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The alarm over children of Islamic State fighters that have been brought to germany he says the youngsters are living time bombs and can be used in terror plots inside the country and hes peter oliver has more. Well hung old muhsin said the children all german parents who went off to join isis in iraq syria pose a potential Security Threat when or if they return back here to germany in fact he went as far as to refer to them in some cases as ticking time bombs they were confronted early with Islamic State ideology learned to fight and were in some cases forced to participate in the abuse of prisoners or even the killing of prisoners we have to consider that these children could be living time bombs there is a danger that these children come back brainwashed with a mission to carry out attacks or mustnt also went on to say that there was a whole network of online isis headhunters looking to recruit and radicalize potentially Vulnerable Children Islamic State uses headhunters who scour the internet for children to can be approached and tries to radicalize these children were recruited children for terrorist attacks its no wonder that germany is concerned the country has seen a number of mine is involved in terrorist attacks over the last couple of years most notably there was a case back in twenty sixteen when a twelve year old boy tried to blow up a Christmas Market in the west of the country German Government figures showed that around a thousand people left the country to go and join isis now around one third of those have returned back to germany but the government also points out they have no way of knowing how many children are being born to those those germans that went off to join isis and how many potentially could come back to the country and pose a threat but that prompted mohsin to say that he thought that the Security Services should be given the right to launch surveillance operations against mine is in germany thats anybody under the age of fourteen years old that though of course comes with its own issues a particularly sensitive topic talking about launching why it tops and other types of surveillance operation against children that young. Murder rates in the us city of baltimore skyrocketed in two thousand and seventeen with fifty six killings per one hundred thousand people a new record in a city that already has a reputation for being dangerous and crime ridden. Cities in body american urban decay more depressingly than the city of Baltimore Baltimore struggles with a record high murder rate. Murder of old. Baltimore. To stretch. It all comes as baltimore has been rocked by be ongoing trials in one of americas Biggest Police corruption scandals begun trace task force in the lead a group of plain clothed officers were supposed to be reducing violence and crime however it now seems that they were actually adding to it and six out of eight of the members of the group have pleaded guilty to charges of organized crime including extortion and drug dealing is across the story for us. The Baltimore Police department is now involved in one of the biggest scandals in us Law Enforcement history for months now the court system has been trying to investigate corruption within the citys police force eight officers are on trial over Drug Trafficking racketeering robbery and planting fake evidence like drugs and b. B. Kept. We would create false reports to cover up the robberies we were involved in. It was like a well if life were got to weigh with a lot of things if Proven Guilty the officers that may face twenty to one hundred years in prison and six of them have already pleaded guilty and are now acting as witnesses in hopes of softening the moving verdict and their lawyers claim the officer spilled guilt over what theyve done mr jenkins is extremely remorseful hes been remorseful for a long time even before these charges were brought and hes relieved that today finally he was publicly able to accept responsibility for their client sorry for what they did or should. Be so it seems regretful of what what happened i really dont have any comment meanwhile officers cases continue to be dismissed with hundreds under review and most of them involve incidents of officer switching off their body cameras to plant drugs or guns and then reenact seizing the evidence they had already planted. And the Police Corruption trial is still ongoing in baltimore and we will be following it to its conclusion right here on r. T. E. International more news in just a bit but that was. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president injury. Or something want to. Have to do like the press this is what. Three of the four people that. Im interested always in the water. There should. They are imposing their sanctions we just start developing our domestic capabilities and topping our internal resources to those who remember how during the previous u. S. Administration they said that the russian economy will be in shambles but pointing to Falling Oil Prices and sanctions and all that stuff. Are we in shambles now quite the opposite. This is R T International the pentagon has acknowledged that it conducted an unsuccessful Missile Defense test on wednesday the missile was launched from land and failed to intercept an incoming target launched from an aircraft over hawaii the pentagon spokesperson confirmed the incident yesterday during a press briefing it did not meet our objectives but well learn something all the time with these tests and well learn something from this one and well continue to improve our capabilities earlier i was joined by Michael Maloof a former pentagon official he said that creating a workable Missile Defense is an extremely challenging task. To hit that missile because it has not yet achieved the high rate of speed that that missile will achieve once it starts in to react three and to hit a target on the other side of the world its like a bullet trying to hit a bullet and its very difficult and it may include technologies and involve technologies that are not quite ready to be to be made operational so this really needs to be done on an accelerated basis if youre going to have a real Missile Defense system and even these tests that they did occur were under very controlled conditions and the yet there were failures so theyre going to they have a lot of tweaking to do a lot of research and development that needs to be done and frankly this is extremely expensive and given the Budget Constraints that are coming from the other end it really raises questions on what can be achieved and whether it whether its achievable in the near future meantime we have the ominous threat from the north koreans as a consequence so policymakers are really going to have to double down and figure out a plan and execute that plan and its not happening right now. It will be a man who lost his whole family in a nato air raid is planning to take his fight for justice to the European Court of human rights he says the alliance of jobs two bombs on his house during its military intervention in the country in two thousand and eleven. Now we demand that i need to explain why our house and houses were showing all the military targets i dont understand why nato targeted our house sadly my dear wife died as well as my cousin and its my innocent children and our neighbors our friends were there with this it was a monstrous crime and nato has the latest equipment and technology which allows them to accurately determine the targets of the nato cross struck specifically at night when people were in their home they intentionally hit civilian targets the hospital schools gas stations they destroyed all the infrastructure while they were killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure apparently knowing there were no weapons there. So you can see here on this map where the nato attack took place as colleague mentioned thirteen people were killed in the bombardment including three children he says his house may have been targeted because his father was a general who served under libyas former leader Moammar Gadhafi but colleague says it was just a family home and not a legitimate target he began his battle for justice back in two thousand and twelve but as faced an uphill struggle to actually get his case heard in court nato which enjoys a degree of legal immunity in such cases argues that it had no intelligence suggesting civilians were in the house at the time of the strike however he says his lawyers have now found a way of challenging the protections afforded to the alliance and he hopes his case will set a precedent for others who also lost their families. When we gathered our families in different parts of libya we found a man whose wife daughter and son as well as his mother died during the shelling and there were other families in other cities a lot of families we compiled a report from all identified victims after having documented in photograph the materials so that this case could become a historical president. Campaigning for the mayor elections in the japanese city of nagar has again highlighted the controversial nature of americas military presence on the island of okinawa japans Central Government and authorities in okinawa where u. S. Troops are currently stationed have been doing battle over the possible relocation of their base to the Northern City of narco and recent poll shows sixty three percent of voters oppose the relocation while only twenty percent support the move incumbent mayor of the city who opposes americas deployment of troops to the island says a vote for him would be a vote for defending okinawas autonomy so that your selections are extremely important as they will have a great impact on the future of now go and our countrys Current Administration is attacking us with attempts to sway the power these elections are meant to defend japanese democracy and our autonomy were asking people from all over the country for their understanding okinawa is in a difficult situation right now but if many people support us we will continue what were doing. In one thousand nine hundred ninety six a review by japan and the us decided the american base should be relocated to the rote area of conoco and the decision was made in order to reduce the military impact on the populated communities of southern iraq you know but it has since been numerous crimes committed in relation to the us military presence there. Activists in okinawa believe the japanese government has been turning a blind eye to the tense situation playing out on the ground. I dont think they are mistaken i mean it is a really strong body oh refusing the it could have nation of the day but another candidate is a buck deputy by japanese Central Government so he agrees. Over the new military base in him though most people are against the new media the peace corps struction is government job is government hungry ignoring the voice against democracy and against the decision if the. Accept they base they can get the money many citizens who know the troops the facts are really. Worried japans government sent who sent. Ministers money and the mccall. Fake news of but we will let loose we will win. By the dozen for me i will be back in a little bit more or less than thirty five minutes watching my contractions there were. Eighteen years ago i traveled across the United States exploring americas deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better luck with that better knife against secretary baier and hurting when i buy my baby says my book was published in the year two thousand more than hoffa me. Alien americans have been killed by firearms in the u. S. And we had a thought to me as i did this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got hit by the plane my gun i just saw i did to return to the subject to track down each gun owner who id met and photographed those years ago i dont know this but we are not. The one i was told seemed wrong why dont we all just dont call. Any new world that is yet to shape out this day comes to advocate and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when we choose to look for common ground. This is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d. C. Im part shelton. And coming up what is the likelihood that congress will turn a page and Work Together to do what president hope for his state of the Union Address related to the nations infrastructure will ask steve morrow to weigh in plus we look at some dire and some darn Inspiring Stories from south africa but first lets get some business headlines. Facebook reported a sixty one percent surge in profits in its Fourth Quarter earnings this was a large part fueled by a massive holiday influx over the in the advertising season the q four percentage increase and profits does not account for nearly three point two billion in taxes almost two point three billion of that tax bite was due to changes from the recent tax reform bill facebook also reported its first quarterly decline in daily users that number fell by seven hundred thousand to one hundred eighty four million while the time spent actually at the site online is dropped by five percent or fifty million hours per day microsoft also took an offset to their tax cut windfall logging thirteen point eight billion dollars in tax payments in their pew for Earnings Report the Software Maker suffered a net loss of six point three billion dollars if that tax change was set aside microsoft would have booked eight point seven billion in profits and twenty seven teams last quarter a ten percent increase compared to that number for twenty sixteen. The European Banking Authority or e. P. A. Will investigate whether or how forty eight of the largest banks in the e. U. Could. Hope if the e. U. Exit from the European Union causes a Major Economic slump these sorts of look sees are generally called stress tests and lawmakers and regulators began requiring such stress tests after the two thousand and eight recession in which it was shown that the big banks are interrelated to one if one goes down well its like a domino the others could follow the e. B. A. s planning contingencies including stress tests and areas for significantly reduced e. U. Economic growth in two thousand and twenty due to breakfast. And irelands low tax strategy for luring jobs and core for corporate profits is coming under increased scrutiny the irish finance minister is qana mr recently said the ten largest Corporate Tax payers account for about six percent of the governments tax revenue and acknowledged quote exposure and boehner ability on that front last month facebook announced it will no longer book profits in ireland spurring fears that a corporate flight from the defacto tax haven ireland is sort of like the european Cayman Islands will continue while boom bust was at the World Economic forum in davos last week irish finance minister Pascal Donohue defended irelands tax policies denying that his country is a tax haven and also at davos economist Nobel Laureate joe stiglitz said ireland was leading a quote race to the bottom on taxes a day after french president mccrone complained of the irish tax policies saying irish corporate rate tax is only twelve point five percent which is so low that in twenty sixteen the European Commission found irelands tax benefits to apple constituted illegal state aid and later referred to irelands case to the European Court of justice by the way apple is just now reporting their quarterly profits will have more on those specifics tomorrow. Infrastructure was a key component of president trumps tuesday night speech to the state of the union and he spoke about the infrastructure deficit but the nation has a budget deficit already of roughly four hundred forty billion dollars how does congress reconcile the infrastructure needs with the lack of available funding here discusses conservative t. V. And radio commentator steve walz for steve whats your take on on this there really is an infrastructure gap we know that but they have this budget dilemma to what they can do well there were no details obviously there was like a silent gas if you will in the in the chamber when donald trump said one point five trillion dollars in infrastructure im told its going to be more like when push comes to shove one trillion with two hundred billion from the federal government the rest leverage from the states and localities private sector and impact taxes for instance they build a subway station in a shopping area all the Property Values go up in that area so theyll have to have an assessment there so but there were no details he didnt give any details it does seem like a lot of money and there are those you know and i dont necessarily disagree with them we could talk about this if you like who say infrastructure is not a federal government issue i mean if localities and states have a subway problems and bridge problems let the let the states and localities partner with the private sector but how about the interstate system i mean that well sort of their responsibility but i mean you know it theyre not everything is the federal governments responsibility but how to pay for it i think thats the best from what ive heard that seems to be what the plan will be if and when there is a plan ok well theres so much there to unpack so one prior to the state of the union all we had really was a six page of bullet points about it that was the most details we have and now i. We have this language around it but i do give the president credit for making it such a high priority its what id said that i hoped he had done i quite frankly wish he had started with this a year ago and lead with it instead of health care but regardless be that as it may here we are and hes got this budget problem and to me. And by the way it was a trillion dollar plan originally during the campaign right and then when he was elected he said well its a trillion dollar plan but its only two hundred billion. Federal money were going to leverage the rest that people that wait a minute so now hes saying one point five trillion how much of that if its two hundred billion or if he cuts it back to a trillion overall so hes trying to as you say leverage state and local state and local governments steve theyve got a tough row to hoe also so where are they coming up with the money is this just more bonds that is putting future generations in debt by. Working with the private sector which a lot of people on the left jack to they feel that they should be government run and government funded and government done but i dont know i mean again its going to its going to take a lot of guidance is going take a lot of specifics there are more specifics in those bullet points to it to an extent as you alluded to then we got from the state of the union. And both parties are saying wheres the money coming from i mean theyre asking the same questions or asking the same questions im asking republicans democrats enders Congress People they left that state of the union saying wheres it coming from we need to know so i would assume there will be more details forthcoming eventually so years ago there was a toll road that im familiar with and i want to get in to specifics pacifics because i dont know when or if its still owned by a Foreign Company but it was a toll road at least in the past and its owned by a Foreign Company is that something that republicans might be amenable to to essentially leasing out licensing the toll road revenues to afford country as a way to pay for this stuff. If they do that i would hope that they would follow the requests made by donald trump that all foreign aid goes to friendly countries and countries who have our back and so to speak and i would hope that they would. Contracted out not to china and not to other countries that dont have our best interests at heart i dont know thats an interesting proposal but again if canada is real and if its leaving out from the countries you know i dont have a problem with that part so lets look at it will really hone into your expertise here we know the process on capitol hill got to pass a bill in the house going to pass a bill in the senate that doesnt just happen that takes a little bit of time months i actually worked at one of these by the way when i was working for tom daschle the majority leader we got to pass the senate and then it died but getting it passed the Senate Getting everybody to yesterday was no easy feat and it was about getting republicans and democrats together because these issues are not often theyre not really that partisan except on the funding its more about urban versus rural but look into your crystal ball and tell us where you think we will be at this time august when the Congress Recesses for that break before the midterm elections i think this year is for the most part a day year i dont think youre going to get anything passed youre never going to get immigration i dont know whats going to happen in a week or so a few days when the budget deadline comes up if its if its for a lion on an immigration deal thats not going to happen i just think the democrats are putting all their eggs in the basket that we could wait long enough that donald trump gets his report comes out and hes charged with obstruction of justice the midterms are coming up were going to portray trump is not getting anything done why would we give him a bipartisan feather in his cap when he already has a feather in his cap and a tax plan for his base i just dont see anything i think the patriot i mean some of the democrats to this man. The Congressional Black Caucus who went to the state of the union some of them who didnt boycott said im glad were going to go were going to stare in the face i mean thats the thats the tone thats thats the feeling towards donald trump by many on the left i dont see deals being cut this year at all well youre. Youre probably right but its such a cynical view. But you know thats what weve seen your abs its a polarized people have dug in heck they dont even listen to each other talk and it took a lot for some of the democrats last night to clap for the for the flag i mean theyre opposed they are they love america as much as any republican but i mean they were so upset with the press not in the other leg in the anthem they couldnt bring themselves to clap for anything hardly and i mean joe manchin was the lone democrats all that time but again i think its all politics and this isnt to say as much as i just dont agree with the democrats im not saying this is the republicans would do the same thing theyre holding out hope that donald trump will be impeached when they take over the house so what why why would they why would they want to go cut a deal now with the guy well i mean i know what i know what the answer should be because its the right of the country to go beyond that and fortune i really i think weve reached a time in a place where were beyond that im pollyannish on it and so you think its not going anywhere by august i think that were going to have a bill out of the senate and the house but its not going to be reconciled and theyre going to talk about getting it done in september that may be a pipe dream but i hope thats the case conservative t. V. And radio host Steve Malzberg i thank you for being my leisure is shit. Time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return we get the latest on what is being called day zero in south africa as they head towards a time when they will actually run out of water plus i sat down with an utterly inspiring business entrepreneur involved with social change also a South African by the way and youre going to want to see this as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell. And the currency market itself is still on track to eclipse the Global Banking bull adopt only which is what we need what we want and ive always said its a Bank Circular thats the primary is a big point of the current. Round of the with the flow the best out of the jewels little. To the concepts those paying to perform i had to actually prepare myself to. Heed what you know so you trust me. As most of. You will know it is in the home. How are your numbers that are going

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