Europe correspondent peter oliver has met with locals in caucus. Here in court both around one hundred twenty kilometers to the south of. The they cant take any more refugees the citys mayor is saying that the infrastructure is being stretched to its limits. We have to realise that in court both social systems including kindergartens and schools are overstretched and under stress more is not possible we cannot do more now. Since the beginning of the year the city has been plagued by violence between refugees and locals just last week a german couple were attacked just outside of the Shopping Center by three syrian teenagers armed with way one of those boys a fifteen year old has since been ordered to leave khat posts on the surrounding area germany should start controlling its borders and stop the uncontrolled migration that has been going on for two and a half years and america must go the government should change it or it wont get any better. But there are Different Reasons why people have to flee iraq but we have to distinguish those from economic reasons for those who truly seek refuge should be granted asylum status but we need to separate those who really look for shelter and those young strong and the wild man who managed to get all the way to germany in a sling isnt on new years day a group of refugees were set upon by a gang of neo nazi thugs and just recently the right wing German National party were handing out pepper spray and refugee fly is in the city the group were temporarily detained by police for not registering their protest. The town of freiburg has voted to halt refugee arrivals claiming it has reached its capacity to accommodate and integrate Asylum Seekers at a special town hall meeting on thursday the man explained the decision. We are not xenophobic which we are often accused of being we are dealing with integration we want to guarantee integration we have done a lot but when in the end there is no space what are we supposed to do however some in freiburg are convinced that the move is a good thing that no there are no problems i feel good. This is a general problem not just in freiburg but it has not affected me i have no problems with foreigners you hear it in the news sometimes but i dont have any problems with the french city of cali has also been a flashpoint in the migrant crisis this week but tell you all about that after this break. The world is getting away from us dollars wall reserve currency the one road one bell policy making up russia and china is out of the dollar every last trade oil away from the dollar countries are desperate to get out of the u. S. Dollar so the dollar is going to lose value no matter what anybody says so theres the treasury secretary will try to make it look like oh its our policy for a lower dollar volume than what he says the dollar is going lower as weve been saying for a number of years because the u. S. Dollar is a kind see that other countries recognize as funding the wars and the weapons and the poverty that theyre trying to escape. Welcome back to the program that these five migrants are in hospital after being shot during a mass fight at a food bank in the french port of callaway and that the twenty two people have been injured our correspondent is in canada for us. This is one of the many Food Distribution points in cali just take a look behind me and youll see a group of migrants whove come here to receive food to receive clothing and other items and its one of these distribution points that the clashes broke out told through stay hundreds of migrants ion balls with sticks and even a gun fighting over who was on offer now we understand that more than twenty people were injured in that violence which over numerous parts of cali including five who were injured from the shooting and four of those teenagers said to be. Critically injured this is the latest round of violence in cali and the French Interior minister has described it as reaching new levels. I came to cali because what happened here is extremely serious we have reached a degree of violence not known until today the government will propose a bill in the coming weeks to try and help asylum an immigration problems that will violence between groups of migrants is nothing new in cali but this is the worst it is being in many months and people here in cali say they just fed up of the situation. I think we need a structure put in place to protect us theres a lot of delinquency here because get damaged every day we have issues young girls cant go out alone at night its a catastrophe for the french and especially for the people of cali the violence is really damaging residents of cali have lived in fear for several years now. Living together we migrant is complicated those coming here now are bit different from to refugees who were coming here initially theyre more violent and aggressive were bridgeland come to people are still being shot its still dangerous and its true that people who leave near these areas are constantly being disturbed it makes the city look bad. Some of them feel like it is starting to get scary firearms were not in the United States here this is still a country where weapons are banned. Is probably best known for the jungle ruling camp with thousands of People Living in squalid conditions it was dismantled back in two thousand and sixteen but still my couldnt come to cali hoping that one day they will be able to cross the channel to get to the u k. The latest incident comes just weeks after french president emmanuel micron proposed a draft bill that would tighten the current migration policy the legislation would make it easier to deport undocumented newcomers who do not qualify for asylum it would also increase the length of time for a these can detain Illegal Migrants for from forty five days to ninety france received a record one hundred thousand applications for asylum last year. Israel has been called a beacon of light and hope in the middle east by the u. K. s defense secretary gavin and williamson also stressed that israel has a friend for life in britain as the situation there has been asking londoners if they agree. If you were the u. K. s defense secretary which country would you call a beacon of light in the middle east jordan beautiful light on the whole hes definitely not the us. I suppose i would think lebanon that is where christians would. Appear to work. Away living together and sharing political power youre right perhaps he was talking about israel israel no i dont agree because of the palestinian troubles i dont subscribe to that theyre not very good at adapting to other people i think its just going to home a two state solution but do you think israel is a beacon of light yes. Because you have the difficulties i think u. T. S. I think it is and lets hope for the best hes also said that britain is going to remain one of the closest and best friends to israel so whats your take on that. We will be friends with everybody if we can. The u. S. Defense Department Published its Nuclear Posture review on friday outlining Americas Nuclear strategy apart from strengthening u. S. Nuclear capability the doctrines takes a a seemingly tougher stance on china russia and north korea claiming these states representing a unique and complex threat the review also points out but the United States would not hesitate to respond to a nonnuclear attack using Nuclear Weapons russias ambassador to the us has given his reaction. The vast majority of the Nuclear Issue is word for for the from the Obama Administration however the underlying tone of it is a throwback to the cold war what President Trump declared in his state of the Union Address was that we need to ramp up our Nuclear Capability and make us so strong that nobody would be even willing to engage in or even try and gauge with the United States because we have a Strong Nuclear arsenal that actually is really dangerous thinking and. Its almost an. Hour its a little bit of everything sure its a throwback to some of the cold war more explicit Nuclear Threats between the u. S. And russia and between the u. S. And other adversaries namely china and north korea but its also a continuation of u. S. Nuclear policy from past decades this is not that much different than what president obama had in his Nuclear Posture review in two thousand and ten this is more aggressive it does lower the threshold for possible Nuclear Weapons use and it calls for additional unnecessary types of Nuclear Weapons but in general this is much of this is the status quo. Facebook has been urged to pull the plug on a socalled safe chat app for children organizations have warn the social media giant that the app called messenger kids poses health and safety risks has a quick look at its promotional video. Its a video chat and messaging out for families and kids and its designed to give parents more control when their kids start to communicate online. The app is designed for children aged between six and twelve parents or guardians can control the settings from their own Facebook Accounts and approve and monitor contacts messenger kids functions include sending text photos and using video chat facebooks and Vice President defended the platform saying it is a great way for families to connect families will be better off because it exists my daughter uses it on a daily basis now it has enabled me to be more in touch with her. Critics of the childrens app argue that they are simply not ready for the dangers of the Digital World but those in favor think the app in hanss their online skills i think and. Emotionally is developing and theyre not ready to sort of go into anything like the need more time its awfully hypocritical for a generation that created facebook to turn around and say that their kids shouldnt be on facebook because its making them other happy i do think parents need to be aware that the future is is real and its happening and that most of their childrens lives will be spent inside of the digital cosmos i think the has to be an age limit otherwise. Where is it going to end and i think children and just very emotional. To be able to cope digital cosmos is real it is a real place and it will exists in the future for these children and so we need to help them understand how to navigate the Digital World part of that is understanding what the rules of engagement are so keeping kids keeping themselves safe while theyre online and understanding what information to share and what information they should keep private we need to be focused for with where were going with and i think education is the k. If we can train them on how to use that but from the age of thirteen. Maybe we can solve a few future problems but i do you fear for kids if we take social media here too soon. Driving across one of the Worlds Largest lakes would normally sound like a very bad idea but not for these drivers in siberia his video from the annual ice to madness race. Lou. Round up of the top stories but ill be back at the top of the out with more news so you stay with us. All to see we have a great team we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and youre back to been a legend to keep it so i took the back. In ninety ninety two that my qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and im hoping to bring some of that waiting spirit to the r. C. T. Recently ive had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that Peter Schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call him that throws or three. Thousand the joke was oh you didnt hear i called russia. Nice dry. Left left left more or less ok stop thats really good. Zia says holland kentucky. Weve all. Agreed. A coma and he said he was going to miss no coal mines left. The jobs are gone the Prime Minister said. That it was a lot of these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. I remember thinking when i was younger that is anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and its happened its happened and. This is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d. C. Belly of the beast im partial to. Coming up the december jobs report is out well dig into the numbers with danielle demarche you know and today we are joined by a qadri of our two america correspondents and focus on housing both here in the states and around the world plus well talk the economics of sports and particularly this weekends super bowl between the new England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles theres lots to get to today but first lets get some business headlines pretty hard and fast the what i call aaa stocks apple amazon and alpha but Quarterly Earnings reports are out and we start with as i promised just today with apples q four overall revenues which grew by eighty eight billion dollars or thirteen percent amazingly apples two thousand and seventeen net profits were twenty billion dollars thats the first time apple has reached that large level of note today apple stocks tumbled dropping the most in two months two thirds of apples. Avenues are based upon the i phone x. Sales although some have raised concerns that the apple growth may not be continued given that customers are hanging on to their phones for longer periods of time and thus not purchasing new phones as quickly amazon also posted a big profit it reached the one billion dollar level for the first time as its revenues jumps thirty nine percent to sixty billion dollars amazon focused on overall growth as opposed to shorter term earnings recall that amazon bought whole foods last year for thirteen point five thirteen point five billion dollars recent reports from whole foods employees discussed how amazon has a heavy hand with regard to managing their new acquisition they are even reportedly using score card which penalize employees for shelf items not precisely placed at target however to argue with amazons success and alphabet the Parent Company of google scored their thirty second consecutive growth quarter above twenty percent in q four alfabet was up twenty eight percent to six point eight billion dollars google accounts for ninety percent of all internet searches. And bitcoin continues to slide dipping as low as seventy seven hundred dollars earlier today remember that bitcoin was around twenty thousand dollars in december similarly a theory in which peaked over fourteen hundred dollars less than a month ago dipped as low as seven hundred and fifty seven dollars today ripple also peaked in january at three dollars and sixty eight cents dipped under a dollar last week and today went as low as sixty four cents and light coin peaked in december near three hundred dollars and went under a dollar and five dollars today. Russia such. Russias sovereign debt market is so important that the u. S. Treasury port notes further u. S. Sanctions could rist whiling Global Financial markets which may be a reason why the trumpet ministration seems reluctant to expand current sanctions to include russian sovereign debt and derivatives and the new jobs report is out and shows that the Unemployment Rate for january remains unchanged at a low four point one percent earlier this week President Trump touted the low africanamerican and hispanic Unemployment Rates the low africanamerican rate which had been decreasing steadily since december of two thousand and ten when it stood at sixteen point eight percent is now no longer the lowest as black on plummet increased from six point eight percent in december to seven point seven percent in january which is actually the highest black Unemployment Rate since President Trump was inaugurated on hispanic unemployment the rate the president was discussing it is state of the Union Address was the december rate which wasnt the lowest in history as he said but it did equal the lowest rate of four point four percent from october of two thousand and six the new hispanic Unemployment Rate stands at four point nine percent up just half a percentage point some for the first some time for some new president ial talking points on unemployment. And here to discuss is danielle de martino both the founder of money strong were thankful danielle for you joining us twice in a week whats your perspective on this jobs report a lot of the markets seem to be freaking out but i sorta like it how bout you. You know it was a stolid jobs report but there were a lot of different nuances that need to be parsed out of this data today it wasnt quite as good as as what the market is reacting to the market is reacting to the jobs report by falling completely out of bed the stock market right now its down two percent across the board the Dow Jones Industrials the nasdaq the s. And p. Five hundred these are dramatic moves that we havent seen for years bart as im sure you know but this is all a reaction function to the wage gains that we saw in this mornings jobs report that is now filtering through in the form of much higher Interest Rates that have made the stock market fall out of bed and before we get to some more the numbers danielle i mean its a bit its more of the same that we talked about the other two the other day right i mean you know we got an overheated market its time for a little bit of a correction whether or not it it last for you know today is all is all it is or less for a couple of weeks but not the end of the world because weve had such high increases right absolutely youve got youve got all kinds of sell side shots right now on wall street coming out and saying that monday morning represents the buying opportunity of a generation i mean it all sounds very much close to script but there were some very real data points to pick up in this mornings data that are going to catch the attention of policymakers at the Federal Reserve and as we know as of today theres a whole new sheriff in town theres a regime change at that at the Federal Reserve most talk about those data points anything specific in the sector numbers winners and losers down you know. Well we thought that something very unusual as im sure most of the country is well aware of because were all just now following out january was a very cold month we should not have seen the extraordinary gangs that we saw in trade transportation Trucking Construction in and in mining and drilling and yet those numbers were through the roof so on a seasonal basis we should not have seen the strength that we did in these sectors and yet we did again this is this is the the honeymoon that continues for all of the rebuilding efforts as a result of these natural disasters that we saw in two thousand and seventeen harvey our memory of wildfires times two on the west coast so there were a lot of seasonal aberrations in this data and we had in eighteen states a minimum wage imposition that pushed that wage number up to the highest level that weve seen in years two point nine percent year over year but we havent seen that strong of wage gains in years ill let you get a few words in here though because ive got a few cabby outs to throw out at yeah well i mean i did notice that there is that average hourly wage gain in there but you know we spoke when we spoke the other day about the fed i mean to this report change anything my guess is no but change anything with regard to the into subpoenaed Interest Rate hikes that we were speaking about the other day. You know if the markets were anticipating three Interest Rate hikes in two thousand and eighteen they might now be leaning more towards four which is what has them as afraid as they are but ill point out a few things the diffusion index which means the number of industries that were hiring that actually contract it the the average length of the work week the number of hours we work on a weekly basis that also shrunk in the month of january as did temporary employment so looking forward and i hope that Federal Reserve policy makers are keen to observe these nuances looking forward the jobs report was not as strength as strong as that headline figure would have you believe its really interesting i mean ive poured over these reports like you have and you can sort of you know look im trying to spin things different way ways so you say you know the average work week went down but you know but when we say well the Unemployment Rate is so low well you know people are working but theyre working a lot less hours and so its you know you do the six and a half dozen one of the other on some of these some of these issues but we really think you anything else in the report dont you know you think were missing we should talk about no not really i would really be paying attention in the months to come as to whether or not these wage gains are sustained or if this is just a one time boost from again the implementation of these minimum wage rate hikes that Companies Really that they had to take one way or the other not necessarily voluntarily especially given the markets backdrop from today part thank you so much daniel de martino booth author of fed up thank you for being with us have a great weekend. Thank you. So now we move to build our special coverage of housing and real estate around the world and im pleased to be joined by bonilla truly who by the way is a licensed Real Estate Agent in california and before we head around the world lets talk about whats going on right here in the states lets talk about home first part let me say this much though about population distribution across the country it has not changed much since the one nine hundred fifty s. The faces may have changed the demographics of color may have changed but people are still flocking to the same places that they were in the one nine hundred fifty s. In the one nine hundred sixty s. After we all kind of moved away from the farms just take a look at the heat map of where people are nowadays the more concentrated the color the more people you have in those areas as you can see up and down the eastern seaboard primarily mid atlantic up to new england and over all the way to the west coast tens of millions of people in Southern California alone my hometown of Los Angeles Home to around ten Million People across the county but up and down the left coast a popular destination still for movers since the one nine hundred sixty s. Whats not to love right year round great weather great mix of people so diverse rich in culture same can be said for the eastern seaboard but youve got to enjoy the four seasons out here and then this map here shows where people most owned their homes be it Single Family or townhouses or condos etc the darker areas show those owners are Owner Occupied properties the midwest seems to be where the concentration of owner ochs are the great state of california the lowest of owner occupancies in the union less than fifty percent of folks live in a property that they own their the National Average for owner iraq is about sixty six percent conversely this map shows the concentration of rental properties in America Los Angeles county once again tops the large. Area for renters but sprinkled throughout the country lots of rentals tells you a little bit about the if the local economy there part and youre going to find lots of renters in areas like los angeles or the San Francisco bay area here the d. C. Metro new york city so as a formal realtor that tells me what jobs actually look like in that area those are all expensive real estate markets renting is not a whole bunch cheaper the tech bubble in San Francisco bay area has driven up rental prices up to nearly five dollars a square foot putting the bay area at a higher price point now the new york city proper but that also means that these are high paying jobs right part so these arent necessarily those forever careers though youll likely see more tart turnover in both the job openings and rental properties in places like San Francisco or new york city folks come in to build the latest and greatest tech gadget or social media side or work on a hedge fund they ride the wave for as long as that thing lasts and they transition on to the next place but then this next map here the darker concentrated color areas are folks age thirty five to sixty four just under retirement age who only their home they live in you know that got house they stay put as you can see the midwest once again shows where folks tend to plant their roots there a little more mature theyre a little older theyre stable they stay put places along the west coast skew noticeably younger and may not necessarily own the properties that they live in but you can you can bet its probably to expensive place part but across the board ownership still down renting is on the rise this is both in part to not get seen a full recovery after the housing bubble burst of two thousand and eight as well as changing attitudes towards ownership and renting and once again i think it speaks to a shift in what peoples jobs are like these days versus what they were ten years ago peoples jobs have become more mobile theres a big. Increasing telework and while the popular idea is that millennia are driving this trend of renting you would be rolling millenniums have actually come of age into their thirtys theyre buying their homes theyre moving to the burbs theyre buying Single Family houses they were responsible for thirty three percent of total sales last year meanwhile boomers were the ones driving up the rental market and looking for new places to live moving along houses still preferred the preferred by americans going out to subdivisions so they commie as you know fairly doing well housing has stabilized but a lot has changed in america and their attitudes have changed about where you live

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