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A russian troll farm but i got to have comments. Bild thought they had a bombshell the makings of an International Scandal heres the meat of it build the published a report about how the socialists the s. P. D. Was trying to buy the services of the mythical russian troll factory its huge it would be the first direct evidence of russian meddling in german politics here the actors kevin kuhn are head of the s. P. D. Youth wing who is running a campaign against forming a coalition with angular merkel that no grow Cold Campaign yuri a mysterious russian agent offering the services of an online army under his control to spread the message what build got their hands on was the email exchange between them it reads wonderfully cold words mistrust secret meetings like something out of a spy a movie did kevin im ury id like to talk to you about supporting your no grow Cold Campaign thanks for your mail jay already told me to expect a mile from you but just to be sure could you name me g. s favorite beverage as you can certainly understand this is a delicate matter mere mere multi ginger there yuri perfect thats a relief so what can you offer me basically we can offer you everything an Opinion Campaign with books again scholtz social bots on twitter or facebook or even a targeted Facebook Advertising campaign. I think a targeted Advertising Campaign on facebook will be appreciated by the now graca movement how much money would you invest in these ads weve already roughly calculated the campaign and expect to pay around four thousand to five thousand euros weve included the social bots dont worry well pay from frankfurt the payment will not be traceable. Sounds good ill collect the data for the facebook or audience on sunday all the information to use soon so you can mooch the campaign immediately as long as it looks like do you source pay for the im not worried looking forward to front page stuff but that was in friday by wednesday germanys satirists from tannic magazine revealed that it was all a prank they had written the entire exchange and sent it to build but build rabbits without jew checks and verification what with their anti s. P. D. Stance and tabloid routes even the email tributed to kevin kuhn or was fake he couldnt have sent anything from it other german publications saw the exchange and realized it was suspicious but to tally it explained bill that was just too excited and anonymous email to your three calls and billed prints everything that fits its agenda remember the drinks name me a meal mat a ginger well thats now trending on twitter as germans online ridicule build though theyre defending themselves given kuhner in the star of the show is also suing billed for libel and slander but judging by this picture and hes posted hes also enjoying the show. Kevin himself says the reported email exchange would have made no sense even if it were genuine part of amirs percentage but i dont know but this group of course would refuse any of these offers who dont work with social bobs i dont have information that even received any of us in this area we heard from morning heard again and the editor at the titanic magazine who came up with the prank you said they knew builds weeks. Were to turn it over to rick a magazine we work with the same. Methods as a built so we knew how to think like and build editor and what we did was we came up with a story that was tacky and like inspired as you just sat and we had a good feeling that this would work especially with built as they ran a campaign against the s. P. D. Of the social Democratic Party which have a lot of the part of. Our intent was to spin this story more further and there seems to be no election in the past years where there wasnt talk of russian meddling or interference but this s. P. D. Voting which is now evident in germany about whether they go into the coalition with merkel or not there were no rumors about russian meddling and we thought this this cannot be we have to. Make a make an alliance with the build a tabloid and push a story about russian meddling and as we see now it works perfectly. The readers of built just like the editors at build there are hopeless cases so you cant help them i dont think anyone will learn anything. New we at the town ignore the people at build our german politicians or the german people but it was a good laugh now. And i think thats something. We now continue our look at recent discoveries from japans official archives on a long concealed Eugenics Program it left thousands of people infertile over a period of almost half a century jacqueline volga has a story for us. Records of only a fraction of the people subjected to sterilization have been revealed but this may finally help the victims to get justice after decades of suffering and some are already taking action has a hard time going through the middle school thats when i was diagnosed with a mental disability my teacher took me for a medical check and then i was taken to hospital thats when i remember at home my parents told me that i was operated on and now i cannot have babies my father this force to sign documents by my teacher and welfare offices there are many more victims the government should make apologies and pay compensation to them its believe theyre up to twenty five thousand victims all under the eugenics protection law in force for almost forty years as late as the mid ninetys the procedures were in order to quote preserve the purity of the japanese race people with mental disabilities or hereditary diseases were targeted but misdiagnosis of such conditions was common causing even more unnecessary suffering we managed to speak to the relative of one such victim when i got married my mother in law told me that my sister has been sterilized after i made an information disclosure request i found out she was only fifteen when that gratian took place genetic mental disease was the only listed reason for her sterilization however its not true when she was a one year old she became mentally handicapped because of the anesthesia three different doctors gave her so she didnt have a genetic condition and over sixteen thousand cases the procedure was even carried out without consent and shockingly victims were as young as nine years old appeal to admit the practice had taken place were dismissed for years with victims being told that the evidence was simply gone the only question is whos responsible for all of this to me its the governments fault thanks a key to the program as well as the National Legislature which adults of the law need to take responsibility and make apologies a soonest possible doctor as well service. Sponsible but in a way that we used by the government. I think that the now defunct eugenic protection law existed for the sole purpose to reject a band of disabled she was stunned when i dont press to the disclosure of the documents regarding my sister surgery they told me the files were just said to have been strictly processed had been thrown away the evidence of the mutilation of my sisters body was simply trashed in the case of another victim mrs zucker the documents were thrown into the fire when i heard about it i was beside myself with a. Hotlines have been set up to bring together victims for whats likely to be an extremely long and traumatic battle for justice but while victims one compensation they say money isnt the main reason their goal is to create awareness to ensure that horrors like this never take place again. You large number of twitter users in the u. S. Are seeing their accounts blocked and there is speculation that this could be linked to the social networks crackdown on supposedly russian bot. How soon will be trending parents thousands have accounts will receive the same passage to the same moment to provide and then a text through cation code. Its enough to know what most value is simply because im conservative sixpence and if chrissy i wonder how many votes im wrong worse donald trump must tonight conservative twitter users are accusing twitter of intentionally restricting or blocking right leaning voices and theyre even holding the Company Responsible for missing followers calling it a great twitter purge and some famous users have even been blocked like mikes are no vision of the son of Michael Flynn and its pretty widespread the hashtag twitter lockout has even been trending on social media but no official comments from twitter as yet some people online think that it could be a purge of socalled russian bot accounts is this all comes amid claims of alleged russian influence but twitter and nouns back in january that they would be doing this purge to combat socalled russian influence but it seems to have backfired theyre now claims that real people were locked out of their accounts in fact when launched the first wave of purges there was an American Woman whose twitter account was suspended because an employee thought she was a russian bot when i realized it was permanent i was a little sharp twitter kept saying that it was a permanent ban suspension because of harassment and i couldnt get them to explain to me who had our rest and came back and told it it was because i was part of a russian operative or you being with. Us. That i was somehow working for russia part of the russian bots that were. Sending out negative information during the election so well for some time now twitter has been helping the u. S. Government catch these magical russian bots who somehow manage to sway elections and theyve detected a massive number of them lets look back at a project veritas investigation for an idea on how they judge whos a russian and whos not a russian by. You know i dont want to you know. I dont know this and it goes. Like. This problem is. That youre. A christian man lawyer and a political activist believes that the move goes against free speech form like Twitter Facebook or instagram these are forms where people have the ability of expressing their freedom of speech and their opinions i think that thats the point of these social media sites so if they begin to censor people just because theyre coming under pressure then you know whats going to come next i think that this country has been characterized as always for the protection of freedom of speech regardless of what you think and as long as the message that youre portraying is not racially offensive or sexually offensive and you know other ways possible then you can not censor the opinion of a person simply because they go against you or simply because you disagree with them and staying with meddling accusations in New York Times article has listed the many cases in which the u. S. Has interfered in foreign elections since World War Two but for some people this is apparently a good thing there is some truth to the fact that the United States has engaged in the election meddling over its history the cia has but its not always the same thing right like here you can help and Democratic Movement deal with a despot according to a recent study by an american historian washington trying to influence anyone foreign elections between World War Two and the start of this century and a former cia chief recently admitted that this practice still happens. We dont do that now though we dont mess around other people. Are only for a very good thing to do that through a vine video and those former cia director a very good cause. I wonder whether the people of libya agree with the gentleman or maybe we could talk about nicaragua or el salvador or the whole host of countries now of course america has involved themselves in other peoples democracies in other peoples countries just as the United Kingdom house and so i dont really understand where this guy is coming from when he sort of says its ok for them to do it because theyre the good cops but its not ok for russia to do it and you know we need to ask the people of libya say you know are they happy with the involvement of the americans will they brought to libya was terrorism civil war and massacres of many many innocent people but they forget this when they then start complaining about whether the russians have meddled on social media i thought at the height of hypocrisy myself so this is just nonsense just absolute nonsense and russian olympic curler who failed a doping test has decided not to take his case to court that story much more still to come stay with us. Its. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when one of the first injury. Or somehow want to receive. Its a joy to be close to see what the full story of the morning people get. Interested always in the waters of the. First six. And welcome back this is our Journey International to the Winter Olympics in south korea now a russian curler who won the bronze and later tested positive for doping will have to return his medal artesia leap tranquil as income tran with the latest. This is really an unbelievable turn of events just thirteen hours before the court of arbitration for sport hearing on the russian curlers case was meant to begin the russian athlete who won his country its first ever olympic medal and curling but then tested positive for dhoni him twice at these Winter Olympics said that he is refusing to proceed with the arbitration. Its silly to deny it dont be rude violations when the presence of a prohibited substance was confirmed by two doping tests im ready for the verdict which is predictably the same in all cases i weighed up the pros and cons and decided to withdraw from the cas hearings i think in this situation its useless and senseless so alexander crucial needs he has admitted that there was a formal violation of antidoping rules although he maintains that he has never taken mole dont even pills on purpose and the concentration of the drug and his body from these two doping tests points to single use and this could have played in favor of the athlete if he were able to prove that there was some sort of sabotage and and the last couple of days we heard other curlers and even coaches say that someone could have spiked alexanders food or drinks plus the man who invented the drug donia house confirmed that if you take the pill once or twice its absolutely useless military is not medici in which can be. Used once or twice or three times you should take milk on a four and a four fourteen days. Course ease of treatment is mutilate recommended by but id use a. One mons three mons even six mons up to you depends on the. Disease the patient have to get the reaction of the International Olympic committee the russian side and all the others here at the Winter Olympics i guess well have to wait till thursday afternoon everyone really expected a long legal battle but now it seems its not happening plus Something Else the. You have to bear in mind is that the i. O. C. Was meant to announce its decision on february twenty fourth on the possible cancellation of the band of russias National Committee and also on whether to allow the russians to march on their flag at the closing ceremony and everyone thought that this ruling depended on alexanders case whats going to happen to it now is a very serious question. Well earlier on wednesday two World Records were broken in the space of just fifteen minutes by russian athletes at the Winter Olympics the first was set by figure skater gania medley idea of a in the Womens Short Program and then her score was topped by fifteen year old a teammate. Of they will now be doing battle for the gold medal r. T. Has a special report on the two women who are Close Friends in life and rivals on ice you can see that on our website. He would. Be so easy to and he says that you know you have been the center of the show here was the its in the desert the way it was and there was an evolution to each other than i want to continue in that my sport was. The e. U. Was. Going to have. The same rights sure some are now considering it so you have to. Think that is wearing a really nice time from six hundred feet down over currency time during the summer i see that a and theory of. You think. Thank god thank you when you know hey yeah even to a hit when you know the us. It proimmigration rally has been held in paris following president mike wrongs initiative to tighten laws on refugees are to travel to pinsky is in the french capital for us. While this is seen as being one of the biggest tests of the manual mark on has faced so far in his presidency with around two hundred people coming out on wednesday morning to voice their concerns about this new Immigration Law well whats in the new Immigration Law well first of all they want to double the time of detention thats how long my kids can be held from forty five to ninety days they also want to put in jail for up to a year those migrants who cross into france illegally and they want to shorten the time that people have to apply for asylum well people who protested outside the consulate attack today said they were incredibly unhappy and they expressed why budget. Is not good it has not been passed here but people want parkade because it wants to hold this attention with Asylum Seekers so you shouldnt work you think its a lot selfish its a lot of people dont like you and a lot of foreigners dont like no one likes. This law is unbalanced because its trying to facilitate the integration of france he g. s but many people also support this law some say it doesnt even go far enough and they say they support it because they have concerns over some of the elements that this law will hope to deal with including that of fake i. D. s because fake i. D. s have been used by some perpetrators of terrorist attacks over the last few years in france now they will face up to five years and a fine if they found with fake i. D. s now fake i. D. s we used with those who carried out the paris attacks in two thousand and fifteen then just a year later in brussels the attack there just over the border in belgium and also last year in march say in two thousand and seventeen and on a europe wide level theres also concern that some people who apply for asylum actually want to carry out terrorist attacks such as the. Carried out the attacks at the Christmas Markets also in stockholm in sweden and in finland what is clear though is that this bill which is due to be debated by parliamentarians here france in april is not going to have a smooth flight. Paris. To russian boy who was left stranded in iraqi territory previously held by Islamic State has been brought back home to be reunited with relatives his parents are believed to have traveled to iraq to join the terrorist group back in russia his grandparents in the south of the country will now be looking after him medina question over was at the moscow airport when he arrived. But. This is a three year old boy who is coming back home from the orphanage in baghdad is happy he is finally going to see his family again here at the moscow airport the child looked tired and lost he was trying to hide his face from all the cameras and didnt respond to any questions or when he was called by his name he doesnt know what happened to his mother nor does he remember his father is too small to understand what happened to his parents that small boys traumatized is missing one Little Finger on his left hand and the injury that he sustained during a shallowing attack has spent over five months in an orphanage while all his documents were prepared for him to be able to leave iraq zaid has a little brother whos only one year old but his status still unknown moscow is not his final destination is next step is travel to the city of grozny where his grandparents waiting for. Their tour motion. Or. Was that this was one of their interests which would suggest. What the great look. Theres been this. Very group over through the. Recent review do. You almost im sure were you furious. Right that does it for me ill be back in just over thirty three minutes with a full look at your news to watch our two international. There is now three hundred trillion dollars of sellable wealth in the world today but i look at how much money we spent on the world the military. We just talked about a few more Million Dollars saved the lives of people around the world in doing to such a way that doesnt create dependency it was that much wealth in the United States that much wealth in the rest of the world is a nice usable for any person in the world today you know today. Fifty years ago pregnant women took loans again as a sleeping pill and thus this is what i mean because octets does what it said based on the side effects what terrible but not on the road is shown induction on full bore love will be here not the war. Will come up across europe victims a starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation in something two ways first will the physical damage itself as well that the concert mind that the people who actually put to take this call it has never been the justice and it has been a couple. Of plate for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. The ball isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending to twenty million aplomb fly a. Book its an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great so what more chance for. Me its going to. If youre going. There. Which in the video with his rule. Its about one hundred fifty eight questions. School. And let slip. A minute. From villa though. I hope this bill would help us if the accept us i think we would. Change too but. What would happen if they dont. Because for me. To have destroyed me. You know this is. My big dream

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