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A gentleman crosslike rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always a prescience. Let me go to you 1st in geneva. As i mentioned in my introduction you tube is having a lot of problems that a lot of. Issues surrounding it for the past few weeks obviously number one its a very badly managed Company Number 2 it doesnt really know what its talking about one day it says one thing another day it says another and it seems that is sucking up to power and stead of being a platform for all people in all voices within reason and i think 98 percent of us would come to a reasonable conclusion what should be put on that platform and not the only that 2 percent apparently is your political views and thats where you tube facebook and twitter are creating a mano political culture and you know what were not invited go ahead mitch. Yeah thanks peter i wrote an article in 2017 that was published widely outside the United States the title of it was Facebook Twitter google and amazon are evil and i spoke about the sense of blatant censorship of these companies i mean im on twitter under the moniker planet ponzi and what they do is take away and shadow ban and you tube specifically as youre saying is in bed with google what they do is even more obscene instead of shadow banning you if you put out a video you cant see who is seeing it or who isnt seeing it and if its not liberal left hard liberal left youre either censored shut off demonetized or its not allowed to be played so people made a big stink about the elections being manipulated in the last president ial election thats why trump won so google Facebook Twitter especially are going to make sure that the 2020 election is rigged to make sure that trump loses this is what this is all about its all about power dont let anybody tell you anything other than that its about political power and all these organizations illegally censor people and they have no recourse because theyre actually publishers theyre altering the content and theyre going to citing what people can see and what they cant see and that makes them a publisher but we have no rights to sue them because the congress has allowed them special privilege ok well it let me go to julio because mitch in his short segment right there mentioned every single issue i want to talk about on this program so were going to pick it apart right now is an excellent answer only i mean one of the things that really bothers me is that its almost like in forcing values their values on us and thats i didnt sign up for that ok and it seems to me that if you dont play by and in and out and i can perfectly accepted they have those values thats fine im im for the marketplace of ideas but they. Seem to only want one set of values and given what you tube has been doing in the last few weeks they dont even really know what those values are or how to get there all they know is that when they hear something they dont like they shadow ban and who knows at one point they may start banning go ahead in new york. Exactly i mean theyre defining basically extremism as whatever they dont agree with and its unfortunate because theres people that you know do this for a living you know you have it will put together a professional podcast they invest a lot of time and effort into this suddenly without warning arbitrarily you tube decides to d. Monetize these people and its ridiculous we published a report on reactionary times a couple of years back around the time of the 2016 election they basically stated if you did a Google Search for donald trump the 23. 00 out of the top 25. 00 stories they came up on google were negative donald trump stories this is around the time the jim kone jim comi rather was drafting the exoneration of Hillary Clinton and you know a month before you know the investigation into the email server was even completed i mean you had all these horrific things going on in the left you know we all know about how you know Bernie Sanders kind of got. I dont know how to say it without saying a negative word here but you know he got really undermined by elements that were sympathetic to Hillary Clinton at that time and you know none of this stuff was being broadcast if you werent reading right wing. News organizations at that time you would in a found out about a lot of these things so listen at the end of the day you tube and facebook they are private organizations so if they want to they kind of have the right to do this but we as consumers also have the right to say were not going to deal with it i dont want to be part of a social media. Outlet that doesnt give people time to different go actually i disagree go ahead mitch jump in go ahead. You know i decide i disagree theyre publicly traded companies and they the they actually go out and the reason why they got a. Special permission or had a law allowing them to publish is because they say that theyre going to provide alternative viewpoints and a platform for everybody which is a fundamental law youve seen jack dorsey from twitter go on television go in front of congress and actually lie to congress youve seen Mark Zuckerberg not only lied to congress but he went in front of the u. K. Parliament and he also went in front of the e. U. Commission and they lied in and told them that they werent doing things that they are doing so and they got away with it and the people were actually polite i think when they were in the u. K. They said oh Mr Zuckerberg would you like some tea cakes i mean it was pathetic how they were growing you know in front of facebook because what happens is they hire they hire these guys when they you know facebook hires x. Politicians i forgot they hired nick clegg who was going to the liberal democrats in the United Kingdom and he went to where i think it was facebook or whatever it was youre right a big payout at the end for being good little boys and censoring censoring people that are dont drink the koolaid you know i mean this is part of the problem and the government needs to grow a set and rein in these guys and tell them if youre a platform for everybody and for free speech and for liberty then you let everybody talk thats what democracy is and thats not what we get you know who i just go back to your last answer i mean when you know the history of the governments place to do that oh well hang on lets go get there that the thing is that said with this shadow banning indeed monetization is that the people that are on the short end of the stick its never explained they can just its just done to them suddenly out of the blue its not explained to them and i think that is a violation of their own rules here so i think that. And how about the state running i think thats exactly the problem i keep coming across because these are utilities now ok but if its good if the government utility could be just as bad if not worse ok ok i want to change here julio one of the things that really bothers me again is this extremism issue ive watched some of the things. Jones for example ok i think a lot of his stuff is in bad taste ok but i dont think its extremism ok its so were there conflating these these platforms are conflating bad taste and extremism thats wrong its logically flawed go ahead julio exactly yeah a guy like alex jones i mean if you check them hes generally right over 90 percent of the time but yes you know the way he presents things in times could be in poor taste but you know if you tube wants to decide that they want to do that its time for someone on the right you know theres plenty of billionaires you know that are right wing got kind of guys why cant they start another type of a you tube platform i mean 15 years ago it was share your world and it was my space you know those things have largely at this point disappeared for you tube you know to facebook and twitter 20 years from now it should somebody should come up with something thats balanced it only really targets true extremism like i have no problem if youre going to sit there and you want to ban the k. K. K. Or you want to ban the black panthers or you want to ban this one or that one but dont you know go after Somebody Just because they share views that are different than yours and not necessarily something that could be considered technically hate speech ok well i mean i again and im im very very sensitive to the 1st issue 1st amendment ok and even ideas that i dont like you i mean for example what i said in my introduction i mean if someone is calling for violence against a group of people violence against an individual. That all should be banned and even punished i think ok but you know using very poor taste language using. Swear words im talking about someone thats in the public ah i thats fair thats fair speech in my opinion thats fair speech and im not going to let these platforms define what hate speech is ok the Supreme Court couldnt go ahead mich. Well you know you also have a t. V. Remote control and just chain example if you dont like what theyre saying i disagree with a lot of the guests that certain programs have because they sit in life through their teeth because theyre democratic operatives and they have their pitching in narrative and some of the republican operatives are equally as bad but getting back to people who are out of line so these Big Companies are monoliths they are monopolies now and they regularly violate their terms and conditions and terms and conditions that are published and its on an arbitrary and capricious basis that they decide to do this and censor individuals now hate speech is what i heard both of you talk about there is no Legal Definition a great speech what if you hurt somebodys feelings oh thats hate speech now if you go into the university i dont like what you said so thats hate speech im sorry its not hate speech you can dislike it and this is how you have a dialogue and this is the problem in america where people want to tear each others throats out nobody can have a dialogue if you if you disagree they raise the volume and start screaming when they dont have a rational reasonable argument to have a discussion this is you have a reasonable debate and you discuss issues thats how you resolve them when you scream at each other and you have these fake groups like anti fire which are hate groups that are fascists are a bunch of fascists yes and they go out and they start beating people up if the democrats dont denounce them and it makes matters worse this is a big problem that theyre allowing to escalate so im ok we should have some adult ok im going exactly accidently we dont we dont we have to and we have to i have to jump in here were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on censorship on social media stay with us. So you say that brings us to the end of the series if we could just let josie marino walk away and say we decided to treat a stone host to a very special Farewell Party goes. Along an interesting path as a team but this time to go back to the punchline and thanks for putting one sister group body. With. The only thing i didnt enjoy was my then sing song eyes in moscow my dancing. On ice. Well thankfully we nailed it literally a week ago. Inconvenient truth time weve never been off the Gold Standard. People say we left the Gold Standard but in fact Central Banks clear all their. Dealings with gold and now after this period of experimentation with a purely fee out run currency. Of the globe various countries are recognizing that its all nonsense they need to go back to pure Gold Standard to say show. Me. This if you see people protesting because of the gold note case thousands of people. But the scene below world sorts of political views you have journalists from are a sea. In a rush to do. The same petition. Welcome back to cross talk where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle remind you were discussing censorship on social media. Ok and now were joined by Jennifer Braden and lantus she is an attorney and policy analyst ok jennifer i understand that you heard most of the 1st part of the program so ill give you a moment here to react to what you have heard go ahead. I agree with a lot of whats been said i mean were seeing a time in america like what has never happened not just america but i throughout the world where things can be censored for the United States especially the country a country that is the beacon of free speech of 1st amendment rights of the constitution of obligations to liberty to justice for people of equal protections under the law were seeing now. This. Progression of taking away the speech and taking away the Assembly Rights the rights of people not only freedom to assemble to speak freely. From these platforms on these media platforms specifically twitter without any explanation and whats troubling is that in this day and age we have people that are analysts that are whose business is reliant upon social media not only their business their livelihoods everything is what i know on social media following and if they can be taken off because of their conscience and theirs and whatever it is that they believe their political beliefs these people dont even have the right to work anymore because how are they ever going to get customers or clients just because jack dorsey or somebody else doesnt like what they said you know thats very interesting let me go to. React to what jennifer had to say there we have a constitution that talks about freedom of speech ok thats where i look to in judgment by the Supreme Court not to these social Media Companies they should not be allowed to determine what free speech is that is a very slippery slope let me go to you because i think jennifer got us on the path that i want to go here this is my theory to everyone on the panel what theyre going to do is are going to be monetized everybody they dont like everyone ok you could be there you can talk you can do whatever you want more or less ok but were not going to let you be rewarded for all your hard work people who turn it into their profession or become very very successful at it that are not extremist in any way shape or form it just so they dont conform to the the the. Speak of the left here here julio do you think thats a possibility though just to monetise everyone go ahead yeah listen this is as a conservative it repulses me too but i have a bit of a nuanced outlook on it i mean at the end of the day you know the the 1st amendment does apply not necessarily to Public Companies private Companies Even though they are publicly traded the consumer can make the decision you know you can see you tube and facebook stocks go down and it has gone down you know zuckerberg had a day where he lost several 1000000000. 00 in one day and i had a lot to do with the way that theyre you know not guarding our private information and whatnot so you know i. Feeling on this is that the democrats are setting up for next years election and what theyre going to do is theyre going to pull a lot of these voices off of the platforms that are generally the most consistently use like you tube facebook and twitter the problem is that we havent caught up or prepared properly to have our voices in our message disseminated through alternative sites at the end of the day if this is whats going to happen to conservatives then we need to get on and we need to create the next facebook the next you tube in the next twitter mention in geneva how do you feel about that because again i who who you know and i and i have this very difficult time about regulation because if they are publishers i think thats obvious now and we have to have laws to apply it apply to deal with that situation go ahead midge. Well as i mentioned before they need to apply the terms and conditions not on an arbitrary and capricious basis but they have to apply it to each individual in the same manner which theyre not doing so thats a direct violation so so these are likewise utilities planned parenthood for example runs washington because of the massive amounts of money that they have so they censor you know right right to life groups and twitter bans them or shadow bans them now no matter what your view on the matter is i mean you have infanticide several states in america allow infanticide laws to go through and you cant really talk about it so that means that any time that a child is born they take the child out they make them comfortable and then they let the child die so now i believe in right to life but infanticide i dont believe in and i dont believe in censoring people from understanding how far these laws have taken it you know so what can we do about it to go to an alternative platform you can do that but google wont publish it because google will hide it on page 7000000000 so youll never see it the more than it was going to be a little lets go to someone else it doesnt you too yeah but you know when they dont know who you know what you know what they do you know what theyll do when they do is they buy these companies and then theyll shadow ban their own company i mean these are these people are so monopolistic and so anti competition i mean let me go to let me go to jennifer here one of the things that came out in the last few days from from on you tube is talking about conspiracy theories and you know when i look at the script in the u. K. The alleged gas attacks in syria theres a lot of evidence that has not been presented to the public and Mainstream Media keeps peddling these conspiracy theories the biggest one of them all is russia gate so if we use you tubes own words they should they should ban c. N. N. And they miss it b. C. From continuing that this ridiculous russia gate hoax but they wont because you tube and google and facebook and twitter they obey power thats what theyre interested in and their profits go ahead jennifer. Absolutely absolutely and this comes back im going to use conspiracy theories of what i heard on the program earlier stated about hate speech there is no definition for this there is no definition for a Conspiracy Theory according to these people according to twitter to you to whomever theres no definition for that its all going to be subjective so we know that a Conspiracy Theory would be the russia hoax which we now know there was no russia collusion. We know that right now that would now be actually a conspiracy to continue to talk about that to see these kinds of things while we might think thats a conspiracy they might say its Something Else anything that they would approve of its anything that they would think is hate speech so everything has now become subjective that means that the people that they dont agree with if i come on and talk about something whether its whether its gassing whether its syria whether its iraq whether something in the u. S. Whether its it whether theyre talking about the investigation into how the russia collusion hoax started everything is going to be called the conspiracy that the left or that the social Media Outlets want to highlight as a conspiracy theyre just going to accuse you of conspiracy and kick you off just like they accuse you of hate speech and then kick you off without any actual objective definition or or actually explaining to you what that was and how that was defined as conspiracy or hoax you can say that something is true but if somebody calls you conspiracy theories they can just kick you off we can shout anything we want as an excuse to silence you but that doesnt make it right. So perfectly put it what is happening here is that these social media platforms they could be really distort reality because if they can control what people talk about then you control the narrative and thats what i find so frustrating i mean look at Jordan Peterson somebody that i have a lot of respect for though i dont agree with him on everything but you know the way he presents his arguments and theyre very rational hes a very smart guy but he gets ripped apart as being a massage it is being a racist ive watched hundreds of hours of his stuff. Never seen any massage ive never seen any sexism ive never seen any homophobia and all but you know when you when you start pushing these people out of the the Public Square then these social media platforms control what people think reality actually actually is and thats why im very worried about these things go ahead mitch it turns from news to propaganda and i mean the propaganda that they have the moeller report was a complete fraud and then when you get people that say the mulla report wasnt a fraud the argument they use is look at all those russians that were indicted now lets define what an indictment is you can indict anybody but youve got to prove a case and those people those people 17 or 18 people might not even exist and he just made allegation after allegation because you dont have to prove anything nothing is proved its just an allegation you know you can say anything you like now that becomes extremely difficult and so you have the propaganda spin mill going out and putting out stories that are disingenuous and they know arent true that maybe 40 percent of the public will believe but if you look at the ratings of c. N. N. And m s n b c since donald trump wasnt dragged away in handcuffs like they promised their faithful viewers theyve collapsed i mean c. N. N. Is laying off 200 people but that doesnt help i mean youve got to have like the f. C. C. Or somebody come in and say look. Youve got to have fair broadcasting i mean because all the time that they spend now kicking trump around. Every single Cable News Network except fox i mean fox has its own problems all they do 93. 00 harvard came out with the study the school or whatever it was media that 93 percent of the stories that i published about trump are negative so i mean you know you have this outrageous propaganda and bias i mean its so outrageous that 3rd reich hitlers 3rd reich had a ministry of in light mint run by Joseph Goebbels he would be blushing in his grave now thats how egregious their propaganda channels are you know you know jennifer one of the things i already talked about the scenario of possibly monetizing everybody you dont like i bet you anything that you tube will reorient that those revenues to go to the New York Times in the in the Washington Post and c. N. N. Theyre going to turn all that money around they have a nice convenient circle last 40 seconds goes to jennifer and lana go ahead. Absolutely thats thats of course what theyre doing thats what theyre already doing i mean were seeing all the monetization from from from twitter for the left groups for and the New York Times for all these other people for these spokespeople who have been the most out loud against them for anybody who might have been rising in the ranks to become the new to to become a new spokesperson on behalf of the administration but look this is what we have to really truly consider now yes the 1st amendment only applies to the government not being able to do that but we also have antidiscrimination laws we have state antidiscrimination laws where businesses cant discriminate even in the recent Supreme Court case about the colorado baker yes Supreme Court even noted in a green that he was allowed to practice his religious beliefs they actually did state its a long held belief that businesses can not discriminate basically willy nilly they cannot do that that was a majority opinion in itself they cant discriminate the colorado baker did not do that because they were going to allow the person you know engage in a service that was a new wants to opinion and so twitter has it here to this ok where the people speaking up where the political hay yeah and were all bakers on this program god love those people and and most of our audience watching this program is to thats all the time we have many thanks to my guests in atlanta new york and in geneva and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r. T. See you next time and remember. Join me every thursday on the alex island and ill be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you the. Lead. The 4. Legged. Lead. Player. Plenty. Plenty. Oh. Please. Liz. Lets just split. Playing. And very well might continue watching us in such. You know to go 2017 the german newspaper developed published an article simply means that the European Union the last 13000000000 euros as a result of its very anti russian sanctions. Particularly affected Eastern Europe many polish vamos went broke and he committed suicide. Sometimes im a cancer called or as i was of on a good time i would put up a little bit on the ground on the. Phone does it for the young to have to find out by the locals im going to the dogs and on to the other kind of a no harm doesnt then lets see in the oh im in the pool in. The smith position. On doesnt dance with all the folks and thats what you call. Us for many requests the extradition of julia song as the wiki leaks cofounder continue serving his prison sentence in the u. K. Russian journalist Donovan Golan all these free with all charges dropped overarching state those responsible for arresting him on drug allegations have been suspended. Makes messages that just a Corruption Case against brazils former president s need to distill was a step up designed to destroy his reelection bid. On part of the western media mourn the death of the syrian militants describing him as a rebel on a kong we take a closer look at the controversial figure whos the point of jihad is swoops and praised and

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