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Fourteen have occurred over the last twelve months you know my fellow you have said to us citizens remember each one of those numbers is an innocent life killed snuffed out loss to our governments Foreign Policy adventures and taxpayer funded weapons of war now let me be clear no one here is arguing that Media Coverage of the outrage and political fallout from the park and School Shooting isnt important it is but if we are truly going to have a conversation about violence in america especially gun violence lets stop ignoring. Those giant elephants in the room and start watching the hawks. It looks like. Its with. The bottom. Like you that i got. With. This. Week. Rather than on the watch of the heart as always our entire world with and as always on tap along well see what happens tomorrow sort of as the bar oh yeah well six hundred shows smorgon six hundred fifty shows and you know as always but there. Is no there is i believe a serious disconnect in not only media but also in culture and it might be country to country you know ive traveled a little bit i dont know but all the countries of the world but especially here in the United States theres a disconnect in how we cover violent tragedy and i wonder why why does that disconnect exist thats the question of my mind why do you think that domestically why why do we overthink things here or why dont we look at war deaths and why the same way as we do like thats on the street in baltimore. I mean if you are with i mean i understand tragedies tragedy doesnt matter where it happens or who but at the end of the day we should be getting just as outraged over the shooting in markland as we are we should be getting just as outraged over the deaths in chicago as we are with the shootings and part parklane just as outraged over the bombs dropped and civilians killed in iraq and syria as we should be for you know the young men and women killed in chicago. And part of another school sure but thats the thing we dont hold all life equal otherwise black lives matter wouldnt have to search through we wouldnt have to say these low lives matter these lives matter feminism when exist equality we would need the patriarchy if we didnt have that woman you know like everything would be great if we did saul under this the auspices of all being equal but theyre not because you know a black male being shot in baltimore is under the auspices of he must have been doing something to deserve it he did something wrong he was in a criminal act so thats how that works so thats thats different that life is a little different. You know parklane shooting these are kids well until they start saying you have feelings or thoughts of their own to remind everybody that you know some of them are eighteen and could vote in the prayers just dont court cotto like that it may go ok lets actually do so thats different but war is noble. War is noble we are never supposed to question its its tantamount to treason to question the war of that you or that little east the United States everyone else should question why their governments are worried but we weve been taught very much dont question its always noble its for a good cause weve heard it recently its always patriot how we meddle and lections because its for a good cause and that gives us this idea and this privilege that those deaths. Are somehow dont count as much or they must have been bad or they were enemy combatant it brings up a really interesting point about that its a great point is that we also live in a war so it was all the time about the bets because the u. S. Led Coalition Says it conducted about twenty nine thousand if you can believe this thousand strikes between august twenty fourth team in january twentieth according to the official word but the government says only about eight hundred forty one civilians were killed but during that stretch of time by that doesnt jive at all with the data that airborne got in from like just for one year right i notice in one year and the numbers are right based on the pentagon released stats that significantly reported the twenty seventy and it was the deadliest year for civilians in iraq and syria you know where we are doing these things or act in syria so kill totals falling between thirty nine twenty three and sixty one hundred civilians thats the fact that oh maybe three to six thousand civilians were killed in air strikes that the United States with iran and our tax dollars essentially paid for a good portion of Coalition Forces our tax dollars are still probably paying for a lot of those weapons thats on all of us as taxpayers the same way when someone gets shot in chicago or any other city thats on us because thats part of the culture that we have to change with a madman goes into School Shoots up kids thats on us as a culture to change we cant keep writing it off as the actions of something beyond our reach that we just can never fix that to fix. In twenty fifteen a man walked into the new hope Minnesota City hall and shot two Police Officers with a gun he had purchased legally from the dilute Police Department but thats not the only case of guns sold secondhand by Law Enforcement ending up being used in a crime most states allow or even require Law Enforcement agencies to sell confiscated firearms and many even prohibit them from disk. Drawing the weapons a recent a. P. Investigation found that Washington State has sold dozens of a k forty seven air fifteens and what most people would consider assault weapons since two thousand and ten most sales are done through and houses pawn shops or gun dealers who in turn either trade the weapons for equipment the Department Needs or is there bought for cash to supplement budgets and while some states like michigan specifically have language in their laws stating that the Law Enforcement agency selling a weapon is not liable for any injuries or damage to property arising from that sale were disposal of the firearm but there isnt that language to that effect in Washington State where some six thousand guns have been sold by Law Enforcement since two thousand and ten which is convenient since gun sold by Washington State have popped up as evidence in other criminal investigations more than a dozen times the yakima Police Department used to sell their confiscated weapons but now melts them down to destroy them captain Jeff Schneider is reasoning was quote we didnt want to be the agency that sold the gun to somebody who uses it in another crime and while there is an almost unlimited supply of firearms out there we dont need to make the problem worse the n. R. A. Obviously sees things differently criticizing Law Enforcement for expressing distaste in the program and i respect. The police use maybe i could sleep better if they went out and apprehended the criminals behind the guns and didnt worry about destroying perfectly legal firearms that are no more easy to purchase than a brand new firearm at a Firearms Dealer so should our local and state Law Enforcement agencies in the government be in the business of selling guns or is that Something Better left to private industry but there are so many different layers to the question because of one hand as we all know you know. The way we confiscate peoples belongings the way the wall confiscated peoples pull logons listening to the very fact that they took the gold in the first place could be brought into question right away was some of them second rate it was that n. C. And some major it wasnt ok so they just. Because i dont want to the presidency wouldnt just i was i would start out of it in the right word theres a lot of different factors that play into that question and just to be clear i dont want to argue as if those twelve guns make up this huge amount im not trying to over size the problem and youre looking at that would have put it into perspective on what im going to get out of the six thousand guns that the Washington State various agencies within Washington State so all those twelve there is they will focus on these twelve but literally because the two point two percent of all the guns that were sold legally showed up in another investigation that we know now thats a great perspective but at the end of the day i think the anybody in that Department Im sure and anybody else would say well thats twelve guns thats well theres just theres too many this right six thousand and you know a five thousand some odd nothing Nothing Happened but twelve is too many especially if the guns coming from Law Enforcement if the chain goes back to haunt them porcelain not a good circle when the everyone. Yeah theres a fridge views on this i mean does it really how i mean is melting them down going to make a difference i mean like it i mean its true or not but i like we have sam and i had already decided that we possibly could need i dont think melting down a few extra guns is really going to change whether or not people have access to it you know now if the police took the gun from somebody and that somebody says oh you took this illegally from here you overstepped your legal boundaries and you know acquiring this happen for me then thats an argument to me that person should get it back right to me if they decide to burn them down i think for my own personal opinion i would i would rather not have a chain of evidence some day be guns sold gun here its black Market Police confiscate gun police then resell gun guns ends up in the hands of someone who then kills cells with a Police Officer yeah exactly yeah i dont ever want to see that wild chant of events take place so why that just have them melt them down well theyre literally last thing a lot of places. Thats incredible to me but a lot of with in the world where you can go to a walmart and buy a gun or somewhere store or a pawn shop you know its interesting that you bring that up because it was a sure of will write short of county washington only sells handguns and rifles that are designed for sport hunting or basic Home Protection you know in the new era fifteen in the quote unquote fun guns and when he says these guns are going to be out there by destroy them all im just helping remington or winchester. So what do you think is destroying weapons you know just going to help thats an interesting point i mean the really god bless our if somebody wants to theyre going to buy a used one or they just go buy a new one of those boys make more money you know i would say to that is that because the way these guns are being sold theyre sold in large blocks by the police to as i said auction houses pawn shops and these other i mean these are registered dealers are illegal dealers but then youre getting a whole bunch and you cant truck and honestly if theres no way to track the gun through it a lot of these in these incidences what you find out is that it was bought legally through one of these sales or through from a pawn shop or wherever and then that person sold it but im saying is is putting things that are really being tracked very well police of a troubled time with tracking a figure that i was as fast. As they are yes rocks or whatever were stiffs but this is the one that really you know its just these connections where you realize as a as a Law Enforcement i can understand the p. R. Perspective not winning the optics in one case in two thousand and fourteen a man who is a smith and wesson nine millimeter that he had purchased from a gentleman who had bought it from one of the sales he did shooting himself in the head. Out the bullet went through him over the roof of the wall into the neighbors apartment and the woman who was i think in a bathroom leaned over to pick up her young son and the bullet literally like we got almost severed and thats why i say its just it puts things into an environment where they cant be tracked we dont know where they go and they end up in that place i also think theres a better way for us swords into plowshares of anything that we should be doing is melting them down even symbolically saying were here we are all right were going to break Court Watchers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics recover because twitter sphere poll shows that r. T. Dot com coming up former cia rebels were government of the boxes to discuss the cias fight to keep secret what they already leaked stay tuned to watch from the whole. Extenders Survival Guide book stacie just like more to start simply read along with. The series there you dont get a. Public no good repatriations look at the rest in seven years. Deliver several kaiser report. Fifty years ago britain and within to come together as a sleeping pill that does this is what i believe because architects of this would say this is the side effects were terrible but not on the road. Across europe is a stunning legal battles at least some compensation something to wait first will the physical damage itself as well as a constant reminder to the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been before the justice and it has been the company. For a number of defensible and perfectly sensible reasons the National Intelligence community enjoys a legal right to keep certain information away from public eyes in the interests of National Security yes you can argue that the classification process has been vastly stretched and misused in order to protect politically Sensitive Information or that the Intelligence Community hired some of its very own abuses by claiming secrecy but at the end of the day its hard to deny that there are certain state secrets like our Nuclear Launch codes and the identities of undercover sought spies spent to infiltrate isis that are kept from journalists and bloggers with very good reason and yet in typically ironic fashion nothing has said more in recent times to torch that argument and the hypocrisy of the very same Intelligence Community which will valiantly fight to protect the classification and secrecy process while at the same time using perfectly time leaks of carefully selected secrets to achieve some very very Political Goals to discuss this double standard in the Intelligence Community selfregard above b. And beyond the rule of law were joined today by former cia analyst ray mcgovern welcome ray. Thanks always a pleasure having you on especially to talk cia given your many years working in that wonderful family Oriented Organization a fascinating story that caught our eye recently focuses on journalists out of jobs as a lawsuit against the Central Intelligence agency in which he argues that the agency does not have a right to claim secrecy over information it has already been leaking to carefully selected pro cia journalists the agencys response has been that by sharing some classified information with a friendly unauthorized journalist or two in order to kill a story does not necessarily mean the information should now be public radio is there even a promise of transparency at all in the Intelligence Community any more word that seems a little ridiculous to me. Well you got that right carol what id like to do is give a little perspective on this you mention that i was at cia for a lot of years twenty seven to be exact and i watched the roshan of the ethos of intelligence. In one way or the p. R. Function that never existed when i started and theres now a thriving thriving operation what i mean is the Public Relations person and people and the vision at the cia its not only a matter. Of denying people who shouldnt have access to Sensitive Information its actually more a case of working with closely selected journalists so that they can leak this or that sense to of thing for this or that political purpose and what this what this person who is suing the cia is trying to say is look you know when we should count for something were american citizens if you can leak this stuff to people who will do your bidding and the New York Times Washington Post and well she channel but one hundred clear us would like to know what youre leaking to these folks in eminently sensible argument and the judge came down and their side but its a lot more sinister than that you know i work toward the end under a felony name of bill casey and the first thing he said at the white house and i want to i want to quote him correctly the first thing he said at a white house staff meeting and i know this from barbara one of your who was there ok is this quote well know when our this Information Program is complete when everything the American Public believes is false period end quote wow wow incredible but. That was the. Started thats when a lot of. Talk about perception management while and how this came into play time. Just before and im sensitive to this because its exciting because fifty years since we had a last chance to prevent that terrible war in iraq what do i mean. I mean it can be told now that my good friend scott ritter was so upset with all this garbage all this drivel of weapons of mass destruction which he knew were not there since he was the chief u. N. Inspector for iraq if i only pulled his hair out couldnt see Hillary Clinton could see anyone even though he was a new York Resident so he went to newsweek. And he gave them the transcript of the deep briefing son husseins son in law helen named Hussein Kamel who whos who suydam had put in charge of. Iraqs Nuclear Chemical biological and missile programs he defected in one thousand nine hundred five few people remember this and he was briefed extensively by m i six by cia and by the un what did he say he says there are and there are no weapons of mass destruction left there because they were all destroyed and they said come on how do you know he said we havent done your homework i was in charge i mean like i was in charge of the press and i ordered them destroyed yeah but did you know that we destroyed. Well i dont know how it works in your country but i guess when i was in charge oh yeah i did i did verify couple sites had the gall but hey look. Are you trying to say me try to get me to say that they were i so this is all in the transcript right what this scott ritter do he gave it to newsweek when did he give it in the middle of february so who exactly fifteen years ago what did newsweek do with it you know had this little periscope section i dont read this weekend i dont but i really hardly should know that you know john barry to his credit wrote the thing up and he told the whole story theres this little parish folks think you know now the Mainstream Media so call can easily ignores such things but what it appears even in newsweek and you know the word hadnt started it yet. Lest they be. Fused misfeasance around fees its well you know to check it out right so they went to this fellow at the cia. The p. R. Person for george tenet and they said how about this what do you think about this and he said ah im glad you mentioned that it is incorrect bogus wrong truth those fire people if they want to have a hold of that he gives them all the time ok now. What did the sturdy newspaper people and media people do when they heard that from so well incorrect bogus roman. Thank you sir thank you so. What you thought we might want to write an article about wow thanks now that appeared in the newsweek. Electronic version on the twenty fourth. Ok so if you were two thousand and three when did the war story exactly well almost exactly a month later ok you know it if youre in the print that you are in the future version of the third of march show here is gross incompetence on the port of the media you know i described the relationship between cia and the media as a self licking ice cream cone. Well its about and its interesting i like that analogy actually exactly sounds and that wasnt the what the question i had as he was hearing all of this and you know i was at newsweek in two thousand and two and so well to say i dont believe theres theres a lot of politicizing begs though and i know that there were people that were working there that were clearly essentially what i call writing press releases for the pentagon and thats the sort of stuff that i wonder are they doing it because they they get something out of it or are these journalists how much control does the Intelligence Community have who should we be judging like to be judging the journalists just trying to get the information out or should be judging the Intelligence Community who is pushing it on them knowing that theyre not going to question a certain amount of it as the official story. Well let me say first. That i think feels really for journalists these days they have to make a living. But if they cant make an honest living i think they should do Something Else now can they make an honest living not really and the paragon be an example of that is my good friend the late perry now was a real star he uncovered the wrong country he fingered the northeast there are all kinds of wonderful investigative reporting got to know that newsweek and where newsweek again we got the news because he was such a star polk award Everything Else and the head of newsweek says and told me this story said you could tell other people newsweek said hey were having a soiree we havent quite come down from the york and that its going to be great and it will be tipped back to twelve people bob can you count sure enough so it was twelve distinguished all men of course ok were talking one nine hundred eighty five eighty six ok so theyre all there and theres a fellow from wyoming. Representative called Cheney Dick Cheney had was it was general scowcroft there who just quit being the National Security advisor for reagan are pretty you know in the civil list theyre having their shrimp cocktail right and bobs had a pretty good cocktail so its so general scowcroft i dont know are says you know on tuesday the successor admiral poindexter has should specify before congress and i would tell him if i were telling him that i will be advising him. Then we should tell tell them that we never told Ronald Reagan anything about iran contra now kerry not used to this company she drops this for fear that shatters declassify slowest crystal thing and and without thinking he says joe scowcroft. We are doing it correctly you would advise your success should perjure himself to congress now. This is a really bad. It is like an hour but was probably about a half a minute and then that it is week for his arm around him and he said now sometimes you have to do whats best for the country that and that and that. This was just gentlemanly banter. You are in there and that truly you have a lot of that ok and there are very few people with bobs courage what he did right away please go found a website called Consortium News dot com for if i recommend it when you keep reading it because were trying like hell to keep his reputation in this one to what i think you said are right on the nose there are a is that youve got to hope that the journalists are out there like the bob perrys r. I. P. Yeah you know the are out there fighting and fighting for the truth to make in the good decisions that are just taking whatever the cia or government tells them to to primm to govern always a pleasure having you on thank you so much today for coming on and giving us your presence. Youre most welcome right well im going to that is our show for you to day remember everyone in this world we are told that we are loved up so its always wall i love you i am tired old winter and i have a lot less keep watching those hawks love a great day and let. Me. Feel on a hot day at the dinner table bottle mosaddeq in china six oir get. An estimated eighteen thousand since underage refugees are now living in greece. You know still more go. To get home in there you go food bring. Many sell their bodies just to make ends meet its. Only them the second or the one the second on again you know all the sins in there that. Says in the last things get. All there is turns to dealing drugs to make a living. Thats just a little gentle of blood runs a little. Game of the things that. Move. In some American Cities the police have built themselves cling to ready to unleash people who walk on the street to be United States who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that poor people are no more afraid of the police than is often the most. You can see something happening this is like i dont want to call the cops let that happen resident call the cops in. Their lives chasing the. Trigger you never know better safe than sorry i dont know that someone else is going to die. Yet unfortunately around around here we are. Told from some. To. Back that. Up. Terrorists shelled a new humanitarian corridor in the Syrian Region of eastern preventing civilians from leaving the war torn district. Israeli soldiers arrest ten people in a raid on a palestinian village including a fifteen year old boy who severe head injury was allegedly inflicted by the i. D. F. Two months ago. And a computer recycling expert in the us faces jail and a hefty fine for pirating Microsoft Software but he says he was only trying to refurbish p. C. s. I think it was helping people extend the life cycle of their electronics to combat planned obsolescence and to make sure that we keep as much working product out of landfills as possible

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