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Its a matter of degree. Greeting and salutations according to his website u. S. Congressman Duncan Hunter is federal budget and spending principles include reducing spending to live within our means balancing budgets and eliminating government waste however hundreds didnt seem to think he had to follow those principles in his own dealings with Campaign Cash last August Hunter and his wife pled guilty close to 60 counts of wire fraud falsifying records Campaign Finance violations and conspiracy he was stripped of his Congressional Committee assignments all while saying but i didnt do it i didnt spend any money illegally he went on to claim that the entire case was politically motivated and that his wife was the one responsible for any financial in consistencies that is until margaret hunters june 13th 2019 plea agreement for one count of conspiracy with states beginning no later than 2010 and continuing up to and including at least 2016 there was an agreement between defendant and hunter to knowingly and willfully convert Campaign Funds personal use in total throughout the relevant period the huntress illegally converted more than 200000. 00 in Campaign Funds to purchase goods and services in addition this week Justice Department prosecutors reviewed new allegations that representative hunters Duncan Hunter used large portions of that money to carry out a number of Extramarital Affairs and you ask how could the tale of Duncan Hunter get any worse well this week an exclusive interview with r. T. Americas in question former hill staffer worry timely topic revealed that he also has a. History of inappropriate sexual behavior while in his capacity and good as a congressman which makes one wonder why so many people in power still seem to think you can buy your way out of anything even making deals with the devil like wayfarer did this week when employees staged a walkout over the furniture distributors work with Detention Centers currently holding Asylum Seekers at the Us Mexico Border and said of actually addressing the concerns or the optics of the deal they instead gave 100000. 00 to the red cross to by the way has nothing to do with operations at the border and has a terrible record of using the funds given to them finally this week our instagram moms influencing stress with their seemingly perfect lives both on other moms and their children stealing cheating in lives must be time to start watching hocks. Told you that the banks are real that this would be a large apart of. What they like you are going to. Sleep. With. Their. Family. We can be held back by the bad choices of others or we can create the options for our own future t. V. Phenol and trail blazer Shonda Rhimes once had a character of hers declare you can waste your lives drawing lines or you can live your life crossing them so lets ignore the boundaries crossed some lines and enter the gallery. Joining me today in a gallery or study now and of news views hughes and r. T. America correspondents armont us to and rachael love and thank you for joining me thanks for having me gallery so you know we all have these stories about friends. We have our own stories of people leaving jobs women especially leaving jobs because of creepy and hideous men. And i dont think a lot of people acknowledge the fact that a lot of good smart women are not being driven out of Public Service for it and i want to take this time right now to listen to the story of hill staffer rory hopping on her own story take a listen. When i was a hill staffer i worked for the House Veterans Affairs committee and in 2014 i was at the n. R. C. See dinner and Duncan Hunter had clearly appeared intoxicated and came up to me and said that he wanted to speak to me about agent orange which was an issue the committee was dealing with at the time and i in response said im happy to reach out to your staff and follow up on that and he leaned into me very closely and said no i want to talk to you and i felt very uncomfortable and tried to back up and he reached around and put his hand on my behind and said let me give you my cell phone number and mediately kind of backed up and pushed him away one of our subcommittee chairman at the time was jon runyan of new jersey who used to play in the n. F. L. For the eagles thankfully and is a large intimidating guy so i went up to congress and runyan and said please get me out of here and we left and i actually left my position on the committee shortly thereafter because it was not an environment that i felt comfortable working in after that 5 years ago i know in my personal experiences if after i didnt feel comfortable coming forward i felt like i might have retaliated that it might cost me my job because members of congress are very powerful around this town and you dont want to jeopardize your professional future just because somebody has the potential to react retaliate against you. When they start with youve got a why you are what why i mean i know were sort of in this now sort of post me to coming out so now theres this you know she gets to tell her story where 5 years ago she just left her job why are we letting men drive good women smart women out of out of Public Service out of the media why are we doing that when we talk about we get them or in this case this is with all of the people that are up on the hill that are bad this is the elected they keep putting him back in office now Duncan Hunter in his last race barely squeaked by but its not like theres been official formal charges that have been filed against him yet thats actually still up there he could run for reelection and the people of his district and time and time again and forth. That we see people the district kind of ignore things like Campaign Finance and they dont realize its kind of like dominoes if theyre willing to cheat when it comes to Campaign Finance if theyre really to cheat on their grades if theyre willing to cheat in other areas guess what its going to probably go over into other spillover to other areas and its up to the people who elect them to hold them accountable because thats how our constitution is set up as long as there is not an issue with the law and go being a legal which i think there was in this case but it just has not been filed yet i also think of when women especially when theyre younger are afraid to speak out and tell their stories and say things out of fear that they will then be shunned and that they will no longer be able to get another job i mean ive heard this from people time and time again i didnt speak up because i was young it was my 1st job out of college i thought that i would never be hired again it would be legal fees it would be taking down somebody with so much power i dont have the time or really the nerve to do that because it takes a lot of takes being brave being courageous coming out and telling their story and i think for me too movement has helped in telling getting people out there and giving them a voice but i also think that also comes with maturity and went to a womans a different age and a different time of their life that that may help but it also just depends but i mean like what i want to get rachel in on this but let me just point the other side of it is theres also a lot of responsibility comes these women that are providing for their family that are taken care of as they get older to to go on if i say this i lose all of the revenue stream for my family going for at least when youre young and thank god this is the one best part of me too its allowing that to say to come out there is cover for down the road but now for those older women that this there at the end they dont need to start from scratch ground 0 either in another career youve grown out of you know youre just entering into this you feel like that youre in a bit of an advantage actually now that maybe women of the past of broadcasting thanks to everything thats coming out absolutely and i think its really great to see women coming out and talking and. You know its when we look at worst case it really brings up the fact that when women are put in these situations a lot of times we try to rationalize that she may have looked at it and said oh well i was just groped cleared of been a lot worse its easier to just take a step back and get out of the situation instead of trying to draw a lot of light to it so i think that thats going to be the next step in the conversation is ok how do we deal with things and it is important to have you know more women in those situations who can step in or like in her case she so that she turn to another congressman who has been there for her as i think is just another step in the conversation that we need to have but it also is really important to talk about it was really kind of her to say i was not defined by that which i think a lot of i dont sometimes struggle with and when she said that it was like hearing like the perfect thing where she didnt allow that to bring her down of course it affected her of course there are there werent repercussions like there should have been but she did not let that define who she was and look at her now she is doing to raise awareness for exactly. One of them before we do to the to the wayfarer story a little bit so you know of course wayfair gave this 100000. 00 to red cross because their employees. Had a strike and a walkout. I mean the red cross has enough problems problematic they raise half a 1000000000 for haiti and built 6 houses so im not sure do you think you know which is why worse when corporations like wayfarer try so hard to be woke or try to sort of cover it up with back it up with a fair is a company they have to pay for these employees if they want to so good to the government or whomever it was who are they to say im going to sell you a couch but you can only put your couch here there and other places that you know i guess they have that right the same time that was a business decision for these employees just like these employees had a chance to walk out i dont know if this is a smart move on their part because i think a lot of people are going to go this is your job was to make a couch you dont get to say where it goes or where it doesnt and i think it has the power of the free market too because at the same time. So you may look at wafer and say i dont care what theyre doing with their money im going to buy this couch because its cheaper because i like it but at the same time you can also look at and say oh wait a 2nd theyre involved in a lot of dealings or they have these business ties that i dont like so im going to go buy my couch from target or from a different regional or Something Like that i think it rachel is right and im saying that there are a lot of people who really dont care where the money goes its a business deal thats with them here 2 wrongs may not make a right but theyre trying to show this is what im going to do and im trying to make this better by donating to red cross at trying to make some sort of difference at least in their defense but like rachel said markets will be affected oh yes or no people continue to buy and people still trust the cheap furniture for those who want to pay at least some of the kids will get some beds well thats a quote i guess actual bed that was a good i mean to me it was like oh so theyre actually getting beds down there are some of the new video right now is that my question what is what do you think that way for knew that they were selling it specifically to go to these detention facilities a lot of that was in the government furniture it was just maybe you dont know the government buys a lot of furniture for a lot of different places so i think its kind of wrong for these employees was taken directly to show they went in there and said no were going to hows that you know maybe they did try to get him and who knows maybe they did try to give him good furniture for it if they dont still these are still going to be there so at least they had beds brought everybody so theyre not going to sell them that doesnt mean theyre not going to theyre going to close the facilities that just means people and there does seem to be that sort of need jerk reaction by corporations to jump to the wall was i give this will you not do that and we do have a sign on to this and i dont know that really how it could mean portion isnt it yes we are but im not throwing money there like what if we do this is that ok it is not always money and people apparently they think cells that borrow money from all the charities that you want you know at that point i would check our sorrow thank you very much i very appreciate your donation for whatever the reason back we will talk a little more about the people getting paid i want to talk a little bit about this this sort of viral thing that happened so last week this mom her name is Jennifer Lynch was at a local pool and she saw mom. Come in set up all the stuff with her daughter and a matching swimsuit put all the stuff out start taking pictures then and then get on her phone and ignore her child while she sat on the phone and this is what she said she said the child was saying mama can you come in the water with me she was ignored momma come play with me she asked for more times the woman glanced over but never got off the phone after 10 minutes mama and that her call collected the score and sunscreen that was never applied the water toys that never touched the water and her daughter left the pool now to me the sort of goes into that sort of instagram mom flew into thursday june and when i started looking into it what we found was you know you have these people promoting like babies doing things like promoting swimsuit sale of claiming their babies are excited for their every plane deliveries view though and one person even bragging about getting for free bikes to right around manhattan you know obviously struggling but we gotta have some grace here i understand at least the child was not a safety danger and right now i think its out of you know was it like going by themselves in the pool and running in the mom was on her phone and i mean this is this is i that we live in theres pros and theres cons to it and this case im not one to judge another mother im sorry because you dont know what her situation might have been granted she may have been distracted for whatever reason but she might have just spent the last 6 hours one on one with a child who knows i am one of those mothers im not one to judge but im also someone who just sent a lot of pieces so that people like my son summer can you know so i might not be the best thing could i you do want to say its a degree and to me its very scary situation we live in a time where Society Social media were glued to our phones on instagram watching stories people kind of lies they live you dont have to be a mom to see that what about these and to grandma donors are these people who say oh im rich and meanwhile theyre renting clothes from other places are pretending to be right or there are so many false gives from this instagram from facebook from the snap chat from. All of these new platforms that we are unfortunately we cant identify whats real whats not and have a reality right now as opposed to a very a to todays reality so to brace it i guess it was going to be very much how our our our social media queen. Really did interesting because living you know 10 years ago you would have thought of child models as being in a studio and doing a certain set up but now all of a sudden it could just be a kid playing by the pool and theyre a child model and they might not even know it and you know how the rover is going to remember that when you see it may not be real i know thats hard to. Think you know homeowners are going to thank you for joining me here in the gallery now scott emails years ceremony and so get ready rachel thank you so much for joining us as we go to break off watchers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics we covered on Facebook Twitter and you tube and while were out while youre there check out the very 1st episode of the watching the hot typecast available now on spotify apple music and everywhere use it to broadcast the awful shows that are ti dot com coming up very gives you some perspective on the 1st section of Police Recruitment and the date of the debate stay tuned to watching. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So if you want to express. Yourself want to reach. Out to the right. Thats what. People. Like you just always at the water. There. In the lead a showdown between washington and tehran there is no regional ally to restrain the us is worst tendencies with barbs treated and sanctions imposed on the us from sliding into yet another middle east war. The news feeds are buzzing and the politics are spinning hawk watchers this week and its all the hard talk of war with the round refugees and cages along the u. S. Southern border and tariff turf war with china those of us here in the United States were also subjected to the very 1st round of who wants to be the president 2020 democrats Edition Courtesy of n. B. C. News on wednesday night yes the democratic primary debates took center stage wednesday and it appears to be that debate moderator and beasties chuck todd came out the winner according to the numbers yes the moderator clocked in for on the list of most words spoken beating out candidates like bill de blasio in the quote which are and tells the gabber just to name a few i wonder i wonder what that means for the state of u. S. Politics when our moderators are speaking more than most of our candidates and speaking of numbers with a hidden message inside while everyone and their captive signed up to challenge the donald for president appears that across the great red white and blue no one it seems is too keen to join the blue yes according to the latest numbers 66 percent of Police Departments across the country are seeing a decline in applicants so from political debates to the future of Law Enforcement sounds like 2 topics definitely in need of a little perception and perspective. Joining me today to offer a little perception and for. But it was baltimores own author dee watkins of america producer brant job or and founder of truth and media investigative journalist ben swan thank you all 3 for coming and joining us today i want to start with n. B. C. News in the 1st round of the democratic debates on wednesday that featured 10 of the 24 candidates running on the democratic side but despite the political spot star power of the cory bookers the Elizabeth Warren is the telsey gabbert of the bait orourkes it was mr meet the press himself chuck todd who took center stage along with some technical difficulties i want to just play you a quick round of curtis highlights courtesy of n. B. C. News take a look. Obviously because of the size of the field every person will be able to weigh in on everything but its only going. To be ok if they could try to turn off the lives of our previous moderators were going to take a quick break were going to get this technical situation fixed well be right. We believe we have the technical difficulties that are saying that never say never but we will we will march forward here and i will lean forward here a little bit i promise let me get let me get this question were trying to i know you guys weve got other issues were trying to get to including a big one coming up in a minute but. So you know he wants to let everyone talks promises hey not everyones going to be able to talk but chalk it up 1600 words of that debate on his own band i want to start with you what do you think of that. Well half of the words were spent trying to get them to close the mikes of the other mokhtar you know it was it was almost comical to listen to it but what i thought was so silly listen its a tough spot to be and right hes ive ive moderated debates before that a lot of broadcasting and i understand the difficulty but theres a technical problem with trying to save that time but i didnt like was that he kept wanting to go back and restart his question which he thought was so brilliantly written because were only about 40 miles away from Parkland High School its so close to here and so he insisted on going back and reading this lengthy question 3 different times before he let the candidates answer and the question was Pretty Simple it was actually based upon something that theres no reason to think would happen which is will you confiscate guns from people who are ready have them that was the question no one ever actually answered the question what we and the norden that amount of time was wasted and eaten up by that one questions overall i just thought the way chuck todd conducted himself the fact that a lot of those candidates did not get a chance to speak very much in b. C. Clearly put Elizabeth Warren in the center cory booker reciter a better orc who i think probably had the worst night of anyone in terms of what he said because he had a lot of words but a lot of them were double talk or him translating for himself theres a lot of word salad in debates today and so i want to ask d. And brant you know did we get any substance from the 1st debate or are we truly kind of in that reality t. V. Of elections now were not really going to get substance were just going to kind of to fast food short answers and more theatrical i personally i thought there were 2 candidates up there who actually wrote 3 candidates secondly you have had anything to say and that was Elizabeth Warren who is so prepared to be great if the senate actually worked should be an excellent senator who is castro who hasnt been polling well at all so he actually came up with solutions to the problems that we face and he was actually trying to give answers he actually answered the question he wasnt just giving a stump speech every time he spoke and de blasio and i were not all huge pressure to pull out. But last night he came out there to push the party to the left out of that was great so i figured you felt youve got actual little bit of substance from those 3 of those bad old Cory Booker Cory Booker kept reminding us he was from a rough neighborhood thats all i captured from that day what do you feel. Like i should have put him in like Hollywood Squares that way we everyone on a screen at the same time and got a way to gauge their facial expressions to many people and the amount of radio as you know is a different skill than just band and if you like that youve got to give it a question and have enough time for everybody to Say Something clear and get their points across but a lot of times we we really want to you know these people apart in a little bit of time that we had that you just really cant because its a debate its not a its not a what spotlight that one want to show you want to show you guys these numbers as well when we talk about you know Police Recruitment falling you know get away from the theatrical politics and get to some things that actually do matter beyond just the circus but when you look at the raw numbers across the United States right now you can see raw numbers of Police Officers in the u. S. Declined from over 72402013 to now just 7000201666 percent of the Police Departments are seeing a decline in applications for the jobs the f. B. I. Even saw special agent applicants plummeting from 68502002 only 11502018 i want to ask you guys well start with you but what what do you make of these numbers are we seeing these jobs no one wants to be in Law Enforcement anymore. I think the its a tough job to be in the 1st place i dont think being a Law Enforcement ever been an easy job regardless of how you fill out Police Officers its a difficult job to be and but because of the current climate were in and because of the abuse of that job because lets face it its been abused by a lot of people for a very long time that has become public so its a job that doesnt carry the same kind of on or that it once did and lets face it i actually blame the municipalities more than anybody for the reason the police are in the position theyre in yes there are some bad cops out there but policing as a whole has really become a product of taxation without representation its become a way of squeezing communities through fines and fees and those are very unpopular people most people when they see a Police Officer and i dont just mean people of color i mean every citizen in the country the majority of people when they see if a police car or a Police Officer feel that tightening inside of their gut because theyre afraid theyre going to get a ticket for something they going to get fined for something theyre going to be in trouble for something instead of seen it as somebody whos there truly to protect and serve so i think its always been a tough job its much tougher and one way municipalities could help with this is to say lets stop filling the line items in our budgets through police instituting fines and fees and put them on the side of the public again instead of against them you know its interesting you say that about the taxation element of it too that its kind of like you know the governments hand of put all these fees and things like that are you seeing that this idea of a think its like after 6 witnessing everything with black lives matter video after video after video and everything that weve seen along with our treatment of officers are you know is it a case of just you know youth people coming up dont want to be cops they dont want the job they dont respect the job they dont they dont want to be a part of our community its like the only profession our country where you get rewarded for doing a bad job and im talking about stats based everests you know if you forget you can walk up 30 people with maybe 20 of those 10 of those people may have done crimes then of 20 were probably like here anything else but you still look like its a. On crime you get a promotion you can be very serious and you get celebrated you can be a horrible person and people will call you a hero now that people are starting to crack down and found them in air to dirty laundry people dont really want to be a part of the profession so why i definitely understand a lot of numbers are down to out of the if you just did your job and. They know its easy and easy as it is to be a great person if you did that then he wouldnt have to worry about you go be a cop and make a great salary with benefits and retire from the education and you know we were talking about this actually earlier is that you know you see sometimes these viral videos of these cops doing good things in their neighborhood but its simply somebody playing basketball with some kids who are younger or whatever trying to prove that theyre not you know a threat to the community but the fact is we dont see there are a lot of good cops what 95 percent of are likely doing a good job or actually serving the Community Properly but you dont see that on your local news you know especially dont see that on the National News and so yes i think there is an issue where black lives matter you know what you bring up talent happening making this a huge issue and widespread there has been this whole thought of cops are systematically bad and therefore i would want to be a part of the the Police Organizations and thats kind of where they are right now i got to thank all you guys for coming out in these great conversations to leave the police thought with just this thought is that maybe with less numbers it might be easier to actually start reforming them you know in a sense to ban swan i want to thank you for coming on d. Watkins branches were always a pleasure having everybody on great great discussion today thank you all right everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in the world youre not told the world of the. Wall i am tyrrel to keep on watching those hawks up there and have a great. As we speak large organized care of the bar on the march to the United States. And then 70 and a player coming out for a caring where no schools remain standing. This is a virtual invasion of our country but so far it makes me think. That im at the end up in what i meant there are a felony of no hope for nothing up on the farm about the whole thing you know its going to stuff it in. A nice powerful. As you do is you know were going to see a more liberal goes unnoticed is this an issue for a player for 2 over. Were going to St Petersburg International Economic forum and the topic of our panel is are we witnessing a paradigm shift in the Global Economic order let me answer of course is yes its a matter of degree. I believe under god. President putin arrives in the japanese city of a. For the g. 20 summit. Meetings between world leaders. Head of the russian president gives his views on trade wars the military escalation in the persian gulf. View with the financial times. To put it bluntly the situation is. An explosive in the sense the world has become more fragmented and less predictable which is the most important thing. And the u. N. Special

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