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Have called for an urgent deescalation between the u. S. And iran on voice from the 2 countries addressed the u. N. Security council and seemed in no mood for compromise. Irans defiance of the Security Council and its reckless behavior threatening peace and security globally must not be downplayed in the name of preserving a deal the doesnt fully cut off irans path to a Nuclear Weapon the International Community should also does is against us. If you want. To be governed by the rule of law not by. The United States has made clear its willingness to engage in dialogue with iran to negotiate a deal that will better Serve International peace and security we hear assertions that nobody is planning a regime change in iran and at the same time we hear threats about obliteration and new sanctions are being introduced there are calls that dialogue and then in power of well openly they declare the intention to increase military presence in the region such signals which even an experienced cryptologist would struggle to decode which can only bring the situation to a point of no return germany jointly with the remaining participants will continue to work to ensure that iran can receive the economic benefits from sanctions relief i wont once again to call for deescalation for dialogue and for full respect the International Rules earlier the us president threatened to obliterate iran if tehran attacks anything american that was after irans president said the white house was suffering from a mental disorder and a double trouble later defended his aggressive tweets what message did you want to send to your tweet message and the message is when theyre ready to have to let us know. When theyre ready to let us know very simple to go hear me whatever doesnt make any difference whatever they want to do im already have an exit strategy for iran if war does break out. Youre going to need an exit strategy. I dont need thanks in stratagems meanwhile the president of iraq has said he will not allow the u. S. To use his country to launch any kind of military action against iraq. The american troops the Coalition Troops in iraq again at the invitation of the Iraqi Government for the specific exclusive mission of fighting isis we do not want to be a staging post foot any hostile action against any of on neighbors including iraq former u. K. Army officer Charles Shoebridge believes america is isolated in its harsh stance on iran. What iraq has said today its largely consistent with what the rest of the world is saying to a lot or perhaps more pointedly what the rest of the world isnt saying even britain. The closest one of the closest u. S. Allies hunting herself said today that he couldnt imagine or couldnt. The circumstances under which the u. K. Would join in with the u. S. And thats act on iran its an indication of the messaging thats going on that perhaps with the exception of maybe his route of countries such as saudi arabia the United States pakistans pretty isolated in its campaign i think what could be fairly called aggression against iran at the current time so increasingly were seeing america actually isolated from even its closest allies in its campaign against iran at present donald trump has also claimed that the real reason the iranian people are suffering is because their government spends all of its money on terror and while the white house continues to insist it is not seeking regime change in iran there is one group it would perhaps like to see take power there are comments. Sometimes i get the impression that trump knows what the iranian people want bed then the uranium people he his Government Congress talk so much about how the iranian people want the said that this is good for them and matts bad for them its almost like they knew each other obviously the people of iran are great people you know i know many of them i live in new york have been there very much less to have for years but i know many arabians living in new york and theyre fantastic people personally i have my doubts about the iranians trump knows being representative of the entire nation but whatever there is one group of the radiance that the white house and friends knew very well could even say that pounds would judge dean holland or the people of iran will make for sure theyve been busy bees lately last friday they got together in washington protest the tile asli calling for regime change and the removal of irans supreme leader. Weve always been saying no war no appeasement but change by the iranians and theyve shown that in uprisings that its what the across iran where they chant just like you hear in the background we want regime change in iran and thats that never mind what moves the rain ians the ones actually in iran think on the matter but i digress american politicians love these guys mek they were almost called them you stand for free or iran where you stand for democracy you stand for human rights keep up your fight. Those who love and Cherish Freedom in our country and throughout the world stand with you stand. Youre on the right side of history right in fact the United States has big plans for these mujahedeen Great Expectations they have destined to rule the declared policy of the United States of america should be the overthrow of the mahlers regime in tehran and thats why the 429 t. We hear celebrate in tehran thank you for. Now that introductions are over let me tell you about them or just dean of iran it hasnt been 10 years since they were removed from americas terror lists still in plenty of others make killed anyone who didnt like shootings assassinations bombings targeting police iranian officials civilians just for supporting the Government Americans both in iran and in america and yet since they renounced violence they would taken off these blacklists the department does not overlook or forget the mujahideen had exposed to acts of terrorism including its involvement in beginning of u. S. Citizens in the run in the 19 seventies and an attack on the us soil in 1902 the Department Also has serious concerns about the mujahedeen hynix as an organization particularly with regard to the geishas of abuse committed against its own members oh yeah they dont just target others they target each other to the best traditions of every crazy cult Human Rights Watch says abuses carried out against dissident members range from beatings and imprisonment to torture and threats of execution according to each r. W. One guy tried to naive the mujahideen would you believe it for this. Humus crime he was kept in solitary confinement for 8 years scientologists youve got nothing on these guys aside from maybe influence the recently released documents makers organize dozens of meetings with us politicians interviews features articles with big media begs the question of course where do they get the money to rain ians on donating make has almost no support in iran the answer is well they do the odd job according to this alleged conversation between mack members released by iran. We did our best to blame the Iranian Regime for the oil tanker blasts the saudis have called Maryam Rajavi office to follow up on the results to get a conclusion of what has been done and the possible consequences look at it this way whoevers financing them isnt doing it because theyre nice they arent you know the saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend even if hes a murderous crazy cultist apparently unfortunately United States seems to be very fond of using terror threats i mean they meet to using terrorist this is a very very dangerous group not because it has any hope of ever being in iran and ruling there but theyre very dangerous because there are cold they are just they do not understand at 1st in human rights and their terrorist there is no way they can replace any government in iran and that i can i would bet on it its not going to happen i dont think america plans it but the americans would like to tell them. So that they would continue their activities not because they have being able to we know with the iranians to their side. You care has suspended exports of crowd control weapons that this follows a recent Police Crackdown on protests against an extradition bill in the chinese territory the British Foreign secretary explained move on problem. That we remain very concerned with the situation in hong kong and i raise those concerns with the chief executive on the 12th of june i today the hong kong s a our government to establish a robust independent investigation into the violent scenes that we saw and we will not issue any further export licenses for crowd control equipment to hong kong unless were satisfy the concerns raised on human rights and fundamental freedoms have been fairly addressed. The freeze on sales of Police Equipment to hong kong comes just 8 days after the u. K. Was forced to suspend a new weapons exports to saudi arabia are distro dubinsky takes a closer look at the 2 cases. Becomes just a week after the u. K. Government also announced that it would not be allowing any new licenses of exports of arms sales to saudi arabia and to its Coalition Partners in the war in yemen that followed a decision by the court of appeal here in the u. K. That said that those arms sales had been a norful again citing possible violations when it comes to human rights now despite that decision by the court and despite the fact that the government says it will look at that decision the Prime Minister to resign made the u. K. Government will look to appeal that decision we continue to operate one of the most robust arms export control regimes. Take our responsibilities on arms export licensing very seriously were disappointed that the court found against the government on one ground and we will be seeking permission to appeal this judgement so 2 cases of possible Human Rights Violations lets took a look at the 2 together now lets start with hong kong 3 weeks of protests tear gas being used rubber bullets being used accusations of Police Brutality and Dozens Injured but not a Single Person killed as a direct result on the other hand you have the conflict in yemen which the Saudi Led Coalition is involved in at the moment and what we have a close to 100000 deaths over 4 years the majority of them many say are civilians so whats the difference between these 2 different scenarios on the ground well some would say what you really need to do is to follow the money and when you look at what the worth is of those sales to hong kong its apparently only around 1800000. 00 pounds to the u. K. Economy on the other hand in yemen arms sales since 2015 are worth more than 4700000000 parents its a huge difference. And some might question whether its easier to take the moral high ground when there isnt much of an impact to the u. K. Economy and thats what this comes down to and not really a stance when it comes to Human Rights Violations. Political analyst Chris Bambery told us that humanitarian concerns take a back seat for the u. K. Government when it comes to selling weapons britain along with western governments is very selective about those that it seeks out the situation with arm sales to saudi is very different because the decision of the hong kong was one mead by the British Government in the question of the arms sales to sodhi and its called wish in our eyes in the war against yemen this forward a court case where it was brought by the campaign against the arms trade and in geale and what we have here is the british being forced to the British Government force to seize these arms sales to saudi arabia and the others but not wanting to do that one iota i think the british will do everything they can to overturn the courts decision and or to find a way around it because this alliance with so do is fundamentally important to the british to bring Great Britain p. L. C. They will do everything to maintain it even at the cost of 100000 yemeni date. The German Government says it has lost track of around 160 extremists who travel to syria and iraq to join Islamic State or to speak or all of it has more. The best estimate suggests at least a 1000 people left germany to go enjoy an isis and following a question from a member of the bundestag to the interior ministry its been revealed that in 160 cases those identified as extremists have disappeared without a trace occasionally such individuals could have succeeded in escaping and all disappearing in an attempt to alleviate fears of isis terrorists living among German Society the federal government has said that they are convinced that it would be extremely unlikely that anyone who had traveled to join isis would be able to come back to germany and live or noticed however the m. P. That 1st raised concerns says shes not convinced considering the surest fragmented protection of the easy external borders it is particularly worrying that the federal government has a patent taken no further measures to prevent the uncontrolled reentry of isis militants 2 thirds of those who have left the country have german citizenship this presents another issue what to do with those who want to return to germany well in the case of isis supporter of. Currently being held in a kurdish jail his lawyers are suing the German Government they say has a responsibility to bring him home from our point of view the federal government is constitutionally obliged to bring fabien back to germany it has not fulfilled this obligation for political reasons the lawyers maintain that there is a german constitutional obligation for the government to protect the fundamental rights of their citizens even when they are held in foreign nations and his younger brother whos location is unknown traveled from the central german city of castle to syria to join isis in 2014 their father says he was assured that would be released if berlijn requested it however he believes the germans turning a blind eye to the. The German Government would prefer it if my children on the other islamist would just disappear forever heres the thing it isnt that easy for the 2 women government to intervene even if they wanted to and there is no indication that they really do germany currently has no diplomatic relations with syria and the federal government doesnt recognize the kurdish y p g group who is holding. In the case of the at least 160 people who traveled from germany to join isis and remain unaccounted for or berlin doesnt know whether they are alive or dead whether they remain in the middle east or whether theyve come back here and if theyve come back here whether they pose any potential threat to society the German Government and the security of the secret Service Intelligence services seem to know exactly how many people left germany to go to syria and to iraq and to shy it with one of those armed groups and suddenly they say now we lost track of them germany seems to have been sleeping officially they didnt say a lot about this and certainly they have no real policy about us this is why nothing is happening now and that discussion is being put forward through the media or through the facts on the ground they will be forced to do one thing or the other eventually and our society is not really aware and cannot really imagine what these people are might be up to we need a public discussion about this without stigmatizing without being a racist or big but the German Society and the politicians have to be more realistic about the threats facebook has agreed to hand over user data to the french government to crack down on hate speech that story and more after a short break this is our control. You know world big movie lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Parts of jerry deal this century have been made public and the reception has not been good focusing on aid and infrastructure the deal is silent on the most contentious political issues and for all intensive purposes the long proposed 2 state solution appears to be dead is the deal of the century dead on arrival. Welcome back this is our internet now donald trump has lashed out at Facebook Google and twitter claiming that they deliberately restrict his reach online. People are all democrats its totally biased toward democrats if i announce tomorrow that im going to become a nice liberal democrat i would pick up 5 times more followers twitter is is just terrible what they do they dont let you get the word act they should be sued because whats happening with that guy is meanwhile Investigative Group project very has released a probe which also accuses google of political bias a video of employees discussing policy was posted on you tube but was quickly removed from the platform it includes an interview with a whistleblower and a secretly filmed conversation with a company executive. About fairness theres a. Search results so it gives them the political. Want and so they have to buy this through algorithms so that they can get their agenda across as if they were anything to disagree with him. Like letting her see a very lady like that. Make him say well these are. The resources that you start with the same thing in exactly the. Way its. All right the google executive filmed by project says the video was selectively edited to distort her words but the revelations triggered a heated debate in u. S. Congress to remove the video from project which appears to show senior google executive acknowledging politically motivated search manipulation within a 10 to influence Election Outcomes none of us here want on this side of this i appreciate the concern and the desire to foster a robust debate and it looks like theyre talking about. Very serious political bias in it and their intent to implement that bias in their job let me be clear this employee was. Recorded without her consent i believe these statements were taken out of context but the statements that i quoted from were full of complete statements that were not edited so it is concerning when you see somebody whos an executive with google and who are more than one in that video by the way we do not allow anyone lower level our level to manipulate our products in that way in this project very this video which i did watch last night they allege that there are internal google documents which they put on the video and this is what its sad it may be desirable to consider how we might hopes this side of the eat reach a more and equitable state via product intervention what does that mean every robust set of guidelines to ensure that were providing relevant trustworthy information we work with a set of readers around the world around the country to make sure that those search trader guidelines are followed those are transparent and available for you to read on the web all right well i personally dont think that answered the question at all we heard from benoit camp marc a senior lecturer at the Melbourne University of technology he says google has become more powerful than many countries. Google has and this is the great paradox of it as a system as a company its boasts its transparency to information but of course the reality is we do not know. The nature of its algorithms function in an open sense its not entirely transparent where that is of course on a certain level of googles influences grace in many ways than states and governments themselves and thats rather dangerous if you believe in the notions of the and accountable of accountable Public Institutions and so forth but that is the nature of Information Management it tends to produce interests of a specific type and thats what google tends to through its algorithm system employ. The role of tech giants is also under scrutiny in france where facebook has struck a deal to crack down on its beach or his policy or reports. Facebook has agreed to give up datta to the french authorities in cases where it will help identify those uses on its platform that are engaging in hate speech this is the 1st time that the media giant has if we to hand over identifying information regarding its uses that are not related to violence or terrorism cases now frances digital affair is minister has applauded the news this is huge news it means that the judicial process will be able to run normally its really very important theyre only doing it for france now it follows a number of meetings that were held earlier in the month between the french president emmanuel necron and the founder of Facebook Mark zuckerberg and also these things between facebooks Global Affairs head and french ministers however a spokesperson for Facebook Says that this does not mean that the french authorities are being given Carte Blanche and that the media giants will scrutinize each and every request from the french authorities for the basic information in criminal hate speech cases he also says that in those situations where they feel that the authorities request is too broad or inconsistent with human rights or in some way is legally and sound they will push back at the moment facebook uses Artificial Intelligence to identify hate speech and it defines hate speech as a direct attack on a person based on their ethnicity their national our region their Sexual Orientation they religious affiliation and they race our sister channel or spoke with the cofounder of a french media outlet who says the definition of hate speech is open to interpretation. The whole problem is about how we understand the terms hate speech and offensive content thats the problem if they want to include racist antisemitic content content which is offensive to a certain sex or religion they will need to define it and understand whats behind it otherwise blasphemy will be included as an offense which is not so you need to be extremely careful about what will be included in the concepts of rhetoric that incites hatred and offensive content and who will decide this is a money micron said this will be a working group in which there will be a french controller and representatives from facebook they will Work Together to define it all. Does it for me i will be back at the top there with more news this is r. T. International. I love the blue collar but ill. Tell. You there are older birds are ahead. Or behind when they feel good but so. Far good. Of it is that you. Just deleted the mothership did. You see my mother to move. When i manage to finish it oh my gosh a few more minutes was mostly me. They are the house of. God since we. Need. Me the only hate. The scared or need. To look at the Current System definition in. The midst of the random shit. Greetings and salutations well our watchers it seems that despite the incredible breakthroughs in green energy weve seen emerge over the last few decades we humans and our governments and our businesses and militaries are still stuck on the great oil spigot that got us through the 20th century and the results of this wonderfully sticky toxic relationship are grim discoveries like the one recently uncovered by the federal bureau of Safety Environmental and forstmann along with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration which found that the longest oil spill in u. S. History may be 900 times larger than originally estimated yes way back in the bygone age of 2004 hurricane ivan crashed through the gulf of mexico and damaged in the Oil Production platform operated by Taylor Energy to the tune of a continuous leak of 3 to 5 gallons a day despite the companys best efforts to stop it or at least thats what we were told back in 2015 when the leak was finally finally revealed to the public thanks to an a. P. A. Investigation well now according to this recent study gizmodo is reporting that the leakage could be as high as 4578 gallons a day and just for you folks keeping score at home with the calculator thats roughly 25000000 gallons of oil leaked into the gulf of mexico since 2004 and why cant they just put a cap on this leak well according to one of the reports authors andrew mason the physical scientists and the oas center for coastal monitoring an assessment you have buried pipes broken pipes a combination of oil and gas and all this potentially broken getting down to those is not a cheap or easy fix so today lets dive into this law into the longest Running Oil Spill in u. S. History and find out just why oh why are we still in our toxic relationship with big oil as we start why. Are you

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