets which broadcast in russia say some colleagues of mine here in london have been allowed they have been accredited and they have been inside attending the conference as for me im out here ive got my eyes on this case a restaurant. Former british i mean steve involved says the b. B. C. And r. T. Arent all that different but london is sending a clear message to moscow well i think all to you is being singled out of the sea because its seen by the Foreign Office many politicians both here in the United Kingdom in europe and the United States as being the voice in vehicle of the russian government will want to could argue that the b. B. C. In many ways is the voice of the british establishment particularly if you look at the way that the European Union and the referendum and the brics issue is being discussed upon by the b. B. C. So i think what it is is the Foreign Office is very clearly making a statement to president putin and the russian establishment that we will not have your voice listened to in europe and we will try and stop if we can. Increase in numbers of people with diabetes the United States say they have no choice but to go to canada to get affordable insulin a group we spoke to spent 15 hours on a bus trip to buy the medication that costs just a 10th of what it does in the u. S. So this is when i just went just c. V. S. In minneapolis minnesota and the retail price of that violence 340. 00 when i saw a london ontario to pick it out at the walmart pharmacy there. In u. S. Dollars the retail price was 26. 00 so there is a huge price just crept in c. And so 1st so Many Americans they just simply cant afford that i have never had to personally ration insulin but from the high cost of insulin i have had to go into debt because of it ive had to put it on credit cards ive had to reach out to family members to help me pay for it because it has gotten too expensive that i cant cut. Because that astronomical kamaz but i also realize there are people that are not as fortunate as me and they dont have family members they can reach out to that can help bail them out according to the Diabetes Association in the u. S. 30000000 a current living with the illness while more than 7000000 on insulin now insulin remains the main treatment for diabetics to control glucose levels it was fos produced in 1021 in toronto and canada but then the patient was sold for just one dollar with the hope of making treatment available to anyone who needed it but a spike in prices between 20122016 has to start rationing the medication nicole smith told from the Diabetes Charity Team International told us about the tragic consequences of having to limit doses. The price is raised to over 1200 percent the past 20 years and theres just no reason why its been increasing to the point where people just theyre dying because they cant afford their insulin my family has paid the ultimate price of the pharmaceutical Companies Price gouging their patients in 2017 my 26 year old son passed away. From diabetic ketoacidosis from rationing his insulin and he was rationing it because he couldnt afford it the Monthly Price for his insulin and diabetic supplies was 1300. 00 is going to such an extreme that people are resorting to some really drastic measures to be able to get affordable insulin and people are traveling outside of the United States and going to other countries to purchase it where its actually affordable the director of the Washington Pain Management Center told us hes calling for fat competition and the u. S. Policy tickles industry. Sometimes it happens the United States the f. D. A. Requires pharmaceutical industry to have a certain standard of care and standards are great but sometimes Small Businesses cannot enter that market because its such a barrier by making a 1000 dollars or 3000. 00 a year in a product when i as a company want to get into that maybe we need 6 companies but we need a company and the way that you do that is again make sure theres a less of a barrier to make this product if you use competition then me as a patient im empowered to understand how much is this medication cost is this product equally as good why would maybe you know take a lesser expensive medication than the other thats on us all back around 30 minutes with more playable updates to do stay with us next stop is watching the hawks. Join me every thursday on the Alex Salmonds show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics Small Business im showbusiness ill see that. During the Great Depression which im old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working class and it wasnt it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. There was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt today todays america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. Reduced democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no im chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite. Thats what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. Greetings and sally you taishan us 1st they came for our brick and Mortar Stores and now it appears they want well they want our actual mortar fire as well im talking of course about the good folks at amazon ark watchers whove been gunning for the opportunity to build the pentagons new war cloud in case youre wondering just what a war cloud is well its like the cloud but for all things pentagon so basically sell your eyes death destruction and sanely bloated budgets officially called the joint enterprise defense infrastructure plan or for those of you to love a good acronym the gen clan yes the jet diet plan according to Associated Press the military is computing project would star in process of bast amounts of classified data allowing the pentagon to speed up its war planning in fighting capabilities and the Defense Department had hoped to award the winner take all 10000000000. 00 contract for jet i had to either amazon or microsoft as soon as august but now now things are looking a little tricky it appears there is a bit of a legal challenge by tech Company Oracle originally was in the running for the contract you see oracle is claiming that the pentagon showed favoritism towards amazon during the bidding process which apparently is a big no no in washington but is it really though im looking at you mr cheney and halliburton remember that our good friends at amazon already built and control the high security cloud hovering over cia headquarters in langley virginia and it appears this may have led the pentagon to fashion the contractor john i specifically to amazons capabilities leaving others without the

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