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Go to the world. Welcome to the program we begin with breaking news a plane with sixty five passengers and six crew members on board has crashed just. Shortly after takeoff leaving no survivors. You know we havent seen him for three months he was working now no we wont see him again. Well these are the first images of the crash site of the merged online soon after the tragedy the footage was apparently shot by locals the plane came down near a village about sixty kilometers southeast of moscow Emergency Services reportedly struggle to reach the area at first you two heavy snow as you can clearly see in the pictures there and weather conditions are among the versions being investigated by the authorities together with human error technical malfunction and others. Plane was heading to or scase city close to the russian border with cassocks than its been reported that there was no explosion midair only when the plane hit the ground it took off from domodedovo airport in the russian capital before diverting east after just four minutes in the air the plane disappeared from radar as investigators say the crew did not report any irregularities to that despite ship before tragedy struck well as mentioned the plane was an off one for eight owned by serato for lines and took its maiden flight back in twenty ten miss specific model of plane can reach speeds of around eight hundred twenty Kilometers Per Hour capable of carrying up to eighty passengers on board. When our correspondent in rough go steve is off the crash site he filed this report. Rescue is working in shifts there are dozens and dozens of not hundreds of them but one part of one group works at the crash sites another group breasts and then they switch. Rescuers a also making use of sumo builds ferrying supplies to and from the crash site itself because theres a lot of snow at the crash site that the jet crashed into a field more trucks and the equipment for arriving every hour heaviest stuff the conditions of the crash site are first the this is all because of this because of the worry and. Obviously they want to get this crash site in order quickly here is another ambulance moved likely carrying the remains of another victim or perhaps victims judging by the frequency by which these are passing us the rescue operation is proceeding rapidly lugols have also been describing what theyve seen. My friend say the panel say laos at the window is almost shattered. Killing the others watching the t. V. And the band everyone. Yes i heard a loud clot i was lining the whole badly to duck and my cats hit it was really a lot of the you i would see it sounded like an explosion our house bounced reports initially were contradictory some people said that the aircraft was. On fire while in the air others described a huge explosion when it crashed about a kilometer from here. Tractors clearing away the snow and the roads theres already been a. Lot of speculation a lot of discussion as to potential possible causes of this crash investigators say theyll be looking at everything from possible technical malfunctions to human error to weather conditions and its probably best to let the men and women digging through the wreckage do the job and to give us a definitive conclusive dances to what caused this tragedy. Ok lets get some expert analysis now on this from a Shawn Moffitt broadcaster and commentator and aviation sean thanks for your time this hour one of the things that were learning in the past hour or so was that the first black box or the black box that rick records flight parameters has been far and what kind of information cannot give to to help determine why the plane crashed. Well good evening you know the there are two black boxes one of them records the information the audio information from the cockpit so that you can tell what the crew was saying to each other and you will hear the Radio Broadcasts they are receiving and the other records a lot of digital data about practically everything the aircraft is doing so. It will tell you how the how all the systems are functioning whether the aircraft is in good form italy it will tell you the speed and the height and all sorts of other things i mean an awful lot of information is available from the flight data recorder i dont believe we know yet which recorder they have found but either recorder will be immensely useful although if this was a very sudden and catastrophic breakup of the airplane for whatever reason then that recorder may not be able to tell us very much because it will just suddenly stop yeah we do believe that it was not the voice box that was find it was the other black box thats what were hearing at the moment i thought far as we can tell what is normal protocol for a pilot when you understand something is wrong what happens then. Well the old saying him aviate navigate communicate so the first thing when something goes wrong is to make sure you have control of the airplane the next thing is to know where you are and where you might be able to go to mitigate whatever has happened and the last thing is kate with the ground usually thats to say issue or a mayday signal made a broadcast which is the internationally recognized emergency broadcast word and so they may not have had time its sounds as if this was something very sudden and clearly absolutely catastrophic theres the latest information that we have that we believe that there was no explosion. There destruction happened when it hit the ground this dont suggest can that tell you anything about possibly why this happened does not rule anything out for instance well. The interesting thing about this is that this aircraft its a modern sophisticated airplane its what they call fly by wire not owing either twenty ten. Thats right delivered in twenty ten and airplanes like that really dont just break up. You know of their own accord so its probably some external factor now there have been suggestions that it collided with a helicopter however one of the agencys. Russian news agency lent or originally said and i believe is still saying the wreckage of a helicopter was found nearby but the ministry of emergency situations says no such wreckage was found i mean a midair collision is one possibility of course another possibility is a bomb on board. But i suspect that this is not just something purely mechanical as i say its a modern sophisticated airplane i wouldnt stream conditions like snow and ice and in addition to what we believe was a lot more than usual clouds in moscow today how would they impact on a flight because we know im just reading the line from russias main Weather Center they said that it would not russian pilots are well versed in this the russian winter of course last a long time whats your take. Well you have to get rid of ice and snow on flying services before they take off because that will effect the shape of the wings and the control surfaces i understand that this pilot elected not to have ice clearance before we took off we dont know why that might be i say he might be a free. But. It seems that this may well not have had much to do with it because the aircraft had gone up to six thousand feet you know it was five minutes after it took off and climbing apparently normally so that suggests that there wasnt a particular problem with ice and snow or particularly with the weather although of course it has to be said at this stage were really absolutely in the dark we really dont know what we are in the dark we are hearing various reports from from people on the ground one of those eyewitnesses said that today he believes the plane was burning. And does not sound like a technical fault could that happen in that instance well i witnesses. Two aircraft accidents and to most things i suppose are often quite unreliable the one of the russian state agencies have said that was definitely no fire in the aircraft and certainly from what weve seen of the the wreckage which is very widely spread instantly that doesnt appear to be any evidence of fire yeah and others one of the things thats so vast in the area its so spread out that this investigation is going to take quite a while it looks like sean thanks so much sean moffatt broadcaster and commentator signed aviation always great to get your take thank you all artes and being a caution over is out moscow is dumb again of her report where the flight took off several hours ago. The aircraft that crashed just outside moscow departed from this very airport the why did the lease one of the three major air transport hubs in the capital and after the tragedy it remains fully operational but over at the small city of course the airport there tells a very different story the shock has paralyzed it most of the sixty five passengers on board of that plane were from that region dozens of family and friends were waiting for them there there are scenes of absolute grief a speed will come to terms with what has happened emergency crews are present at the airport and psychologists are ready to help those trying to cope with their loss the passengers who were due to fly back to moscow on the crashed aircraft are handing back their tickets and even the here at this fast paced airport which is forced to keep moving this tragedy has hit hard. You know lots of subplots to this tragedy as well especially for for those who have a direct relationship to the crash one journalist who is covering this story in fact soon realize the trunk should be touched her personally just summarize what im from the city myself from what cause me died in the crash a straight a go. Actually look on his side after he counseled his ticket one day before the flight maxime cola mates who turned thirty seven this sunday was jus to fly to or says celebrate his birthday with his family but changed his plans he says he still cant grasp what happened. I saw the news and what can i say that by phone a chill down my spine everyone says i was born under a lucky star thats not true it was just a coincidence i express my sorrow and deepest sympathies to the relatives of the perished its scary. Well over the past decade or so similar shrunk cities have impacted on russians on the world taking almost four hundred lives and the plane crash is still way heavy in russia to this day. So lets recap what we know about todays disaster a plane with seventy one passengers and crew on board has crashed shortly after takeoff from moscows dull majed of earth port everyone on board is confirmed dead the answer off one forty eight operated by surat off airlines was heading to or sky city close to the russian border with council there are sixty five passengers including three children aged five there five twelve and seventeen according to or skimmers office there were two foreign citizens on board one swiss and one also by john and we are waiting car fixation on the latest reports also say two bodies at this stage have been recorded there may be more right now because theres a lot more people actually in the search operation along the flight data part of the black box that has also been fined as being scoured for information. Was. Was. Ok well leave our breaking news for another moving on iran seven hundred fifty thousand children are struggling to get basic medical services in the war torn iraqi city of mosul thats according to the uns childrens rights body unicef an estimated seventy four Million Dollars are needed to rebuild Health Facilities for children there seven months after the euphoria that greeted the liberation of mosul from Islamic State the iraqi city struggling to get back on its feet. That there are other shargel thank you. The number of. Health care centers or hospitals is very limited the extent of the damage has affected it i was there in one of the Health Centers the other day the one family came in with their baby is a two month old baby they wanted a vaccinated there was vaccine there was everything there and stop who are seeing over one hundred children a day were able to vaccinate this child but those families have to walk far i also saw the baby unit there were nine incubate has six of which which were filled with premature babies who would not have survived unless those incubate as with their its a wide area wide level of levels of devastation families have to walk enormous distances to be able to get the health care what were saying is that the Cumulative Health care that is required of any child anywhere else in the world is not available yet in mosul. More than half a year since its liberation the city remains strewn with corpses a warning you may find the following scenes distressing the condition of many of the bodies is making it difficult to confirm their identities most of the victims appear to be civilians women children and elderly people residents are calling on the government to do something about this situation given the risks to health unicefs representative in iraq Peter Hawkins the scribes the situation in mosul was worried. I think what we need to understand is the extent of the problem this is a massive city mosul city probably faced one of the biggest urban warfare since World War Two and. Two point two million to two point four Million People affected its a an enormous challenge for everybody to try and clear everything up and get the people working again. So korea welcomed the world to the Winter Olympics on friday a lavish Opening Ceremony was held in the host city. Close to three thousand and police from ninety two countries took part in the event however before those celebrations in the Olympic Arena there were demonstrations and scuffles ites the venue people supporting peace between north korea had gathered for a rally while another Group Protesting north koreas participation in the games clashed with police. Well that is in contrast to what her current at the Olympic Stadium north korea marching together in an iconic move to show their warming relations they also have a unified korean fly again lit the olympic torch together the side korean president added hes ready to accept an invitation to visit the north if certain conditions are met that potentially sets up the first meeting between the countries in more than a decade the invitation was delivered by kim jong il whos attending the games shes the first member of north koreas ruling family to visit the site since the one nine hundred fifty s. The russian hopes were dashed just starwars before events got on their way inside korea a last minute appeal from forty five russian athletes and two coaches against the doping banfield meaning they could not compete their lawyers branded the decision sanctions in discoveries and this was the official announcement made by sports high school. Just arbitrators of concerts at the process created by the i. O. C. To establish an invitation list of russian athletes to compete. At least from russia could not be described as a sanction but rather as an eligibility decision so there you have it according to the court of arbitration for sport ridding the russian athletes of their own pick invitations isnt equal to punishment and cast is perfectly happy with the criteria that the i. O. C. And mission lee shows for these invitations the president of the World Antidoping Agency is pleased he says that the timing is great and that all the clean athletes should now be reassured the i. O. C. Are happy to they have applauded the verdict as you can see and this tweet though the russians are obviously totally devastated i dont know what to say im really disappointed i cant understand the cast decision first they cleared the athletes and now they say sorry you cant go to the olympics this is some kind of madness its terrible not just for our athletes but for all of International Sport did i expect kass to reach this decision fifty fifty especially after thomas buck in one of his latest speeches pressured the court of arbitration for sport after root in our favor he was literally threatening the court he was only saying he would dissolve the court if youd root again in favor of russian athletes coach Albert Dempsey and co who was by the way one of those to the i. O. C. Was referring to all the things that were being said about the court of arbitration for sport ahead of the hearings including these statements by the president of the i. O. C. Because so the decision is extremely disappointing these decision shows the need. For reform so. In the internal structure of costs here thomas bach was referring to the previous cast verdict and that requires a bit of background the forty seven russian athletes and coaches who were suing the International Olympic committee were from two groups thirty two hadnt been sanctioned by the i. O. C. Investigators as a result of the russian doping scandal at all fifty received lifetime bans their medals were taken away by the i. O. C. A few months ago but then the very same court of arbitration for sport last week cancelled these lifetime bans due to insufficient evidence the held the sanctions and the. Individual results achieved in such reinstituted so the decision that we have right now completely contradicts the previous one and this is a real disaster for the country the athletes both the ones who are still going to compete and young saying under a neutral flag and those who are banned the coaches the fans they are baffled by how unfair it could get i have no words. I was hoping that cas would rule in our favor right now i dont know what to do im disappointed but of course i wont give up on subordinates ive got a lot ahead of me and i will compete and win medals for my country. And to the very end we were hoping that the decision would go you know favor you know i feel sadness and so rude but i would. Have enough strength in the opportunity to compete in the next limb. When i had no emotions left we had our bags packed you were just waiting for it is there anything strange situations make you stronger emotionally. Just one story dominating our news cast this hour a plane with sixty five passengers and six crew on board has crashed shortly after takeoff from law schools dumb and jennifer reports there are no survivors the onsen off one four eight operated by serato for lines was heading to a city close to the russian border with cancer stem three children aged five twelve and seventeen were on flight number six w seven zero three two foreigners were believed onboard as well sixty kilometers south east of moscow and Emergency Services are carrying out a round the clock recovery operation they find the flight data part of the black box and at least two bodies to date president putin has expressed his condolences and ordered a special commission to investigate there is still no word on what may have caused the plane to come down but investigators say that all versions are being considered at this point including weather conditions human error and technical malfunction. Well be back with more updates in half an hours time stay with our two international. Run with the flow to the best out of the jewels of. The concepts i was preparing to perform i had to actually pass myself to die i. Dont know said hed what. I was sorry when i asked. You to snow in the home of. Her. Scanty clothes. She had a good. Soul. What. Was it you could. Not yes get me she. Had to go in the. Toilet b. S. Get. A job. Thats in American Interest to not see any russians die in terrorist attacks as it is in russian interest to prevent any terrorist attacks in the United States or elsewhere in the world so i dont think theres any dispute on that in congress and i think maybe some of the posturing is frankly political as opposed to substantive. Clone welcome to worlds apart for decades russians have both laughed and despair that the inadequacies of their system while also struggling to accept this same kind of criticism from foreign theres and when russia decided to hold a mirror to the west only imperfections including by setting up this child it turned out western tolerance to criticism is of involves why is it so difficult to communicate without pointing out whats wrong with one another well to discuss that im now joined by tony cab and a former diplomat and the author of a book called return to moscow well mr cavanaugh its great to have you in the studio thank you very much for your time and happiest charlie a day thank you very much. Now when you say australia in the russian context it conjures up an image of a beautiful faraway land with bright sun blue sky a beautiful beaches with friendly people who spent most of that time surfing and i know its turn a typical but i think its a nine. Mental picture to get you through the long russian winter but i suspect when you say russia in their struggle and contacts. The associations are probably not so positive are they. They can be quite negative unfortunately weve been fed a diet of cliches about russia. Russia is still very much seen through a post soviet lens as the success the state to the soviet union and somehow or other images of. Of starvation in the countries of extreme cold discomfort of rudeness of the kinds of things that unfortunately still linger and you wrote the whole book to address some of those negative stereotypes and i think you have a very unusual take for a western or former western diplomat. When it comes to russia because. I think theres a lot of understanding theres also a lot of

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