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A canadian short track speed skater was receiving Death Threats from the locals after she finished fourth first but then a south korean athlete was disqualified and then her position was upgraded to third place and thats when the ugly things started happening but you shouldnt get the impression that the Olympic Games are doomed because in many sports there is such a spirit its the kind of family spirit that goes first after nationality rivalry politics etc there was one good example when george Cross Country skiing competition a russian skier lost a part of his equipment and then an american coach rushed to help him out if the russians here had to do this u. Turn you dont come back to pick it up that would have been a disaster for the race but thanks to the american code. It didnt happen and we talked to the man the Cross Country ski family is is exactly that its a family we often benefit from russian or no region coach is giving our athletes a pole in a race and well do the same i would say its very friendly when you walk by a russian athlete or coach will always say congratulations or if weve had a good race they will say congratulations to us three years ago and most of the entire russian womens team came up to our hotel and had tea and cookies with our owner continued and not many people spoke the same language we know a few words of russian a couple of them they knew some more english than we knew russian but we had a great time and that it was one of those moments in my career that i remember well i guess when it comes to pole what i call rivals russia and the u. S. Helping each other out in sports it works both ways and here with me i got the silver medalist in luge briss master who definitely knows what im talking about and hes ready to tell us about a story that happened to him a few months ago as far as a distant chris hi again congratulations and whats that story with the russian athlete i guess helping you out yeah i thank you very much it was a couple weeks ago where i was having a very difficult last season people were starting to reach out and help me and there was a specific russian athlete he offered me help like technical help with with my i pod with with fiberglass with with aerodynamics and although it didnt work because im much larger than he is the fact that he was willing to reach out and help me in such like a desperate time shows that sport can bridge you know cultures it can bridge politics that we can connect on the human level through sports and thats thats really what embodies the olympics here is that so many countries are coming together connecting through sport and it really shows the power of the human spirit. Absolutely this is a small little step it takes a lot of people to get one of these and i cant think samuel enough for thinking about me and just trying to help me out in a time of need i am very Close Friends with with so many different russian athletes and yes theres been a lot of scandals and im really i cant wait for the day that we can move past this and we can just get right back to sport clean sport its so easy to talk about negative things but its really difficult to highlight these positive situations you know who knows maybe one two lympics this will all be behind us and well get right back to you know clean competition and a lot of fun. And the team of limpid catholics from russia invited three mo medals to their tally natalia iran and one bronze in the speed skating tennis itself also took the place on the podium in his event while nikita tradeable claimed the silver in the skeleton that makes a total of eight medals for the olympic athletes from russia team. Russian meddling conspiracy theories have been dominating headlines in the u. S. For more than a year now but those pushing those theories the hardest the Mainstream Media and also finding themselves accused of involvement in the meddling jacking phooka explains Mainstream Media in the u. S. Has been shouting from the rooftops for over a year that russia interfered in the two thousand and sixteen u. S. President ial election and one of moscows most dangerous tools is alleged to have been online trolls russia meddle in the twenty sixteen president ial election here in the United States russia interference went beyond the election russia was behind the election meddling if you thought the russians and stopped their active measures against the us they havent it is a genuine threat to our democracy but according to an Indepth Research project it looks as if those very outlets were the ones producing the news that was promoted by accounts claimed to have ties to the kremlin Columbia University social media researcher Jonathan Albright went through thousands of troll tweets and looked at the news sources that the accounts were linking to in the run up to the election and the results are interesting to say the least the result from this sample of tens of thousands of tweets is that the most news in the six months leading up to the election isnt your typical hyper partisan news sure broad book ranks first but its followed by lonely list of what many would argue are credible if not mainstream news organizations number two on the list is the Washington Post who is also joined by the likes of the hill reuters the New York Times and irony of all ironies c. N. N. The idea is that trolls were retreating real news not fake news as. We are told before on hot topics in order to set the daily news agenda we have regional troll accounts consistently tweeting not only real but local news this pushes back against some of the more established narratives around hyper partisan media and fake news this headline from the Washington Post really says it all russia use Mainstream Media to manipulate American Voters except it doesnt quite explain how sharing a countrys own news articles can be seen as a sinister weapon used to change the outcome of an election. More than a year has passed since the libyan city of sirte was liberated from myself but local still live in constant fear threat of jihad is returning to the area looms large while residents still see no sign of life returning to normal. But. Just because. Theres a big islamic world these are everywhere granted food in the complex and turned the leaves fall completely out of the sea. But its impressive even though its been destroyed. So you can see here is that a state like its been drawn on the side. The area is completely destroyed and there is no local or International Assistance for the population there are fears that ice will return to this area again and be entrenched in it after the one year war. People were displaced from this area even after they returned the couldnt find their homes because of the mass destruction. And sacked especially because of the planes bombing. And the moment to the steps and its been the terrorist stronghold the city surrounded by mountains and valleys and noise. Hey john is live now is the president of the International Committee of the red cross peter moore thanks for joining us here on the program peter now youve just returned from libya can you describe to us your impressions of the state of the country. Well ive been in libya for the last three days and what you can see is that certain parts of the country are of course quiet there today maybe one or two years ago there is. It has been mentioned there are still fighting is continuing and the impact on civilian population is important these heavy libya is one of those countries with the largest percentage of displaced populations and therefore the humanitarian needs are important in particularly in Health Services water economic support for displaced populations peter what kind of information has the i. C. R. C. Received from. It considering that it has faced some of the heaviest fighting recently. We havent ourselves been insert our colleagues from the Libyan Red Crescent Society have been there we certainly recognize as i have mentioned before that in certain in other parts of libya fighting is continuing and therefore needs are enormous because of the disruption of basic social Services Health water sanitation and others and so the needs are certainly growing and i. C. R. C. The Red Cross Movement as a whole is ready to do more to respond to those places who are particularly suffering pretty evolve as we mentioned you know humanitarian crisis which you know weve been covering as well and youve mentioned what could be done but how. How realistic the you know what youre doing what your organization is doing is enough because there is a huge crisis and those residents all trying to get to normality but it appears at the moment that there might not be able to. Of course libya a country affected by war and violence displacements and there is a humanitarian crisis but libya is also were each country libya is also a country with a lot of capable people and i think with more support from the outside these people will manage to respond more meaningfully to the crisis our. Impression is definitely there with a little bit more off support a lot can be done and the libyans themselves as well how to respond to this crisis on the other hand it is true they need more support in some of the critical area. Obviously mentioning more support. It. We look at how the the mean is covering certain conflicts in the world libya seems to have gone off the radar a bit and overshadowed by by yemen syria iraq how important in your opinion is to keep that coverage about libya going and how do you think more attention can be attracted to the crisis and the devastation in the country. We are certainly of the our pinion that it is important to talk about the situation in libya we are off your pinion that more needs to be done to support the different or far it is in libya more of course has to be done also to find a political solution within libya libya strategical the situated Everybody Knows its a country of this nation and transit of migration. We find appalling situations not only for the libyan population but also for the migrant population in libya so there is for me an unquestioned city to put libya much more in the center also off International Attention comparable to the attention the International Community has other crises in the middle east yeah yeah i mean we seem to be seeing a lot of crises across region as well and now you know for those who arent humanitarian workers it would be an inside i think too few to describe but the biggest challenge is all for those humanitarian workers who are on the ground dealing with these huge problems that theyre faced with. Well there are a couple of areas which emerge as particularly critical at the present moment i have mentioned Health Services clinics which need to be rehabilitated Water Systems which need to be rehabilitated i have mentioned the displaced population which needs basic support to restart their lives we also need to engage with all parties to the libyan conflict to respect International Humanitarian law this is the basic mandate of the i. C. R. C. In through this engagement also to ensure that there is less negative impact on the civilian populations who are often trapped in between the different front lines we need to cope as you mentioned in your questions with those hot areas in libya which are at the present moment at the forefront of the attention like syria like there like other places where fighting is taking place and the population is suffering these are just some of the important issue i wouldnt forget the medium and long term. Important issues like visiting detention facilities which is important the i. C. R. C. Detention facilities for libyans but as well as for migrants these are all important subjects and the areas to cover yeah i mean peter if we look even mention the short term if we look at the long term and restoration of the country to get to a point where there is for the population there how long realistically do you think thats going to take take and how much in terms of resources that are going to take if you could quickly answer that question because were running out of time. Well again i think libya has some assets which we shouldnt forget and which gave us hope its a population. Knows how to help themselves i think they have resources they have capacities we need to strengthen those capacities i think there is a realistic perspective that one state is a political agreement in libya things will become better ok president of the International Committee of the red Cross Peter Mora thank you so much for coming on to the program and giving us your thoughts on the situation in libya. Ok the u. S. Attorney generals accused of racism for using the phrase Anglo American heritage we have the details on the story after this break. Join me every thursday on the alex im im sure ill be speaking to us from the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Make this manufactured sentenced to public well. When the ruling class is protect themselves. With the fine merry go round be the one percent. We can all middle of the room sick. I mean. The stakes couldnt be higher and its happening in syria the goal of destroying the Islamic State is largely complete now the syrian proxy war is in train the new stage for the players and one of their aims and what does winning. Welcome back to the program the u. S. Attorney general is being accused of fueling racism on twitter after Jeff Sessions praised the quote Anglo American heritage of Law Enforcement in the country his choice of words in a speech to a Sheriffs Association is being called insensitive at the very least. The office of sheriff is a critical part of the i know american hearing of Law Enforcement however others insist the Anglo American is a normal way used to describe the countrys legal system also known as the common law the Us Department of justice responded by saying the term reflects shared american English Heritage and former president barack obama has also referred to the Anglo American legal system in fact the term was widely used by other members of his administration as well but it seems no one took notice of them in washington samir khan gave his reaction to controversial comments made about u. S. Leaders and politicians. Im going to say donald trump. As sounds like something he would say is actually obama wants proc obama. Actually correct. If you find it offensive at all no. I just thought it would be him based on the other remarks that hes made but i mean if its obamas fault i like president obama so im glad he said that. Theres definitely be wrong. Why do you think that because he is offensive towards immigrants. Is actually bill clinton really wow balloted not saying after all interesting but i wouldnt be surprised though because nobody who clinton is would. Mike pence or are i just sessions. Of the first question told the dalai lama that youre correct. And all these offense to the troops ive you can get no outrage so i get this all about the messenger and not so much about the message. At the top of the air with more news so dont go away. Hello and welcome to cross talk where all Things Considered im peter all of l. The stakes couldnt be higher and its happening in syria the goal of destroying the Islamic State is largely complete now the syrian proxy war is in train a new stage who are the players and what are their amps and what does winning mean. And whats next for syria im joined by my guest. In london hes an expert on political islam and author of Islamic State the digital caliph it in beirut we have morrow she is a journalist and University Lecturer and in turn around we cross to. He is an associate professor at the university of toronto ok in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate why well let me let me go to you because you are the closest to what were talking about here there are so many Different Things going on contra veiling trends contradictory trends going on in syria right now i think were all very familiar what has happened in the last six seven years is would you say that this conflict is taking on a new form is it morphed into something and is it more dangerous than what weve seen before go ahead in beirut. Definitely specially after the talks in touch and we saw last week was a hectic week inside of syria beginning in february for when we had the first launching of israeli the first and this month a launching of israeli attacks on the outskirts of damascus countryside killing and allies and turned them into reports for the arab army and then again on tuesday two days. Later they did the same and then the big. Happening that also happened between thursday and friday when the u. S. Bombed. Positions and there is or killing more than one hundred. Members of the army alongside with reports saying that there were also russians on board we still dont have a confirmation from the kremlin on that and then what happened late on saturday or dawn saturday with the downing of the israeli jets or their. Territories in syria which was a very Dramatic Development define me for the war inside syria for all the happenings that were going on especially again i like to reiterate after the sochi talks which brought about several very important points for the Upcoming Solutions inside of the syrian conflict for possible dialogues to be conducted between the warring parties what is happening is a very big indication that the u. S. Is is very much paranoid of what will happen next in syria thats a very good let me go back to you in london because we have the three players or Turkey Russia and iran they dont all see eye to eye on all of the issues however american behavior in syria is bringing those three countries together we have word that theres going to be a conference and all of the date hasnt been set yet but that the u. S. Is a galvanizing point for these regional players now and the u. S. Has made it very clear it isnt going anywhere this is one of the reasons why i was doing this program here because they say theyre not leaving they dont really justify their illegal existence in a sovereign country where they were never invited in the first place and we have the israelis on the move go ahead in london. It is very critical time for the whole region i believe and i could say clearly that. This many people and why they want to stay there simply because of the islamic. Because of the danger of the terrorist organization Islamic State collapsed completely it has no capital it has no trick there is some pockets here or there so why the american has two thousand troops in syria and about six thousand troops in iraq this is the biggest question i believe the major challenge for United States is what they are going to do and north of syria are they going to establish a clear this is they are they going to lose you know their pesky shall lie are they going to confrontation with syria with that key even with the russia and thats part of the words why they are supplying the kurds with very sophisticated weapons and also some terrorist organization of i pad missiles where they managed to use it to down russian so hard jets so this is this is the biggest question i believe you talked about pizza a stumble conference this is very important three major countries major powers are going to me there and i believe this kind of meeting i mean taki. Russia. This is the major player in the region if they decided actually to meet and they will meet i think the top of the agenda will be how to confront United States inference how to confront their troops and see that this is the biggest challenge i believe i believe for them and mohamed entering the interesting thing is when you look at all of the players are involved and weve only named a few of them here there are many more no one not one of them wants to see the United States in Northern Syria except for some misguided the kurds ok and i would i would point out to the kurds is that the u. S. Usually turns away from its you know temporary allies and leaves or turns against them ok so the kurds historically make much is the wrong side i think theyre doing it again here what is the u. S. Doing to suggest why. To be a spoiler is it want to partition does it want to keep the region unstable of course everything i just said would benefit israel go ahead mom and i think thats the point everything that the United States does in this region is about israel the only real ally of the United States is israel and even saudi arabia the only reason why its considered to be a us ally is because it moves it in a way in which it is within the framework of the interests of the israeli regime. To if we go back to the beginning of what the crisis in syria and the famous two thousand and twelve Defense Intelligence agency documents. There was an attempt to stablish a salafist and extremist regime between syria and iraq in order to isolate syria and. That and that those extremists they were being supported by u. S. Allies in the region and as general Michael Flynn who was the head of the Defense Intelligence agency at that time admitted on al jazeera the United States took a willful decision to support those extremists so the United States back then was supporting an attempt to take over the east of syria later on when the tide turned when the tide turned with the help of russia iran hezbollah the iraqis on the volunteers and isis began to lose ground and territory it was only then that the United States changes policy before that the United States was allowing isis to thrive without the right to go on between turkey and isis we know from kerry the secretary of state of the United States in a leaked audio file that he told the Syrian Opposition people that the United States allowed isis advance on damascus to put pressure on president assad so only when the tide turned to the United States decided to start fighting isis and that was because they wanted a piece of syria so that they could. Basically pursue. Same policy let me let me let me point out a rise of the let me point out to our viewers of course the donald trump is taking complete credit for the diminished state of isis thats what you learn in western media it is really really remarkable. I could say you know i agree with you. I mean all also whats really at stake here is there looks like there is a game of chicken being played the United States and israel getting very aggressive and there are Russian Troops there they are legally they were invited there by the legal government in damascus and it looks like the pentagon is itching for some kind of conflict and i would be very well the pentagon to be very careful because the russians dont bluff go ahead in beirut exactly exactly and if you read the Mainstream Media that was out on wednesday and thursday of this week and the u. S. You can see how they were gloating about the fact that they were bombing the post of the essay game where they most probably have directly hit the russian servicemen we dont know if they are part of the army or not so one of gloating and they were saying we are at war with russia inside of syria this is no longer a secret so not only that they are pushing for as some sort of a confrontation with russia but they are also under the ground working for this confrontation i mean could you tell me when has the u. S. Ever bombed the isis controlled areas of their resort before it was the great no never there are they now bombing the areas that have been liberated by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies why because they dont want them to advance further more to the areas where they occupy was the oil rich obviously oil rich areas and there is storage as well they want to keep away from as the socalled s. D. F. Which we dont have real information about except the fact that they were isis members that evaporated and then there was something. So we have all the kurds that we are talking about here so its really going to its really its really amazing how they suddenly evaporate you know theyre just airlifted out and thats what happens here ok. Let me go to you here i mean this is the United States i mean its interesting the area of Northern Syria that could run thats really where the serious all is ok and denying syria the ability to rebuild as a matter of fact you know telling the entire world that they will be sanctioned if you give money to the government in damascus to rebuild another one

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