Could maybe be inside that building a holy site scarface is measured in then they have on live in shock outline guy stays in the guest house because going back and forth by cab was costing too many taxpayer dollars. However despite the democrats claims that theyre trying so hard to stop donald trump they along with the republicans passed a spending bill last week with language that pushes us further down the road towards fascism the new bill remove the language requiring intelligence agencies to spend money according to congresss instructions this basically makes it so that any administration can take on covert activities without even congresss knowledge i mean soon the only oversight of the Intelligence Committee is going to be whatever we glean from their fit bits. Breaking news trump probably getting ready to declare martial law and judging by the number of jumping. Jacks the f. B. I. Is doing work. For a storm head that does fit measure scratching because if so i imagine capitol hill is a lineup. July fourth up there but but i will make it sound like trump is all bad all right he has begun letting in Syrian Refugees a very very compassionate move there are five point five million Syrian Refugees in the past three months the United States has allowed two of them to enter the country. Not two million to two syrians as a regular jesus sent. To less than the number of endangered blue eyed lemurs weve allowed into the country. And lets not forget we have created a syrian refugee crisis we have created i said we have destroyed syria. You can hear somebody on the couch already im sorry again. You young to go home but cant stay here all right you do you call us to break things you dont call us to help people or i would just call a demolitions expert to give you a grandma sponge bath i dont think thats the job. Speaking of demolishing things many cities around america are being destroyed by the Opioid Epidemic new numbers just came out showing for example what a fourteen alone the Company Miami lukin provided roughly six hundred eighty nine pills for every man woman and child in oceana West Virginia who was maybe four year olds it was virginia have a lot of back pain from working in the carbines we dont know we dont know maybe the Little Things are from from strabane the banjo so hard i. Know this is this is horrific this is this is Drug Companies manufacture distributors all working together to make billions of dollars just trying to live oh. Millions of americans this is what happens when you have an Economic System based on death and profit instead of life and empathy thank you i thank you. But i dont want to end on an angry note so heres a palate cleanser rides and good. Young people need all the flash you. Can focus for two seconds. In a major victory for free speech a federal court has struck down a law designed to punish people who support a boycott of israel. This is good whether you should work the boycott of israel or not you should still support this decision because any law stopping people from protesting or speaking out on an issue is terrible and unconstitutional i mean if you were you were right for example if you were boycotting your you know local take bank arena because theres strawberry short cake didnt live up to expectations. I might not agree with your protest i thought the cake was fine but i would defend your right to do that you should be able to protest every day you want this post to me the land of the pretty and the home of the court all right. Thank god come the composite i want to play artie which is the audio version of all of our shows plus exclusive web content its free every week on i tunes and stitcher will be back in ninety seconds. This getting away from us dollars will reserve currency a one row one belt policy linking up russia and china is out of the dollar every trade oil away from the dollar countries are desperate to get out of the. The last dollar saw the dollar is going to lose value no matter what anybody says so heres the treasury secretary we are trying to make it look like oh its our policy for a lower dollar borrowing matter what he says the dollar is going lower as weve been saying for a number of years because the u. S. Dollar is a common see that other countries recognize as funding the war and the weapons and the poverty that theyre trying to escape. This little bundle of joy he would have no chills of civilization in the woods. This can only really one come at a time but usually cuba is just to. China puts a lot of effort into making up for this cruel mistake of nature. China has penned the breeding has become something of a production line. Its almost as though theyve been copied three d. Printed and put on show for the public. Several cups of bone here each year. But only less would be dedicated scientists will be for nothing different kind of come to be encouraged in captivity its not as though they dont practice a tool but in the same lazy way they do Everything Else this prone to twins and has no idea that a special love potion was formulated just for the. Own appetite i mean for conflict is very very low these days and Public Servant much more eager to see economic improvement than they are to. Actually get into a fight with a neighbor or or with other powers in the world. Well the fact. Cheers with the group called no more deaths are facing jail time for leaving water for migrants along the arizona border here to discuss with our senior boundary violator naomi. Campbell what is so criminal about water. Ok only unnaturally frizzy and curly haired person can understand just how dangerous water can be. One drop and who birds are nesting on my head. But ill always remember you and melody and thomas. They were my favorite mellor. Shouldnt we should we feel ashamed that were arresting people who dont know writing to save lives or has their lives thats what they want you to feel they want you to feel shame shame me is the way of life for these ass you know when i read about no more deaths i was so ashamed of myself for doing nothing i couldnt even enjoy my grapefruit infused pelligrino. Me in it for the shame shame i tell you youre upset the what could they possibly charge these volunteers with volunteers right these super soaker snipers had been brought to justice for entering a wildlife refuge without a permit and abandoning property in america we take protecting wildlife very seriously and less its a good place for a condominium. Property you mean leaving Water Bottles behind for desperate immigrants in the scorching heat then yes yes finally we got those litterbugs. Everyone knows that Water Bottles. Belong in the trash at the Airport Security line. You know whenever i see a badge i immediately surrender my water bottle to that man or woman you know just to be safe this is to be sick. I get it therefore theyre calling it abandoning property because theres no law against helping people to live theres no. This is a problem because we have these full land throw cripps invading the Florida Parks with jugs filled with ammo but then finally the Border Patrol Strategic Plan was written with the help of experts from the department of Defense Center for low intensity conflict. So now we use that war training to get rid of these misguided people terrorizing our borders with basic human decency. You know only what exactly gets people into helping i just dont know either. From a drugs or basically getting death sentences if theyre. Quite not quite people who get death sentences still get lawyers. A minor who left under as age thirteen was denied asylum and was also denied the right to an appointed counsel well any one of those countries entitled to due process thats ok even if he had a fair trial say he said he left under is because he was threatened by gangs and the court did not deny that was true the court said its not our problem its give us your tired your poor but not your children scared of violence. Only moving us back brutal leaders of course tons of weapons in honduras that the boy was fleeing for his life partially because of arse and now hes being sent back to the danger he fled asylum is only legally. Applied to people who are persecuted for one of five reasons religious or political persuasion race nationality or a social group they belong to which i dont understand and. You know its like that buzz feed quiz i took which refugees are you. And it turns out im an economic victim of nafta. So i dont get asylum either actually arent you ashamed of yourself for doing nothing about this but taking some stupid quiz oh. I see youre one of them. Youre a humanitarian who i am but you know there is hope for rehabilitation only things i used to be a teacher. I got out of it you can to. Save them from the mistakes that is running out of governmental bodies to turn to rubble for they found another one redacted correspondent john of adonal breaks it down for us. Paris to say that im very gullible and trusting so kind of susceptible to financial scams case in point i invested all my savings in the by colin i was told its just as valuable as big corn but better because you can eat it turns out it was just a wheelbarrow full hanukkah gelt among many other reasons this is why we need a strong Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the bureau was created as an independent agency after the financial crisis and was dedicated to helping consumers fight back when Financial Institutions ripped them off in its first five years it provided eleven point seven billion dollars in relief for more than twenty seven Million Consumers nice i think to see if p. B. Is my favorite of all of the federal bureaus. Because it run properly it actually has the teeth to hold wall street accountable unlike the federal bureau of octogenarians which does not have it see if they hold anyone accountable plus the c a p b is the brainchild of this lady you enabled the stake account scam you got rich off it and then you tried to cover it up at best you werent incompetent at worst you were complicit and either way you should be fired edith. Yes i know she endorsed hillary and that sucks still. And now its all the more because this guy is actually the acting head of the c. F. B. Be this particular bureau under the Previous Administration had gone too far over towards strangling access to capital making it difficult for Financial Services to flow and as a result folks that we want to try and help or hurt were trying to fix that mold then i folks that we want to try and help were hurt and were going to try and fix that youre clearly were furring to wall street and the Financial Sector move a nice said bed see if p. P. Works for those who use credit cards and those who provide those credit cards those who take loans and those who make them those who buy cars and those who sell them those who take loans and those who make them no dude its the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau not the predatory payday loan lets trap poor people into debt brader Financial Protection Bureau that agency would suffer a staff member come here week after mr moby made his most significant move the date at the bureau requesting no funding for the quarter from the Federal Reserve and freezing rules drafted by former cia director cordray that would have cracked down on the predatory practices of payday lenders under mulvey me the bureau dropped an investigation into an installment lender with questionable lending practices which eventually. That same Company World except in score dont need thousands to move me needs only congressional campaigns yeah im sure theres no conflict of interest there after all its the world acceptance corps its the corporation that accepts the world as being recipients of shady high interest and so beautiful. Oh heres an interview from twenty fourteen where movie reveals what he really thinks of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau its a wonderful example of how a bureaucracy will function if it has no accountability to anybody it turns up being a joke and thats what the c. F. B. Be really has been in a sick sad kind of way yeah this guy has no place being the head of the c f p b it should be noted when he was a congressman obey me cosponsored a bill to get rid of the agency altogether having him in charge would be like having scott pruitt in charge of the e. P. A. Or rick perry in charge of the department of energy or brain carson in charge of housing and urban development or betsy to vos in charge of the party of education oh. I get it they are not. Totally get it now. Reporting from washington john of odonnell but that. You criminalist released by the police tells into an institution those included on the list are accused simply by association. Being from russia is no one except it cools for suspicion so does the criminalist really changes. The front of the globe the best out of. The concepts i was paying to perform i had actually passed myself to die i. Dont know said hed what to say trust me. As most of. The snow in houma was done stuff done to her. This country was. Good. So well see if you think. If it was that he could with. Yes get more time to finish it so i told him. A couple so kind of b. S. Get heard it. Was. Breaking news this. A rebel group dons a russian fighter jets in the north west of syria and executes the pilot also ahead this hour. I think its terrible if you want to know the truth i think its a disgrace lot of people should be ashamed of themselves and much worse than that a newly released Republican Party memo claims the f. B. I. And u. S. Justice department abuse their surveillance powers as the investigated team twenty six the. Rally in support of refugees in the eastern german city of called. The migrant demonstration is also on their way. Just after nine pm this sunday night here in moscow wherever youre joining us from around the world welcome to the program we begin with our breaking news Russias Defense Ministry ses rebel fighters have shot down a russian jet in syrias province killing the pilots after he had checked it on verified footage of the incident has been posted online by the militants. A lot of work with. A marketing plan to look at a lower. Level look about for not the lets talk about the. Second movie joins us live now for more on this the pictures there checking looked as if that was when the ejection happened the pilots say went on to the ground hes believed to have been killed is that what were hearing at this stage of the instant just bring us up to date on what we know yes well the incident took place in the northwestern village of mosques around in the province and thats one of the last remaining rebel strongholds in the. Country now according to the russian Defense Ministry the pilot did manage to eject from the plane and parachuted down to the ground in an area thats actually controlled by the terrorist group. He was then subsequently killed in a fight with terrorists again thats coming from the Russian Ministry of defense they also added that its believed that a antiaircraft Missile System was actually used in the downing of the plane and very quickly after the attack took place videos and photos surfaced online most of them very graphic and disturbing showing rebels taking photos of the dead pilot and stomping on the debris of the crashed plane now on the third of the group that has claimed responsibility of the tax say that they are part of the moderate Opposition Free Syrian Army but its widely believed that they are in fact actually allied with the latest incarnation. They have in the past enjoyed support from washington and even received weapons from the u. S. At this point russia did react quite quickly and has already carried out a number of persuasion strikes in the area with the ministry reporting that over thirty militants were killed as a result ok thank you for telling us what we know about this this incident this hour. A newly released congressional memo has ignited a firestorm of controversy in washington the document written by republicans claims the f. B. I. The Justice Department abused their investigative reports while looking in to the trump campaigns links to russia some conservative commentators have said it on the federal probe into the allegations of collusion specifically the memo claims the Justice Department on the f. B. I. May have illegally obtained a warrant for the surveillance of a former troll bait to be granted that one of the f. B. I. Used the highly dubious. Claims of trump but that was partly funded by the Democratic Party and Clinton Foundation the memo alleges that. Democratic times were concealed in the warren top location i think its terrible if you want to know the truth i think its a disgrace whats going on in this country i think its a disgrace the memo was sent to congress it was d. Plus and congress will do whatever theyre going to do but i think its a disgrace whats happening in our country and when you look at that and you see that and so many other things whats going on with a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves and much worse than that the Democratic Party was opposed to the memo being made public and the f. B. I. Expressed grave concerns that they could be misleading the democrats no seem to be preparing to declassify one of their own files to kuntar the document came up and delve further into the story. For over a year theres been an investigation by congress into donald trump for alleged collusion with russia satellite all start well according to the recently declassified memo it all started with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act a warrant issued allowing the government to spy on trump during his president ial campaign so how do you get a warrant to spy on a president ial campaign well you present the pfizer court with a da ca in this case its the infamous steel dossier now the f. B. I. Chief admitted that it was dubious but he still used it and the f. B. I. Still relied on it i was speaking to him and briefing him about some salacious unverified material no surveillance werent would have been sought from the four new Surveillance Court without the steel dossier information so you present the court with a dot ca you pretty much dont believe because itll help you get a warrant to spy on who you want now this is what Deputy Attorney general bruce or said about Christopher Steele the former british agent and his agenda steele was desperate that donald trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not be. Coming president so why would a judge issue a warrant based on a dusty a that was pretty noncredible oh thats because the f. B. I. Never told him that according to the memo this was intentionally left out of the report now trump tweeted last year. Terrible who just found out that i had my wires tapped in trump tower just before the victory nothing found this is mccarthyism surrender all those people that mock trumps tweet and said oh federal agencies could never spy on people unless they have good reasons that couldnt have happened well it started to look like it did happen and trying to tweet is not so funny after all cable mopp and r. T. New york a number of commentators we spoke to told us they believe there have been surveillance abuses we could know what the their intelligence agencies are doing this must be protecting the American People from from threats but this one was a case where they intervene in a political process that looks like and thats highly unusual and very disturbing this is how the f. B. I. Does business they do it surreptitiously they do it by stabbing people in the back they do it by setting people up by entrapping them by tricking them and thats exactly what they did with the place of court they played the face of court judge by not telling them the source of this deal they plead that judge by not telling them that this was a partisan. Report and and they got their warrant they got their warrant anyway. Crowds are rallying in the german city of kut posts in support of refugees theres also a mass rally underway in the city at the same time an increased Police Presence has been put in place for the weekend cut bus located near the polish border in germany is home to run one hundred thousand people since chancellor merkel opened the countrys borders to refugees and twenty fifteen its given asylum to over three thousand people or europe correspondent peter all of our trouble there. Here in court both around one hundred twenty kilometers to the south of. Theyve said they cant take any more refugees the citys mayor is saying that the infrastructure is being stretched to its limits. We have to realize that in court bush social systems including kindergartens and schools are overstretched and under stress more is not possible we cannot do more now. Since the beginning of the year the city has been plagued by violence between refugees and locals just last week a german couple were attacked just outside of the Shopping Center by three syrian teenagers one of those boys a fifteen year old has since been ordered to leave khat bourse and the surrounding area germany should start controlling its borders and stop the uncontrolled migration that has been going on for two and a happy years and america must go the government should change or it wont get any better. But there are Different Reasons why people have to flee iraq but we have to distinguish those from economic reasons for those who truly seek refuge should be granted asylum. But we need to separate those who really look for shelter and those young strong in the wild man who managed to get all the way to germany things and listening isnt on new years day a group of refugees were set upon by a gang of neo nazi thirds and just recently the right wing German National party were handing out pepper spray and refugee fly is in the city the group were temporarily detained by police for not registering their protest. The town of freiburg has voted to halt refugee arrivals claiming it has reached its capacity to accommodate and integrate Asylum Seekers at a special town hall meeting on thursday the mare explained the decision. We are not xenophobic which we are often accused of being we are dealing with integration we want to guarantee integration we have done a lot but when in the end there is no space what are we supposed to do however some in freiburg arent convinced that the move is a good thing because no there are no problems i feel good here this is a general problem not just in freiburg but it has not affected me i have no problems with foreigners you hear it in the news sometimes but i dont have a liberal bias. At least four people have been injured into drive by shootings in the central italian city of much around town the attacks are boat

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