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By the white house last week have now been postponed for 2 more weeks to give Congress Time to pass some kind of emergency funding for the border and to pass a substantial Immigration Reform bill on sunday tweeted at the request of democrats i have delayed the ilLegal Immigration removal process deportation for 2 weeks to see if the democrats and republicans can get together and work out a solution to the asylum and loophole problems at the southern border if not deportation start of course these deportations whether they happen or not will have 0 effect on the Asylum Seekers currently waiting and what many are calling concentration camps that have seen the deaths of over 7 children since late 2018 the same camps the Justice Department attorneys sarah fabian argue didnt need to provide such rule luxuries as soap blankets and toothbrushes to those children being held in them through no fault of their own. Ups concentration or otherwise that are even turning Trump Supporters off from his agenda according to new fox news polls and yet even with children were literally dying at the border and congress no closer to comprehensive Immigration Reform than they were a decade ago one has to wonder we should stop using people as pawns and start watching the hocks. Still feel wonderful to see the street to the bank like a real victory would be analyzed to see to the bottom. Line what they like you and i do not i got a problem with that we. Would. Be. So. Welcome everybody to watch it not have had at the wall left over the weekend before leaving for camp david President Trump had this to say regarding the situation at the southern border. Yeah these are people that came into the country illegally theyve been going through a process of franciss record. And then they have to be removed from the country they will be removed from the country having a very big effect on the border the fact that were taking them out the people that came into the country illegally are going to be removed from the country Everybody Knows that. Its dark you know during the course of this next week maybe even a little bit earlier than that. Everybody that came into the country illegally will be brought out of the god very legally now with that being said the borders of much better shape mexicos doing a good job we need congress to fix the loopholes in the salad and we will have the border there. Joining me now to discuss not only the governments actions were guarding. Migration but the effect it has on citizens is immigration attorney alan or thanks for joining me today thanks for having me so 1st why do you think that you know President Trump went from mass raids on friday which apparently i used to even know about to suddenly well im going to. Give congress a crack at it where is this coming from so it goes back to the fundamental problem here which is management right hes incapable of actually rounding up 100 people much less 2000 people to put them in prisons that are already prisons concentration camps that are already overcrowded so you can argue on one side theyre overcrowded and then argue yet again i want to make it more crowded so that because i think the idea is he selling this idea that you know well just go around and pick everybody up and just put him on a plane and send him home as as if thats how that function it is and one of the things he said was this idea of Congress Funding because they said now its we dont have enough money. And part of it was that Congress Needs to do something so congress does have a lot of bills on the table right now in relation to immigration in different areas are any of these bills in a place where they can get passed in 2 weeks are they going to get through to houses are they going to get to a place where its even feasible 2 weeks is a fiction writer just has to market for things that he doesnt want to get done in just a way of pushing the ball down now that happens in 2 weeks if it hadnt happened in 2 years if you could do it in 2 weeks why havent you done it in 2 years the problem here once again is a management problem is not understanding how immigration works together as a whole for everybody and its also not like these people are just sitting by the phone waiting to come get picked up they have jobs they have probably u. S. Citizens theyre part of communities so youre disrupting all of that by extracting them from those communities and wasting funds the issue has been what Congress Needs to do so every Year Congress allocates the money to probably deport 400000 people to my knowledge in the last 10 years weve never reached 400000 people so were. Never going to reach a 1000000 people and that moneys already been allocated so removing people really isnt the problem is the problem is addressing the different cohorts of people that are already here the doctor people and their parents yeah i mean thats whats interesting is even during the Obama Administration its at its height i think we had 258. 00 and that was considered you know monumental weve never seen deportations like this also i wonder you know when were talking about the effect it has before we even get on to all of this stuff is the effect that has on a community when theyve gone through this and this seems about the 3rd or 4th time that i can remember off the top of my had that the president or his Steven Miller or whoever is saying were going to come around people up what effect does that have on a community and what effect especially children we forget that these these it isnt just kids in cages its kids in these homes what effect does that have toxic stress is disrupt their lifestyle and their comfort of just enjoying everyday life to life weve actually seen people from ice refer to this as a catch game as out hunting and taking prey on individuals communities of color so it really just presses people out of pushes them into situations where they either are forced on the ground or put in a undocumented illegal situation of taking action thats problematic and i think most of the ones that were talking about is people being deported more people who committed crimes its people who didnt make a Court Appearance just very clear were talking about the bulk of these millions of people are just paperwork it was so years on both sides exactly right because they probably didnt get the notice told and were to appear in court they might have been removed to another area they could have been ill or might not even been in their dialect so they could understand it right now we have these notices to appear and if you dont appear then you get removed and thats what most of these notices are when these people are actually heard they have a valid case beyond that this concept that asylum is giving someone something is very asylum comes all the way from Greek Society and its follow through International Law it has come to the United States in which we have human right conventions that weve agreed to with the rest of the world so it isnt as if congress is going to mean say you know what weve agreed to these conventions for hundreds. Of years now that said were going to Something Different you know because who needs you know humanity which brings me to this week and one of the biggest trending things over the weekend was this interchange at the just with Justice Department attorney sara fabians argument to the Appeals Court about the floor a settlement which is the agreement that has been used to say well this is why we have to separate kids this is she tried to argue that it didnt require the government or any of its agencies to provide. Such luxuries as so blankets and toothpastes to even minor children who are sitting there in their care. What is the floor can you theres a shortage of what the florist settlement is and how does that address these 2 topics which is safe and sanitary conditions and does it have anything to do with family separation it has a lot to do with family separation of the Top Administration its the floors settlement agrees to how well you can actually hold kitchen which supposed to be 20 days right now were finding that the top of the distortion is doing that for a much longer time period right this is supposed to work against the toxic stress just to be able to process them and get them back to the family members or to u. S. Citizens who are family members that could take care of them in the time its not a cost to the government thats the problem there is no connect between giving someone a toothbrush and the florists little bit right and as we saw today the Top Administration step did remove 300. 00 people instantly so its a management problem not a money problem and really humanity is at the heart of all of it if we treated these people as people rather than something other than us then we would have these situations because these would lead to a well one of the things i also think that that keeps coming up now is that this idea that we dont have room he said you know theres these tweets from the president and his administration about were all full we cant do this yet i saw that we saw 5 your high in 2018 for us citizen applique and ship applications you had over 750000 people were naturalized as u. S. Sit. Since does the issue of immigration simply is this about they need more money to process Legal Immigration or do we need a philosophical change and how we approach it is our system can we fix ice Homeland Security these things in a way thats good for people and makes immigration into a more human process you mean process immigration is bigger than this in this administration the last administration what were dealing with now is a Global Crisis many countries are placed with the very same thing they need to be addressed in a global scale we just set the blueprints for the rest the world how we treat people right and there is no crowding today a study came out that most americans are over 35 years of age and therefore were aging and we dont have anyone to come back into the back bill no one still and we have this low unemployment no ones doing these jobs no one wants to go pick the fields and so then we start saying were going to terrorist to mexico then that means were not going to sit here and just thats how it really is someone we need a better understanding and we need better states people we need people who are willing to come to the table and make compromises that were made in immigration bills that were passed 10 years ago there has not been an immigration bill in 10 years that is not the fault of the immigrants thats the fault of the congress and the leadership and the president yeah and i feel like weve lost the i grew up as a child in the reagan era and the way i understand immigration is that it wasnt a partisan issue this was something that we as humans and we as americans should should be the best at wherever we are i want to thank you so much allen or for coming in and helping us better understand this whole process of immigration and helping us sift through all of it allan our immigration attorney thank you so much for joining me today having me. Almost 2 years after a shooter in las vegas took the lives of 58. 00 Music Festival attendees m. G. M. Is finding itself in yet another round of lawsuits the hotel giant is now attempting to use their own Insurance Company as the scapegoat artist natasha suite has more. Thats who are finite when a man decided to ambush innocent victims at the root of the one harvest Music Festival almost 2 years. Ago is coming back to haunt the hotel but m. G. M. Is fighting back now hoping the judge will let their Insurance Company take the fall. 1100 rounds of ammunition fired sniper style from stephen padlocks suite on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel 58 were killed and 422 more initially wounded the chaos in the streets brought the injuries up to a reported 851 as the panic has died down the hoarding hasnt gone away in fact there are some 4000 claimants seeking compensation from the shooting while indians Insurance Company american hasnt commented on the lawsuit a companys spokesman did say the lawsuit that was filed this past wednesday isnt about coverage for the victims its about legal costs and according to the lawsuit m. G. M. Disputes any liability arising out of the events in g. M. Resorts has been in mediation with the plaintiffs and while they are hoping to avoid years of litigation the hotel is still dealing with lawsuits from nevada california and 5 other states stemming from the deadliest shooting in modern u. S. History lawsuit claims many millions of dollars are left and paid by the insurer now legal outsiders say it basically wall boiled down to the judges interpretation of in jims insurance policy and if american acted in bad faith only time will tell if a judge will have sympathy for the hotel giant in los angeles not just sweet r. T. As we go to break forget to let us know what you think of the topics weve covered on facebook and twitter all shows at r. T. Dot com coming up author dan colette joins us to discuss his new book a plot to overthrow venezuela to washington. Live. Plenty. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Please. List. And very well might continue watching on since last. August to max kaiser financial survival guide. Political our 2 year president out. This is what happens to pensions in britain. You watch kaiser report. List. Over the last few months venezuela has been on the tips of every d. C. Lobbyist tongue and on the cover of some of the worlds biggest magazines well us politicians fell over each other just to get a piece of the inevitable coup however that could never happen no matter how hard western media governments tried even threats of military action would not deter the madeira government or spark the regime change so many said was necessary so what happens when threats of violence and debilitating sanctions arent enough what do we do as an International Community when the very wealthy of venice waya from very well to Venezuela Oil to gold is being pillaged at every turn all by people claiming to be here to help take the case of 7 and a half tons of venezuelan gold thats now vanished after being shipped for processing. If you ask madeira potence the gold sells are an underhanded way for the corrupt regime to profit despite sanctions if you ask those who are against regime change wars in general it seems like a country being starved to death by segments trying to find a way to survive one has to ask if the fight for venice whale is truly about democracy when Food Shortages and economic sanctions are the main road to this socalled freedom here to help us better understand the plot to overthrow about us while it is the author of the new book the plot to overthrow but as the oil up author dan coats thank you so much for joining us today on. Thank you so much to have us or you know since since the early 2000 the u. S. And other nations have tried to overthrow 1st. Governments of on this will and the reason always given is there horribly oppression oppressive regimes what you know yet we still prop up allies like saudi arabia so. Its not hard to understand what an oppressive regime is what did you find in your research for the book is is the real reason and what are the the main core reasons that the u. S. And other nations want to get their feet into venezuela. Yes well not just from my research but ive been to venezuela a number of times ive been an election observer there about half a dozen times including for both president ial elections for Nicolas Maduro and 1st of all you know there is some i think a lot of misinformation about venezuela 1st of all as jimmy carter himself concluded after witnessing 92 different elections around the world he said venezuela has the best electoral system on the planet. And ive witnessed that myself so far from having a democracy deficit in fact theres a lot the u. S. Could learn from venezuela meanwhile by the way jimmy carter said the u. S. Has one of the worst Electoral Systems and he said that the u. S. Right now doesnt even have a functioning democracy so for us to be trying to you know scold busy venezuela about democracy is ironic and by the way i do want to mention you mentioned saudi arabia we dont even have to go that far away to look at the worst human rights violator in this hemisphere and thats Colombia South America which is the u. S. Is closest ally in the past year over 150 social leaders have been murdered mostly by state forces in Colombia South America and yet you never hear about that in the Mainstream Press if that sort of thing was happening in venezuela of course youd hear about it because you hear about men is a whale of every day but in any case meanwhile i also want to note the u. N. Just. Commended venezuela as having being one of the few countries in the world that is guaranteeing the right to housing venezuela has built 2500000 Housing Units in recent years. Which again is commendable specially given the sanctions that are being imposed on that as well. Thats interesting and one of the things that you notice when you start to really dig into this is that mr own chavez before him they connected with and prioritize the poor over the oligarchs you know you had people like the rockefeller is down in venice way about buying up hundreds and thousands of acres trying to build branches all of this you know hoping to profit from the situation down there is the current good wydow led opposition just another shade of the rockefellers and the the oligarchies that looks like go down and profit. Well the answer of course is yes and you as you point out for about 100 years the u. S. Has dominated venezuela for its own purposes and for the purpose of oil of profiting from oil of getting access to oil of controlling the oil and thats what this struggle is about in fact one of the things why does promised he said if he becomes president which by the way i dont think he ever will but he has promised he would privatized of Venezuelas Oil which was nationalized by as he would open it up to private investment including from the u. S. And john bolton you know Trumps National security adviser has already been meeting with the u. S. Companies to divvy up Venezuelas Oil interests between them so theres that theyre barely even concealing their true concerns here and by the way in terms of humanitarian concerns they talk about. According to none other than Jeffrey Sachs a very well respected economist at Columbia University since august of 2017 since the sanctions imposed by trumpet that over 40000 venezuelans have died due to those sanctions because they have been unable to purchase things like insulin chemotherapy drugs hiv drugs food. And sacks predicts that this year over 40000. 00 venezuelans more will die and so 1. Its a cruel joke that the u. S. Claims it cares about the venezuelan people and the latest sanctions trump has announced is to sanctions venezuelas few Food Distribution program called the clap program which guarantees a certain level of food for people in venezuela per month and now every 15 days in fact so now trump wants to sanction Food Distribution in in venezuela so again the pretext of being concerned about the humanitarian situation in venezuela. 1. Is a joke but its not a funny 1. 1 of the things i noticed also this week was that michelle a. Former president of chile and the u. N. High commissioner for human rights she went to venezuela and i have this to say. It didnt leave during the me you more than 30000000 venezuelans lies in the will inability of their leaders to place the human rights or liberty people about any personal political or ideological ambition i understand skepticism of some about the possibility that any of these negotiations will be fascinating but i believe given the situation that exists in the country and it should urge all leaders to maintain an entrenched positions on either side will only make the crisis worse in a swale and cannot ignore the situation the country deteriorate recently. What is it 80 do you think do we have leaders that can get to the table can we have a peaceful end to these sanctions and for the people of venice with. You know i think the answer is yes in fact the opposition in madeira of met a different rounds of negotiations in fact almost had a deal. Hammered out last year and Santo Domingo right before the may 2018 elections which the opposition was about to sign but then was urged by the trumpet ministration not to and so i think if the venezuelans are left to their own devices they cant work these things out by the way its important to note that the Opposition Leader who ran against him. Last year a guy named henry fell column from the Business Community has himself echoed the concerns. Busy you just quoted as saying and that is that the sanctions are not only hurting the venezuelan people but its increasing the tensions in their country and making it more difficult for the government an opposition to. Common ground in so i think the u. S. Has to stop intervening in venezuela has to stop the sanctions and let the venezuelan work people work these things out on their own a minute left do you think that if in the event that venezuela falls to sort of western interventional ism as this happened in places like russia and eastern europe. Do you think you could have a change what change will look like a latin america. Yeah i believe if the u. If n. Is way low falls to another u. S. Supported to as many countries have throughout the world but particularly in the america i think history has shown that it will not be good for the venezuelan people the u. S. Wants to turn venezuela back into in the oil republic you know you hear the term Banana Republic for years venezuela was the u. S. Is oil republic thats what it wants to do it wants to put the power back in the hands of the rich oligarchs by the way mostly white oligarchs and take away the power thats been given under the boat of oriental revolution to Indigenous People afro venezuelans poor the poor and working class people and i am certain that a u. S. Backed coup will set venezuela back many decades and really be damaging to all. Thank you so much Dan Koval Eric new book the plot to overthrow the venice whale go out and get yourself a copy thank you so much for helping us wade through this dan thank you tabitha thank you very much. The u. S. Supreme court was them better of a pickle when trying to decide whether trademarks can be issued if the name of a brand how shall we say of us or us than p. G. 13 the court heard the case of a quote 7 in Company Called after you see t. Which fought for a trademark the Supreme Court decided that at a time when free speech is under attack it is especially important for the court to remain firm on the principle that the 1st amendment does not tolerate viewpoint discrimination. But it was Justice Roberts who won the day when he realized while making his own argument about worrying about kids and the power of the trademark kind of answer to it take a listen. But it is going to be on people walking down through the mall and you know for parents who are trying to teach their children not to use those kinds of words theyre going to look at that and say well look at that and then you know theyre going to trademarks and say well its registered trademark and they want to say that. Thats right most kids dont really know about trademarks and will be ok thats our show for you today everyone remember as my cohost tyrrel venter always says in this world we are not told or love theres nothing i tell you while i love you on top of the wallace keep on watching those hawks and have a great day and night everyone and. Good food descriptions sound up the even for the owners so how to choose the pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out and may not be associated people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to a very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making it a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Not. Only was a lot and

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