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Just four pm wednesday afternoon watching out international with me kevin owen hi there great to have you company thank you first then the Dutch Foreign ministers been forced to resign after admitting he lied that he had had a meeting with president putin back in two thousand and six when a fellow of. The boat was charged. For. Motional resignation. Departure comes just a day before he was supposed to meet his russian counterpart here in moscow well lets look now with hindsight with of those false claims were worth it. If in early two thousand and six i was advised to move putins countryside house i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well Vladimir Putin talking about a greater russia he said this included russia roofs ukraine and the Baltic States and that kazakstan would also be nice to have. Still stores now acknowledge that it was a law and that he wasnt even in russia in two thousand and six he said he did it to protect his source of personal presumably attended a meeting he describes it as the biggest mistake of his political career and it looks like some of his fellow ducked citizens couldnt agree more its better to have not at the ville more boston thats the merest if that fits into a frame that you want to create but it slowly turns on you like a boomerang because it becomes this thing that gets linked to his Foreign Policy experience from the trustworthiness of the netherlands is questioned internationally while making things extremely difficult theres a benefit if they need their lands once to remain credible you cant have people saying that your minister is lying about being at a specific location at a specific time thats not right especially not about that place and that time he seems to have at least found his niche on social media in places twitter exploded with hell b. Was right there in photoshop pictures of him at some storage events and visiting landmarks to now when he first made his claims no one questioned them back then russia was frequently accused of many things including aggressive politics in response to the news the dutch Prime Minister said that the remarks of his now former top diplomat accurately reflected russian policy at the time though we are store three and russia around liz Martin Mccauley about confession. There are two reasons why he made that statement one is that projected him into the public newspapers the headlines and so on this was a sensational statement to make and the second thing would be that of course it fed into the no two. The native narrative the narrative of the west still is which is basically under russian cities put in as a threat to the National Security and it fed into that and therefore for these two reasons then it appeared to be from the dutch point of view this is a very good very good thing to do. To let the u. K. And its planned on going exit from the European Union the blue secretary state Boris Johnson has been giving an update on the divorce negotiations there a smith been chewed into the conference with the speaking ok what came out of it now than any car crashes or did it leave like it was going to be plain sailing i think not it seems that it was a long long slightly off call it color jokes and very short on detail but its ok because theres more coming this is the first in a series of six speeches to be made by cabinet members in the next three weeks Boris Johnson has opened a series of speeches in titled road to practice and it was an address aimed at persuading people who dont think that leaving the e. U. Is a very good idea that its actually all about hope and opportunity but in the same breath saying that reversing that decision would be a very bad idea here he is fear that some people are becoming ever more determined to stop brits it to reverse the referendum vote of june twenty third twenty sixteen and to frustrate the will of the people i believe that would be a disastrous mistake that would lead to permanent and ineradicable feelings of betrayal. So strong words there and hes had strong words with people on the street as well he said people stop him sometimes in not very polite ways and from those conversations hes identified three main thing is that people who dont want to leave the e. U. Have they talk about security the fear that it would cost the u. K. A drift to fend for itself they talk about it being a pulling up of the drawbridge that it is synonymous with xenophobia and also of course economic worries that britain would be worse off outside the Single Market and the Customs Union so johnson this morning tried to address those fears in turn he said that it would have no impact on Security Cooperation with the rest of europe that controlling immigration isnt about shutting ourselves off its about going global he said attracting the best and the brightest and by the way he also said that pensioners would still be able to retire to spain which seems slightly debatable and included an off color joke about tourism to thailand on the economy he also talked about going global he said it means an ability to exploit changes in the Global Economy including a slightly bizarre interviewed about toby rowan cabinets being made in just west london in oxbridge the consensus is a speech that as i say was long on a waffle and slightly off color jokes but very short on detail which is arguably what might make some remain as change their minds about rex it on twitter of course opposition m. P. s were very quick to point this out Yvette Cooper said that with fifty thirteen months to go what we need is a not bluster and david lammy made a similar point weve heard it all before a few bad jokes and a few long words over in brussels of course this speech was not really aimed e. U. Commission president john called you took exception to an earlier assertion by johnson that the e. U. Was trying to build a super state even boris himself was sounding a little bit desperate by the end under a hail of questions from journalists. Enough of your Sweet Nothings where is the clarity do you think that you are the right person to be reaching out to those remaining do you worry that this uncertain approach to brace it that were feeding this country is because we have a pm who wont say sure vote for it today some of the anger thats fueled remains has come from your own government i accept that this morning im not going to. Persuade everybody but ive got to ive got to try and ive got to make the effort because in the end these are peoples feelings and peoples feelings matter. Two questions remain that were also asked todays Media Conference and that is whether boris is the man to deliver this message and of course whether its actually too little too late. Or i laura frankly up there there may be Boris Johnson the next story on his mind befuddled him somewhat when to talk about that next alarming report predicts increased terror attacks across europe this year carried out by returning fighters some skilled in a high tech warfare defense analyst james Terrorism Insurgency Center warns that some will have knowledge of drones and sophisticated bomb making techniques and the number of returning eisel fighters is increasing with the problem spreading across europe fighters have returned to germany to britain to belgium but its france where i saw recruiters of course for the most success here in russia around four hundred fighters have already come back one of their move fled the terror group in syria says he was misguided in his believes and pressured to become a suicide bomber if you believe what hes going to say he surrendered himself to Russian Security services on his return from the conflict zone guys name is yuri black shin he was raised an Orthodox Christian but then converted to islam and in twenty fourteen his story is he went to egypt to study the religion he told us direct that it was there that he was recruited by are you sold to fight in syria. But once. I got interested and started reading forums and watching video online i was given a phone number of a person who could help me get to syria heres sure me that those who came could leave it any time and no one would be kept there but they immediately took away our documents and telephones it was a shock for me i felt helpless everything was different from what they told me. In syria he lost a leg in an airstrike before finally deciding to flee then return to russia and surrender himself to authorities hes now working closely with Security Services and has been shown a certain amount of leniency because of that action was one of thousands of russians who went to syria and iraq to join i saw. It in here after an explosion i lost my sight and felt a sudden pain when i realized my leg had been torn off i had surgery and went through rehabilitation at the same time they were making a prosthetic leg for me while i was lying in the hospital people came up to me and tried to convince me to become a suicide bomber they said that i anyway had no leg what else could i do but i couldnt refuse directly it could have caused a suspicion. I was first overcome with joy while on a bus in turkey and only once i was in russia did i realize i had managed to escape instead i went to the f. S. B. Department and wrote a confession i decided that it would be better i was interrogated a lot and i told them the whole story now i have a new family i married a russian muslim girl i work at a Construction Company and still stick to islam but i dont want to go to mosques anymore i want to avoid questions. Meantime lets get a picture of france there two out of almost two thousand known citizens who travelled to join Islamic State budget sources say that sixty seven of those came from one particular paris suburb so the dubin hes there for us. A short trade ride from paris is trapped on the surface theres nothing much to set it aside from the thousands of other towns in the country but you dont have to scratch very deep to see that trap is very different where you wont see any. And butcher shops there are i think at the moment over fifteen hundred prayer rooms and five mosques if you look at people on the street you wont see Couples Holding Hands youll see the women are dressed in strict islamic dress. Theres a lot of home schooling so you couldnt really consider trap. Typical french town anymore its a little bit like a state within a state for decades its been considered a magnet for muslim fundamentalists hardline salafism and one hobby is a widely practiced and trap has become synonymous with joe hardison. Dozens of people. Islamic state i was have carried out attacks on french soil have been linked. In two thousand and fifty while with her right appears to. Think that. There is some plain white pride remaining bad but your heart is its only a matter of time before we have another attack the basic problem is that the ideology thats driving this and this goes much deeper than terrorist cells planning and executing attacks that ideology is so ingrained that last year a poll of French High School students revealed thirty two percent of Muslim Students believed islamic doctrine was superior to scientific fact another in two thousand and sixteen showed that sixty eight percent believed islamic law was superior to french law theres also concern that in an area like this that was once branded. By the authorities. But syria is becoming the law its. The full veil covering has been banned for the cheese the police are often reluctant to intervene off the riots in two thousand and thirteen when officers try to i. D. A woman who is fully covered its a very very fragile situation which the government doesnt want to provoke urban riots which would quickly spread like wildfire all over france. President mccord says he wants to reorganize islam in a bid to fight fundamentalism but some experts say thats a pipe dream radicalization in places like this they say its already far too deep rooted to take out jollity pinsky r. T. Trap. So into the world exposing at the olympics Severe Weather conditions there prompted the evacuation of the olympic park in south korea wednesday expect taters for a while at least to go indoors a number of events of perspire as strong winds blow to see the very strong forced authorities to dismantle information turns any patrol or was caught up in the eye of the storm. Some very serious wind issues in this part of south korea we saw earlier on wednesday for the first few days of the olympics people were complaining about the cold and then when it finally got warmer some unbearable wind gusts here just a few hours ago i was working outside the coastal olympic park in need and we have to stop filming every other minute because it was almost impossible to work but the volunteers to stay outside and i even saw one of them being carried away and then taken away by and i view and so there have definitely already been endure ease because of the high winds i saw the temporary tents with the merchandise being blown away fences falling things falling off the roofs and the trees so that is the reason obviously why the fans were being told to stay indoors but again the volunteers they just have to continue doing their job so it remains incredibly dangerous for them obviously this kind of weather is a headache for the athletes and the organizers and a number of sporting events have already been postponed including al bunting skiing and biathlon any more asian weather surprises here in korea well see. You know those in the space it was that this was two for the makers of it you would usually expect a classic childrens story about a family a robin is to spark a boycott it has though a new hollywood version out this month has already go people riled. I just need to keep the wildlife out where they belong to to write. These. Traps and if he says. Hes very stressed so classic he was like. Those rabbits so mean these days this is peter rabbit a modern twist on the Beatrix Potter tale but theres one scene in particular its infuriating parents it shows said rabbits attacking the human arch nemesis by throwing black berries out him but hes allergic this guy starts choking doesnt like the black berries having to inject himself to stave off a dangerous reaction is the serious side and thats led parents to boycott the movie some of them anyway claiming it makes light of a serious issue and could encourage bullying the aspirin Allergy Foundation of america is also hit back Sony Pictures has apologized for the scene and admitted being insensitive we got reaction from the president of that Allergy Foundation i was talking about as well as a schoolteacher and a political analyst for their thoughts. We believe that Food Allergies are a very serious condition again two people die daily from life threatening allergies and there are probably two children in every classroom with this condition so making fun of it taunting bullying in any fashion due to a disability or medical condition like in a flock close is simply unacceptable but wait a minute why does that assume bullying why do we assume that the consequence of showing this in the film is going to be bullying look we believe that again we understand you know that movies are to entertain but we just simply do not believe that entertainment should include harming another person making fun of one because of that disability or because of that condition or you know taunting or even putting them in that life threatening situation and making fun of it is really we believe irresponsible theyre watching these rabbits ganging up on mcgregor and throwing what they actively know is an allergen into his mouth and then celebrating that and i dont think that thats ok moral of the story from Beatrix Potter is original intent was to show that its important to obey your parents and that that will lead to a healthy prosperous life and that if peter rabbit indeed disobeyed and snuck into the garden he might die we could just simply not take our children the movies we feel are inappropriate for them and furthermore the idea that we assume that this is going to lead to bullying is a false premise its a false dichotomy i agree everyone has the have their own right to take their children to the movies they choose to see if you choose to take your child to this movie thats your choice i simply hope that youll use that to elevate the conversation and a positive way around food allergy awareness prepares ness and anti bowling behavior the big issue here is that hollywood license and hollywood values are not necessarily going. Reflect those of the larger viewing public that these are ways we deal with the problems and by laughing at our own problems and our own challenges we actually can encourage education about them rather than discourage bullying i think bullying is a misplaced focus here but more to come including politicians of them wanted mailing list growing by the day now the latest is fulminate us president barack obama. Chose seemed wrong. Wrong just dont call. Me. Yet to say proud just to become educated and indeed from an equal betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or some want to be preached. To the right to be close this is what before three of the people that. Im interested in the was a. Question. Again i heard politicians and high profile figures are found themselves on a dubious mailing list getting suspicious letters the latest now is the former us leader barack obama we can report we received a package containing an identified white powdery substance colored mopin as the details. Now the incident took place at the office of former u. S. President barack obama this is his office on the Northwest Side of washington d. C. Place he has been renting for the purpose of conducting business not too far from his residence now this comes just hours after a similar package with a similar suspicious white powder was delivered to the house of parliament in the United Kingdom so questions are being raised about that individuals are trying to get to the surface of that situation in the u. K. Its being investigated on the previous day we have the delivery of a suspicious and loke to the residence of Donald Trump Jr the son of the u. S. President now when the package was delivered we then heard that his wife Vanessa Trump the wife of the president s son that she was taken to the hospital preemptively in the concern that this is specious white powder may have actually contained a dangerous substance like anthrax or Something Like that and it was tweeted out that this could have come from the opponents of President Trump however it has now been determined that in the envelope that was sent to the residence of Donald Trump Jr all that was contained was simply cornstarch now keep in mind a week ago a suspicious package containing white powder was sent to the residence of julian a sign she was hauled up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the u. K. A lot of questions are being raised now a lot of people in the United States in the United Kingdom are observing these events as they go on but at this point we really dont have enough information to draw any clear conclusions about who is behind this or what the purpose of these suspicious envelopes really is at this point were still waiting for the truth to come out. Reports in the media that the american Led Coalition and syrias killed dozens of russian mercenaries and raise the specter of a direct u. S. Russia confrontation maybe well because no responded to those claims. Russian citizens might be in syria but they dont belong to russia some forces over if they do remain russian citizens once again we are calling on everyone not to follow in times to move on in time to move forward from formation and take a serious approach and describing such an important issue to me because also suggested all media sources to reach out to Russias Defense Ministry to various five facts before publishing and asked for the us side the world there has been no confirmation coming from the air on the contrary the u. S. Defense secretary said that he has a no information that a nice russian army servicemen were and the casualties following the u. S. Air strikes now a number of reports first appeared on Different Social Media platforms last week suggesting that anywhere from several dozens to up to several hundred russian mercenaries were killed in syria and the reports of russian casualties were very quickly picked up by Different International media sources including the bloomberg c. N. N. And the daily mail the New York Times and many others so as it stands for now there has been no confirmation provided to regarding the story of when we could go progovernment forces in syria or by the u. S. Led coalition in the Euphrates River you may recall that Coalition Said the time was responding to the provoked attack on the Syrian Democratic forces h. Q. The fight to the government here will you look at pictures of some of the survivors being treated at a local hospital. Three has been speaking in north korea has renewed its threats against the u. S. In response to a new Nuclear Policy that washington of elderly this month pyongyang says it increases the risk of a nuclear war that. Would perish in flames as the rhetoric goes there which might be a reference to Donald Trumps threat made buck last august. They will be met with fire. Like the world has never see. Trumps Nuclear Posture review which is the first rethink of u. S. Policy of its kind in seven years includes an option to unleash Nuclear Weapons in response to a nonnuclear attack thats new it also calls for the development of less powerful weapons again thats new critics say that could trigger a new arms race but pentagon officials appear to be showing that the u. S. Is actually liking behind its perceived stories in order to secure more funding for the u. S. Defense budget to counter russia and china you can see demonstrated in this chart the Nuclear Delivery System Development over the last eight years shows numerous advances by russia by china and by north korea version of the near absence of such activity by the United States. They want to shake money loose for new Weapons Systems and they want to break the taboo against new weapon systems that has gradually built up to do that they have to paint it essentially faults and alarming picture about the u. S. Keep it. All of these with respect to other countries that it was an embarrassment but it happened the actual military is not for the most part that interested in Nuclear Weapons but there is a faction which is at the moment very powerful that you thinks Nuclear Weapons are an important symbolic tool for increasing pressure. Russia and china. These the city of boston the facing a barrage of criticism for the choice of person to warn a black History Month that picked a white baseball coach who promoted black players. And around six thirty tonight p. P. D. Post a tweet saying in honor of black History Month we pay tribute to celtics legend red are back the first n. B. A. Coach to draft a black player in one nine hundred sixty. Zero zero world your couldnt think of a single black person to honor can do you know missing the whole point of black History Month good part of black History Month dont you understand. B. P. T. Realizes that i know the tweet may have offended some and we apologize for that our intentions were never to offend. The people of boston deserve an apology and now between that says may have offended some. People need to be understand that what has happened in this country with this group of people called africanamericans as that theyve made an impact on the world its World History that we should be a part of and not just as victims but people who played a role that would make america more sly than to pretend that were not here or that we should only be recognized one month in the year low that international you know were going to stay on after next thirty minutes because breaking news coming in from the u. S. To live to tell you about reports of a shooting and so the National Security agencys h. Q. The top u. S. Intelligence agency stances of whats going on the pictures not totally clear at this time however reports suggest that one person has been detained three other people injured and how many People Revolt in this than. None of the injuries are reported to be life threatening one of those wounded said to be a Police Officer residual traffic delays reported in that area and Arundel County Fire Department assisting fort meade Fire Department said the spokesman there with bear in mind back in march twenty fifty one person killed in a firefight that erupted with a car and two people on board and they try to run the gate there for me but at the moment the n. S. A. Responding to an incident at the n. S. A. Campus at fort meade in an area of the county fire and transportation officials there you can see police have arrested whoever they think is responsible for whats going on there three injured get a bit more information through just check the top line the f. B. I. Says its sending personnel to respond to the instant there at the n. S. A. H. Q. You can see security normally heavy they can see those big barrier

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