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Great to have you with us tonight my name is this is our team and. In the southern russian republic of Dagestan Warners have been gathering at a church where five women were killed in a shooting atrocity on sunday. But. Investigators are looking into various motives behind the tragedy terrorism has not yet been ruled out on the stunning hawkins as the latest on the case while the Investigative Committee at this stage is looking into all possibilities and have officially confirmed today that terrorism is also one of the leads they are looking into the attack took place in the town of qusayr in the southern russian province of dagestan on sunday the attacker was identified as. Twenty two year old resident by the local authorities. He targeted Christian Church goers leaving an Orthodox Christian ceremony marking the beginning of a fast of a christian festival here in russia now bystanders managed to film this how ring footage as the gunman took shots at bystanders with a hunting rifle much. So well you should only does the school more looks it clear. Hes doing record good as he was doing. As we said earlier five people were killed in that attack four injured two of them critically were Police Officers as well we managed to hear from the priest who was actually taking the Church Service at the time he described how the churchgoers barricaded themselves inside the building to avoid being targeted by the attack on the ranch and as he said there was a woman here she was begging for money all the city knew her she hit the shooter with her bag and he shot her in the chest another man tried to stop the attacker but was shot while this was happening we managed to close the doors of the church the victims were such kind people one of them had told her children and another who tried to stop him first started the victims were such kind people one of them had taught our children and others who tried to stop him yes if it wasnt for her people would have been dads all because she managed to hold him back all of us the gators are now looking into any inspiration any links the gunman may have drawn from terror groups Islamic State of course was quick to claim responsibility on their website for the attack as they often do after such incidents in the meantime the attack of course has drawn condemnation from both christian leaders and was the authorities in the region as well as the detectives continue their investigation. We spoke to independent journalist lou grieve a in brussels a city that suffered numerous terror attacks in recent years he says Security Services dont exchange enough intelligence on suspects but its not enough connection between the Police Forces there should be more done to get information to collect information collectively also with russia of course we are not shipped where we should be in terms of the fence that is create fear among the people that we will see more of the terrorist attacks that we had in paris brussels and other places we are of course very close to the areas where these people come from what i see from and we need to do more in terms of connecting our police force. The turkish president has threatened consequences for the Syrian Government if its army enters the syrian city of our friend the media say the remarks were made during the president s phone conversation with the russian leader Vladimir Putin and this follows reports of a deal between damascus and the kurds which is not been officially confirmed by any of the sides under the alleged agreement promise our troops will help kurdish fighters repel turkeys offensive in the region this footage filmed by a ripley Video News Agency on saturday shows what appears to be the construction of a temporary Kurdish Military camp in africa. Has more now on how angry has reacted to this potential alliance between the Syrian Government and kurdish groups this latest development follows a deal that was allegedly sealed on sunday between damascus and the syrian kurds now the Turkish Foreign minister has responded saying that anger has no problem with proGovernment Forces entering afrin but only so long as those forces are there to eliminate kurdish groups that atoki considers terrorist groups if thats not the goal then certainly and where does have a problem. Regime forces enter the city to eliminate the begin why b. G. Terrorists then we dont have a problem with that however if we go there to defend the way produce nothing and nobody can stop our soldiers now thats part of the region has been embroiled in but her violence for at least a month ever since and clear launched its military operation called olive branch against could sue it with guards as toe us. The. The it. Was. Now this fierce fighting has resulted in multiple casualties as well as civilian deaths on both sides of the conflict talking about civilians those who live in the afan region have hailed their potential entrance of pro damascus Government Forces into the area. Work goes your car as a citizen of our friend i do not find fault with the Syrian Forces entering some points on the border as residents of our friends we never wanted partition show and i would think that there is a duty of the Syrian Government to defend its borders and protect a friend which is within Syrian Borders. And launched its military operation after the pentagon announced that it was helping to establish a kurdish led security border force along the turkish Syrian Border and co responded with fury accusing the United States of essentially setting up a chord a terror army since then the United States has tried to backtrack but essentially its too little too late and the situation on the ground is really beyond the point of being able to change the route. Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov whos been following these developments carefully has said that americas involvement inside syria has resulted in this bloodshed. We are concerned about attempts to partition syria and some of the grounds that the u. S. Has already started to realize on the ground a worrying the u. S. Claims that their only goal in syria is the fight eyesore to preserve the countrys integrity but i think that washington needs to brackets words with action because right now its actions look provocative the u. S. Used the kurds to pursue its own ambitions and thats led to a major conflict in africa now tensions on the ground continue to escalate despite the fact that in the past month the United States has tried on various occasions to try and deescalate the situation what remains now of course is to see how this latest Development Escalates tensions even further. Military analyst kemal arm says the potential alliance between kurdish groups in the Syrian Government could threaten washington support for kurds as an excuse to stay in syria over the consequences are that the u. S. Policy of using the kurds for their own advantage could be could fall apart because essentially the americans have been saying that they are present in the Northern Syria to help the s. D. F. And the syrian kurds fight against the terrorists but there are no more isis in that area and if the Syrian Government is in the us have to move out so the consequence is that it last remaining car that the americans had in the syria falls apart and if the turkish government realize that the syrians have a right to be there this could be a very positive development if however the turkish government choose to keep supporting the syrian rebel groups then there could be a conflict. A russian athlete has tested positive for doping at the Winter Olympics in south korea the court of arbitration for sport is now reviewing the case with the World Antidoping Agency expected to announce the results of a second round of tests later the leading question is mixed doubles curler alexander crucial need skiing in his wife won bronze in pyongyang the first the limpid curling medal ever for russian athletes. As the story. Well right now it is all down to that second doping test and if it happens to be positive that will be a real disappointment for many people i can tell you that here and chang the crowds have literally fallen in love with the russian couple alexander crucial need ski and ines this year are husband and wife they won the country its first ever olympic medal in curling and to watch their family team work on ice was something inspiring the media went on about them for a few days in a row and they were even compared with mr and mrs smith but now alexander is suspected of taken the infamous drug that hadnt been banned until a couple of years ago it once costs tennis star Maria Sharapova a year of her career after her team had forgotten to put it on the do not take drugs list and honestly alexander scase if he had made the same mistake or had taken the drug on purpose that would just be ridiculous when the oh they are are under such a close watch here and peeling chuang i dont really understand what what it would approve or what it would improve you in your game things. I dont understand what it will do for you crucially the ski has said that he believes someone could have spiked his food or drinks with it was presumed you dont need to be a secret agent to give athletes of both with any kind of banned substance that totally unprotected you just put it in a hotel room its easy but you have to be really careful with all the food taken and all the drinks it taking and we all know pretty well that if you can see the bottle and its like locked then it can open it you can. It was knocked he open it drink it and as long as you keep an eye on the bottle thats fine if you just like to turn around for a second bottle in any case the International Olympic committee have promised to launch its special pro but that will happen after the olympics are over in the meantime the olympic athletes from russia are getting on with their quest for medals and despite all the pressure despite some of the main stars missing out the zero eight are have secured some bronze in silver and the Cross Country skiing squad who were teenagers just a year or two ago are doing particularly well with five medals so far no gold though. Meanwhile the Russian Curling Federation has asked japan and south korea to hand over video footage showing training its also asked the russian Investigative Committee to look into the case more believes its unlikely that the athlete took the banned drug fifty take to make it a burst of energy burst of speed he could work hard because youre curling is a pretty olympic pretty pretty testing sport and self he will be supremely stupid to be caught for. You know he has said because this kid said thats his drink void of in spite or Training Camp richard. It does seem on likely that he took this however worn little bit of information can most overnight that his former or his coach but said that all he has he stopped taking the dog back in two thousand and sixteen when it was bad and we have to give him the benefit of the doubt we see a lot of the piece. As a positive we need to find out exactly what happened but again it goes back to you know it would be we we said last week sitting with you saying that to get caught for doping youre living she would have to be very very silly and i dont think that christmas he is really. A former director of the cia has admitted the u. S. Interferes in other countries elections and Domestic Affairs when its quote for a good cause what is more i guess there looks at where the double standards are at play. No one likes a spoiler medlars interference especially when it comes to american elections theyre who really pure and spoiled and unsullied or they were before the russians got to them they say but judge not lest ye be judged especially when you have a fetish for getting your fingers into foreign elections when i do that i dont mess around other people. Are only for the very good didnt feel vine video and former cia for a very good cause i. Said the former director of the cia its funny because and when america does it when someone elses even suspected of doing it now no bad bad did the russians break the rules or do something bizarre the answer is no not at all said a thirty year veteran of the cia come on the cia root the book on meddling. Weve been doing this kind of thing since the cia was created in one thousand forty seven weve used posters pamphlets mailers banners you name it weve planted false information for newspapers weve used with the british call king georges calorie suitcases of cash add to that assassinations coups Information Warfare hacking and thats just the stuff we know about this the johnson that helped oversee the cias activities hed know the difference is they say when russia does it its to destroy the world even when that meddling has no actual impact on the elections as even the Justice Department just admitted when america doesnt so the greater good democracy and all that you could ask of course how on earth overthrowing democratically elected leaders as the cia has done is helping democracy how sending billions of dollars worth of guns to gulf dictators is helping democracy but dont well the United States has been interfering in other countries elections since the one nine hundred thirty s. And in the caribbean and in latin america when i was in cia in the seventys and eightys in europe i would say that the that the cia and the Us Government basically were interfering in elections almost every election that was taking place in europe this was just routine that the us wanted a friendly government of a certain type and was willing to do certain things to enable that to happen if were going to claim that america has the right to interfere behind the scenes in the politics of another country. Its a little hypocritical for then america to say oh no russian intelligence has been interfering in american elections. You dont get to have it both ways. Adult shipping group is facing accusations of selling a number of vessels with home for waste to scrap yards in turkey and india adding to environmental and Health Problems that violating a huge loss. Cool. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Now this case is playing out in dutch courts the prosecution is alleging the ships sold to be broken apart in india and turkey contained a number of toxic substances which should have been removed and recycled in a safe manner it also cites the alleged impact of the chemicals on recycling workers and the environment in the countries have to fight over breach of e. U. Waste laws is being sought if convicted shipping bosses could face up to six months in prison. For its part the Company Involved has rejected any wrongdoing the defense for the Sea Trade Group argues the ships only qualify as waste once they reach their final destination and that they dont for one the review environmental rules of turkey in india are beyond its jurisdiction a lack of proper regulation in the industry is one of the problems highlighted by the Ship Breaking platform and geo the trade it is a Dutch Company and certainly in two thousand and twelve the conditions that the odds in south asia were well known to any European Company so the choice the trade made was for the highest price. Of the higher prices because they do not pay for the proper Waste Management the proper infrastructure and they use Migrant Workers that are not trained its indeed unfortunately is a very common practice more than eighty percent of the world tonnage is currently broken on three title beaches in the world when in india one in bangladesh and one in pakistan this activity causes pollution to see the the groundwater and is also very dangerous for the work is if they fall from heights there are explosions they will be crushed by steel plates so its basically an industry which is very poorly regulated. Former cia whistleblower jeffrey sterling has been released from prison he revealed cia mismanagement of a classified program to the u. S. Senate and was later sentenced under the espionage act to three and a half years sterling was freed after serving over two years of that sentence but he was not joe for what he told senators is that he was accused of leaking classified information that he shared with the senate to a journalist sentence was softer than the usual nineteen years minimum reportedly that was because all the evidence against him was circumstantial on the kone a former u. S. Senate candidate to petition the sterlings release explains how he ended up being treated as a traitor. Jeffrey was a cia officer he has a law degree spoke perfect farsi and he was hoping to work in the middle east and stead prior to his assignment in the middle east they said that it was a going to work because hes too big and and too black and he said to them when did you realize that so they went from one job to another job to where it was dust jacking in new york and he decided at that point this isnt what he was signed up for in the cia when he came in in one thousand nine hundred three he backed off he stepped down from the cia and he pressed discrimination charges those discrimination charges had to be dropped in early two thousand during that time period or times reporter james rise and now with the intercept was having about fifty conversations back and forth with jeffrey and then james rise and released a book about two thousand and five called state of war in which he disclosed the cias botched release of Nuclear Plans to iran even jeffrey tried to tell a Senate Intelligence committee about this information they tried to go after james rise and find out who his source was just around that same time they arrested jeffrey they dropped the rise and case because obama did not want to go after a reporter because the heat was on obama in the Obama Administration because he was going after a journalist. The judge who sentenced an annoying stated that while in a Perfect World every criminal case will be decided using direct evidence often thats not possible on men coming again says that they had nothing but circumstantial evidence against the. They went and took jeffrey to court the only type of evidence that they had was circumstantial evidence and cia agents saying that it was a disgruntled employee that released information because of his discrimination case jeffrey has maintained his innocence for almost seventeen years New York Times which originally published the story of sterlings lawsuit against the cia has not covered his release our men kelly says that many journalists have simply forgotten about jeffrey sterling journalist are never asked about are asking about jeffery sterling or talking about it and this is a man who has become an invisible man up for batman who is in my mind a hero the a. C. L. U. With me even handled this case and so we have to reach out to other types of out which are unable to tell his story. Swastikas and profanities to be marked on the internets to Polands Embassy in israel and this is after the polish Prime Minister claimed that jews were among those responsible for the holocaust its not going to be punishable im not going to be seemed. To say that there were polish perpetrators there were jewish perpetrators as there were russian paper to perpetrators are there were ukrainian not only german paper turtles but the usual sense of the polish Prime Ministers remarks here in munich are outrageous there is a problem here of an inability to understand history and a lack of sensitivity to the tragedy of our people. He president of the conference of european rabbis also criticised the polish leaders comments because a survey the polish Prime Minister is totally inacceptable to call jews perpetrators of the holocaust is unacceptable to any person who knows history knows you and wants a Better Future and we did not expect the polish Prime Minister to say such things and it all comes in the wake of a new polish law making it a criminal offense to say the country collaborated with nazi germany during World War Two to be specific the legislation prohibits references the water im not the death camps in the country is being polish and those who violate the law face up to three years behind bars an advisor to the polish president defended the legislation claiming israelis are ashamed of their own role and supposed sentiments in israel comes from the feeling of shame and the passivity of the jews too in the holocaust. More than three million jews lived in poland prior to the Second World War eighty five percent of them were killed in the holocaust around one million jews died in the auschwitz birkenau concentration camp built in poland by the nazis israeli former Intelligence Officer mordechai k. That told us theres strong evidence for polish complicity in the german war crimes the polish. Rule or law actually work against poland because there are many many many evidences that. The poles the poles to cook very active part in the holocaust nobody says that the polish state which was under occupation did it because the state was dysfunctional those years of the war and they didnt function as a nation but many of the individuals. Took very active part in the holocaust. Media outlets are accusing russia of trying to would raise crimean tatar culture thats after authorities moved to repair a crumbling mosque the big car mosque is one of the largest on the peninsula and part of the palace built in quote the image of heaven itself in the sixteenth century the remarkable example of crimean tart up palace architecture is the subject of numerous works by russian writers musicians and poets he spoke of a reconstruction work are there to gauge exactly what was being done to save this Historic Site after decades of neglect. Completely lost their ability to support the building they are rotten all eaten by beetles and filled with fungus previously trolls are constantly sliding fulling off the building were leaving everything as it was before but were going to secure neutrals with special fixtures and nothing will fall off whenever you get a renovation of a historic monument or site theres always going to be grievances and complaints over the way in which its done in the manner in which is carried out but thats a far cry from deducing from the existence of such complaints that theres some kind of ethnic genocide going on against the tires which is exactly what the Ukrainian Ministry of culture has portrayed this as so i think the interests of very clear ukraine and the west seem to demonize russia this is an Ongoing Campaign and secondly of course by creating a victim. Then that allows the west to to to ride in a portray itself as the savior. I appreciate you staying with his here and on to international throughout the evening thats all from me foot now rest assured youll be right up to date in all for now my colleague kate will be. Who would have thought thirteen russians three hundred and some cash could impact an american president ial election this is where russia gate stands today also more twists and turns in a messy conflict known as syria. Where american were smooth but what americans are proving ruthless huckster golf playing sharks thats who we are and. Thats what they learn from. Americas backing of jerusalem asked a israel a cat

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