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Them using the rule of law and i think thats a sensible way to go we should not come back here its as simple as that because theyve committed the crimes abroad so why should the taxpayers. Foot the bill for all this rehabilitation and all the short probably the there in jail for quite a while that cost more money when these crimes are being committed to god let the authorities deal with him under the rule of law in them. You know there are lots of different stories about what happens to these people if we make them stateless stenciling they will stay out there they will keep breeding extremism terrorism and radicalization and theyll keep killing and theyll keep hating us so we have its a problem have to deal with you cant hide from it you cannot fall back on this british passport so you know i committed atrocities abroad but all for we british passport into the mix so we get sent back oh no how do we know people have committed crimes without putting the evidence in front of them and putting them on trial just to assume people went out there so i dont want to go out of here and in london and regularly on trial id like to go on my own regularly well these are obviously the the un is so weak. The you again is so weak just nonexistent the should have. Should have the Un Peacekeeping forces making safe and so we could properly categorize these people rather than these people go in to fight for whichever side these people fight. Against but now because the fight for the cure is to be classed as tell us here it be. Situation. The twenty third winter Olympic Games in south korea have just passed the halfway mark of the olympic athletes from russia or our team has zero nine medals so far russia is officially not represented at the games because of alleged state sponsored doping in recent years and the scandal prompted the International Olympic committee to banned numerous russian athletes for life the athletes appealed that decision and the court of arbitration for sports then overturned the lifetime ban for twenty eight russian athletes at the start of february however then the court did an apparent u. Turn saying it actually supported the i. O. C. Decision not to allow some of the cleared at the least to compete at the winter games and we spoke with the court court of arbitration for sport secretary general asking him about the reasons behind both decisions the full interview available on our website r. T. Dot com but for now on there is a preview these athletes applied but were denied access to the games because the i. O. C. Decided not to invite them so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue thats a legal difference for us. Only reviewed the question of the application of the law of the rules of the i. O. C. It reviewed only the process whether it was fair whether it was nondiscriminatory discriminatory. It found that it was not critical there was no. The rules were not unfair and they have complied with by the i. O. C. So it was only a legally stick approach again there was no review of every. For the entire yukis of the sochi case was not discussed here the report was last discussed here. The fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the good doesnt mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete this is the other way around with the sochi case because the i. O. C. Had to show that the athletes were guilty the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesnt mean that the athlete has nothing to do other with the case. We are not acting in the pressure so it was not a pressure for us because we have different panel of arbitrators they work independently and they are not really. They are not employees of caste they are independent people. Once they have been notified to the parties we will publish them with the russian athletes prohibited from competing under that countrys flag. Gauge reaction from fans around the world in the olympic host city of people. It will take a long while for russian athletes journalists like myself that i can tell you first sure to forget the acronym o. A r after chang twenty eight thing well just before the winter games a group of russian designers thought they could take advantage of the International Olympic committees language sanctioned. I put one of those on myself and decided to walk around near the olympic park a little bit. What kind of team did people with this kind of sweatshirt support im sure. Its a limp a calf really believes he can keep the russian north korea are doing north korea russia the russians the food we eat here because they do that if you lose a limb and then something of a limp think athletes of russia what would you chant if you wore annoy our team supporter oh oh oh oh oh oh oh weve come from really full. Blown. Leg some people say a russian animal can make it sound like that there are russian bear siberian tigers i fear was. Fear will make it sound like its hungry. For gold medals well judging by the first few days of the Winter Olympics the russian fans have chosen to stick to the more traditional chants and symbols. Place here we have a train go archie and young chang were back in just a moment. Looking the russians arent so different from the european neighbors when it comes to individual rights and freedoms however they do have a very low tolerance for uncertainty in politics that translates into a strong electoral advantage for the incumbent making our transition and precarious. For russians to stop playing it safe politically. Thanks for joining us the u. S. Justice department has indicted thirteen russian nationals and three companies in connection with alleged meddling in americas twenty sixteen president ial election but as there is no actual criminal offense in the United States known as meddling the defendants were charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States among the three indicted enterprises is the petersburg based Internet Research agency which is accused of conspiring to sow political discord in the United States another is a Catering Company which is suspected of having helped fund the. The whole scheme in the first place now the thirteen defendants allegedly used methods ranging from organizing political rallies to posing as grass roots activists though some of the methods slightly off the wall for example driving a Hillary Clinton in post dressed like this one to him as a convict in caged in the back of a truck they also allegedly brought facebook ads to promote a rally titled support hillary and save american muslims despite the supposedly lengths gone to these ploys apparently had zero impact there is no allegation in the indictment that the charge conduct alter the outcome of the twenty sixteen election they wanted to quote so no discord by. Breaking into elections no stealing the numbers no changing the numbers no voter fraud no vote by merely providing information through advertisements thirty listings and social media accounts that were shared by americans them mainly ends of dollars that have been involved in the Russian Investigation so far. Special Constable Council muller has indicted for people for that so thats all he has to show and so far nothing has been done let me remind you that we still dont know what russian collusion is we still dont know because Deputy Attorney general rosenstein today made it very clear that there was no evidence that anything that these russians or any russians did russian nationals or people who speak russian or people in the russian government but there is no evidence that any of this affected the election whatsoever isnt that fascinating and if it didnt affect the election whats the point of this. Supposedly inc with russia has also landed the Dutch Foreign minister in trouble hes resigned after admitting he lied about a meeting with president putin in two thousand and six but in a flow of. Them they dont. I mean is that we both want to. Excuse. For you to use. An emotional resignation how old is old departure comes just a day before he was supposed to meet his russian counterpart here in moscow lets listen for a moment to the remarks that ultimately finished his career. Because. Fish in early two thousand and six i was about to meet putins countryside house but i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well Vladimir Putin talking about a greater russia he said this included Russia Belarus ukraine and the Baltic States and that kazakstan would also be nice to have but one of the so has now acknowledged that it was all one big lie when he wasnt even in russia or in two thousand and six she said he did it to protect his source a person that presumably attended that meeting he now describes it as the biggest mistake of his political career in response to the news the dutch Prime Minister said that the remarks of his now former top diplomat accurately reflected a russian policy at the time we asked author and russia analyst Martin Mccauley about mr confession. There are two reasons why he made that statement one is that it projected him into the public newspapers the headlines and so on this was a sensational statement to make and the second thing would be that of course it fed into the need to. The native narrative the narrative of the west at that time still is which is basically under russian sees video putin as a threat to the National Security and it fed into that and therefore for these two reasons then it appeared to be from the dutch point of view this is a very good very good thing to do. A manual macron is on course to take another Campaign Pledge off the list is promising to bring back Compulsory Military Service two decades after it was scrapped the first french president not to have being called up for service once all the young people to receive quote a direct experience of military life of poles three years ago suggested that eighty percent of people were in favor of the move but thats now dwindled to a little more than half and we asked people in paris what they think now. Do you play as are you ready to serve your country yes i have even tried to get in the army. Realizing there are many ways to help your country and not only in the army but its not all about taking a weapon in your hands for. Me training is definitely way stricter than the School Curriculum but this experience gave me a new perspective on things. As well i think military service is something good this creates unity around the country but serving should be optional. At the moment. The saying. Is that i say no. To. The french tosha lump sum it all is all fall down. Youre watching the weekly here when ill see international more of your sunday programming at the top of the hour. In america a College Degree requires a great deal. A decades long dead. Study so hard it requires trust to. Go through mediation to enter society. And touching down and sometimes quite literally. Want others. True colors of universities in the us. Leave all the citizens of any practice is the oppressive measures being deployed against the Palestinian People have to do with the so political journalism the theft of. The maybe. You know the stating things that the leaders of the in schools the cool. And. Welcome to worlds apart when you look at value surveys the russians are not that much different from their european neighbors when it comes to individual rights and freedoms except for one thing they have every loan tolerance of uncertainty politically that translates into a strong electoral benefit to the incumbent making Power Transitions in russia a precarious will russians are stop playing safe politically well to discuss that im now joined by mitchell good call for russian opposition politician and a former member of Parliament Mr its good to talk to thank you very much for your time now youre not running in the russian president ial elections but i think you may have contributed more to voters in gauging and then some of the candidates every way appreciate the program that you created of enlisting citizens or voters as monitors which i think really helps to energize the base but why do you think projects like this Capacity Building projects democratic projects like this are so rare in russia. That there is a new threat or is it to produce a bit in the. And if we dont thing that its a real elections because you know one of the. Critics at least in the army just was bound to produce a play in this elections there is a Serious Police in the position so. I said i want to launch an Electoral Campaign to break all those elections i soon that we need to support those cordons critics who will be in the belak list so or and try to unite the people from different strategies into the project we would like to organize over as in moscow and order to provide every polling stations with at least two worse in moscow of the three thousand five hundred polling stations and we would like to recruit seven thousand people to more new tour elections in order to create a big Political Force for the future elections in moscow im going to run them the way relations and i am going need those people yeah yeah and the way you phrase it you pursue obviously a personal goal but what i find actually far more important is the citizens and gauge of it because in russia politics is still about getting votaries we should i think is a rather primitive very limited form of political persistent patient being monetarists requires a much bigger commitment its just fourteen hours of monitoring on the election day plus all the education the training that goes into that in my view thats much more important for democracy than where there are no if you win actually and yes of course because all these people will be involved in the politics it will be very important for the future elections for all democrats who are positioned leaders in our country so we will need to work of the Grassroots Level and this will help us to win sometimes maybe in two thousand and twenty two on big because the main goal of the opposition to be represented in the parliament after two thousand point two. The were creating and we try to create a big Political Force in order to go to unite all people who want Political Force and Political Parties now its very well known statistically people in urban areas well differently from people in the countryside or in the national republics and it is believed that the number of voter fraud is much higher in the countryside done in moscow now you said that you have a very clear political interest in moscow thats why youre doing that but from a democratic point of view when it has made my job better sounds to go to the regions and it drives the base there rather than staying in moscow where already people are quiet in gauge politically there is another strategy we should to normalize people and be suitors we need to. To collude with them to come to the polling station to go with we need to raise a turnout in big suitors where we have more chances to win thats why we decided to work in more school and the voters of russia. So we come to the municipal complain more school we have two hundred six to seven independent deputies we have majority and seventeen districts and moscow. Two thousand and nine two and we will have a municipal competing in some pictures of her so we will try to repeal this. Series i think that complainer is actually groundbreaking and many will give the credit to you whether or not they support your idea logically post i read in the one of the interviews that you while you were helping in selecting those people who were running for the minister politics you ask them questions about what they think russias policy in ukraine where day what is their stance on crimea why on earth do you need Something Like that why do you need to bring big politics into that rather than focusing on that Capacity Building and the gys in the base isnt it more important to me there. As for why why then he asked them about their views on Foreign Policy because you know i was sometimes a member of a just russia and i know what happened to this part to. This party has been destroyed. And there will there was a serious pollute between people who supported putin and who wanted to oppose pooter thats why we decided to support only those candidates single minded people people who share the same values we support of those people who want to restore relations with the west with support of those people who. Wanted to have a democracy in our company a people and didnt use a pallet just need to take care of the yards of the local Power Centers all of that they dont deal with ukrainian issues etc why dont you need to why dont you support and educate people off any political persuasion because we we want to unite people with the same values with the same ideas and its very important because the today they have all like a lack of authority but they want changes not only in the district not only in more school they want changes for russia. To more room there will be united in the Political Party that you share into saying well yes and its very important for us but people who support bush and then people who support you may actually have the same values in having the rule for him having local in gauge meant in having. You know corruption compay in it why do you people have him its impossible. Because. I kept most of them that people supporting prove a point to well be members of our Political Party well here i am with example just as i told you before the beginning of this program i recorded it into your Monitoring Program but im more or less pro question but i do believe and i think ive been to some of the training that your party has organized a lot of those youre exceptional no not at all there are a lot of people of many ages of Many Political persuasions what actually are interested in making sure that those elections are conducted in the free and fair manner in accordance with the law as you see there is really i go again some so super in the media absolutely yes but who is for that how can you support. That in this case you should share my i will use some way to use and support a really good call for my supporters to meet with yours i do want to get a preview of the censorship in the media but its not about the values when you deal with the country you deal with the current problems and i agree that the t. V. Environment the media environment in russia is constrained but i dont think it was i think that you were for the independent court system the right absolutely of course i am for the independent course and im sure glad you put in independent learners is only the newco su support of this constitution the legislation the gives him the authority to appoint judges for example so its not about independent core system you never hear about of changes for russia well i dont think he appoints those judges and gives them that permission to be pliable to outside pressure and i think on a number of occasions he also talked about the need to reform that system and in fact from what i know he has actually just initiated the it and now that Justice Reform that was long advocated by Alexei Kudrin the well known liberal and im sure the person who youll share some values with so there is all. Always and work all hour of their lives to cauldron is not even the member of the government at least still very influential or what do you think it will do me a very influential while if the person in his program was accepted as a blueprint for reform doesnt mean it was are you going to remember what you manage to carry out with if you if you look at the polls and their latest other polls show that there is a Strong Demand for change in russia i think we would agree on that and even put it would agree on bad but i think the way this demand for change manifest itself in this country is people saying we wait for the changes we want the authorities to make the changes remember that famous song by a victorian soit we are waiting for the changes rather than saying we are to change and there is a fundamental difference between these two positions where you place the authority but they replace it with the they the government or with yourself that thing be changed about russia peoples expectations of who will be there are running the country whether it is the government or whether it is that. I think that people dont like to take risks they want to lose but they want to take risks and i dont believe in the figures of the polls because i can give you some interesting facts about russian polls for example according to the polls putin has a six or eight to one percent of support things that im so lonely around seventy two i dont believe all those figures because according to the same polls or at least one third of people never tell the truth to pollsters. Because you can imagine if somebody comes through a door or coal you and ask if you support means to put them is better to say yes putting of course its the most popular politician in our country that are some doubt as of maybe fifty six fifty eight percent of support which would still be enough for him Zachary Taylor fear of the police to go. In eighty eight you can read the book or for good. The reporter you will find this in figures so what your fifteen percent of support in the. You know into a two line you have fifty two percent of support just one year before that and the one part of mr good cause i dont believe the story of historical parallels i think i dont think they ever work and this is perhaps simplifying. The matters a little bit but can i ask you why do you want to kill dont believe in any polls who are for the situation can be changed drastically after the split of a loop and i believe some split over lou because you know. The mood in the parliament in the government in the close circle was put him there is a come some sort in the loop can i ask you a question about that because specifically about the Power Transition and the change of power in russia all the candidates in these elections including putting himself say that in principle they support. Powers need to be changed in their regular bases but i think for the kremlin the question is always not why but when and how. Tomorrow wakes up and decides you know ive been in power for way too long i just need to find something more exciting to do with the rest of my life do you think our country the state that it is right now with its very weak checks and balances to deploy a system that exists today with a Law Enforcement that they exist today with the levels of corruption do you think the country based system can withstand that. The change will do so secures pushing. Of another president or another constitution although there isnt a due to start to in the Constitution Order to come for like put through for a model for because you dont please it well if you are in the Distribution Campaign again and that people will start fighting for property that the corrupt people that. Exist within the system will try to heal monopole lies deposition then get it get some precise and it does that we dont believe it will have will help us to reach this. List changes because i know that they want to. Restore relations with the west because they want dont want russia to be as a lay to the they want to restore relations with the west because they have already written by elites and they have assets you start you know your station with the with the russian side you know the russian is that process of evolution is ready for that will be a trigger potential but people but till its not a very democratic they just say you you know

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