Processor to keep working even if one or two cells have malfunctioned in orbit for example when we did the mathematical equations and experiments the results were standing as they were radically better and higher than for example the usual alternative coing to mining through video cuts by our calculations one multicelled will produce up to four thousand dollars in revenue a day and thats where we got the idea to do an i. C. A. O. For the production of such unique product whats your take on the future of crypto in russia i think the russian government overall sees cryptocurrency as something positive there ins and outs that have yet to be established steps are being taken to govern cryptocurrency but overall the drift im getting is that even with future laws in place russia will be a very habitable country for cryptocurrency it is really mind boggling a machine that will produce four thousand dollars a day is that even possible while its wait and see you can watch the full episode of r. T. S. Tell him on our you tube channel stay tuned. Meanwhile a canadian based on supernews has found an alternative use for crypto currency mining hes recycling the heat generated through Bitcoin Mining for cultural use the waste heat generated from over one hundred Bitcoin Mining computers is being recycled to grow edible plants and maintain fish tank temperatures and conversely around eight hundred arctic char being raised in the warehouse the founder of the Food Technology explains how recycling the waste heat can bring economic benefits to the local community. Recycling that waste heat from data centers or bitcoin miners thats going to have a huge Economic Impact to your wallet whether its from strawberries or even nutraceuticals from growing very specific plants and their environmental conditions that benefit is going to be felt by everyone what we do know is that the Digital Economy has a huge ecological footprint whether youre searching on amazon or on facebook even doing a Google Search thats going to driving a car fifty kilometers thats a big Carbon Footprint now we can take that waste and then converted into facilities where were growing food and that food addresses real humanitarian needs like Food Security and being able to have Fresh Produce throughout the year we might have a shot. Russia is getting ready for president ial elections the incumbent of lot of may putin is running for what would be his fourth. The socially conservative and the more liberal leaning of fielding the same kind that it sounds last time around respectively. And Grigory Yavlinsky there are also some new faces Russias Communist Party is now represented by dean and known as the storm king thanks to his collective farms and then theres a t. V. Host jack who says that a vote is a vote against everyone sees orcs on a boy caught up with. I want to show people russia but there is another point of view this is the goal of my complaint i know you cant win on the elections where only putin always wins putting himself on many occasions that russia needs more competition both political but he never gives it to you know all the facts you are so subtle i dont hear forty two years im just a little blonde girl you know coming from going to shows and how to balance with me. Ive never said that a president should be you know one field expert. Of the only good way for us is along the way i know that many people want to foster change but change only happens as a revolution i am against. I want to educate people i want to bring them truth and i want together all their problems to make them federal its the same old russian paternalism waiting for the officials to fix the problem dont you think that you are essentially playing the very same kremlin tactic no im not i am the change people want to see. Still to come on the program he. Will be. Joining us in just. Hey everybody im stephen ball. Hollywood guy. Every proud american first of all im just george bush and honored to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different. With all the drama happening in our country and im shooting the good thats fun every day americans. Look for the star to bridge the gap this is the Great American people. Thank you drowning us who are nazi u. K. Broadcaster the b. B. C. Has been accused of producing propaganda this during a debate on brecht sit in the house of lords. Frankly the p. P. C. Has become the supporter over for organize a from. The European Union dave ricks at six two mr david davies said to me recently that his job in brussels is made even more difficult if every time he makes a small advance that hes probably out of mind by the b. B. C. Get your act in order because you do a duty of impartiality. Thats. Laura smith now joining us laura good to see you what are these allegations of b. B. C. Bias actually based on. Well there have actually been two reports just in the last week looking into how the b. B. C. Is representing brax its supporters in some of its programming programming todays release this morning is from the institute for Economic Affairs and it has analyzed two of the b. B. C. s key Panel Politics shows to question time and any questions over the period of the last eighteen months and it found that out of six hundred panelists during that time sixty eight percent of them supported remain and just thirty two percent were in favor of bricks it an interesting lee not only that but even if you recategorized the people who previously supported remain but are now implementing brecks it from within government the split is still sixty forty in favor of remain and obviously for reference the just for comparison the referendum result was fifty two percent in support of leaving the European Union so thats todays report but last week there was also another one from sivits this report entitled the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation rather amusingly that was over a longer time between two thousand and five and two thousand and fifteen and they found that only one hundred thirty two out of more than four thousand guests on the today programme who were asked talk about the European Union were in favor of leaving heres a little bit of what these reports are talking about. Well i still believe breaks it is a historic mistake if we leave the European Union every report including the army and it will said the u. K. Economy will continue to grow forecasts are almost always wrong you cannot leave free access to a market of five hundred Million People without making yourself poorer than you otherwise would be a. B. C. Has sent us a statement responding to this latest report from the way it says that these are not think will issue programs and that they dont only invite politicians they invite other public figures and commentators and it also points out that the b. B. C. Is no longer reporting on this binary choice day or leave which the electorate face at the referendum but its giving audience is the opportunity to hold politicians to account for the way that theyre conducting bracks it alright arties i laura smith live in london thank you. Twenty past there in moscow to the us now the debate over what to do with the children of Illegal Immigrants who grew up in the country known as dreamers where the debate is heating up an article in the New York Times has triggered a backlash for proposing a compromise between liberals and the Trump Administration on the issue the author of the piece suggested that trumps Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller should be included in negotiations on immigration as he represents the views of a wide spectrum of society miller is an advocate of increased restrictions on immigration and the idea prompted people to take to twitter to brown the New York Times a white supremacist paper this is a town i am a sahm to normalise this regime groups politicians fascism and nazis is insane and must be stopped still furious at the New York Times for normalising white supremacist steven miller. New york times do you have any distance you left i guess printing this mash notes to a white supremacist on hole course memorial day is the answer to that question shame on you profound and utter shame on you. New york times is not why supreme us is paper the multiple nonce above this is constant pro trompe are and praise for me long today of all days is not exceptional john griffin a conservative commentator in texas things that its rather difficult to reach a compromise when both the far right and the far left are dictating to us. You have bad eggs in each administration i dont think steve miller is a bad egg i think hes gotten an unfair rap like many of the members of the tribe of ministration because of how intensely the radical left hate tropp and how intensely the far right are determined to defend anything and everything about this administration there is a core sense of what it means to be an american rights for workers low unemployment you know respect of the individuals all these things go out the window on the extreme left and on the extreme right when we allow those two polls to dictate the discussion and thats whats happening on immigration and we can go a different direction if wed only choose. To a northwestern iraq now where locals live it its after a u. S. Led coalition asteroid reportedly hit civilians and local police instead of terrorists the incident took place on saturday reports suggest at least eight people were killed and twenty injured for now heres what i witness is that the same. We have to say ok when we arrived by car to find People Killed or wounded the officer carried a wounded woman and laid her down in the car that same car was hit by a missile killed fifteen seconds later they opened fire on the people and their houses with a machine gun shortly after this missile hit a police car and officers were killed. Iraqi officials have confirmed they called for a u. S. Led air strikes but insists that they are asked for a target a terror cell the u. S. Military also says thats exactly how things unfolded adding that an investigation is now underway. Iraqi Security Forces conducted a raid and apprehended a high value dash leader during extraction of the dash later a dash member reportedly initiated an exchange of ground fire and iraqi leaders called for Coalition Air support several people were killed and wounded during the exchange and the incident is under investigation by iraqi and coalition officials the coalition operates by permission and in direct coordination with the government of iraq and its Security Forces with an Investigation Underway of the head of Iraqi Security and Defense Committee cold on the government to adopt measures that will restrain the u. S. Led coalitions actions. After much anticipation from football fans english club leeds united on vale ban you badge only to receive floods of criticism the club quickly caved in to the outcry and is now letting support his choose the clubs new badge in a public vote. A pleasure having you with us today here on this wednesday on international my colleague niki air and bringing you more worldwide headlines in half an hour. Of flight for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. The ball isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money. And spending to get to the twenty million. Its an experience like nothing else not to be true so i want to share what i think i know about the beautiful guy great chance for. Peace. This is says holland kentucky. Over all of these moves the places people were going street fannys remolded. A co money city with almost no coal mines left. The jobs are gone all the coal miners the said. That it was a drive to see these people a survivor of a world disappearing before their eyes. I remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and its happened its happened. I played for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i gots. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spending to do the twenty million one player. Book its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more chance with. A nice. The best out of. The concerts. To perform i pass myself to. Sayit. In home. Im. Squinting. Yes i did machine. Oh and welcome to cross talk were all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle the release the memo moment is upon us republicans are billing it as some kind of Silver Bullet revealing political corruption at the highest levels of the department of justice and f. B. I. The democrats on the other hand and their supporters in the liberal media as a distraction finally the public will decide. Talking released the memo im joined by my guest Lee Stranahan in washington hes an investigative journalist and a cohost for faultlines on radio sputnik also in washington we have james jatra sees a former advisor to the u. S. Senate Republican Leadership and in los angeles we cross to ha goodman hes a columnist and journalist published in the Huffington Post salon the hill and other publications right gentlemen crossed the girls in fact that means he can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate a. J. As usual you got up early as for the program god bless you glad to have you with us all right we have our heads beginning to roll we have andrew make a butt out. Is Rod Rosenstein next then who else and talk about the state of denial in the liberal media go ahead ha its good to see you again its great to be here well the Obama White House illegally spied on trump since two thousand and fifteen this is according to the guardian g c h q was sending information to the u. S. Intelligence Community Community about Trump Associates this is before the alleged russian hacking of the d. N. C. This is before all the facebook posts apparently gave swing states to try and this is before the russian hacking narrative. There is no crime that trump is said to have committed so theyve been spying on trump illegally susan rice on mask names illegally and they tried to find information on Trump Associates even though donald trump has never been accused of a crime and hes not the subject of a crime they havent found any evidence and its been since two thousand and fifteen the mulla probe is completely partisan and it was a result of james comey squeezy memos. Russia never interfered in the election to the point of giving the election to anyone what took place was it was a one point two billion dollar loss from Hillary Clinton and to cover up the loss we know that there was an insurance policy so peter struck in the Text Messages stated well i spoke to Andrew Mccabe and now mccabe is out. And we cant we cant. Question whether or not we have to have an insurance policy if in the event that trump wins then you have speedo struck ok all right. Youve got a lot of material right there let me go to james here i mean has got it down cold here the facts here but james i mean the fact of the matter is that were going to actually see whats behind the curtain here how the Obama Justice department and f. B. I. Operated as they went through the election cycle this is the real scandal here because if you look all at all of these things peter struck at his girlfriend and all these things with andys office and all that theres nothing about russia theyre absolutely zip go ahead james. Thats have sure a little really right what were really talking about i think the key word here is conspiracy there was a conspiracy with and organs of the of the federal government particularly the f. B. I. I understand theres some reference to the cia in this memo as well well have to see if its in there or not but i think if you look at the hysteria with which the democrats have been opposing release of this memo and also the distraction that the media has been pursuing to take away the attention of this memo if you go to the three networks or m s n b c or or c. N. N. They dont lead with talk about this memo they talk about trump once thought about firing muller its the saturnine massacre all over again its attempt to deflect deflect from the real news which is this thing which i expect in short order we will see whats what and i think i do think some other heads will roll out just because you know its interesting you know the the the non news event is news i mean what kind of world are they living and i know what kind of actually they live in a very intellectually corrupt unmoral world thats what i think here in a legal you had Christopher Ray came out of his office and kind of wandered up i guess it was to the capitol and he looked at this memo here and reports say that he was surprised or shocked i dont remember the exact world word why in the world. The head of the f. B. I. Surprised about material that the deal way the f. B. I. Gave to congress i have to wonder whats going on with the head of the f. B. I. If he is shocked and we all are in a very worrisome place here go ahead lee well lets talk about the real problem here the problem is not rogue agents the problem is institutional the problem is ill use the term deep state you could also call it the persistent state it is not a shock at all that the cia is involved in this because the fact is whoever is in the white house whoevers in congress there is a Persistent Group of people who stay from administration to administration its an unelected Fourth Branch of government and bats whats happening this is an institutional thing and what ever you think of donald trump what ever you think it was policies i would trump supporter but if you dont like him. It doesnt make any difference he was clearly an outsider who the deep state the persistent state was very very worried about and part of that apparatus is also the media i cover a lot of White House Press briefings lets flash back to last spring over and over and over again i was in that room in the White House Press Briefing Room when trump came out and said that i was that i was wiretapped he said it remember that the media activism he was a crazy person and it was five days of questioning and i remember every media outlet was tag team each other hey you asked this all asked that now cut to the last week i was in three cut to the last week i was in three briefings last week at the white house and i was there the first time a question was asked about releasing this memo i had sat through a number of briefings it had already been on social media. And it had already been out by the way why was it on social media because over one hundred republican congressmen looked at it its not russian bots when one hundred republican congressman look at something and go we think this should come out its going to resonate through particularly republican social media a little part of it is going on in your listening audience i mean youre going to get needs to cover it up oh well yeah because theyre complicit in eighty eight i mean this is this is about i wouldnt watch again if the b. B. C. And c. N. N. And theyre terrified of this memo i mean watching them go blue in the face but what about National Security what about what about this its times felt i mean they dont even want i mean i thought sunshine was the best cure here i mean that was an old liberal mantra at least way i was growing up ok i mean they want to continue to live in darkness where they bring the public with them every single night go ahead ha well theres a reason why fusion g. P. S. And buzz feed are being sued by three russian bankers and entrepreneur i think trumps lawyers suing fusion g. P. S. The. It was complete nonsense and it was a fantasy maybe bill clintons fantasy who knows it was complete and Utter Nonsense gossip hearsay derived from russian sources so so the collusion is actually the d. N. C. And Hillary Clinton purchasing the dust for around nine Million Dollars in fees to the law firm that clinton used. The congress should ask for an itemized report to find out how much was actually paid for this nonsense used for faisel war and so thats what. The memo its all about thats what were getting all about. Gossip and hearsay being used. You just mentioned. You just mentioned going to james here you remember when the quote unquote trump dot ca russia does ca came out how everybody wanted to shop it around after buzz feed let it go everybody wanted to shop and look at did look at that mazing amazing of course they were a bunch of fools they didnt even know what they were reading i read it and thought this is ridiculous on the get go but when it comes to a memo about information that the d. O. J. In the f. B. I. Have cole a did and made available to these investigations these committees here liberal media doesnt want to say a word about it except for it will be a danger to National Security you know what the liberal media is the danger to National Security go ahead james thats right and thats why im reserving my lets say excitement and celebration over the release of this memo when it comes out its going to be a Silver Bullet to shut this down yes i think some of the cancer may be cut out of the bureaucracy and maybe some of it wont be my concern is that it is fundamental purpose to make sure there could be no rapprochement with moscow that relations would stay very bad unfortunately i think its largely succeeded in that purpose i have people who are defending trump referring to the steel memo for example say and its full of russian dirt and putins propaganda and we have no way of knowing where this british spook got this or how reliable sources were how much of this was just made up because they were getting paid your client wants dirt will give you dirt well but the russian bad narrative has been so entrenched now im not sure how we get it out you know thats good that leave thats interest thats a very interesting well right and i agree with them completely because they die its been cast on that element there ok across the board you can there if you question it to your viewer youre a. Useful idiot but the interesting thing also that well you know the media the i mean everything on hold or the other side though is that we see the level of. Corruption at the highest echelons of a lawn for spend so you get the worst best worst possible award world here go ahead legally jump in well heres what it is this is a dissin from a sion operation against russia period thats what this is and you cant have a distant from a sion operation by only going to one side know what youve been talking about the liberal media again im a republican. Supporter and i used to work as the lead Investigative Reporter for breitbart let me say this breitbart has been just as bad on this issue and the right conservative media this is why i say this is a distant from asian operation about russia that succeeded not just because the left media the New York Times Washington Post m s n b c and so on but because the right media with stories like the uranium one story for instance which demonize israel

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