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A better equipped hospitals that israel said theyre being denied access to that shows. A very warm welcome youre watching out international with me. It was foreign minister job and serif has tweeted that america despises diplomacy and wants war thats all to washington introduced major new sanctions on to wrong including against the countrys supremely leader Ayatollah Khomeini the escalation comes in response to wrongs downing of a u. S. Military surveillance drone which the Islamic Republic claims violated it says space. Todays action follows a series of aggressive busy behaviors by the Iranian Regime in recent weeks including shooting down of us from. The drovers busy i guess everyone saw that one. Many other things and many other things aside from the individual drone use of the tank and we know of other things that were done also which were not good and not appropriate if you dont succeed at 1st try try again washington is assuring us all that these new sanctions will be highly effective just like the ones you know all that came before the sanctions have been very effective in cutting all phones go into the or in other people and you know i can only presume im not going to presume why theyre doing things but these are highly highly effective on locking up the iranian economy and the sanctions have been indeed highly effective at making iranian officials crack jokes at American Foreign policy their Foreign Ministry spokesperson poked fun at the whole idea saying that there was nothing left in iran for the u. S. To sanction anymore but the effectiveness of these new sanctions isnt the only thing washington might be a bit confused about one minute the u. S. Is out for punishment and the next its not sure if the people there sanctioning are the ones to blame at all and this was really clear in some of the Vice President mike pence his latest statements lets take a listen to a couple of them we expect the president to announce an additional round of sanctions in response to irans downing of an american unmanned vehicle the president also had doubts as to whether or not the downing of our Unmanned Aircraft was actually authorized at the highest levels now sanctioned certainly are a far cry from the air strike that apparently stopped just moments before execution a strike which washington estimated may have killed around 150 iranian civilians if it were carried out lets not forget but some like senator Bernie Sanders think that trump shouldnt get the. Credit for that was president trying to decision this week to call off that strike the right one. So the its like somebody sitting. Who. Could pull of paper than putting it out he helped create the crisis and that is stop the attacks and theres a little confusion it seems about why the punishing iran even among the u. S. Still seems to have spread to europe and some of the u. S. Allies always behind america when it comes to sanction iran yeah thats true this confusion and even disagreement between washington and its european allies goes all the way back to 20 teen when the trumpet ministration pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and renewed sanctions on the Islamic Republic the signatories included the European Union and their officials were very upset about this unilateral withdrawal still secretary of state mike pompei o expects them to fall in line with the socalled Global Coalition against iran that he mentioned in his recent diplomatic visit to saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates meanwhile what is trump saying about his allies lets take a lesson from here about the europeans europeans are going out and making a lot of money the europeans are fine but they are going out and making a lot of money now if the formation of a Global Coalition seemed unlikely after those statements talks between the u. S. And iran are even more of a pipe dream on the one hand you have washington who says that says its ready for negotiations with iran without preconditions and on the other hand it says that sanctions on the head of irans Foreign Ministry will be in full busy force by next week the foreign minister. Zarif so our negotiations supposed to take place without preconditions if the foreign minister is already being penalized its hard to tell but it begs the question of whether theres been some sort of miscommunication between trumps war hawks and doves or if this is just part of the political strategy we had from cairo and its heavy and middle east specialist he says the white house seems to like a coherent position on. Its a big miss washington these days to be missed not by the law but the one decision that has to be made. Busy back from the he was in the security room with. My comp your. John bolton asked the director of cia and. Even. By the. They wanted to lunch and they didnt have. One. So we can say that in washington its the special in the west wing of the white its that big of the mess meanwhile the us iran tensions in expectations over sanctions over sanctions increases have pushed up the oil price on monday they rose to a one month high prices jump significantly last week after iran shot down a u. S. Drone. Meanwhile again embarking on his usual twitter diplomacy to our trying has called on other countries to protect their own ships in the strait of hormuz he claimed those nations receive so much oil through it and yet its u. S. Forces that have to push well the area and gets no compensation economist jack ransom has told us washingtons policy iran is heavily influenced by the oil trade. The major part but part of this whole event is really moves by trump to keep the price of oil up there while the broader forces are driving the price of oil down a lot of this is not just politics a lot of this is all about you know the u. S. Maximizing the sale in the profits of multinational corporations thats what the trade war is all about the u. S. Wants europe to buy u. S. Oil u. S. Gas i mean thats what the fight is all about to get europe to cancel the pipeline the natural gas pipeline from russia i mean right now i think a lot of it has to do with whether you have the reckless neo cons driving the policy they want to war with iran theyve always wanted a war with iran but i dont think truck wants a war with iran going into an Election Year i think is a political instincts about Election Year coming up are given him 2nd thoughts about whether he really wants a conflict in iraq with the rand the middle east to have a war on top of a weak economy i think would be a blow that he might not recover from the u. S. Has been trying to undermine through financial means that is went for quite some time although theyve got bigger fish to fry right now with china and with irans so thats sort of on a back burner right now i believe this this thing will be resolved as long as both india and the meal cons dont control the policy which is a question you know is trump running the show or are the meal comes running the show one day its one the other day looks like its the other. Parents of critically ill palestinian infants her of being taken out of gaza for better treatment in israel of being denied access to their children thats because permits off aha thats whats happening for idols i see meet the parents of 2 children who died while there were separate things. Ringback. The lawyer and going to i was 7 months pregnant and they diagnosed it as early labor but since i had an in vitro fertilization they didnt have the necessary facilities. And. My application was very urgent and i should have gotten approval very quickly from the Coordination Office because the lives of the mother or children could have been endangered but it took the Coordination Office 5 days. To get close to him and they said my surgery went fine and the stitches would be removed in gaza i told them id least once a stage of breast feed the babies and they said no i kept crying it wasnt easy for me to leave them i didnt know they would leave or die and i went home devastated. One day i felt so bad i was exhausted and the same night i heard that one girl had died her name was malott she died one week after i went home that. Sort of when when after a while they told me the other child was not doing well they didnt say he was dead then they said he had to sit in the blood then they told me that hes heart stopped. Someone called me from the cards Nation Office and told me you have 10 minutes to get ready and go pick up your daughter so my husband told me some porton to go right now and pick her up. So much during those 3. Man psychiatry would do a lot of suffering and depression but thank god all of that went away when i saw my daughter. Israel justifies its land air and sea blockade of gaza by arguing that it prevents local militant groups from launching attacks the un though has criticized his co got the israeli body responsible for coordination between the Palestinian Administration and tell of the stress to r. T. It assists in delivering Health Care Despite having no responsibility for hours physicians for human rights israel an israeli medical and geo ses most children travel without their mothers or fathers according to them more than 7000. 00 permits were issued to minors from gaza last year and fewer than 2000 for parents gather much of delay from the ngo told us more about the situation there is no specific period to have a decision in inquiries for permits it can be one moment in it can be half a year we had cases where people waited for more than one year to obtain a permit or to have any kind of decision regarding their inquiry the separation between the kids and a very parents informing for their sake logical and socially situation and we know theyre also influenced very covertly and the process of the treatment itself. The trump administrations peace plan for the middle east has been slammed before even being officially unveiled for allegedly trying to bribe the palestinians and giving up certain political ambitions a plan offers them 50000000000. 00 worth of investment banks changeful concessions thousands of palestinians are taking to the streets in gaza to protest against it demonstrators burned american flags and portraits of the u. S. President marked with the words of the devil is my gassier. Is trump not generous not fair and merciful who outs would offer palestinians such generous conditions such great perks and amazing bonuses that someone else is presumably going to pay for it dont call it the deal of the century for nothing you know and just as with all great deals its totally secret political side and the economic side are 2 very robust efforts our thought was that it was better to put the economic plan 1st makes sense when you are offered a job anyone would 1st want to know how much you get paid rather than what the job is and this pays great 50000000000. 00 in investment though they have no idea where thats going to come from a 1000000 jobs in whats left of palestine unemployment slashed to shreds and still the palestinians are unhappy 1st lift the siege of gaza stop the israeli theft of our Land Resources and funds give us our freedom of movement and control over our own borders and space territorial waters etc then watch us build a vibrant prosperous economy as a free and sovereign people the plowden or well the pay will be discussed in bahrain this week and the palestinians arent going and neither of these release which isnt great considering that this is the palestinian israeli peace deal. Were not going to turn this workshop the Economic Situation should not be discussed before the political one is laws there is no political solution deal with an economic solution. What the palestinians need to understand is that the again some and get lose in this case you apparently lose most of your country but still make the gas and coast really nice 40 kilometers of pristine beaches millions of tourists with great palestinian coups even oh yeah about losing half your country part under certain circumstances i think israel has the right to retain some but unlikely on of the west bank i get why people think this is going to be a deal that only the israelis could love i understand the perception of that i hope everyone will just give the space to listen and let it settle in a little bit yeah i forgot to mention draft of a plan have leaked and according to them palestinians will be forced to give up 60 percent of the west bank it will be forbidden for palestinians to have an army and theyll have to pay israel for protection for ever and if they refuse to go along the us will sanction them to kingdom come also they still have no idea who pays for all of this if its private investors the palestinians will then have to pay them back presumably if so in effect the palestinians are being arsed to. Told to give up most of their country in exchange for a loan hill of a century more like deal of the millennium if you go by how absolutely one sided and absurd it apparently is this is. Does not show that the us is. Fair. Mediator between the palestinians and the israelis basically referred to mr ellison years are not capable of ruling themselves this vision violates International Resolutions and international law. And denies the palestinians their basic rights and in fact makes it almost impossible or next to impossible that means that israel would be allowed to continue to come carol resources the palestinians and the west bank and the stickers on them and that means that its no longer possible to have a sovereign viable palestinian state. Russia could soon regain its place in the Parliamentary Assembly of the council of europe 5 years after it was stripped of its vote the human rights body has passed a resolution allowing the russian delegation to attend a summer session which has just started the motion was approved after a heated 9 hour debate in strasburg moscow quit the 47. 00 Nation Assembly known as pace in 2014 but happened after it was stripped of its Voting Rights following the crimean referendum which led to the unification of russia russia as several countries are expected to oppose moscows full reinstatement including ukraine and georgia and russian Officials Say they will only rejoin pays a full membership is guaranteed desmond martie director of pangea why a group group told us the dispute is far from over this decision it will be. Argued that debated among its members ready and because it was an agreed only unanimously by all members. Of the ukraine is very much against. Theres other Member States who voice their opposition to language to rejoin the peace organization. But as you can see their. Hopes have been sidelined which has allowed russia to rejoin the business issue but we have to reread to see what the question is this will. This will give legitimacy to russia to continue with military separations wapping thank you but then again you see what the true knowledge of our own to be of this important step we need to take this is a. Big overhaul as to where it is the reforms. The race to be britains next conservative party leader and thereby Prime Minister is in full swing the sky is debate between the 2 remaining candidates has been cancelled after frontrunner barras johnson fell to reply to the invites of the former foreign so. Terry does get the top drop a new poll has found his premiership could have huge consequences for scotlands hes probably boyko explains hes had to dodge all sorts of questions in relation to braggs it because his own says leave a lot of wiggle room as to that halloween departure date from the e. U. And also his private life or raul with his much younger girlfriend has been dominating the headlines here and in the midst of all this there are the results of a very interesting poll carried out by a panel base in scotland using a sample of over a 1000 scots and thats found that overall at the moment in scotland there isnt an appetite for independence there isnt a majority wanting Scottish Independence its a narrow margin 49 percent want independence versus 51 percent of scots who want to stay in the u. K. But crucially that fine balance tips towards scots wanting independence if you add one crucial factor its blown its got scruffy has its Boris Johnson if he is Prime Minister then 53 percent of scots say that they would want independence for their country while just 47 percent would be against it and this really strengthens the argument of scotlands 1st minister nicolas sturgeon who says that having boris as Prime Minister would strengthen the case for independence this was her answering a journalists question as to whether boris would make a good Prime Minister no i want he was a foreign secretary with a reasonable time he didnt display any basic competence seriousness of purpose and not jump and i find it actually quite hard to get my head around but knowing everything we know about him through tours or even contemplating putting him into number Boris Johnson really hasnt done himself any favors with scotland really an old Opinion Column of his when. He was a journalist has thrown up some pretty controversial statements this was dating back to 2005 and in relation to gordon brown but take a listen to what he had to say about Scott Gordon Brown as Prime Minister would be religious not just because you dont popping into fearing tax and complicates of life but mainly because hes a scot and government by a scot is just not conceivable in the current constitutional context what this poll really shows is that even if a johnson win is almost inevitable here and it does feel that way scotland is going to be a thorn in the what now seems to be future Prime Ministers side hes not liked north of the border and judging by this survey if hes in charge the likelihood of another pressure for Scottish Independence is much higher how do you for him the idea that Boris Johnson might become. Completely revolting Boris Johnson its more like a more visible evil ive had to tell you find i think is and reliable i think a slippery. I think its interesting with being in charge of the nation at all i think its a frightening prospect i feel like theres a lot of people that would do much better job than he words dont like him dont trust him hes a liar hes been. American veterans who dont respond to normal treatment for depression will be prescribed a ketamine like drug the Us Department of Veterans Affairs has partially approved a controversial new drug amid rising suicide rates among retired servicemen and despite lots of questions raised by psychiatry and pharmacologists it will now be prescribed in certain cases with the correct authorization of the drug that goes under the name of vasco is made by pharmaceutical giant johnson and johnson and is intended for use when standard therapies fail its not cheap though a years supply would set a patient back 30000. 00 however experts both in and outside of the gulf. Fear the drugs safety the possible side effects of the treatment range from hallucinations and dizziness to sedation during several years of trials 6 people who were treated with the drug died 3 of the deaths were suicide however the drugs makers they as investigators established those deaths were not slings to the products and they continues to promote it as a breakthrough in medicine spray votto is the 1st new type of medicine for treatment resistant depression in decades we firmly believe that people suffering from treatment resistant depression including our nations veterans deserve the opportunity to benefit from this breakthrough medicine veteran suicides are a big problem in the u. S. On average 20 former soldiers kill themselves every day but a number of doctors rejects the idea the new drug will make a difference. The biggest problem at hand is not the drug itself its the fact that instead of representing a revolution in Mental Health treatment as it has been touted to do as government is not a breakthrough at all spirital was shown to have a very sly benefit for patients in general but not for a man or people over 65 and thats mostly who the v. A. Serves spirit is very unlikely to help most veterans using deviate and so it absolutely should not be included on the for military. Were only kind of kicking the can down the road in terms of future problems it was 1st. Prescribe opiates which became addictive been now were dealing with an opiate crisis and i can only imagine the kind of mean crisis that will become if doctors turn to prescribe being kind of mean on a routine basis so we are recruiting people into the military having them face untenable situations and then frankly just trying to find a pill to fix it after the fact which only failed and drawing yet another drug into the situation without really taking a step back and trying to figure out what is at the root cause of the suicide of a comic is a mistake. Its really has raised the stakes and is conflict with the e. U. Over the countrys debt crisis deputy Prime Minister selvi has said he will resign if brussels doesnt approve his proposed tax cuts it comes off to the Italian Parliament proposed a new way of debt payment socalled mini bots a form of financial bond which brussels apparently sees it as a potential threat to the euro arties taylor explains. One always feels bad for the e. U. As if the public humiliation of 17000000 brits saying they just didnt like it wasnt enough now its got another troublesome child on its hands it to me now while it is the 3rd biggest economy in europe its also one of the weakest its plagued by sluggish growth high unemployment and a whole lot of debt and the e. U. Is getting a bit and noid that not enough is being done to deal with this debt crisis so its issued a warning that it will take disciplinary action but the mediterranean countries got other patterns and its come up with a nifty way around it all many pots or bills of treasury that basically smoove you know its the government would use to pay off people without using real money a bit like a lunch coupon but the financial idiots arent happy they say its got all the signs of a new currency and marks the 1st step toward keeping the euro zone. Or it. Goes up. The people who are in markets these many roads doesnt seem to be very promising many better ways to actually deal with the payment of areas. Does not require the creation of such instruments bones its highly and vons could absolutely do the job now the idea of the many bought isnt new similar techniques have been used in argentina greece and california also its not like it is the only country in the e. U. To have overspent for 10 years front also failed to meet its Debt Reduction targets that brussels held its tongue but then again france doesnt have a populist government manned by no euro skeptics. Who food brussels. Your rules say you cannot feed your child do you think i would respect brussels rules. Do you think i would feed my child has decided to wage a war on the home front to aside from the many pots its also proposed nor that would give the government the power to appoint members to the bank of italy the e. U. Is flustered fearing the board could end up less independent and more anti you and its likely disappointed over the loss of an ally on the inside the bank reportedly acted on behalf of the European Central bank to help oust former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi they threaten governments that misbehave with financial destruction they cut off refinancing and threaten to kill the Banking System they create a crisis in the bond market this is what happened to italy in 2011 so you can sympathize with the e. U. The current italian governments make no attempt to hide its the state of the block the recent e. U. Parliament actually saw populist euro skeptic parties win ground the threats it uses to dissipate and wayward Member States are being bypassed and theyre not exactly galloping ahead bracks is shown by resident bit painful alternative youd forgive the e. U. If it needed a moment to mop it brow we are trying to find solutions to. Go out through the system. We want to see this. Because that is a flock of that is not working right that it should sort of want to fight the flexible. Who shows. To me going to west. Is because weve all these hoops of this and that you cant just the. Basics and so im not making the beer. Or were not making big tourist of the. Thanks for joining us on r. T. International were back in 30 minutes with the latest c. Section of baghdad is not that i like to hear you but it without the mollifying influence of the e. U. The brits are going to be exposed face on head on to people like Boris Johnson and jacob smog who are who are the certifiably and see. You know world of big part of the law and can see

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