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Welcome on the watching the hawks i am i robot and im to have. My little alvarezs very well known to anyone who lives in new york during that time and was there. Hes always been a part of that sort of struggle to get the fire to firemen and 1st responders and police that were down there in the specially during those 1st few days when it was the worst making sure they were never forgotten and i think its you know he says it in and he said it and his congress you know you keep saying you always said never forget they slapped on t. Shirts they sold us. And and to me it shouldnt even be an issue now the House Judiciary Committee unanimously voted to pass the never forget heroes act which will extend the fund through 29. 00 d. And Madge Mcconnell said he would agree to let it go to the floor thats the the bill that he was speaking on. You know its tough i think all of this you know when you look at the numbers the other people that have died were afflicted with diseases from 911 because lets not forget the Bush Administration says it was safe for everyone to be down there. You know youre talking there was tens of thousands of 1st responders a ground 0 more than 70000 have actually rolled in that program for help. But look 32000 of them have developed respiratory or digestive tract diseases 705 of them have died from those diseases 9001st responders are affected by cancer 600 have died at this rate experts are saying theres going to be more deaths from the diseases from ground 0 and from inhaling all of that garbage. Than the actual people who were killed on the day that is truly tragic and truly breaks my heart because again our government that everybody rushed in there let everybody to have that happen despite without actually testing to see if it was safe and then lying and letting them go in there. And as i remember it is not just the 1st responders and everyday i think theres a lot of people who live just in manhattan and beyond the area that we have been told for many years and are doctors if they know you are there and they know where you lived and they know you are exposed to that at all during that time i am told my mind doctor every year we check we have certain theres certain blood tests and certain things that i have to be careful of because im at risk of getting a say version of of any of these cancers that these firemen have got to bring in every every day because nobody told us and nobody was handing out masks to people or anything on the street but i think the question of patriotism that you brought up this is this is what makes a patriot. I mean when you look at this guys life he rushed into the scene to save people and to help people stay there long after he fought for his fellow 1st responders and fellow americans who were sick from this thats a patriot patriotism is by action and i think its tell me if im wrong but it feels like far too easy today whether a politician or pundit or whatever Everyone Wants to claim they know papers and they get the market or everyone most of that everyone you know is so supportive or. So america in you know youre going to stand for the sanctity of a nike shoe when it comes to the you dont think its ridiculous why the fact that these guys have to come in every year and ask for this money you know that fund runs out of money very soon at the end of next year if they dont get to the v. A. Is still in the situation it said to me thats how you judge your countrys patriotism so the people that set up on capitol hill im the lobbyist and everyone who makes money from veterans while walking across their backs to the Lincoln Memorial and making speeches or doing whatever youre going to do and slapping it on a t. Shirt or a Bumper Sticker or using it to. And this is everyone knows that im not being partisan this pretty much goes across the aisle that if youre a politician using vets to get votes you better deliver on it you better take care of it because to me thats a patriot i mean you can fight in a war you can do these things but its the people you know its people who take care of them and put them 1st. Thats to me its more than a flag your patriotism is more than just a flag and saying its great. We often ponder the possibility of curing some of humanitys scariest disease that no diseases now it seems the reality of the cure is closer than we think a group of scientists came across promising news hopefully bringing us one step closer to curing hiv our t. Correspondent not dissuade has more about this fascinating study from los angeles. According to a new study scientists cured 9 mice of hiv for the 1st time in history and now researchers are testing the same technology on primates globally more than 36000000 people are infected with hiv and about 5000 become infected daily here in the u. S. Roughly 1100000 are living with the virus hiv attacks the bodys immune system and can turn it into aids on average those infected with aids died within 3 years but now there may be hope for a cure published in the Journal Nature Communications this week researchers from the louis cat school of medicine at Temple University and the university of Nebraska Medical Center show the results from their study researchers used a combination of Crisper Technology and antiretroviral therapy called laser ards Crisper Technology allows genetic material to be edited laser arts or presses the virus from replicating however laser does not eliminate hiv from the body if treatment stops cells will continue to replicate Scientists Say they 1st use lasers are to reduce hiv growth then chris. As chemical scissors to rid integrated d. N. A. From the body researchers say hiv may be more difficult to treat in humans being that humans are much larger than mice and will likely have much more hiv to destroy well scientists are looking to have the food and Drug Administration approved their Clinical Trials for humans in 2020 as for now they say they are aggressively using this technology on primates 40 years after the aids epidemic began in los angeles and sweet r. T. This is one of those things that sort of gets me 40 years. You know and i realize i have to live in my whole life knowing about that having been born sort of into that into that time and time period and i think whats really interesting is that this announcement comes almost 38 years to the day that the New York Times famously have a headline that read where cancer seen in 41 homosexuals its one of the things that really set it out to be this that it wasnt something that anybody oh its only if you were a gay man only if you were with us in fact at least we called grids they related immunodeficiency syndrome and and how far weve come from there to here and that were on the verge of a cure the c. D. C. Says 1100000 People United states have hiv but whats really scary about that is one in 7 dont know they happen. To this day yeah people are still afraid people are so afraid even like surgery that they figure its gone or whatever you know its interesting we talk about timing because were june 27th is was national hiv testing and speaking of people you know you have to get tested you should always get tested you should always check because you dont know when this is you know until this cure you know is this is real but even so even so for instance so make sure you dont have. The centers for Disease Control recommends that everyone between ages 13 and 64 get tested for hiv least once as part of their routine health care which to me is pretty obvious i mean globally the numbers are still big 36900000 people are living with hiv 217 im praying that this Technology Comes through it would be nice to see a disease cured in our time yet used to happen but i would be nice to see what happened today yes i mean we do know its funny because you know you watch you know our parents our grandparents off things like polio eradication cured but eradicated are these things that i think you know with hiv weve come so far to a place where you know now we have hey we might be able to take these genes on like you look at it its this video its amazing when you see what they. Doing its gene editing with you know blood transfusions all of this together and this Laser Technology it would between that and at things that are vaccines for it that theyre also developing i think were looking at a really important future and part of that is because of education and a really big person who was at one point about education of the struggle of h i. V. And aids was Elizabeth Taylor the late great and i think what she said about the issue one thing she said that was so important and it says what it is its bad enough that people are dying of aids but no one should die of ignorance and thats you know thats what this says if we look at if we Work Together if we dont make it a social disease if we and thats with any distro that when we get together and we work on it we can find a cure or we can find a way of growing quote unquote all right it would go to break clock watchers dont forget to let us know what youre going to profit from cover the facebook you tube and twitter be sure to check out watching the hawks the pod cast which is now available on spotify apple music and everywhere you can find yourself listening to podcasts and also see our poll shows of our 2 dot com coming up with the summer heat rising racial tension with a major protest planned this weekend here in the Nations Capital were joined by black lives matter after the smoky agree their mates will go over to discuss a protest because of their message of well standing up to face so they took a walk in the hall. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy one sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race is on all sides here. Dramatic development only personally im going to exist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical of time time to sit down and talk. Public especially Younger Generation got fed up with all sort of just because. They failed in a democratic reforms they are failing this. Economic reforms as well and when so russian chromed is sitting in a chair all day with parliamentary term and parliament of georgia its made people simply mad to know because then everyone realizes that this government has failed with everything and now they allowed some russian combest to take seed took care of the northern part of the parliament where anybody independence was actually declare. My 7 years doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my system just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse americas public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill. Then the war on drugs. There are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. Certain sins for minor minor offenders in the drug trade its a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say by daddy as youre walking out of the business its just it doesnt get easier. On june 6th its just a few short days following washington d. C. Celebration of independence and u. S. President on a salute to americas celebration 2 political rallies will be converging on the Nations Capital on one side you have the demand free speech freedom rally featuring controversial speakers and activists like below you novelists and laura loom or along with all right activist groups like the proud voice on the side of the political spectrum the all out d. C. Rally will feature speakers and activists from black eyes matter occupy wall street and other progressive groups after witnessing the deadly White Nationalist violence that took place last year in charlottesville and ends of his recent attack on an all right journalist in portland many are legitimately worried about the potential for another round of tragedy as these 2 opposite ideologies confront each other on the streets of washington joining us today to discuss this weekends rallies the convergence of those 2 rallies and how to keep the peace in a sea of tensions is black lives matter activists macare green and a program ends thank you so much for joining us things having us here i want to i want to 1st start out and ask you guys what it was 1st what is the goal of all of d. C. And then secondly you know in light of the violence weve seen you know in the past few years these rallies you know when you see these 2 sides kind of converge. You know can these 2 always be the be peaceful as we can things be be peaceful from which we go at it like thats where the discussion literally begins right i think this idea of violence that its always like to end this discussion is one that actually has to be unpacked because its not us who brings the violence as people of color of people in marginalized communities we are always under the threat of violence. Its the police that bring the guns that bring the baton and the authority to use force and its historically most recently and you know throughout history its the its the right that brings the weapons and the intent to actually cause harm also is really important so that the problem is are directly related to videos of violence right in new york you have the right is directly related to violence and so a lot of people we talk about saying that were not trying to start a race where were actually trying to end one. And were trying to stop the violence that they have been supporting and raising awareness and thats a lot of what all of d. C. Is trying to do and thats really the goal of. Our goals are one we want to make sure that we out shine them right that we overpower than when it comes to how many people are going to be out there we want to make sure that folks know that we are going to withdraw our consent from this the rise of life the premises White Nationalists ideology that has happened throughout this country but the rise of selected is not ok and we know that it has direct impact and direct relations to the state of the country one of the things thats hard is trying to figure out how everyone i suppose that in that situation when you come into this because as you said certainly you know blacks as not are these they are coming into anything with this idea of were here to cause hurt were here to have acts of violence unfortunately then youre stuck in the middle between you have these far right and sort of far left groups both are coming with you know weapons and police who may be on either side of that debate and let somebody commit acts of violence or get involved in it how how does one navigate that what do you do and how would should activists and allies and people who want to go to these things but. Our understanding of the environment was how do you walk into that was also i want to say that theres an assumption that the far left comes with violent black eyes matter yeah right like not dealing with weapons or anything just a little bit of that and i were talking about it sort of theres specific people are coming there for violence and there is one of the political spectrum which doesnt really matter there are good people who are coming and they dont care about their politics or their cost and i think that some of their their violence has already reached you see a lot of that is building up this cycle fake narrative about who is coming and that were targeting this march and for and for activists and those who show up like from d. C. And to to counter protest for say i said we walk in our power thats how you walk into that situation were going to be there were going to throw basically a joyous party a joy of a party thats about you cannot take liberated space from a right you can do whatever you want but the fact of the matter is that were going to be unbothered were going to be on bothered because were powerful were whole people with that was you know with or without you and i think you walk in that space and just say hey life. Fear is. Actually out of whack. Theres a lot it reminds me of there was the march last year when nazis came to. The only way to describe people who self described as nazis got a permit to march in our city who live here and when you went to that it was the fear of somethings going to go wrong and we all had like exit strategies and i told my friend run down here if anything happens dont get in the middle of the and it end up being you said there was more joy of the people there so that was that was our intention we held a black to a rally at the unite the right to protest as well and there were about 2000 people to there 30 folks there they its hard for people to feel like they have to choose a side but at the end of the day you are going to have to choose the side of life youre going to have to choose the side of supporting marginalized people and the side of liberation and when they did it was victorious you know its interesting because a lot of times you know when you when you when you see people who kind of only get their information through the screen or they only see the pictures of you know theyre not there theyre not on the ground theyre not seeing how dominoes events fall into each other and what causes a lot of these things you know they always i hear a lot of times like well maybe if you just let the nazis are coming to town theres 20 of them or you know guys with tiki torches talking about white power if we just let them walk dont bother him dont counter protest dont do these things maybe the cameras wont show up maybe theyll be ignored maybe it goes away what do you how do you respond that kind of like critique or that kind of criticism saying like look if you ignore this it disappears or it wont get emboldened by all the all the Media Attention and things like that and i definitely think the fact that were even talking about whether or not you can ignore them i mean you cant write i think that what youre choosing to do by ignoring them is really just the tension away from having to actually talk. And think about it because the fact of the matter is that that kind of rhetoric and thought is not new number one its always been there its always been there with the same people or people theyre dasent to so also its been growing and it will continue to grow whether we acknowledge it or not this is a tactic for recruitment when you look about 2 years ago before shows will happen when you had 9 nooses being dropped around d. C. We had Richard Collins being murdered on. Campus by someone who was affiliated with the White Nationalist Facebook Group these things you saw recruitment stickers like youre diverting your attention they are recruiting they have been recruiting and it has a real impact on our lives with the rise in hate crimes so this rally is a recruitment tactic and it seems that thats what it is theres this idea of sort of branding. And im seeing more of them in fact in the last couple of days there was a gentleman who was involved with the one of the groups there are so many horrible groups and horrible i was going to say there are so many horrible groups of horrible ideas that want to march you know straight pride whatever but one of them has pretty much said were going to seattle and were doing one in august and were coming at them and were bringing guns and this is war and Everything Else and. I dont even know like how do you even like how do we process that when you have people who are straight up saying were going to go there and cause violence. Theyre clear about it. What do we do to get our lawmakers to do something because that just seems riddick that to me just seems like that is a threat of violence you have no business in the streets of that city you should be in jail and i yeah and i think thats another good question to unpack is that its not the elected officials i wouldnt be looking at like we like to say we keep us safe were actually going to talk about what keeps us safe knowing that that kind of ideology has always been there especially for black folks in this country it doesnt surprise us that someone would come out and say hey this is what im harming and im going to cause so that what is saying is that we need to redefine what safety looks like and how do we keep each other safe and knowing that especially here in d. C. Last year it was the metropolitan Police Department and the Metro Transit Police who protected them i mean the whole cars of metro trains and you know countless officers around them and then knowing how they cheated face when he preferred protesters who were just in the area of descent of the president of the moderation i think the answer to that is that i think if you want to do an inside in an outside strategy right inside strategy is like you need to get your lawmakers to start regulating it and the institutions that support White Supremacy right like theres a reason why you have so many white you have White Nationalists and White Supremacists and races who are attracted to being police or being an ice age or i would be more control right like these institutions that were built within White Supremacy and continue to perpetuate it so in the inside strategy yes you need to regulate those positions and one of the things we were talking about earlier was this idea that this shouldnt be a surprise to anyone whos paid attention because. As 10 years ago 15 years ago there were studies from the government saying the White Supremacists were infiltrating the police local state federal level Prison Guards everything most of the people if you look at statistics that are involved in. Police car police guards who are dealing drugs a lot of the revolver almost all of them you find it all connects to a system of white suppress this White Supremacists which just seem to be a criminal organization but we have to sort of live with them as we try to break down the system so why are these marches so important that a lot of people say oh ok youre going to march whats it going to do why are these sort of gathering so important because of the same side were trying to recruit more people who are not afraid right where you are listen even if you are afraid youre willing to act anyway right so every time we do one of these marches we get better at coming together and then you can connect with us because were not just doing marches were organizing you know i want to say thank you guys so much for staying on today be safe out there this weekend because the lines practice lovely always lovely to have you on and great discussions as always thank you so much and well have all the information for the march on our social media pages twitter and ill Read Everything thank you thank you so much. The Great Southern American Solar eclipse gave our southern neighbors quite a show this week when a Solar Eclipse took over their skies starting at the chilean coast at about 4 40 pm the umbrella or moon shadow swept across the Andes Mountains then into r. And argentina it was visible from peru bolivia ecuador paraglider year ago and various areas within colombia brazil venezuela and panama but if the view from the ground is an impressive enough for you maybe this turns out using the goes west Weather Satellite operated cooperation between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and mass of the images captured show not only an impressive eclipse but a category 5 hurricane as well. You know that little circle right there is hurricane barbara shes just about 1000 miles southwest of Baja California and has 4140 mile an hour winds but dont stress there is no indication shelby anywhere near a land mass and any time soon as for the total Solar Eclipse youre gonna have to wait until december of 2020 to see the next one and badly as well as our show for you today remember everyone in this world were not told you love them enough so i tell you all i love you. On top of the well its keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night. As we speak large organize care of it are on the march to the United States that. This in the end a player coming out for not giving. Us these remains sitting down. This is a virtual invasion of our country. On the part of that but. You know its going to be. A nice. If you do is you know were going to see a more. You know what to. Do if you will not obey the voice of the lord your god will be careful to do all the school long months and the statutes. In all these courses shall come upon you and overtake you. And then the white people just dont profit and must pretend to black people if they get rid of whites only problems will go away. Within the. Presence of the fickle little. People being tortured to death expression the elderly people in the. Mania somebody if somebody. In the. White horse will find themselves affected by a crime and. Point to one of my means in dreams oh its all sweats and a lot of. What are you going to have for dinner today we dont have anything im asking for his name im a bad. Civil war in south africa. Brother fred. Was there any chong not be in the total viewer and to get. Them to financial survival guide. To your town. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. As a report. I think. That. A little bit on the. Look of it. But i was. Glad amir putin has landed in rome on his 1st visit to italy since year of skeptics came to power spoke of the strength of the pirate lateral times ahead of the trip. Also this hour russias defense minister says the foreign which claimed the lives of 14 sailors on the deep sea submersible broke out in the vessels battery compartment gave assurances that the subs Nuclear Energy installation is secure. Iran warns the u. S. Not to start a fire if it cant handle the consequences after trump warned the Islamic Republic not to play with fire increasing its uranium enrichment. They know what to do with the you know with the airplane with think theyre playing with fire for the u. S. To correct

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