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Park sees what it would have cost for infrastructure that the president proposed. Couric in when you talk about when you look at the comparison between what were spending here infrastructure what were spending over there and put it in a context what a report i heard in recent days over the weekend i think that iraq is now seeking and i dont know if its from the u. N. But from International Authority is the reports that additional funds to rebuild where in the world would that money come from well it may ultimately have to come from the United States if we dont want irans influence to take over completely in iraq that is a Major Political concern and policy and strategic concern that the United States has from a strategic standpoint and so the u. S. Has got to deal with that not only iraq but were going to have to also continue in and in afghanistan on top of all that. We havent had a budget in the Defense Department for at least two years and its been under a sequester so theres been a cutoff and thats now been lifted at least for two more years and so theres going to have to be reloading the contingency funding that went in and on top of all that weve lost one point eight billion dollars here in recent days and we dont know where it went and when you when you invest in afghanistan a lot of that gets filtered away theres a lot of corruption in the country so and theres been studies by the by the Inspector General of specialized special Inspector General on this he says the moneys gone nobody knows where it went and this isnt a problem you know i want to follow up on that one so last question though got about thirty seconds michael so the president said seven trillion dollars is stupid that we spend all that much youre saying no you actually need that to protect our security and more but what is the president done his budget request thats out today he asked for more so that seven trillion that stupid or less well the seven trillion is going to be what has accumulated over time hes hes asking for almost another trillion dollars. But when you consider his new strategic defense posture plan which calls for more capital ships more new updated Nuclear Weapons hypersonic aircraft its going to be an incredible amount of money in order to compete with what the Defense Department perceives to be a continuing threat from both russia and china in their build ups love to have you back to talk about which your companies are going to make out on some of this former pentagon official michael thank you so much for being here thank you appreciate it. And time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return u. S. Trade frictions with china escalate and the Riyadh Ritz Hotel reopens and for business and wells fargos troubles you guessed it continue as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell gold and silver were up in trading this morning as usual and times of turbulence for stock investors take refuge in Precious Metals as a hedge against instability the weak dollar and a mild rebound in the oil prices are also playing a role in this dynamic through the impression a growing that the dollar has down. Heres what people have been saying about rejected a knighthood to us exactly just pull on awesome the only show i go out of my way to find you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of party americans do the same we are apparently better than blue best that i see people youve never heard of love jack tonight im president of the world bank so. Im going to write it seriously send us an email. From a solution im exposed to. This newsgroup posting in them with that which is listening on one of the noise shows a. Little bit some of it is just almost trying. To protect us to gather some of them. I. Applied for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch put a funnel school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the superman ija billionaire owners and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. So its an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will more transfer. And base this minute. Last week we reported and discussed in detail the trumpet ministrations thirty percent tariff on solar panels that has panels coming into the United States china is the key importer of solar panels to the u. S. And their imports have dropped by more than fifty percent last year to six hundred twenty Million Dollars well china is now considering upping the trade war and has announced an investigation into the dumping of u. S. Sorghum sorghum is the animal feed china imported more than one point one billion dollars worth of u. S. Sorghum last year in the scheme of things these are Small Matters as the two nations the two largest economies in the world have bilateral goods trading of over six hundred thirty six billion dollars each year although china enjoys a three hundred seventy five billion dollars trade surplus with the United States nevertheless the sorghum investigation by the Chinese Commerce Ministry Raises concern that more trade retaliation could be in the future watch this space particularly if china raises concerns about larger u. S. Agricultural exports like soybeans beef or dairy products. And saudi officials are hoping to raise more than thirteen billion dollars by the end of the year in their settlement discussions with princes and high level money interests who have been rounded up and holed up in the Corruption Scandal last year and held in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in riyadh which serves as a luxury jail the crackdown which witnessed hundreds of princes and businessmen and they were business men not women. Being held are now beginning to be released on sunday the hotel open for business to the public today no details on any settlements have become available. And bad boy Bank Wells Fargo is back again and they cant seem to get it right after years of wrongdoing the big bank has announced that they recently recently sent thirty eight thousand erroneous communications to customers that forced them to purchase unneeded Auto Insurance the bank has yet to begin to do their refund outreach on another misstep where as many as one hundred ten thousand customers were charged in appropriately for various mortgage related fees the bank said the Auto Insurance mistake was due to a quote coding error as many of you recall days ago boom bust reported and discussed in detail about you the u. S. Federal reserve took the unusual step of restricting the banks growth until it sufficiently improved its governance and controls. A new study says there may be true eons of planets beyond our galaxy its a discovery scientists have been working on for years trinity charges as more scientists have long been unable to find planets outside of our solar system beyond the borders of the milky way because its so incredibly difficult since these extra galactic galaxies are located some three point eight billion light years away they are simply too far to be observed directly not even with the best telescopes that exist but despite all the odds a new study gives the first evidence that exoplanets do exist beyond the milky way using data from nasa shondra x. Ray observatory space telescope and with the help of gravitational microlensing astro physicist at the university of oklahoma say that they found the first evidence that more than a trillion exoplanets could exist beyond our milky way dr chien you an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the university and the leader of the new research set in. A statement we are very excited about this discovery this is the first time anyone has discovered planets outside of our galaxy these small planets are the best candidate for the signature we observed in the study using the microlensing technique we analyze the High Frequency of the signature by modeling the data to determine the mass the researchers say that in this image alone it is estimated that there are trillions of planets in the center elliptical galaxy dr shen you drew a bottle we. Can start to about world. War. Two more so for every star will be. Wandering around between star so before. We go to learn and worry. The moon you can start more often so thats number one we sure although the study points out that oftentimes planets within the milky way are discovered using the same technique it wasnt until this study that there has been any evidence of planets in other galaxies eduardo go to us a researcher on the study says that quote this is an example of how powerful the technique of analysis of extra galactic microlensing can be this galaxy is located three point eight billion light years away and there is not the slightest chance of observing these planets directly not even with the best telescope one can imagine in a Science Fiction scenario however we are able to study them unveil their presence and even have an idea of their masses this is very cool science while some experts are skeptical of the research dr should new says that he hopes that other independent teams can confirm their analysis because after all thats how science works reporting in new york to live each of us r. T. And we continue to worry about puerto rico its important for. Business is its important for economy and its a report for you know the people were very pleased to be joined by Tabitha Wallace from what were watching the hawks who happens to have a lot of interest in to spend a lot of time on this how far weve come on puerto rico since the hurricane not as far as as i feel like we should and what a lot of people feel we should on some of the instances we did collect a lot of things stateside and overseas to help the people in puerto rico but one of the biggest issues theyve had is getting those things theyre actually shipping items so thats not a huge thing we i was in orlando just last week and i spoke to the head of the hispanic office for learning and assistance and they take on people coming from puerto rico and sort of help them in the area and that was that was a big thing for them and so much stuff to give just no way to get it there you know my wife was down there recently and she said you know they do have power in most most places but at some places its sporadic the hotels are open for business we covered some of that last week but what else do we know about how its going i mean if emo said they were going to pull out then they said no were not really going to pull out were going to stay there what else do we know about whats happening on the ground one of the biggest issues for people is as you said hotels are coming back online these kind of places are coming up but for a lot of the people that live in Rural Communities who work in those places those that those options arent there a lot of the factories closing down is a lot better than the other parts of the aisle right and a lot of that has to do with the fact that factories closed down places where people could work were closed down so one is power and one is having a job which is what the what is leaving some of them as evacuees to come to the United States because at this point its actually easier for them to find a job say in orlando than it is for in puerto rico you know it seems to me that boy you know its got to feel like a little bit of maybe a lot of a gut punch if youre in puerto rican youre there you see how the resources have been. Going to texas and florida and even california with the mudslides you know for gosh sakes there u. S. Territory and this got to be sort of a barrelled bomber for them doesnt it it does and i think thats the hard part is that it these are people who hold the u. S. Passports these are people who are american citizens they have been for a very long time and for them in having to either come as evacuees to the United States and the main goal for them is they want to get home they want to go back where they are and thats a problem we need to be able to help them because truthfully theyre theyre part of the United States theyre american citizens and its an island so we owe them even more help than anybody else because its ten times harder for them to just get power up and running and i think thats where a lot of alternative energies are going to come in to play to help them out hopefully well i hope so i hope that they dont just do bandaid approaches if they do the longer term visionary stuff im doubtful about it but with Solar Renewables because it is difficult to get there tariff wall thank you so much for sitting down with i really appreciate it. In the u. S. Its been the worst flu season in ten years and now a Japanese Company says that they have developed a pill that can cure the flu within forty eight hours that is a third shorter time period than roche age east ama flu quickly killing the flu can also mitigate contagion of course the company that has developed the one day flu pill is Japanese Firm shawn g. The japanese drug regulator is now fast tracking the drug through the Clinical Trials and the approval process and the company is expected to seek u. S. Approval from the food and Drug Administration later this year other drug makers including johnson and Johnson Astra zeneca are also endeavoring to devise a quicker flu pill in the meantime wash your hands a lot. Thats it for our broadcast today be sure to catch boom bust on you tube youtube dot com slash boom bust our to see you next time. Please. Everybody im Stephen Baldwin gosh i want to ask hollywood guy the suspect every proud american first of all im just George Washington and our video to suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru as well just a little bit different on the day you could earn a no no in those up with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have fun meet everyday americans. And hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people. The. Book. About your sudden passing ive only just learned you were a south and taken your last to bang turn. Your attitude up to us we all knew it would i tell you im sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. I remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. But then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didnt like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one different person i speak to now because there are no other takers. Claimed that Mainstream Media has met its maker. Alice stein is Getting International recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos and dismissed it like you know. This isnt my cup of tea is going to study hall maybe. John does. The only palestinian gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i dont think some of those who in the world under the oak vision know only could do this. And that is all of your knowledge to how to display. Im not going to compete in gaza im sheila do more in the middle. Dont piss off. Anybody. That. I. Also think of. In the community or something but it was. Just you physically did he. Why dont you get missteps. In an exclusive interview with us the head of the court of arbitration for sport tries to defend the olympic committees decision to exclude russian athletes which the court itself it already clear that doping allegations the fact that unable to show the guilt of an athlete that has nothing to do with the case. Also headlining today the u. S. Admits part of the local forces it trains in syria hes fleeing to join a conflict against washingtons ally turkey. And consumer goods giant unilever is on a mission to clean up the internet with threats now to pull lucrative ads from facebook and google if they dont act on fake mean this in a. Log cabin or in things for cheating to acidity for your International News this tuesday the thirteenth of february as it is just entering the out and here in moscow therefore it eight in the evening in south korea and thats where were starting that its day four of the Winter Olympics and death leads from russia are on the medal board for two bronze and one silver thus far thats despite a reduced number of competitors of course from russia following decisions by the International Olympic committee in the court of arbitration for sport over doping allegations in twenty cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish thats looking rule violation it was committed actually its concerned because a decision is extremely disappointing this decision of the church and the need. For reform. In the internal structure of cars today the division of the court of arbitration for sport dismissed the application filed by thirty two russian athletes against the International Olympic committee applicants did not demonstrate that the manner in which two special Commission System by the i. O. C. Was carried out in a discriminatory arbitrary or unfair manner there are plenty of questions left over those conflicting decisions of course correspondent has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of cas this is what he found. After the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the chuang winter games were getting underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some peoples mind was that presumption of innocence doesnt apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretarygeneral didnt literally say that the key law principle didnt work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesnt mean that it has nothing to do although with the case is totally innocence this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad about it mr reeve maintains that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the Winter Olympics isnt a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i. O. C. To get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasnt seen after all he wasnt a member of the panel but the secretary general promised that this evidence will soon be published so lets wait for now lets have a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview a cas has been shown something as a people here there was no review of every the sochi case was not discussed here the metro report was last discussed here its only the review of the i you see process so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesnt seem logical exactly the russian side doesnt see the logic here how its stripping a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanction this is. A special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast panel here reviewed these criteria and said they were fair please let me get this straight the saatchi case and the chang case youre saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the good of the doesnt mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean im sorry but i thought that was the exact job of cas to determine whether that suspicion is enough for that kind of bad maybe that there are suspicions which are not. Confirmed by sufficient evidence i dont know if im clear because its a little bit skopec ated that is you can have some elements which show some. Suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the panel that for sure this athlete is guilty of an antidoping rule violation but it doesnt mean that the athlete did nothing at all there may be some. Some strange actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency its possible its possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when cas initially overturned the i. O. C. Bans of the sochi athletes the International Olympic committee was very critical of the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i. O. C. Nobody wants to reform cas any more it were trying to report and its a complicated story you can see the exclusive interview with the c. I. S. Secretarygeneral in full throughout the day on wednesday international i can tell you that. Washington has admitted that some of the Kurdish Forces it trains in syria a shifting to fight against one of americas own allies turkey and crew is currently on the offensive in Northern Syria of course groups deems as terrorists and im open is more on the tensions currently playing out in syria u. S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis has confirmed that u. S. Armed Kurdish Forces in the ass d. F. Have been relocating to the northern parts of syria to protect territory from turkey. The destruction of was going on up enough and right now which is drawing off some of the Syrian Democratic forces to see the snuff and on the run so that it is causing the police their attention to shift. Now the kurds and turkey are both key u. S. Allies in the region however theres been tension between all three of them in recent months now weve heard of how the usa has been arming the Kurdish Forces and providing them with weapons now and carra has been quite upset by this action they consider this to be the arming of terrorists now at this point we do have a statement from james mattis confirming that he believes there are legitimate security concerns on turkeys part about these Kurdish Forces that have been armed by the United States will continue to work with so on there is of disagreements which is how do we take them on as he was rapidly as possible they have a legitimate security concern and we do not dismiss one bits of them now there has been escalating tension between the United States and turkey especially in the aftermath of an announcement from the United States that it intended to create a thirty thousand Strong Border force to protect syrias border with turkey now u. S. Leaders backtracked from those comments but that hasnt stopped turkey from being quite upset by these remarks now weve recently seen the beginning of Operation Olive Branch and this is Turkish Forces moving into syria to fight against the kurds of two allies of the United States clashing with each other in syria as the tensions escalate were even hearing calls to rename the street on which the u. S. Embassy in turkey is capital is located there are calls to rename the street olive branch after Operation Olive Branch the Turkish Operation to go into syria and fight against the Kurdish Forces armed by the United States there seems to be quite a bit of contradiction in the words and statements of u. S. Leaders and there seems. To be rising tension between all three parties the usa turkey and the Kurdish Forces. Facebook and google are at risk of losing one of the worlds biggest advertisers if they fail to improve news transparency in tackle extremism on their platforms Consumer Products joe unilever which makes some of the biggest brands in food including products made the threat the tech conference on monday but the anglo dutch firm has been caught out in the past with its own misjudged marketing dont know hawkins reports same news different day facebook is again in the firing line having faced pressure from governments and activists over failing to root out hate speech racism fake news divisive comments and whatnot this time its global joy uniquely leading the charge even threatening to reduce and withdraw advertising from the social media platform if they dont improve unilever will not invest in platforms or environments that do not protect our children or which create division in society consumers do care about fraudulent practice fake news and russians influencing the us election they do care when they see their brands being placed next to ads funding terror or exploiting children now the message is clear no more deception abuse and controversy and a new era of positivity unity and includes everybody but a closer look at unilevers own p. R. Record reveals a contentious history from this infamous dove soap advert placed on facebook and triggering a storm of accusations of racism to fair and lovely Skin Lightening Products marketed across asia spawning allegations of perpetuating racist

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