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In fact a different kind of war crimes happened in afghanistan in the past sixteen seventeen years american born villages with policies thats one kind of crime another type of crime Afghan Security forces into villages. Without any reason you kill people without you know ive been fighting with. The other against the government or just simple People Living in the village at the end of last year the International Criminal court released a statement alleging American Armed forces as well as the cia committed war crimes in afghanistan in the early two thousand Jennifer Breeden who is an attorney specializing in Foreign Policy believes that its going to be very difficult to bring about justice. There could be many more claims that come out these claims have come out against three different factions the taliban and their Hakani Network in afghanistan also against afghanis Government Forces or of Afghanistan Military there and as well as u. S. Military and u. S. Military personnel in afghanistan now on the domestic side the United States military code has a very strict in stringent of very long lists of laws that military personnel men and women have to be subject to and they have to follow but in terms of International Crimes that fall under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal court then no then the u. S. Cannot be held under their jurisdiction because the United States is not a signatory to the rome statute which created the International Criminal court so in that case it would be less likely that they be brought to justice by Member States or those that are aligned or fall under the jurisdiction of the i. C. C. A medal winning curler from russia is still waiting to learn his fate after becoming embroiled in i dont think scandal at the Winter Olympics in south korea alexander crucial netsky allegedly returned a sample that tested positive dont you the results of his second test are expected to be announced later this week the athlete debuted with his wife and teammate and the. Mixed doubles curling at this years games last week they clinched russias first ever olympic medal in the discipline after beating the norwegian pair and finishing third crucial netsky reportedly believes that his food or drink could have been spiked but that was because i mean you dont need to be a secret agent to give athletes a book filled with any kind of banned substance that could be unprotected just put it in a hotel room its easy if you can see the bottle and its like locked then it can open it you can see it was locked he open it drink it and as long as you keep an eye on the bottle thats fine if you just like to turn around for a second dont use this bottle the substance in question dont you know is believed to boost in durance and increase recovery rates its use was widespread in russia and Eastern Europe before it was banned two years ago the latest potential doping scandal shocked many in the Curling Community a sport where skill and persuasion come before brute strength i really dont think that in curling is useful i think in curling both is really important and its like mansell and physical sight so the doping is absolutely milk useful at this aspect i dont really understand what what it would approve or what it would improve. Things. I dont understand what it will do for you. Many of russias medal hopefuls are missing at these games as they were not cleared to compete by olympic chiefs despite having no doping history and though there were no big hopes for the olympic podium young russian athletes still managed to notch some victories up as between go reports. Russias top ski racers were made to sit out chang to a meeting their ski boots were big ones to step into but against the odds these judy years pulled it off all you need to know about the performance of russias young crosscountry skiing team is on this board at the house for russian fans unbelievable but almost half of the away are medals so far for one by the crosscountry squad now the norwegians russias number one rivals in the sport know theyll need to keep looking over their shoulders and america did a whole new season but. I think the younger ones will come in next year on so whos hot on norways heels made twenty one year old dennis speed solve whos already won a bronze and a silver n. P. R. Chang almost i feel proud for spit so off you see this young guy winning bronze here this was a great surprise for me was dedicated himself completely to the sport how is it possible not to support such passion in africa and of course the athletes feel i suppose the performance against all the odds wouldnt have been possible without. A former olympic champion now in charge of the washing crosscountry Skiing Federation she wasnt allowed to come to korea as an official or a coach so yes here at all the races as a stand crying tears she was the one who raised the new generation of olympic medalists in skiing just before our athletes were suspended from competition the initial plan was to get one gold medal one thats a silver and then one of us who bronze but given the fact that we came to the olympics missing eight athletes six and reach our team leaders in world skiing i said if we only one promise it will mean though weve done better than we planned five medals. Counting by the clean young determent a lump a Cross Country athletes from russia. Leonardo dicaprio who picked up an oscar for his portrayal of a mans fight for survival pitted against the elements in the revenant is worried about the weather in siberia the Dicaprio Foundation has alerted its instagram followers about the low temperatures in the region. The moment is broke when temperatures reach record siberian villager. The estimated temperature was around minus sixty two degrees celsius Climate Change is posing a real threat to the lines of life structure. Coming up in the program not everyone is happy about the high praise for the new superhero movie black panther look at why after a short break. When lawmakers manufactured him sentenced him to public wealth. When the rooming closest protect themselves. With the financial merry go round lives only the one percent im told. To ignore middle of the room signals. From the real news. Thats who we are where americans were smooth enough but what thats not us americans are screwed ruthless huckster golf claims sharks thats who we are and thats who John Travolta is thats why i dont like a barack obama thats what the lunchroom. Welcome back to the program the latest hollywood superhero blockbuster black panther has been praised all around but for some thats a problem as him often explains the new hollywood blockbuster black panther is creating quite a stir in an era where diversity is a favorite word the film is seen as a huge breakthrough for africanamericans the first ever big budget comic book story with the black superhero the cultural significance of marvels black panther is immense sting praised for its impact on the black community its white people as we see ourselves even as we like to see ourselves as again masters of our own destinies not waiting for white savior to come in and rescue us from whatever receiving ourselves now theres a common criticism of hollywood that film directors and actors of color are less acceptable in mainstream culture so the fact that a film like black panther is making such a huge splash is seen as a huge breakthrough and success by Many Americans Shows Positive africanamerican heroes and thats something that hasnt been in film and i think its fabulous now this folie a movie that represents black people was like you know the good guys for once now its pretty clear the film is touching a nerve in us society as some say criticizing the film is unacceptable i implore Media Outlets to please seek out rightists of colleagues who knew the black parents in movie. Not so bold prediction the first critic to write a rotten review of black crime for will be white now we decided to ask moviegoers here in new york city if they thought the film was good or bad for american political discourse folks on the internet are saying that if youre white and you criticize the film that thats unacceptable thats racist do you buy that no absolutely not its like any other film its a bad movie its a movie doesnt matter what color i think every movie should be criticized on its own regardless of where you are in the event or what your background is people have their own opinion do whatever say whatever they want right now just let people be happy you know theyll read it good or very views if you read them later now the film is widely celebrated by advocates of diversity however some activists are criticizing the film for the fact that no l g b t seems or characters were included it looks like today in the age of social media and you just cant please everyone caleb mopp and r. T. New york. Its been one year since the death of a telly churkin one of russias most prominent diplomats he served as russias ambassador to the u. N. During one of the toughest periods in global relations for moscow he died of a heart attack on the eve of his sixty fifth birthday. If you want to talk to my country in a commanding tone we get. Our. Im. At a stage in a suit who is representative delivered her speech as if she was Mother Teresa herself please remember the track record of your country is the one on the if we needed to be preached to leave go to a church if we wanted to hear poetry lose touch with fear itself well to expect from the u. N. Officials of the Security Council is an objective this is. Me an engineer so i dont mind who likes me and who doesnt im just doing my job but the russian delegation have just informed us and the untimely passing away of ambassador Vitaly Churkin this morning. I. Am. Convinced that the un Security Council in new york he was. Great to respect this man because on diplomatic like this. Thats a wrap up of the news this hour but dont forget you can always had to our website r. T. Dot com for the details on all of those stories and more and of course ill be back in about thirty minutes. And on the law. For her. Son. To. Apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. The ball isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the families its the age of the shaper money kill you narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million and one player. Book its an experience like nothing else i want to do because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game but great so one more chance with. The thinks. Its not that exists explicitly just certain i want to do things. Show everybody is doing really be very clear right. Away go to. Management. And they are they they when they up and they have a minute. To get me to meet you feel the. Sun what do you how much. Do you. Mind if. I want to. Talk more next time. Or similar for the sports deal with the skills because im mostly a snowboarder the only one of them and so. Beautiful yes could couldnt. You put him over the im close to them is my idea of the deal my mother goes with the star in your focus most of the. Surfing you know will someday in cinemas a woman be the spawn of the b. O. P. s dog in the u. S. So yes its a little. Too close to can you tell alludes to move at the speed of the little shows a little bolsters a policeman yes the street was full of them so just to take oh well what you call a yeah well you know what your silly little one nation is weve seen more than you do you see chelsea discuss those dollars to me and some of the help that you have labeled me as a little looser. Greetings and salutation well well well well well hawk watchers in case you havent heard it was a big weekend for all those russia gators out there as the federal grand jury here in the United States handed down indictments to thirteen russian nationals on friday for allegedly interfering in the twenty sixteen u. S. President ial election cas were still talking about it Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein took to the airwaves and told the media friday that the defendants allegedly conducted what they called Information Warfare against the United States with the stated goal of spreading distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general however he went on to report that according to the indictments none none of the thirteens actions actually had any effect on the outcome of the election and that there is no allegation in this indictment that any american was a knowing participated in this illegal activity. Huh so after all of this epic build up all of that all we get is thirteen folks who were basically just part of an organized click bait troll farm thats really that thats the massive wow i mean what happened to the massive drum putin collusion we were we were promised darn near from the likes of adams ship and the rest i do thirteen troll farmers come on since when did publishing your pushing political views online become illegal here in the us theres other things that theyre accused of that is pretty bad but but its pushing an agenda really i guess like all things trump clinton and twenty sixteen logic and reason get pushed to the side instead replaced with jingoistic revenge like the kind chuck todd of n. B. C. s meet the press was pushing for when he tweeted if you work in american politics or in the government to todays mueller indictment is not how are we going to prevent this from happening again and how are we going to punish russia then you need to rethink your priorities as a citizen or the jaw dropping hypocrisy like the kind drop by former cia chief James Woolsey on fox news have you ever tried to meddle in other countrys elections oh probably but it was for the good of the system in order to avoid the communists from coming over when i do that now that we dont mess around other people will. On them. Only for the very good to go do that to. Lets rein in this jingoistic your packers see and start watching the hawks. To. Get the. Real deal with. The bottom. Like you but i got. To. Leave it so. Welcome aboard to watch the hawks science i robot and on top of the hour the mom gets up and yeah. Who cares really say that care are there we actually do the same thing actually probably a lot worse eighty one times i believe in the history of the United States and recent history that weve got involved directly in other peoples elections to manipulate the outcome and the ballot and there are several of ours troll farmers right now. Yeah i find the whole thing a little bit unsettling i think its because of how far some people have gone in trying to connect them with things i think probably the most foul thing is if you are in government or politics is chuck todd would say and you were are comparing. Russian nationals tweeting bad things about hillary as nine eleven yes you have problems huge problems i cant help you with you need a profession and there were huge crowd there was a lot of that flowing all weekend long so its like all the russian gators were like so disappointed the yelping really great was happening live saw this in the news doesnt extends to kind of what do their normal like excuse making their love excuses over there the new you know i mean basically the literature this one the Washington Post Karen Tumulty wrote about some sort. Actions of those saying if george w. Bush had stood in the rubble of the World Trade Center with a board and launched a namecalling tirade against the democrats like you saying like this is trumps lack of you know response to this towards russia is the same as if george got up there on the rubble and just yelled at democrats you know or i mean look at this Hillary Clinton has described russias alleged hacking of the d. N. C. As a cyber nine eleven. Democratic congressman jerry nadler called russian meddling a new pearl harbor a saw that when thrown around all week senators John Mccain Jeanne Shaheen all called it an act of war its absolutely ridiculous how much just everyone is crying its war its more seriously a couple imeem some facebook ads war no weve reached that level were very delicate a person not hear anything bad about certain people and it has to be only bad certain bad press but only when approved by c. N. N. And sometimes there are some but i accept a bill acceptable that i say this is the big one of things that are going great im usually a voice of reason so obviously hes some kind of stooge according to him or not he said if Russian Election meddling is on par with pearl harbor and nine eleven attacks then should the u. S. Response be on par with its response to those attacks by the way that involved two Nuclear Bombs you know and if you want to know what that whole i get back at people and like what we should be doing to get back to russia go to whole russia run nagasaki and talk to a few people who were through that seventy some odd years ago and you tell me thats all i want to put this in perspective and no im not being an apologist im being a common sense type person i know thats a little dangerous in these times actually look at things a Little Common sense but Hillary Clinton spent one point two billion dollars on her twenty sixteen campaign according to media kwan a firm that tracks Media Coverage. Of the candidates and computes kind of a dollar value based on advertising rings Donald Trump Holding close to two billion dollars in free Media Coverage that. C n n m s n b c fox the like clinton had over seven hundred million youre telling me that with all the money that the republicans and democrats spend on social media the free publicity that donald trump got from the big networks but somehow thirteen guys or even if it was one hundred guys spreading messages on facebook that somehow suddenly you know or twitter thats suddenly going to overturn this billion dollar industry that is our u. S. Election i know its hard but let me explain it to you in the terms that with sort of american western intelligence and kind of explain if you ever been laid over in thirteen that was a cover and ok this is a cover of russian nationals and what they did is they went out into the woods every night with their i phones and their i pads and they danced in circles naked under the moonlight to like the towels on repeat and you know slug some vodka and wrote nasty things about hillary i mean this is a serious serious problem of our democracy you know its the here it is we its free speech you know you cannot again there is this like well we have these laws you know what when you care enough about people being harassed online when women were harassed online continually over and over when the game or gate stuff came up a few years ago and a few congressmen want all go do something you did nothing you didnt care you didnt care about just like twitter and facebook and everybody didnt care when it was harassment you only care when your big ticket donors and your big media people have something to say spiritual and that to me is ridiculous if you actually care its very true then you would be there but you only care because they hurt your bottom line in your little Party Politics thats really what it all comes down to him at the end of the day cmon lets be grownups lets not be scott fargus from a christmas story week if were going to dish out the bowling we have to expect some back at a little point at some point in our lives as a country its just that short of. First they came for cigarettes then youre on tanning beds and now hot water is the last the day is. Theyve come for your coffee and all the deadly carson inches allegedly in it and a day and age when every other household substance carries with it a laundry list of warnings and disclaimers it is no surprise that toxins are turning up everywhere these days and ruining even the most mundane of your daily blessings from coffee to pizza even a cup of hot soup or a fancy cocktail and dispelling any remaining blissful ignorance we may enjoy a new Public Interest lawsuit attempts to place warning labels on a whole new range of products that may or may not pose us a chemical threat or t. Strain each of us has more on this story. Theyre found in plastic Water Bottles make up clothing and in some cases chemicals can even form on their own when certain foods are drinks or its high temperatures and now Health Experts say that that chemical could be linked to a growing number of health concerns. If you start your morning with a nice hot cup of coffee you may want to think twice because cancer risks could be linked to that morning cup of joe and thats because a chemical compound called a crow mind its not meant gradient or a contaminant but its formed when coffee beans are roasted at high temperatures now coffee in some states may start coming up with cancer warnings according to a lawsuit first filed in two thousand and ten by a Nonprofit Group claim california Coffee Companies violates state law requiring them to warn consumers that a crew lied may cause cancer theres something in california called proposition sixty five in one thousand nine hundred six they passed this law stating that there has to be clear and reasonable warning for anything that could potentially be cancer causing yet while attorneys for about ninety companies do acknowledge the chemical is present they do say that its at harmless levels there has been no word yet from the judge if coffee in california should come with a warning label however coffee is not the only thing a cruel mite is then it turns out the chemical isnt many Popular Foods accrual my side is something that is a byproduct of hewing certain foods so when you cook the coffee bean and you make them brown you get a crew in mind when you cook a steak and it gets crusty you know some people actually enjoy that theres a grill in my potatoes potato chips well done french fries right this is all a cruel mind but experts warn to be mindful of consuming anything that irritates your esophagus as that may be a risk on its own if youre a teacher saw think its over and over and over again you actually make your risk higher for Esophageal Cancer so. Whether its coffee tea soup any hot beverage for that matter youre going to irritate yourself against smoking your teeth your softer guess you know alcoholic your teeth your softer guess so anything for that matter that causes something called medically which is a change in the cellular structure of the esophagus can potentially leads you down like cancer if you continue to do it over time well experts say that although its important to be mindful of the breasts that come along with doing certain things they do know that its important not to be fearful that everything causes cancer and that the best thing to do is to live a Healthy Lifestyle and to have most things in moderation reporting any ortrud of each other as r. T. And they can take away my coffee and michaela lied with their cold dead hands this is what i had to go to get their own this is why i drink hot chocolate. Its not always that and hopefully maybe do it i hope it doesnt get cancer but wow is everything that we actually consume made today pretty much cancerous have we reached that level to have the up there is nothing that we can can the human beings

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