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Parliament that is Member States are locked in an impasse over who gets brussels. Very well welcome to you youre watching r. T. International with me. Our top story this hour 14 sailors have died in a fire on the deep sea submersible in russias northwest arifin joined us earlier with the details. All what we know right now we know from Russias Defense Ministry the vessel belonged to so it was a scientific submersible its mission is to explore the bottom of the sea of the ocean at the time when the crew has been doing that testing has been. Conducting specifically their path in metric measurements or something close to topographical mission the results are used in underwater mapping to help vessels and submarine. In the area navigates so at the time when the crew has been doing that for russian navy the fire started no one could say why but 14 people 14 sailors i assume crew members on board died the defense minister reports because of the poisoning so i guess they failed that toxic smoke and this is what killed them we also heard from Russias Defense Ministry that the fire has been put out quotation due to selfish actions of the crew and we now that we know that now the vessel is to one of russias military bases in the northwestern city of 7 or more this is actually what we know an investigation is currently under go in and nurses Defense Ministry is in charge. Social media platforms are preparing for the 2020 u. S. President ial election facebook has unveiled a Pilot Program to monitor hate speech and says it will ban ads that discourage people from voting but there are concerns about the Company Controlling just what people can see as aussies caleb morgan explains. Yes the world is a scary place lots of different views and opinions out there but dont worry Silicon Valley is going to keep our mind safe from being contaminated by bad ideas they know whats best for you and me facebook has come out with its 1st major announcement of 2019 and as part of its ongoing civil rights audit its going to have a team of hate speech reviewers civil Rights Groups have been concerned about us mistakenly taking down compton meant to draw attention to and fight discrimination rather than promoted were taking steps to address this including the u. S. Pilot program where some of the people who review content on facebook only focus on hate speech instead of a range of content the can include bullying nudity and misrepresentation and its not just those hateful nasty comments theyre going to protect us from in addition as we have the 2020 us president ial election and the upcoming federal us census approaching they will protect us from inappropriate comments about them so you think the vote is rigged against say Bernie Sanders like it wasnt 2016 well Facebook Says you best keep that analysis to yourself to protect elections we have a team across product Engineering Data science policy legal and operations dedicated full time to these efforts theyre already working to burn ads that discourage people from voting and we expect to phone law as the new policy and its enforcement before the 20000000 teen gubernatorial elections and its not just facebook thats concerned about what we might choose to read other high tech overlords are in on it too even donald trump has noticed he says thats an attempt to insert bias and hurt him in the upcoming election twitter is is just terrible what they do you saw what happened yesterday with Google Google is totally biased to trying to rig the election thats what we should be looking at now which on to the phony which and which is proven to you oh and trump does have a point if you. Look at twitters new rules they say that they will now be hiding tweets from World Leaders and politicians that have been left online despite violating the rules due to the Public Interest now these tweets were only be available in rare cases there are certain cases where it may be in the publics interest to have access to certain tweets even if they would otherwise be in violation of our rules on the rare occasions when this happens well place a notice a screen you have to click or tap through before you see the tweet to provide additional context and clarity well also take steps to make sure the tweet is not algorithmically elevated on our service now of course twitter did not mention any particular president but mainstream us media has read between the lines and they are overjoyed jack dorsey lays the groundwork to finally some for trump but will executives that ever pull the trigger twitter wont sense a trump through breaking tweets but who will make them harder to find is this the fix to one of twitters most delicate problems trump tweets have gotten so bad that twitter to my stunt giving the morning labels so in the lead up to a us president ial election weve got gigantic tech monopolies basically announcing that they will be deciding for us what we are and are not allowed to hear and read and why well theyve got to protect us from election meddling after all and make sure we choose to vote in the right way why do we need a set of self appointed. Know leg to a bunch of people from tweeter are to to decide what politicians can or cannot say i think it would be a much much better idea to make the public decide who dislike would have any say. And it isnt just facebook or twitter google is that dating a special algorithm in order to fight a misinformation after the rising not shootings in the us. We have developed algorithms that recognize that a bad event to stake in place and that we should increase our notions of authority in greece the way to authority now ranking so that with surface high Quality Content rather than misinformation and the scrutiny all time here and rising death toll from Mass Shootings comes after 14 incidents already this year 72 people have been killed my shootings are classified as those with more than 4 face ality however yeah cohen again believes the new algorithm will not be objective. The risk of course is that we are leaving google to decide what information google is considering to be true information about what information will is considering to be fake news and i think this is very dangerous a particularly because we know as a matter of fact the make up of googles employees is very specific they tend to lean towards one or one part of the political spectrum specter rather than another. Thank you to any peace have shown that disdain for the e. U. At the opening session of the new European Parliament by turning their backs during the playing of the block sound from bass opens ode to joy. Plenty going on in stroudsburg in the parliament also plenty going on with the European Council over in brussels will start at the parliament where theres be tried and out outside of the power that there is a demonstration taking place at the capital on independence leader callus political wasnt allowed to take up his seat as an m. E. P. In the chamber well inside well we saw that demonstration from the break that party led by nigel farage the 29 me peace turning their backs on ode to joy the official anthem of the European Union we also saw a demonstration by pro e. U. British any pieces well those from the liberal Democratic Party they turned up wearing t. Shirts that said no to break sit on the back of parchment didnt use those words exactly used words i would get in trouble for if i used them here on at what we are seeing is a situation though in europe where these emmy pieces many of whom are starting for the 1st time that theyre expecting to be able busy to vote on whos going to get the the big jobs in europe the Commission President the Council President the parliamentary president high representative the forward if it is the only thing is if the European Council who are currently meeting over in brussels they havent decided whos going to be open for voting for busy in the Parliament Just yet until a burkle the german chancellor she arrives for more talks on tuesday he said that they needed to have more energy to more have more impetus and to be willing to. Find a compromise. Were going to get to work with new creativity and i believe it everyone has to understand they have to move a little bit he usually does have it if he could find a solution until america had originally back to man for verba she then seemed to change her backing towards the dutchman friend timmons however mr timmins does not sit well with those in central and Eastern Europe a group led by poland the Czech Republic slovakia and hungry all say no to mr simmons we want a Commission President who doesnt have negative views about a region mr to months is not acceptable to us and of story we have a completely different view on migration hes always backed migrant quotas and this is a problem for us we could be set for a late night at the European Council meeting because the wealth the options they have is they either find a solution or they have to call another summit. All of our reporting their independent journalists nuclear they told us confrontation looms if parts of the e. U. Keep being ignored. Of course merkel in my craw why the summit last week the g 20 had decided between themselves that they had found the solution it was transformative months in the socialist guy he would be nominated full stop and then they realized that they could find enough people to agree to the 65 percent all forms of the representation in europe in the parliament that is needed to designate somebody was smart enough in the present situation we have so many people against the present European Commission the present European Union as it functions they cannot have somebody asked him a months where this really aggressive point that its incredible to the people in Central Europe for all the people who are on the right of the political spectrum in italy in france and belgium in germany holland and all those 2 months is not acceptable so if him and months is designated then it would be all out war in parliament and the commission versus many of the states of Central Europe and it. Sais he would like to withdraw all u. S. Troops from afghanistan having only enough to deliver what he dubbed a strong intelligence. I would like to just get out the problem is it just seems to be a lab for terrorists or seems to i call it the harvard of terrorists i would leave very strong intelligence there you have to watch your company around 9000. 00 u. S. Troops in afghanistan have the last 18 years that the u. S. Has lost thousands of personnel and nearly a trillion dollars. Let me i spoke to you all thought on veteran of the conflicts roger hill who argues the rules of engagement should be changed. The rules of engagements are outdated and when i say rules of engagement i mean the law of war the law of Armed Conflict dont necessarily account for an enemy force that doesnt reciprocate them the geneva conventions concerning how we fight in that in how we conduct ourselves in warfare are written under the idea that the enemy will reciprocate how we fight and how we conduct ourselves in combat and the enemy does in fact reciprocate and find thats thats one thing all together but however were fighting in a situation thats unprecedented for example with isis and the enemy. Does not fight according to those conventions and so were trying to force an undue burden on our military Service Members to conduct themselves when there is such a deficit or disparity between how they fight and the enemys forces are fighting the u. N. Finds the u. S. And allies in afghanistan responsible for more civilian deaths in the 1st 3 months of this year than the taliban and isis together. Isnt your call to further relax pennsic and rules against enemy combatants highly irresponsible i think the the ideal behind why were overseas in iraq and afghanistan is what needs to be questioned i think a lot of times we get fixated on individual instances of civilian casualties and persecute. Doing military Service Members for the collateral thats created however the type of fight that weve been forced to engage and there is a large possibility or risk for inevitable collateral to include civilian casualties so you cant place an undue burden on the Service Members on the ground when that collateral is created and if you do then the people that you need to bring alongside them when you do prosecute them needs to be the politicians in the senior military that sent them over there to begin with you said how youll book you dont company it was redacted i can you tell us how and why yes so the pentagon has an office a security review and they claim on their website that they can turn a manuscript around in 2 months and that is to review it for sensitive material and then get it back to the authors with their recommendations on what material should be removed or changed they kept dark company for a year and the content that they redacted 95 percent of it according to our Party Experts that we hired to review the manuscript outside of the pentagon was actually on federally sponsored websites thats us going to government federally sponsored by sites. About with more news after this short break. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to express. Some want to be thats. What youd like to be this is what the. Real people. Interested always in the lives of. Their city. Welcome back the British Home Office has sparked outrage off the insisting that Nigerian Women trafficked to the u. K. To work as prostitutes can enjoy a wealthy life but when they return to africa in the wake of the scandal the home office says it will now we writes the advice Schaller Dubinsky reports. Being described as at crisis level the number of Nigerian Women trafficked into prostitution a crime. Europe thousands of women and girls every year forced into the sex trade often in a bid to pay off the debt that they think could in paying transported to the continent according to the when these women are sexually exploited their raped. They are subject to all forms of Human Rights Violations including torture rape extortion forced labor sexual and labor exploitation amounting to trafficking and contemporary forms of slavery they were turned home there is also the risk of violent proprieties the un has described that we have been a taishan in full social inclusion of trafficked persons back in nigeria as being particularly challenging however the u. K. Government appears to be painting a very different picture one thats crazy trafficked women who return from europe wealthy from prostitution enjoy high social economic status and in general are not subject to negative social attitudes on return they are often held in high regard because they have improved income prospects this is part of an official policy and information its used by the home Office Decision makers who handle any protection and human rights claims that includes trafficked women who may be seeking asylum thats sparked outrage this is a face by the thousands of people who are trafficked for minority the u. K. Is one of destitution they are bought by traffickers do you have a copy of their free will and implied that on the return back home theyll be welcomed back with open arms and community and from the hardworking people it is difficult to return back there a cultural stigma. Among. The society in which religion plays a big part of it and put aside by your family. Nor you because the vision the Community Also showed in them so these are negative aspects of Africa Society i mean which the home office doesnt seem to forget understand there is also a huge issue for those who do return to nigeria and getting access to the support that they desperately need for the 2 percent of people who are trafficked to europe from nigeria with it and 50 to 500 of them actually face such a future fashion assault from the p. T. S. D. Info to Mental Health issues all the time but like during a felony the local authorities and government itself and do not have the required for the teachers to teach to help ingrained issues within the population to have these issues its not the 1st time the home office has found itself questions sized over the way that it deals with victims of trafficking lawyers have accused of showing disregard for this safety after it emerged victims were being released from immigration detention back to the addresses where they were in slaved in 2018 it also emerged that under the hostile environment policy victims of modern slavery and Human Trafficking had been jailed in breach of legislation while others had been deported in a statement the Home Office Said victims of modern slavery shouldnt be prosecuted for criminal or fast as they were forced to commit as a result of exploitation just months after backing a campaign urging Nigerian Women and girls to find jobs at home instead of risking a life of modern slavery in the u. K. Some might argue that this latest advice that prostitution can essentially equal wealth could actually encourage more women and girls from nigeria to try their own luck and risk their own lives. R. T. London. A Crowdfunding Campaign has been launched for conservator. Journalist after he was assaulted at a far left rally in Portland Oregon it quickly raised more than 160000. 00 in donations more than 3 times the target the anti fire rally was staged to counter a star right march in the same city organized by the group the boys who are known for promoting violence imposing groups did eventually meet resulting in most people plan she is under arrest and he coached on of looks at how the gloves are off when its the phone left versus right. This is what she can get if you dont have a ticket to ride the leftists train for this conservative journalist it went from threats to violence pretty quickly it seems the attack on him had been planned for them he wasnt a journalist he wasnt an equal diffuse into an islam of a white supremacist fascist because before trying to cover their rally no had covered one from the other side of the political spectrum and didnt know it was the far right activist and blogger who writes bogus scare persistent site hatred against muslims hes not a journalist and many capacity whatever your opinions on the far right activist getting punched in the face are when hes described his actual profession correctly until you 1st jigsaw puzzle is complete and if youre a piece that doesnt fit youre just not welcome. We believe survivors there are chanting that was senator ted cruz and his wife heidi being forced out of a washington restaurant by left wing activists in america in the u. K. And the rest of europe its a discourse in which fists and kicks speak louder than words any opponent is going to. Evil regardless of whether or not they have any history of engaging in far right violence and if the left can deal with you physically they will discriminate against you as happened to White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders last year when she was refused service at a restaurant they will publicly ostracize you like when eric trump was harassed when eating out the left will even track you down and come knocking on your door. The left is on a search and destroy mission and progressive outlets will give plenty of outrage to announce the new rules when the goal justifies all means so when the day comes that the world feels return to its normal axis i expect well see fewer highly charged encounters making headlines in the mean time the new rules apply if youre directly complicit in spreading hate or pitcher waiting suffering maybe you should consider dining at home now showing a satire piece or nigel for raj where the braggs a tear gets a head shot from the sniper is fine well its a joke after all except imagine a conservative channel joking around killing a leftwing i can for instance but as an undisputable force of good you dont waste your time talking with the enemy but trump said that there are bad people on both sides and he was heavily criticized but i think he was absolutely right the last they cry foul when there is any source or negative techniques used against them but when they use the same techniques and actually go further and employ violence to mitigation and harassment on a mass scale a lot of cases using social media. So that they believe that there is justified if you call everyone a nazi then no one is a nazi or no one is or isnt is a genuinely legacy force that she makes it more likely thought courses like sashas to rise and challenge the left isnt forcing a new order and by the new rules the gloves are off when dealing with dissidents. More news coming up after this short break including Vladimir Putin who will be commenting on the incident in the romanced region president s house changes federal in order to hold an emergency meeting with defense minister. Was off that 14 sailors died in a fire on a deep sea submersible in russias northwest were back in a few minutes. Magic mushrooms to use down some contacts used in the wrong way carry carry potential harms like any any psychoactive substances. But used in the right way they seem to have quite a. Profound 32 potential and quite a good safety profile as well. As we speak large organized care of it are on the march to the united states. This 7 year and a player coming out for carrying. No swears remains littering dad. This is a virtual invasion of our country but so far bigger than anything we think. That i met up with what i meant there are a felony for nothing up in the form of a feeling you know its going to say this is. A knife. As you do is you know were going to see a more little girls who noticed. That. The. Childs seemed wrong roles just dont hold. Any goals that you get to shape out just to become educated and indeed from an equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. Welcome back donald trump has lashed out at iran after it exceeded the amount of low enriched uranium is allowed to stockpile under the 2015 nuclear deal monitored of it as i have been informed iran has crossed the 300 kilogram limit based on his earlier we had announced our plan to exceed the limits of therefore based on our previous announcement we made it clear what we were going to do we see it as a right to disappear where your going about your vision what to do with you know with the airplane with i think theyre playing with fire the trouble ministration has vowed to apply maximum pressure on iran over its Nuclear Ambitions its also suggested that iran was already producing high amounts of enriched uranium before the deal was signed the Iranian Foreign minister responded with a simple tweet the one word question seriously he also said the latest enrichment was justified by the fact that america pulled out of the nuclear deal the u. N. Nuclear watchdog has since concerns that iran has breached its limit under the agreement is the latest twist in irans long running difficulties with the west. Irans done with dialogue at least it seems when it comes to washington. The useless sanctions imposed by the desperate u. S. Government on irans Supreme Leader and foreign minister has the effect of blocking the path to diplomacy for years iran has attempted to rebuild relations with the u. S. Without any tangible results in 1988 u. S. Military shot down a rainy and passenger plane that killed 290 civilians including 66 children and the incident was considered an accident the pentagon never apologized. I believe that given the operating environment captain rogers acted reasonably and did what his nation expected of him this regrettable

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