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Water. Question. Im here at muddy field stadium in edinburgh the home on the hop. Im here to interview a scotland legend. A man who fought many great battles behind me now hes engaged in the greatest bottle of all his struggle against newborn disease. Ran out of the book uploaded the best out of the dogs with. The concerts i was preparing to perform i had actually prepared myself to die i. Dont know said he had one of the most naive trust when i was. In the home. During. Her. School until he was. Really good. So well see if you think. There was any good with us there was just not yes more here to keep me sure. There are a couple still kind of b. S. I never knew. Was. Welcome back with me to go through some week stories now is the broadcast of what a liberal democrat a member of Parliament Lembit opec interesting that the British Government after their sons decision was twenty four hours seems to have said nothing about them having to answer for that Un Human Rights Panel declaring he had been utterly detained all the time but thats not surprising because even yesterdays verdict is a small bit part many chapter in the overall problem that our stance has created for them alternately he blew the whistle on things which are incredibly uncomfortable for the government but this is going to carry on its not going to get any easier for julian in the next weeks or months and i think well certainly one aspect of the war on terror hasnt gone away because there are reports in the first twenty four hours as theres been an eighty percent rise in drone strikes on the door trim and lets go to this headline for the morning star reports hapless Mark Lancaster blames erroneous drafting for tori double speak on the british drone killing as opposed to the twenty six dead in afghanistan in the past few days because of trouble let me read to you the erroneous drafting the document stated the british had a practice of targeting suspected terrorists outside of the Armed Conflict itself and then governed willian outside the outside thats the big phrase that also suspected terrorists and then government and seems to back this up as well he said that he would hunt down suspected terrorists in iraq and syria and other areas to active ingredients there suspected terrorists no trial you might be a terrorist so youre a target and second the outside the conflict zone well Kevin Williamson in fairness did say that the russian government would kill thousands of people in britain to talk difficult well thats all right then just all right then he doesnt say much about the next story i have to say as written continues perhaps to fly drones who do we know big mass going on in yemen a forgotten war if you like her its report saudi arabia and u. A. E. Yemen setback. Allies turn on each other setback the Worlds Largest humanitarian crisis inherits thinks a setback is in store when theres tens of millions of people being threatened by british backed saudi arabia and we have sold billions of pounds worth of arms there and of course downtimes done the same its not a simple situation until now its like the Saudi Coalition has held together as theyve been fighting there now a part of that coalition is turned violently against it so youre going to lose and theyre basically you can have an army fight all trained by britain fighting each other well first of all even their training is the same because they will be the same to each other while the who and the rest of the year when you get too big and massive vested interests in terms of arms sales into this mass by the u. K. By the United States and then this politics going on here which probably has caught saudi arabia by surprise. Some of the Un Security Council members to talk about the you have in conflict and britain arguably stops training the killers dont hold your breath on that one thats gotten their next one to raise amaze favorite killers everyone in britain favorite killers arguably a similar looks a simpler one or is it scalia supposed thats a bombs an i. E. D. Where the suffragettes terrorists what do you mean our face well obviously the suffragettes invented the letter bomb they bombed Westminster Abbey st pauls cathedral st martins in the fields of what was this is a womens history professor june purvis says they were not terrorists she claims that a million pankhurst if she were alive today and i quote here she would be horrified by the actions of the present day suicide bombers who ruthlessly kill and injure and run the of course because their islam is militants backed by the British Government in syria arguably but actually im going to slightly agree with you here because at the end she slips in this phrase Christabel Pankhurst the w. S. P. Used brilliantly strategist decided that more confrontational tactics were necessary well that was the gaffe on her she basically agrees with you maybe they were terrorists after all just. Why dont women and men want to order that we will only go to vote by bombs. And letter it wasnt only by that so dont oversimplify it but it was one of the tools they used but as you say you advocating violence for political causes on this program im i really dont that we should encourage anyone im not hating some humility here the suffragettes were not beyond blame themselves they got something which i would like to think most people agree with thats votes for women but some of their measures are not exactly completely free of blood is in people in hollywood will be encouraged to start a violent hashtag need to movement i dont think so lets go to the most powerful man in the world shall we yes heres another chance not donald trump not satisfied with annoying us on other things is his latest think the democrats are pushing for universal health care while thousands of people are marching in the u. K. Because their you system is going broke and not working want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and nonpersonal medical care no thanks absolutely no news about u. Turns at roundabouts it could be something about you know going to the great achievement for donald trump in slamming British Health care on the basis of the march is that hes actually got jeremy hunt the conservative minister to sound left wing this is what the hunt said i may disagree with the claims made on that march but not one of the wants to live in a system where twenty eight Million People have no cover and they test may have challenges but im proud to be from the country that invented universal coverage where all get care no matter the size of their bank balance Jeremy Corbyn could have said that so what champ has now done is made hunt seem like a leftie now thats a pretty big achievement then meadowbank their gear well nasser is read in the news in britain this week after larry love accused of hacking was based agency was spared having to face so called us justice by the high court in london but as the annual federal commercial space conference hes off today in the u. S. Capitol with Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic and even musk space x. Together with nasser in attendance were going to turn to another conference. Dharmas twenty nine hundred showcased at londons Royal Society in the past few days in collaboration with media partner r. T. As his journal aims to unite the arts and the sciences and gather a constellation of stars in the city where einstein forged the basic equations that arguably rule our lives today the event in switzerland will feature nobel Prize Winners cosmonauts and astronauts as well as prominent theoretical physicists and Award Winning musician the oneness or physicist we caught up with was the founder of straw most dr garrick is really dark its that time of year again were in the internationally famous Royal Society in london why byrne in switzerland for star most twenty nineteen first science experiment first strong to me spearmint done on board polo eleven Neil Armstrong can buzz aldrin was to detect a solar helium. And. On the surface of the moon so the university or band was in charge of an experiment that Neil Armstrong and buzz aldrin had to do on the search we have a letter from Neil Armstrong weve got this letter from Neil Armstrong dated in december sixty nine two to Professor John is hes from the university of burn thanking him for this amazing experiment which gave the most precise composition of solar abundances isotopic about and this is of helium and several other elements that are from the scientific history behind this and of course Albert Einstein writing these important papers yeah some people calling it cold war two point zero youre aldrin a neutral country for saddam yes switzerland is a neutral country and burn actually is the First Institution First University to put an experiment on the moon so there was a dying because we had a science festival so we go places where the sciences has some connection and connection obeirne with fifty years and adversity of apollo so it was straight forward so that there was no doubt that this is the city we have to. Next first first some people might say no ones interested in the moon nasa certainly doesnt appear to be interested in the moon donald trump arguably maus. Why is the importance of the anniversary of the moon still i think important is seven reasons first the moon landing was a great inspiration for an entire generation of scientists an artist at the core of this is still here and there are still many people it was so hard so difficult that many people today dont believe even that. You can replace the becomes like a me that was two thousand years ago as of the so its really not too many of those. But it was a challenge and it was also very interesting to see men walking on a different planet or different you never happened in history and why and what happened and why in six seven years that managed to do that for the space race and all those things its quite an interesting story and it is one of the themes you mention people dont believe in the moon landings one of the themes of the film was the one thousand is going to be how scientific elaboration may help to combat socalled fake news why they have a theme can scientists to something to combat fake news and first of all that comes from Climate Change stories that discriminate between scientists and someone but thats already expanding to different topics like genetics and pi elegy and so on and its probably related to technologies so new technologies its very easy to spread any any news and people wouldnt even know if its science based or fact based or wards but its not fake news you say the president drum doesnt is not convinced climate manmade Climate Change yes i think that to avoid those things we want to initiate them to try. Did discussion at the festival because specially that the collective economic bullish when some would say after the banking crisis you must come across this criticism all the time what is your point of exploring space at the time when we are not housed people. Where the benefits from space while there are many there are many first first of all to start new technologies in astronomy when we ask for funding say ten or twenty million for for a new camera on a telescope or spectrograph or whatever ninety nine percent of this money goes into technologies developing new technologies and engineering and design and so on it doesnt mean that the money goes into stormier stars it goes through those that knowledge is and then this is applied in daily daily life. So the patents and everything that you get from infrared cameras from many sensitive tech there is they are all applied in astronomy first and then they go to two to industry and so on and so the same is with Space Technologies most of money which is spending work it interesting and so on it all goes to patents and new discoveries new materials a new software is and all those things and then later this goes into it its just the nature of the way the science works we just just finally also i mean we said ritalin is a neutral country some people saying there are heightened tensions echoes of the cold war the space race of course in the middle of the cold war how would you characterize the four string of the torn by scientific elaboration because some people would think that was the soviet Space Program versus the Apollo Program and youre taking us back to the days of war cold warfare socalled well there are probably the best answers given by alex early on of his head that was the space based raissi the history of it its obvious straight into soviet. Is the best Olympic Games was much better. Because it leads to something with that so what we believe to be games in bilious is a pure entertainment. In that case we have achieved something so we are studying the moon because the rocks from the moon bring them well is a peugeot human. Korea our city. The knowledge is the knowledge and from the mental science of studying the moon we study be it we want to know the formation of we want to know the evolution of the solar system and so on and two are just all those questions you have to explore and you have to spend what you dont think ledger resident jones defunding the International Space station how to be the top i think ridge we do everything to to have more collaboration from Different Countries to put money to get it to build a new new instruments but not you know this isis was so successful it was the best experiment again ever done in the street to be to the budget was hundred billion or five cents. And for many many years and he started with new station its great you have me so there you said he was a three point four billion a year is too much less yeah yeah thats what they think if you ask nasa scientists will say no theres not enough well theres always enough money for me to tree and bombing and after all its theres no question but when it comes to Space Exploration no we dont want it. Thank you very much. Professor garet israelian of star mist there talking to me at londons Royal Society and thats it for the show will be back on saturday to speak to will patrol legend brian may of queen about the clock privilege in the u. K. And we asked russias ambassador to the court of st james how do you prepare for the electricity infrastructure attack from moscow to raise a maze government has warned the british subjects to expect any day now to let you be touched by social media today eleven years to the day that barack obama announced his wish to run the usa would go down in history as the us president the deported more immigrants killed more innocent people by drone and imprison people whistleblowers and here before him. Across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to meet. Alone even some company else where they invite private companies to take over their utilities any part of. The program because. This is. More you know brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human rights of access to water its about water. But its also over much more of the war its about the hurt and the redistribution of our west towards. Debt downwards the one or. Two americas too intensely charged in opposing news narratives to Cable News Networks reflect these divisions or rather function as triggers intensifying Cultural Divide also what has happened to journalism is it now profession inhabited by hacks in the politically possessed despite its timing and history the soviet union i know has dominated International Sport however this was not about the motives of those champions from the. Right moment you were. More moved on from the window for me if youre going to do three rather describe for the ordinary yorkers. Theres the good example for you if you were the first so if you had a limp it team of nine hundred fifty to win the polluted seats of ifas concentration camp prisoners and from slime soldiers sort of baby in the earth is good there is corruption because a much needed new ship because youre worthless but youre in for the one for through shall go and to get out of here with you if you think that the area or. The variations youll push through for through personal birth with enthusiasm would overwhelm you know when youre at the National Mourning period then youre there with the workers here we are in the world now as you can we. And. Theres just two days to the start of the Winter Olympics hopes diminish for dozens of russian athletes fighting to overturn that. Stalemate unlocked and germanys two largest parties Angela Merkels conservatives and the social democrats finally reached an agreement to form a coalition government. And new parties being launched in the u. K. With the aim of reversing breaks it but the support its getting from across the channel is leading to accusations of french meddling in british internal affairs. A very warm welcome youre watching r. T. International with me nicky aaron now there are only two days to go until the two thousand and eighteen Winter Olympics in south korea and its still unclear who will compete the court of arbitration for sport has heard the case of dozens of russian athletes but no decision was reached on wednesday with the session adjourned for another day the athletes are challenging the International Olympic committees decision to ban them from competing in the wake of the doping scandal. Reports. The Olympic Dreams of almost fifty russian asked they right now depend on the court of arbitration for sports and for the pm chang games this is their new home. The court convened for a few hours on wednesday but there was no decision we resumed the hearing tomorrow. But simply a final decision can be rendered at the end of the day tomorrow what is called after the Opening Ceremony the goal is really to finish for you and then when it is going to so i would say to me the last moments with the announcement should be striving to not simply could be omitted. It is a huge court case as many as forty seven russian athletes and coaches with a clean doping test history against the International Olympic committee but in a sense its a battle between the court of arbitration for sport forecasts and the i. O. C. Heres why a group of russian winter athletes were and this really a few months ago banned for life by the i. O. C. Their medals were taken away but then all of this was overturned by cas last week regardless of that the olympic officials decided to flash a red card plus there were more russian winter athletes who didnt get lifetime bans but despite the fact that they had never been caught cheating before as well they still heard that they cant come to p. N. Chang so its the careers and the Olympic Dreams of these athletes that a Swiss Law Firm is trying to save and the hearings are happening right behind these doors swiss lawyers are saying that the grounds for the lawsuits are the nontransparent nature of the criteria plus the on lawful nature of the verdict itself and most importantly discrimination on basis of. Citizenship and remember that some of the people whose fate is being protected here are reigning olympic champions. The limping movement does not consider me an athlete who deserves to be a part of it without even providing an explanation ive never given a reason to doubt my honesty and my integrity. The games in korea were to be the first in my career together with my partner weve been working towards these in the mix for many years it was my cherished dream. I was shocked to lympics my dream and i was working towards this goal throughout my entire sports career ive given no reasons to doubt and im. So to put it very mildly cass in the i. O. C. Dont see eye to why the court clears a group of russian athletes but the olympic officials cant be bothered this situation put the two organizations almost on a brink of conflict the secretary general of cass says that there is no crisis but see for yourself who these costs are a decision is she streamlet disappointing these decision shows the the urchin to meet for reforms in the internal structure of castes i must support my intellect and all of our traitors and so far i think that procedure was fully respected their reaction was very strong understand this is the disappointment of the i. O. C. Because they expected another verdict but we should not. Its better to wait before criticizing the decisions themselves because they are not being drafted yet. So again theres very little time for cast to make up its mind the opening ceremonies coming up on friday february ninth but whatever the decision is the russian sport cas and the i. O. C. Will never be the same again we spoke to a russian skater who didnt receive an end invitation to the games thats despite being cleared by castle week ago. It is sad for me to see other russian athletes posting videos and photos from korea clearly the first explanation which comes to mind is that they want to get rid of the strongest competitors maybe they were upset because we were ranked first at the saatchi Winter Olympics they give no explanation do not share their reasons thats why the fear of losing seems the only plausible motive behind the decision i saw those looks from my foreign colleagues i heard them sneaking around some foreign athletes even took pictures of me it wasnt a pleasant feeling when other athletes refused to enter in the elevator with me i felt helpless because there was no way for me to prove them wrong we spoke to on a cause menko a lawyer representing some of the athletes currently appealing the i. O. C. Ban relief necessary to take all legal steps available to us to ensure participation. In the uk. We hope that the independent panel that was composed. Truly and. At the facts and the law in front of them and. To the right decision. The i. O. C. Has almost plenary power to even ignore what the court of arbitration for sports has decided and i think nations would probably say we dont want the i. O. C. Making arbitrary decisions that what may one day affect our athletes International Sports community and member nations really need to get together and create a body that can enforce rules fairly and across the board equally because we do not have that right now. Earlier the i. O. C. Issued strict rules regarding russian athletes uniforms as russian competitors are only allowed to compete on the initial flag the uniform should buy the words and then pick athletes from russia or its an acronym. It should also be of a single all dual color and we know it will be grey no russian flag or any of its colors whites blue and red are allowed or that didnt stop one russian Design Company from showing that supports a russian athlete by launching a line of specials he said putting on the acronym we spoke to one of its designers. Its stupid to deprive people of their own country and identity because whatever uniform athletes wearing we all know that their own russian athletes thats why we came up with the project using this strange name for olympic Team Olympic Athletes from russia. We wanted to show their for us and for athletes truth and sport it would drive us and all these bonds and sanctions just political games weve really seen huge number of these prints for noncommercial use theyre intended for the founders we hope it will encourage around fleets theyll see that we support them and we need their records and victories. And meanwhile north korean delegates arrived in pyongyang on tuesday among them over two hundred cheerleaders the women crossed the Demilitarized Zone dressed in red and black wearing t. P. R. K. Flags and if they did some chatted with journalists the delegation is almost three hundred strong making it reportedly one of the largest border crossings between the two countries leader kim jong sr is also expected to attend to the games in the north and south have agreed to march together under one flag at the Opening Ceremony seems a sign of bowling relations but while the north is on a Charm Offensive u. S. Vice president mike pence whos also going to the games has a very different message. I am announcing today that the United States of america will soon unveil the toughest and most aggressive round of economic sanctions on north korea ever we will continue to intensify our maximum Pressure Campaign until north korea takes concrete steps toward complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearization. And new and safer exit policy is about speed dont just in the u. K. And is finding its First Support across the channel french and pays belonging to a manual nick wrongs on last amazement not only back the idea but has reportedly been giving advice to the parties found this on t. V. So that the event scale has the data if this is would mean a brand new Political Party thats about to do

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