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Injured while were going to cross live now to. Jacqueline wreckless no four is no mean feat from moscow how bad is it where you are. Right now the last time i checked its about minus twelve degrees celsius and the flurries are continuing but of course thats nothing compared to what we saw over the weekend when in one day almost half a meter of snow fell and thats the heaviest snowfall. In twenty four hours that is ever been recorded since records even began and thats been the previous record that was set back in one thousand nine hundred fifty seven and that was an invitation to bitterly strong winds and freezing rain and all that together really sort of brought to the russian capital to a standstill almost one hundred fifty flights were either canceled or delayed throughout moscows airports and the local authorities did report that around two thousand trees were due to the heavy snowfall now we did talk to a few muscovites about. Extreme weather and war many are rather frustrated by it others are choosing to take it in stride lets listen. To what the huddleston weather is great it feels like a real winter weve been waiting so long for all of them up us the vote today is very challenging cars are blocked in the courtyard nobody can dig themselves out or leave everybody stuck there accident every one hundred meters under vote with police cars present among them several to be to almost one hour and a half to come here although will leave twenty minutes away because its a different t. Here who are almost ready to give up but then we got ourselves together and said oh we wanted to ski so much you just cant miss weather like this. Now of course this sort of extreme weather can be very dangerous and moscows mayor house warned that it is likely to continue with the forecast showing that its not likely to get above zero this week of course the workers have been out in droves come combatting the snowfall in trying to clear the Road Conditions but they are struggling to cope and theyve asked people to avoid driving when possible and in light of that School Attendance for children has actually been made optional in the city and. Jackie make sure you wrap up warm. Reporting from the center of moscow in the snow. That is the round up of our top stories for now ill be back at the top of the now with more so do stay with us. The u. S. Is losing into a summer on the climate denying is precluding them from the dissipating in this new economy number one and number two the effects of Climate Change and why the catastrophes the global you know Migrant Center are the result of it all this other problems are hurting the u. S. Economy on the other side of the trade so youve got a double by. Despite its title and history decision to unionize dominated International Sport however this was not about the numbers of those champions from the. Sort of you know. Run on the children number like this it that. Brought me more moved on from the window for me just remember if your brother described a relief for the working group of mothers she was the First Computers after your you were the first some of you to lympics team of nine hundred fifty two minutes and did seeds of isis concentration camp prisoners and frontline soldiers for sure currently in the us its good to go from here with corruption because you are much closer to the issue of government because youre more but youre in for the money for through shall go and theyre going to have a wonderful future you think that here were going to go with. The measures youll push through for through personal personal think through shows who will vote for you know when youre at the National Mourning period then youre well aware theres still got we are in the world free of rising stock and we. Apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. Football isnt only about what happens on the beach or the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spend two to twenty million a plum fly a. Book its an experience like nothing else on earth because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy like rates of will transfer. And thinks its going to. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest in the world of Politics School business im show business ill see you then. About your sudden passing ive only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. Up to you as we all knew it would i tell you im sorry finally i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. I remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. But then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didnt like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind its consumed with death this one to. Speak to now because there are no other takers. To blame that Mainstream Media has met its maker. The fears of people been saying about rejected the night its your decision its full on awesome well the only show i go out of my way to launch you know a lot of the really packs upon our belief yeah theres the john oliver of our trio mary is going to say that we are apparently better than blue testings that some see anybody would ever heard of love or down for the night theyre not present in the world playing so very hard to the to go where they seriously sent us an email. Leak. To sophie and co arm Sophie Shevardnadze a new sanctions room in the us russia stand off what is a spat mean for the world and is terror an answer to it i guess today is Matthew Burrows i see a veteran now as. And a former National Intelligence counsellor. Chaos in the middle east the Nuclear Threat in korea the trade war between russia and the west the world order is being tested on multiple fronts and without a clear bipolar a system or sole superpower could well we know all be on the verge of collapse will and lead in this world balance itself out and find ways to move forward was a doomed to descend into chaos and anarchy. Dr Matthew Burgess a cia veteran analyst and a former National Intelligence council while come to the show its really great to have you on our program so matthew the world is no longer split into like during the cold war and clearly u. S. Isnt leading the world like its try to in the ninetys so she will be bracing ourselves for a cast in this new lateral reality chaos maybe a strong word certainly instability because i dont think we have really achieved some sort of equilibrium the u. S. Is trying to find a new role for itself other powers as well so why though why it why is it so bad i mean weve had it leaderless world for nanny centuries before and we were find well that leaderless world had quite a few wars in it and obviously i think you know our own. Advertize mean for conflict is very very low these days and public server much more eager to see economic improvement than they are to. Actually get into a fight with the neighbor or or with other powers in the world. How volatile is to current state of u. S. Russia relations i mean do you see more a sort of a stability within this confrontation or is it teetering on they are predictable and dangerous its it certainly is unpredictable i would say its potentially dangerous if it keeps. This low level of of non cooperation. You know weve had differences before but weve also been able to talk to one another and we also add those channels of communication and at the moment even between you know nongovernmental bodies there seems to be a very low. Low communication between between the two so is it sad as the cold war reroute or even worse in a way well its worse in the says there isnt that communication i think it is different to the u. S. Really sees its peer competitor is china so in some ways you know is not is concerned i i dont share that that belief but is not as concerned about russia they see russia as a declining power and therefore a power that in their minds. We shouldnt have to pay that much attention to so that is a very dangerous situation. Donald trump who looked like it could be a blessing for a moscow washington relations cheering as companion is now conducting they were russian business in an even more adversarial manner than barack obama why such a huge turn first well i. I think he is hemmed in with finished yet i mean i am not sure that he has changed his views i mean his views were always that we should be trying to cooperate together but he is a weakened president theres an Ongoing Investigation is im sure you know about whether there was collusion between his campaign and and russian authorities so he can voice and he sort of. Argument for better relations but i mean hes the president of the United States who can hammy then if you want to have a Good Relationship with russia he should have a Good Relationship with russia doesnt his word mean anything when im president is that. I mean this is the definition of a weakened president. You know has congress who is passed sanctions almost unanimously he couldnt veto it. And so he asked still by by that legislation and he can actually voice much sentiment for better relations without implicating him him selfie in some sort of conspiracy with russia or collusion with russia can give the russian missed a geisha and coupled with possible democratic gains that they can twenty eighteen may term elections and us bring matters to a crisis point and impeachment trial even well. I mean it depends if the Democratic Party wins both houses because it is it can impeach in the house of representatives so with a majority if it wins a majority after the november elections it could bring in pietschmann proceedings but in order to. Convict a president. And throw him out of office us have to have a trial in the senate. And its not clear if the democrats can win the senate. I mean you know bill clinton was impeached as well but he wasnt convicted i think when it comes to it a lot of legislators both on the republican and democratic side may actually hold back from going through particularly with a conviction not so much the impeachment now its been done against bill clinton so theres a precedent. So they were on dail and some progress in syria shows russia and the United States can sit down and tackle global problem successfully if then it arises is this how its going to be for the foreseeable future sanctions and hostility mixed with pragmatic operation. You know that is certainly. I mean its a step maybe in the right direction where you can get more cooperation on different issues. You know hopefully at some point that cooperation improves there a lot of east shoes like arms control where we need to be talking with one another so yes i mean fully it doesnt stay there and minimal cooperation but moves up so more more cooperation

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