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The New York Times bought trucks on its reporting of the script poisoning case in the u. K. For almost 2 months the paper failed to correct an article about disturbing pictures shown to President Trump supposedly capturing the aftermath of the nerve agent a time. Suddenly being one minute after 8 pm here in moscow a very warm welcome to our news hour on r. T. International oneill. Arties video agency ripley has obtained exclusive footage of whistleblower Julian Assange in Londons Belmarsh prison the video shows the wiki leaks founder chatting with fellow inmates in the high security facility where hes serving a 50 week sentence for skipping bail it is the 1st time images of a sons have appeared since his arrest on removal from the Ecuadorian Embassy in london almost 2 months ago concerns have been munting over his health and recent weeks after he failed to appear before court at the end of may video link for a hearing on possible extradition to the us the un special rapporteur on torture has condemned the treatment over the years saying the publisher has been abused persecuted smells. Has been speaking to r. T. America the full interview later this saturday. What weve seen now during my visit was already alarming and what we have seen since then is the state of health dramatically the theory aerated predicted by a psychiatrist the company my visit what would can happen obviously in a problem of this is it will have a reversible damage 1st on the psychological emotional level but then also on the physical level it can lead to nervous breakdowns or even actually then to cardiovascular. Damage that is no longer reversible. Julian assange is now waiting his next extradition hearing which is scheduled for a whedon stay hes wanted by washington on charges of soliciting and publishing classified u. S. Government information if extradited and find guilty he could face a prison sentence after 175 years needless melzer say. Will be granted due process in the u. S. It is very important here that we speak about the risks that he would be exposed to in case of extradition to the us personally im convinced there is no chance he would get a fair trial in the United States for your trial certainly generally requires a presumption of innocence now i dont have to explain to you what is the Public Opinion about the jewel in our stance in the us after almost a decade of under a strain i would say public more being you know intimidation calls for his assassination and including by serving officials and former officials its very difficult for him to get a unbiased Impartial Court hearing the fair trial also requires the gallery that hes actually being charged for something that is punishable now if you look at the 17 of the 18 charges are under the espionage act and all of them relates to activities that any investigative journalist would conduct would be protected under i believe its the 1st amendment of the Us Constitution under the freedom of press and freedom of expression. The right to another headline stories this hour the New York Times has acknowledged it miss reported on the script poisoning story last year involving a former russian spy and his daughter in england 2 months ago then use paper wrote that cia director gina hospital children president images of dead ducks and ill children allegedly from the scene of the attack but the british authorities the night before lights had affected the animals or children. Said why it took the New York Times so long to issue a correction. Youre remember when the New York Times dropped a bombshell about how gina haskell the cia director had convinced donald trump to send Russian Diplomats packing in response to the script all poisoning by showing him photographs of dead ducks and Sick Children except those reports turned out to be fake news the author has apologized i regret the error and know from my apology i strive to get information right the 1st time that is was subscribers pay for but when i give something bone on fix it so this is how they fixed it an earlier version of this article in correctly described the photos that you know house bills showed to President Trump during a discussion about responding to the nerve agent attack in britain on a former russian Intelligence Officer miss haskell displayed pictures illustrating the consequences of nerve agent attacks not images specific to the chemical attack in britain lets break this down a little bit more so gina haskell the cia director shows donald trump images of the impact of nerve agents here is what the original article said ms haskell showed pictures of the British Government had supplied her of Young Children hospitalized after being sickened by the nova choke nerve agent that poisoned the script holes she then showed a photograph of ducks that british officials said were inadvertently killed by the sloppy work of the russian operatives so donald trump sees these images of sick kids and dead ducks and he is furious with russia now back then that made sense after all u. K. Media was reporting that 3 children had gone to the hospital after receiving bread from the screen palls and feeding it to ducks however this story fell apart the next day the children were fine they were not affected in any way and furthermore no ducks were harmed either there were no other casualties other than those previously stated no wildlife were impacted by the incident and no children were exposed to or became ill as a result of the incident so. Exactly did the cia director showed trump she showed donald trump images of horror that had nothing to do with the incident at hand but heres another question why did it take so long to correct this correction was delayed because of the time needed for research the correction wasnt published for 2 entire months afterwards the initial article cited people briefed on the conversation whereas the new correction cited a person familiar with the intelligence time well spent caleb r. T. New york where we can take a look at how the Russian Embassy in washington responded to the New York Times correction it criticized the length of time it took for the mistake to be addressed and said a real correction would be a return to normal relations between russia and the us. The International Monetary fund has admitted it made mistakes in argentina munching director Christine Legarde claims they underestimated the countrys complicated Economic Situation now the i. M. F. Is an organization with 189. 00 member countries aimed promoting cooperation and facilitating International Trade but it struck record of revitalizing National Economies not only argentina doesnt have a lot of Success Stories also Senior Correspondent moroccos the of explains. Youve got to understand were just people and people make mistakes you meet we might oversleep and be late to work likewise the i. M. F. Just people but when these schools up there is tens of billions of dollars on the lives it was an incredibly complicated Economic Situation that many actors including us underestimated a bit when we started trying to help and put together together with the argentine authorities a program to deal with the most critical sectors of the economy put yourself in the i. M. F. Shoes you are the absolute last resort of any country and those a company of begging for help theyre like addicts take argentina a 3rd of the population lives below the poverty line g. D. P. And free fall down 6 percent last year joblessness hopelessness in the shadow of economic chaos but theres light at the end of the tunnel the i. M. F. Shining with 50000000000. 00 in loans with Strings Attached austerity to the bone budget cuts tax and terrified the usual stuff that makes miserable generations. This strike and to reject it tears hard for Public Services transportation and above all to confront the just man policy of mary symmetry of the governess and the service of the program for International Monetary fund that im going to make it easy for motorists are my career old the next go because they still want to have a relationship with that we are willing to fight argentina is an old hand at this making the same painful mistakes in 2001 they took an i. M. F. Loan jaring an economic crisis as usual mistakes were made in the i. M. F. Or just people when the crisis got a teeny bit worse. Q nationwide riots the government collapsing and debt being defaulted on. And the i. M. F. A good people they had no problem admitting that everyone alex messed up even worse than they did it would have been an ugly crisis anyway perhaps not quite as bad if the fund has supported a change in strategy earlier it isnt that mistakes are only made with tina the i. M. F. Makes mistakes with everybody greece for example the economy wasnt restored jobs werent created and the quote notable failure is the bull made made everything worse and like argentina the greeks were also choked with masochistic levels of a stereotype. In south korea i. M. F. Loans and fine print conditions ended up only increasing unemployment you know that people say that you should try everything once well i. M. F. Loans really dont belong in that category of. The. Bolivian they did everything the i. M. F. Told them to privatized Water Utilities and e. G. Transport industry the need for everything to start going bankrupt and collapsing left and right and only when they chose to ignore all of the i. M. F. Said vice the Group Coverage begin years of suffering for nothing. Mistakes. We used to bow before but now would country with dignity konami pose it had to be decided by the before but now we can make our own plan we had to ask the u. S. Ambassador who had to go poses but now the politics in our country is more democratic. See theres confusion misunderstanding about the point of i. M. F. Loans few things if any actually improve mistakes are made liberally the i. M. F. Are just people i mentioned the real great thing about i. M. F. Loans the amazing thing that nothing else in life can replace is the moment you pay them off internationally for a terribly and fundamentally free now thats a feeling that money cant buy. And that the World Bank Institutions like that make these sorts of mistakes and i put that in quotation marks surely often. Most of the time when you look more closely you will understand that the mistake really wasnt a mistake so much as it was a desire to see this situation in such a way that the i. M. F. Could participate and help the government that supports the i. M. F. Is really a kind of International Economic appendage of the u. S. And its allies that control the i. M. F. And i believe the u. S. Was behind a lot of this. Changing of the guard here and with the right right wing the ministrations in argentina is another brazil ecuador and places like that so its part of u. S. Policy political policy were seeing the consequences of that good is also part of the u. S. Dollar policy Interest Rate policy and now the Global Economy and therefore us of the trade problems. Lets bring you 2 fronts now where yellow vests protesters are conducting their 30th consecutive weekend of antigovernment protests in parts with demonstrations being held right across the country this saturday police have been using tear gas to disperse the crowds were hundreds right marching down last week and it should be pointed i turn i was up at its lowest since the movement started in november last year the French Interior Ministry Said around 1500. 00 to march through parties on june 1st the protests were triggered by a rise in fuel tax and have since turned into a nationwide antigovernment demonstration we will be keeping an eye on the fence there darkness approaches in paris and across france. A russian investigative journalist for the online news website medusa has been charged in moscow with drugs possession and intent to supply but yvonne golan offs case has taken a twist on a petitions being launched for him correspondent double quarter is a call for us i dont break down whats going on. Well you know in arrested medusa correspondent yvonne go the north was written was released from hospital earlier today where he underwent multiple medical examinations doctors say he suffered no serious trauma and so now his court case is under way now and all those detained on thursday after officers said that they found drugs in his possession as well as scales and more drugs in his moscow apartment he was in charge with the attempting to sell them around the same time he was sent to the hospital but he claims he was beaten in custody as well as denied a lawyer which the police deny in both cases now convinced of his innocence is the internet is the internet newspaper going over for they riposte and his lawyer statements saying that the drugs were planted on him as well as the fact that hes received threats throughout his journalistic career for the kind of work he does however the police claim that his arrest was no isolated incident that it was connected to an investigation into a wider drug ring in moscow now never nevertheless an open petition is circulating across the internet calling for gold in all its release over 55000 people have signed it including high profile russian journalists and Russian Media so there are certainly many people are waiting with bated breath the results of this court case. Are teetotal quarter bring this right to up to date all about thank you dont. Were back in 90 seconds with more global where the news. Weve seen this before in the eightys with the rise of japan and the us had a response rejiggered the global currency markets at the plaza accord this is reagan and the same people they came as the plunge Protection Team after the crash of 1900 so china doesnt seem to be wanting to play that game so theyre going to have to come up with some other strategy and thats the moment appear on the horizon. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. To go on to be pros this is what before 3 of them or cant be good. Im interested in the why. Should. It be minutes into the Program Welcome back mexico has agreed to take what its called all unprecedented measures to stem the flow of migrants heading to the United States washington in turn has promised to scrap the targets that was set to impose on mexican goods now the deal was 1st the 9th spy president double trump on friday night. Mexico will try very hard and if they do that this will be a very successful agreement for both the United States and mexico terry scheduled to be implemented by the u. S. On monday against mexico are hereby indefinitely suspended mexico in turn has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of migration through mexico and to our southern border. The us had been threatening to impose a 5 percent import tax on all mexican goods which would have started on monday trump warned they rate would then increase month by month until it reached 25 percent now the prospect of tariffs led the mexican authorities to adopt tougher border controls on thursday alone thousands of migrants from Central America were stopped just a few miles into mexican territory despite the sudden shift though mexicos president previously struck a very different tone including on the campaign trail. Goes on more than labels the United States government would want us to do the work by blocking migrants from Central America who are to live in most want to have a relationship a read to rate of friendship with the people and with the government of the United States this is our position the u. S. Authorities President Trump have all behaved very well because they have not closed dialogue in addition to agreeing to stem the flow of migrants heading northward to mexico has also agreed to buy more american cultural products well the deal will be seen by many donald trump fulfilling his campaign promises. You. Actually get is going to take it. Well lets discuss this issue further with guadeloupe cabrera an expert on government policy good to have you on the program so here we have it after so long a frozen conflict essentially being played out mexico has seemingly bowed to u. S. Pressure for no what do you think is next here will washington look to to turn the screw further as it were. Yes this is the electoral times i mean from here to the election when youre you have less and when you dont have were going to have these type of spectacles i would say. It was not credible that the president of the United States would impose tariffs on mexico it was very important that mexico in the end was pressured to negotiate and was you know and you know the deal with the United States that was there in several with a threat that was not credible its very its very important and im sure the president of the United States intellectual kansas is going to continue doing this because he knows that when he pushes those by them that that has a very big impact on his base of support the other war of control immigration and mexico paying the war hes going to play those games from here until the election opportunity thats the thing the trouble ministration is playing aside as a big victory for him and his supporters who wanted this to happen will mr trump continue use that tactic of threats. In the case when he doesnt like something you think this is going to be a common thing. Of course because mexico didnt even got there were i mean i mean terrorist who would be affected by this the out of course mexico but of course the United States consumers he would never do that that would hurt his base of support that would hard to deny. State citizens i dont understand why the president of mexico sent massive that and how to look. You know was this playing the game week you shouldnt play the game ok you won post cards ok post ours were going to pull going to suffer mexico already already fall into the same trap and they are going to continue going to be using that continuously to do whatever he wants to do when hes going to go down in the polls hes going to play the game again. That mexico will reach to say no to washington if mr trump continues with such very. There should be i mean these should have put that line this time and even the far when they negotiated this socalled new. Free trade agreement the same thing but it was in the Previous Administration but. It was affirmed by these the Current Administration of Mexico Mexico has to put the land right away if they dont want to be the political opinions of the of a president thats seeking reelection but the other side of the con i suppose his supporters a lot for a lot of people in america and they voted for him migration immigration what was the big rallying cry it was the big issue if he does stop a lot of immigrants coming from south and Central America could you 1st see this. Happening more and more in terms of of a deal being made here. Its very difficult difficult he stops flows from writing to the United States for 2 reasons one because the pushback just our press and the conditions in Central America have not changed and because of the forces that did create a manufacture a crisis its interesting to see how the carabao moving my grans and we dont know where the cabins come from but anyway its not going to happen during the time that he needs to be reelected this is going to continue but he can promise to build the wall he can promise that mexico will pay for the war and he can push those buttons that psychologically there is last 5. 00 metres that makes the wall more likely to help in. The war i am not sure if the world is going to be constructed by the promise that the wall is a great an electoral tool its a great Political Tool to mobilize supporters i am not sure that that war as he problem is its going to be beyond hes going to reach for some part of the war but thats not economically feasible and of course also there can conclude tractors are going to benefit from the war i am not sure that the cold war is in the construction but its a very very important and powerful political instrument in during this time thanks for your time this saturday weve been speaking to the associate professor of xara school of policy and government at George Mason University in virginia guadalupe career carberry thank you very much. Japans labor minister said its socially acceptable for women to be told to wear high heels in the workplace on professional groans thats after a petition against gender based discrimination was followed raising the age old debate to wear or not to work. Just fits. This complete change of the social norm so its not seen as a bad man is a myth when women clutching his like mad. Money on their tissues because we only know that we have to wait heeled shoes that he enjoys. It is socially accepted as something that falls within the realm of the occupation when necessary into pro bridge. In a legal case with no call effects for pretty much all of the globe next its a boom bust in the wild way. The iraq i i do i. I i i. I was like you 5 i was i. With no make this manufacture comes. Sentenced to public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. In the final merry go round. The one. Time we can all middle of the room signals. The real needs. Of the project was good if you give up on your birth or like if you missed it or dont blame people what. Was the response of the old cheaper food in the indoor. Pool is i assure you im all the more to me that. This. Is still the no close you presume this loop im going to media must feel to move him hes doing this in both of us and i was going out. Going to spin bowling in the evening of their history or face it. You know. Youre going to freak you out because youre going to tell you what war youre more you would almost. The whole truth in doing. So but really only someone who knows the. Meaning. Of the. Way as. This is boom bust broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business and finance and upon us all im doing a burrito and im 50 i washington heres a look at whats on deck today. Turbulent fortunes will soon take a turn at the west edges closer to a decision on the fate of the companys. My hell of it is in canada and will bring us the latest on the trial and all the latest moves facing the Battle Tested telecom giant. A plague of space in the markets and if you assume the problem for years to come kaufman author of the bet on them at the farm is on hand to give his outlook on what could be and store where the worlds daunting problems. Finally another day another thread this time

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