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Hello there the latest developments and a look back at whats been happening over the last 7 days to you watch the weekly here on oxy international. Now the u. S. President donald trump called off a strike on iran this week just 10 minutes before you to be launched since said hes neither a warmonger nor of but a man with common sense and that he doesnt want to kill anybody unless its absolutely necessary. One thing i want to know and i want to know it accurately is accurately. How many. Will die i dont want to kill the. Friend. Any friend i dont want to kill. Anybody. Thats exactly. Where the council to to. It was meant to be in retaliation for terrans downing of a u. S. Military surveillance drone over the gulf region strait of hormuz irans said it was ready to add to its collection of downed drones if washington violates its airspace with more his color more pay. In terms of words he seems to have indicated it could have been a human error he pointed out that it could have been a general or some other official who made the mistake of ordering for the drone to be shot down i find it hard to believe it was intentional if you want to know the truth i think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid our iran is said that the drone did indeed enter their airspace and violate their territory and that they intend to go to the United Nations in order to prove this they say that it was in the southern part of their country that this drone entered their airspace and that they shot it down for violating their airspace at this point weve got the Iranian Foreign minister condemning the United States for what he calls economic terrorism the us wages economic terrorism on iran has conducted covert action against those and now encroaches on our territory we dont seek war but was endlessly to fend off sky land and water is will take this new aggression to the u. N. And show you that the u. S. Is lying about International Waters now the u. N. Secretary general antonio gets here as is calling on all parties to remain calm and exercise restraint i strongly hope that. The situation will be contained because as i said and i repeat the world does not really need any measure confrontation with russian president Vladimir Putin recently said that an attack on iran would be potentially disastrous which id like to say straight away that a military conflict between the u. S. And iran would be a disaster at least for the region it would be an outburst of violence with terrible consequences its very hard to predict what would happen in the case of military force being used now many observers have noted that it seems that the white house is powerless in toward iran has been rather consistent this is how the United States has approached iran during the trumpet ministration threat their neighbors are spread instability or terror everywhere we go in the middle east its a rare. Major destabilize. Implodes in the middle east spread death destruction and weve been trying. To get. Like globalization. Now the United States recently sent a 1000 new troops to the middle east region in response to a supposed threat from the Islamic Republic of iran now on june 13th when 2 oil tankers were attacked the United States blamed iran for the incident however iranian officials were shocked at those accusations outright and said that it was actually their ships that were on scene to rescue the sailors who had been hurt and take them for medical assistance so at this point all eyes are on the middle east region all eyes are on the u. N. Where International Bodies will be hearing and taking up this issue and all eyes are on washington as a response from the United States could be very possible. And that is the blame game does increase washington is ramping up its economic pressure on to iran with new sanctions to hit the Islamic Republic on monday we asked people in new york what they thought about the prospects of u. S. Military action against iran. Can you imagine a situation where it would be you would be in support of a war with iran. It was the last one was another war and then another war then another you know one thing is another way. To solve problems and go about things open assassinations and bombing other people and we knew about it to prove it i think we need real proof that some type of activity is actually happening where people are losing life losing land where some type of injustice is happening at the hands of iran but at this point i dont really know that thats necessarily true to a terrorist attack on you know innocent people you know Something Like 911 happens of course the response is this is necessary and immediate. Is war the answer to that maybe not maybe but i still think personally we should find a different solution besides war weve been to many wars a lot of people have died and doesnt seem to make the issues go away a less iran is having violence against the horrors i think the country maybe can resolve his own issues with other countries interference i can say is i hope nobody gets hurt i hope for world peace. The Senior Iranian National Security official at the chan county told us that iran has never attacked anybody but is ready to retaliate. All have rules. You can find out trump statements always different for example statements from yesterday and today he also contradicts white house officials such political matter is devoid of logic and common sense we do not take seriously his threats and contradictory statements but in the end it must be noted that the Islamic Republic of iran is not iraq or afghanistan we are a big state and have strong Popular Support both during the present but also past hardships the Islamic Republic has been Standing Firm and never attacked anyone and will not do that but if we are attacked the aggressor will regret it at the same time we strive for peace and security in our region the policy of sanctions and the economic war launched by trump against the iranian people will not yield any results this is a hostile policy that will be defeated as a result. Members of the venezuelan opposition have been implicated in a Corruption Scandal leaked documents appears reveal that officials from why those movements have been embezzling aid funds for personal use the money was intended for soldiers who defected and fled to neighboring colombia. Humanitarian aid it is more a humanitarian robbery that all the money from the famous humanitarian aid fund was stolen of take note washington not only are the opposition liars but they are thieves too who stole thousands of dollars from each other. Thousands of dollars raised from an aid concert on the colombian border were apparently spent on hotels prostitutes and luxury goods by 2 members of quite a party they were in charge of overseeing the humanitarian aid arties more against it is more on the story. Sex drugs and rocknroll arent something youd associate with a humanitarian aid concert wrongly it seems colombian authorities themselves a shocked and barrister to what theyve uncovered and to think it all began so innocently we need to try to help those who are not getting medical help help those who are hungry and today hopefully on the back of this concert we can start maybe getting supplies into them to sway those that people are not suffering so much back then the freshly selfproclaimed president of venezuela called in the military to defect join him and top of the corrupt regime. We gladly armed forces welcome to the right side of history welcome to the soldiers who are today following the constitution welcome hundreds of soldiers did defect some with families some of the small children they scared to colombia they were put in hotels and by mid march it were living in the streets we are desperate we do not want to stay in colombia we want to return to venezuela but not in the current Living Conditions we do not know. How could this happen out of the 7 hotels that the soldiers were staying in all but 2 were being paid for by the un and the colombian government to hotels is all who and why do those representatives had to pay for except they didnt according to the journalists who broke this story why and why do all of this a month ago. We couldnt allow for any bad managing of money to overshadow what has been a big effort on the part of all venezuelans thats why as soon as we had the information about the Ongoing Investigation we decided to send it straight to every impartial of dorothy the people who did this bear in mind were appointed by do personally and he only chose to speak with the story already Public Knowledge saying transparent investigation is needed also amazingly managing to somehow imply that the venezuelan government does involve culpable complicit and that guy duo doesnt cover up corruption which he kept covered up for at least a month obviously the actual venezuelan government has questions. This huge drug corruption poor to divert money that we could use false Sick Children instead of being spent including medicine that has been used to pay for alcohol prostitutes expensive Shopping Trips and Luxury Hotels as do those allies why is his party which promises to cleanse venezuela of corruption and exercise the demons of the old regime why are these people blowing tens of thousands of dollars in aid money on prostitutes drugs and booze and live a concert that Richard Branson blair along with others in the u. S. Pro championship february 22nd 23rd is a complete failure dont force the inside of tennis well and. Have been using the money to enrich themselves for luxury staying in 5 star hotels and therefore theyre really showing what theyre about its about. Power for personal enrichment the Corruption Scandal is just one small part of what the u. S. Is engaging in in this enormous assault a genocidal assault against the people of well its hundreds of millions its chance of billions of dollars that the u. S. Is stealing in the name of one way though stealing money from the venezuelan people. President of georgia is the russians to continue visiting her country with tbilisi insisting it is safe for tourists from foreign journalist that is after moscow temporarily banned direct flights to and from georgia Russias Foreign Ministry alleges that georgias radical opposition is exploiting the visit of a russian delegation to mount protests 240. 00 people have been injured so far in the demonstrations including 18 Police Officers and a producer at arties abruptly agency. I. Was i was. The. I. Was not up to look at dog or the situation got very heated there was rest spikes and then the crowd geared up for another storm stone sticks and bottles were thrown from the side of the crowd special forces fired rubber bullets and deployed tear gas protests erupted after russian m. P. Said after a loaf sat in the chair of the Georgian Parliament speaker this happened during the opening of a session of a multilateral Parliamentary Assembly meant to promote orthodox christianity the georgian opposition prevented paper from taking to the podium afterwards but we talked to mr gotta love who told us that radicals are attempting to disrupt already complicated russia georgia relations. But you only see it as a president of the assembly i have the right to take this seat in any country where the Assembly Session is held in this case the place was offered by the georgian side the session was invaded by radicals who shouted threats to our lives we tried to continue but more radical activists showed up with cameras and posters with anti russian insulting upslope goods we decided to finish the session in the hotel nearby radicals tried to storm the hotel they attacked members of parliament including me when we tried to leave i believe all of this is the racist styria in the wake of protests to take power. Well earlier the georgian president blamed the russian official for what happens during the protests benefit nobody but the kremlin she cut short to a visit to batteries to return home cheating the antigovernment rally and the kremlin responded to the accusations rooted phobic provocation thats how moscow described the 2 days of large scale demonstrations in the georgian capital where protesters and demanding that the government resigns another rallies expected on sunday we spoke earlier to former acting president of georgia nino. She believes the government into bringing the sea has been fermenting anti russian sentiment. The rushing to our generations are really very difficult and sensitive issue for us aside and most of the population now receive the same message the russian m. P. In that year of door again speaker is this something which is just creating a problem what stability of the country or something which is there just independence and sovereignty of that kind and it was easy to predict from the side of the government had absolutely unbelievable how and competence is the government and its absolutely sure for me that the government did enough people the improvement of crushing georgian relations during the last few years so there was no any kind of positive in this the direction of political parties. Themselves as a pro western and that right now 2 years of these. Hard to say sincere bring us a people in their Political Goals and to just strengthen these 2 russian really exists in. Jordan population to only what would be really for as the east and shouldnt be absent and be irresponsible. Government and stupidity of this government. Now british arms sales to saudi arabia could be on the line after peace campaigners won a legal challenge over the weapons potential use in yemen they claim the lucrative contracts breach International Law and contribute to what the u. N. Calls the worlds worst humanitarian crisis British Appeals Court judges are now demanding a review here is what the opponents of the arms sales to the kingdom had to say right after the verdict. This goes to the very top of the conservative party we now need a judicial review in the whole arms licensing system parliament has been shown to be totally broke we now need a Public Inquiry on this matter the government should not waste time in appealing this judgment the government should fix our system this has been a brutal condemnation of u. K. Foreign policy business been a very strong judgment against we want to see action from the government the court has done its job its time for the government to do its job the decisions it took in relation to existing licenses and make the decisions it took to continue to go on licenses those decisions are unlawful and they have to go back and reconsider well the course decision might affect the u. K. s largest defense contractor systems as riyadh does represent a year a significant part of the groups annual earnings since the society led the bombardments began in 2015 the u. K. Has licensed 4700000000 pounds worth of weapons britain is the 2nd biggest exporter of arms to the saudis and its the u. K. s Largest Military export contracts with no end in sight to the conflict yemen is on the brink of collapse. Since the beginning of the operation the saudi government has been insisting it is fighting the hankie rebels only that targeting civilians meanwhile in the face of strong criticism of how conservative Party Ministers have been at pains to stress that its not the u. K. Which ta which changes its targets in yemen a form the british politician respects he says it is time that the government changed. At a time when most of british attention is focused inevitably on braggs it its really important that we do look at the issues such as arms sales and in particular in this special case because so many people are losing their lives in yemen and really its a difficult situation that has to be resolved and its significant that all of the opposition parties not trust the labor party but also the liberal democrats and the scottish nationalists and other smaller parties have agreed really that this is not something that britain ought to be supporting its really only the conservatives who have taken this line of strong support for sales to saudi arabia and so there probably will need to be a general election for that to change and that is more likely to succeed perhaps than the legal challenge. From cooperation with the us to be downing of m. H. 17 names but just some of the shoes addressed by the russian president this week during his annual q. And a session with the public will have a look at the highlights of the stories just for. Some time all show as well like a honeypot. Everyone believed that it was all on stable and on the reliability of russia but they thought that everything was great over that russian businessman they want to do the business in the west because they feel some could take everything away from them in russia its now its the opposite they have business is outside of russia was snatched less is frozen the whole blog now the student whine about. Welcome back to the week now the russian president s annual cumin ice session collected over 2000000 questions from the general public that a minute and then spent about 4 hours on the string more than 1000 questions on various subjects including International Issues when you can watch the entire session online but here are some of the key points that will make. It if the american side shows interest we are always ready for dialogue or what we see what is happening in us domestic politics the president will always look back on the race hes in right now some in the american establishment are speculating about our countrys relationship with trying to find problems and telling lies if we. Are going to use if we love the mayors zelinsky went to paris and said he would not talk to the separatists representatives of these unrecognized republics how will they resolve this issue but modern history doesnt provide a single example of a conflict which was resolved without direct dialogue between the sides we need political will from kiev. And we do everything weve seen presented as evidence that russia is responsible for everything doesnt suit us we think it is insufficient evidence it doesnt say anything weve presented our version of events but unfortunately no one wants to hear it until there is proper dialogue here we wont find any answers to the questions about the plane crash in the deaths of the people on board which remain open to you this is a tragedy and we mourn its victims such tragedies are unacceptable. And. Now a new report by a leading Us University has revealed that americas military activities are a major contributor to global Greenhouse Gas emissions the pentagons put in some cases does actually surpass that of entire countries breaking down the findings on court. Forget single use straws and plastic bags theres a much bigger problem wreaking havoc on Mother Nature its war the pentagons wars to be exact i. 59000000 metric tons of Greenhouse Gases thats how much the u. S. Defense department spewed into the atmosphere in 2017 alone Brown University says the d. O. D. Is both the largest oil consumer and institutional polluter in the world there are entire countries that dont emit as many fumes portugal finland and sweden to name a few how is that possible while the u. S. Military does have a presence in over 150. 00 countries its 560000 buildings worldwide make up 40 percent of its greenhouse emissions the rest is from military operations which in 2016 used up 86000000 barrels of fuel thats in afghanistan pakistan syria you get the picture and its not like americans are electing people who understand wars Environmental Impact the department of defense must do more than simply acknowledge or take piecemeal action to address Climate Change while it increasingly threatens in homs own militarys infrastructure and operations even the pentagon itself says its worried about Climate Change the facts of the changing climate are a National Security issue with potential impacts to department of Defense Missions operational plans and installations the top brass might say theyre concerned but their words certainly are not matching their actions in fact the u. S. Military budget may see its 5th Consecutive Year of growth in 2020 despite spending more than the next strongest militaries combined the d. O. D. Is not cutting back its actually preparing for more military ventures and considering u. S. Iranian tensions are escalating in the persian gulf there are few signs of any turning back. The last 4. Major National Security threats that both have have all of them identified Climate Change as being one of those huge threats and yet its own activities are leading to exacerbation that is this serious threat to Global Security identified by the pentagon which is Climate Change and yet rather than doing anything serious to tackle the problem mitra expenditures do seem to be oriented towards creating global insecurity both in Climate Change and in many other ways. And youve been watching the weekly here not a good to have a company this morning were back again in just over half a. Good food descriptions sound up the even for the owners so how to choose this pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out pet food may not be as healthy as people believe and we have animals that have you know diabetes and arthritis they have auto immune disorders theyve got allergies we are actually creating these problems and its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets last treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Join me every 1st week on the Alex Sullivan show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. So max weve made it to the moon from the Genesis Block to 10 years later the 10 Year Anniversary of the Genesis Block 2019 you and trace mayor started 2019 on january 3rd with the toshibas ron referring back to a previous episode when we mentioned that wall street derivatives work by referencing a base layer as collateral if you were remove that collateral by removing that base layer removing your private keys in this case for bitcoin you would destroy all the kate it layers of debt on top of that all the leverage would collapse and so this is on like gold and silver werent removing that from the market was expensive and not practical so ungenerous 3rd of every year ie simply have proof of k. s you know you are removing a case from the from the mix from the from the system and you prevent the overextension overreact out cation to take place and it exerts stamp it exerts the rights of the hadal or of last resort as are called of the bitcoin holder reasserting their their status also january 21000 thera more and more people wrecked but bankers continue to enter the space and my question is will bankers wreck big coin. Or will bitcoin wreck bankers oh i think bankers are going to try to ruin bitcoin they already are trying to theres an awful lot of the cation the coin lending market has exploded in size in the last year especially in the last few months and all of this is suppressing the price of big coin so in the short term

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