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Subjected to. Independent you know. Regulator of call as art which is nothing to do with the with the government and the b. B. C. Regularly makes reports and in this investigation which criticize the government and the analogy we absolutely do that on r. T. We are regulated actually by off calm as well all of our programming and just as joe was describing the process. Of less than to be the b. B. C. And never find like the b. B. C. Has so this is but this is this is this is the problem anyway moving the goalposts were constantly moving the goalposts something and this is the problem that errors that our team has made and of course weve made errors in our reporting and weve addressed them weve corrected with issued clarification students informed our audience but when it comes to r. T. Or other alternative voices legitimate alternative was in the news media those kinds of accusations become a way of just summarily misrepresent the nature of what we do. On truth teller suicide bomber killed at least ninety five people than injured more than one hundred fifty in the afghan capital. The bombing in kabul is the deadliest act of terrorism in afghanistan since a truck blast in may last year which killed one hundred fifty in the latest attack photos of recent violence earlier this week the militants attacked a save the Children Office in the city of jalalabad shortly after a car bomb exploded outside the premises six people reportedly killed and dozens more injured i still claiming responsibility and we spoke to an eyewitness and to a man who lost his son in the atrocity. They shot the she said he does this for the world first i heard a few shots then we saw a man running and we are some more that happened he told us about the attack so we left the area and when we were one hundred meters away a big explosion went off i was wounded in the eyes you can see when i got back i saw the my car was on fire one hour later there were more explosions and the fire started again it was. The motive for the good news that my son who worked as a volunteer at the save lives through an office was killed in the incident his body is still inside the building my son was an educated man he was our financial provider it was only six months ago that my son got engaged. A number of french prisons are still under a blockade as staff continue a two week long nationwide strike over a lack of security at the protest began after an increase in violent. Attacks on Prison Guards by inmates now are one of the hot spots in the protesters the jail near paris its the largest in europe and holds more than four thousand inmates its also used to monitor potential or suspected terrorists among them. Who faces trial over a twenty fifteen paris terror attack and i protested clashes erupted with Police Outside the prison. Today were strong because discontent is spreading across france. The security prison personnel. Is the issue of islamic radicals. Its dangerous for us to be around the inmates because for them we are everything the hate for them we are enemies but definition. The protests started after three security guards were attacked by an inmate a string of other incidents followed including another assault that saw two guards hospitalized some of the attacks were reportedly carried out by radicalized prisoners now prison staff demanding one thousand extra guards be employed to help control the situation they also want radicalized animates kept in a separate high security facility. Ill use it all our work is very dangerous where weak teams of aggression and insult experience violence which is not taking into consideration by the government of us thats why they dont like it has become more and more difficult for us to act that ive seen physical aggression towards my colleagues every day it happens every time we open the so doors of support in all cities we denounce the working in addition of our colleagues in the prison the security conditions the numerous acts of aggression against them so this if we want salaries to be increased for those who face such risks at work as well as an increase in personnel and better security so a beauty contest for camels as rocked by scandal after some of the contestants were found to have used botox story in about. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Or some want to be dressed. To going to be press this is what the three of them will be good. Im interested always in the water. If i were a palestinian i would seek to have myself and all of my friends and my family of leaders at the local level of the National Level be arrested by israel what you need to do is hold a mirror up to the israeli people and say this is what youre creating this is the reality on the ground were not using violence we will not cooperate with the occupation any more i plead with the palestinians the violent struggle because if you use violence you will never get the support of the israelis for the world. Joining us here. On wednesday thousands of memos written by former pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld were made public snowflakes by him they cover a wide range of subjects from just before nine eleven up to his retirement in two thousand and six. Looking at what insights thank you. Heres the age of the worlds mightiest army being in charge of it is a hell of a job who else suddenly has to order a full list of languages spoken in afghanistan or worry about the pronunciation of the word is lie and even hassle their assistance for a dentists appointment. Seriously thats what the only american whos twice been pentagon boss was up to Donald Rumsfeld forget the book he wrote for future generations about his career in case youre interested in his experience thanks to the freedom of information act you can now learn directly from mr rumsfelds socalled snowflakes what do you think i should do with this collins memo i look at it and i dont know what to do with it please take a look at this article and tell me what you think i want to do about it i need to start seeing films overheads video and photos everyone in the room is seeing all kinds of video and pictures and talking about them i have no idea what theyre talking about so the nickname snowflakes was for the tiny notes or memos for subordinates oh id love to have a job where i could go ive got an article here just read it didnt get a thing what should i do about it youll find loads of snowflakes like that and the d. O. D. Archive apparently thats how it works there something just pops up in mr rumsfelds mind he types it out boom the word homeland is a strange word homeland the friend sounds more german than american lets visit about someday in a press conference the president is going to be how many and see meetings. Could be embarrassing to think of that things are going to happen good things he can. Give you a list of the next one will give you an idea of how tough the boss could get if staff misbehaved if people come late to meetings we should remove their plates from the table well. What else can you do if assistance just cant do their job properly if im going to give gifts i have to know whats in them we say islam with an ass not as a muslim with an axe not a double so i still need a dentist appointment with a quick summary of rummy snowflakes up a trunk of. The german media has revealed that the number of islamic extremists in southeastern europe is being reported by the federal government that is based on classified documents obtained by Germanys Left Party hater oliver has the story. Theres a growing threat from islamic extremism in europe based in the balkans and the German Government is keeping it to itself but thats according to a highly classified report thats being seen by some left party and these are the media. The German Federal government cannot discount the basic threat posed by individuals and splinter groups in the islamist scene in bosniaherzegovina. The hush hush document goes as far as to claim that there is a direct link between radical islamic groups in Bosnia Herzegovina and people in germany the true nature of what this heavily classified report says doesnt come out parts of it were redacted from the copy that was shown to the left party the federal government has been trying to downplay the growing islamist threat in public furthermore its entirely unacceptable that the government continues to cover up the role of the gulf states my colleague charlotta bin ski travel to Bosnia Herzegovina back in december she witnessed firsthand the situation on the ground there regarding islamic radicalization the local a mom is telling me that some of the residents have joined Islamic State and its one minute of the new there are people who went to syria and forty on the side of i still but who tried to stop them. It looks like an ordinary sleepy fillets a few houses nestled between the hills not how you might imagine a cradle of terror. A local a man says he fears for his life after speaking out against those who joined eisel we do this in a pool we do with these radical elements are always unpredictable these people prayed with me the aid at the same table as me and they want to shoot me this has been edited version of the report issued by the government raises a lot of questions over what exactly germany knows about islamic radicalization in the balkans and how bad the situation actually is as we see in the arts or to our parliamentarian question the German Government gives the extra time its expertize that it doesnt explicitly in the gate the possibility that single persons or groups who are belonging to the islamistic seen or bosnia or else the governor could be a threat to germany and europe but in the same time the government denies to speak about it Financial Transactions that are provided for example by the govt states or turkey to the bike and states as well as the sending of the mumps by the states in contrary to the German Secret Service just now fish the German Government tries to hide the fact of growing danger coming from islam is that groups from the public. Families in the west african nation of mali are seeking answers over a french airstrike that allegedly killed eleven local soldiers in more than two months since the bombing raid and officials from both sides have given the conflicting versions of what happened r. T. Spoke with the relatives of one of the soldiers. My nephew was taken prisoner during the attack on the no power security post there were people dead people wounded and people missing. I ask for anyone who can help us get out of here dont leave us in this place. The french intervened to destroy a jihadi camp during this intervention eleven million soldiers lost their lives. The operations are good so that sarahs Training Camp and at no time was the presence of mali soldiers established. There were eleven hostages found on this site and all of them died during this operation one day they tell us that the hospital just were there during the bombing and the next day they tell us otherwise. I wanted to say that their levon mali and hostages that were at this site had joined the Jihadi Movement we consider that to be an insult to the memory of these men who lost their lives in the service of the nation. They were indeed hostages of terrorists and there should not be any ambiguity between our french friends and us. Period phoned me saying that after checking they found no evidence as to whether the car is dead or alive while waiting to receive news regarding our son our friends launched its intervention in mali back in two thousand and fourteen after islamist militants seized parts of the country around four thousand french troops are involved in the anti terror operation which is still ongoing and just a few weeks ago the u. K. Agreed to bolster their campaign with attack helicopters. A Saudi Arabian beauty pageant has seen the competitors going the extra mile to make sure they win some people have got the hump over contestants cheating. See. The concrete cutting costs. It makes the head more inflated so when the camel comes its like oh look at how big that head hits it has big lips a big no. Fear cheating everyone a fine should be applied. At the. Ice or joining us on this one but were back soon. And would need to make this manufacture consent to stick it to the public well. When the ruling classes project themselves. With the final merry go round if suddenly the one person. Doing the whole middle of the room signal. To lose her own million more you leave. The world. About your sudden passing ive only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your last strong turned. To you as we all knew it would i tell you im sorry. So i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. I remember when we first met. My life turned on each day. But then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didnt like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind its consumed with death for this one to. Speak to now as there were no other takers. Saying that Mainstream Media has met its maker. Heres what people have been saying about rejecting the night throughout the centuries full on ourselves well the only show i go out of my way to was really what it is that really cracks the part of our elite yap is the john oliver of our three americas you have to say that we are verily better than nothing at all this is a fable you never heard of love attack the night i present the world they will treat you the right a seriously you sent us an email like so many who tumbled into the world events depressants without forethought David Carr Michael did so unaware of the potential dangers when i was on paxil we had no idea the trigger delusions or none of that was out in the Public Domain for so many years you just assume my doctor knew best and learn about the side effects hardware its like i cant just immediately im too busy worrying when everything happened and i had just finished grade eight for my friends who knew my father they just knew that something was wrong because they knew who my dad wise and you just were never in a million years think that he would do something that he did. I. Currently was a high priority of mine to be the best perm possible. Our governments ways brooks. Yeah they become michael had been on sixty milligrams of paxil for two weeks when he set out for one of their favorite father son activities a b. M. X. Bike competition in london ontario. Yeah. What ive learned in this journey is i no longer take for granted even one breast. Things get reduced to the minutes and he you know that you have the strength for that minute if. I actually. Have the. Place they are for them and i were friends in college were both a county majors david was that funny brilliant guy the choice one in your group there was a guy youd want to be around thats about the best way explain when you met him it was good there is he was open he was funny was very witty my dad was a very caring father. Very funny too it wake me up in the morning saying whatever group i was into at the time it was spice girls when i was little its a brilliant auditor auditing for a Major Corporation is stressful and theres a lot of things that go with that if you want to do the right thing david was a guy who like any of us had his share of challenges in life we all did we went to the psychiatrist in early two thousand and six and he said well what about prozac you have a chemical imbalance lets put you on prozac its the standard of care its what they do its almost a Marketing Strategy that works you know. I have a disease within days of ingesting prozac david crespi became troubled towards the end of just talking back and forth he said do you ever feel like life is too dark to go on its crazy its not the way i think those thoughts are natural to me i recall a few events from the day before that would suggest that he was going psychotic david was jumping out of the bed and Walking Around a throw rug and hitting each corner and then jumping back into bed and im going what are you doing is it just feels good well now i attribute that to act the zia. The tragedy was january twentieth two thousand and six on that day took all the kids to school left to go get my hair cut left the girls in the care of their loving father they when is to spend time with and when i came back into the neighborhood after being gone for an hour and fifteen minutes i saw a Police Barricade and i saw some of my very concerned neighbors coming towards me the Police Officer asked my name and he said were going to need you in this house. So much. I called my dad in california and i made sure my step mom was right next to him and i said you know dad i have to tell you something really hard i said i am in the back of a police car and ive just been told that david killed. What he did. So how many can stab im. Going to make a family kill world. I know i know its real therefore i be very down the way i. Adored Salman Taseer as we all did it started wailing and i could hear her on speakerphone and my dad goes honey dave not to that david is not like that you are mistaken and i wish i were but i am in the back of a squad car. Children respond to the police and were told nothing until kim arrived at the station they really thought that their dad had killed. My mom came in and told us that theyre telling me that your dad killed your sisters we had to use the language theyre telling me because we couldnt believe thats what actually happened. The idea of him killing doesnt sam was so foreign but they knew something had happened and thats how the whole thing started i went to the doctor and i can remember saying im afraid i may heard someone or she said your compact to compassionate to do that thats just the depression talking never was anybody ever saying the medicine could do this psychosis the drug killed our daughters he. Was his gellatly altered my dad in his right mind when you have done anything like this i can remember this battle of these thoughts are real because when you have a complete psychotic break like that and you kill two of your most treasured people in your life people that every other day every other day he would have died for them what i did was on a cocktail of lethal drugs we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible just because somethings legal doesnt mean its safe. And for all of that were serving two back to back life sentences. July thirty first two thousand and four i had been our paxil for three weeks i took ian to a hotel room in london ontario and at three oclock in the morning thinking that he had permanent brain damage that he was living hell he was going to kill my daughter julian he was going to harm other kids and my wife was going to risk it down which were my five delusions i strangle them and i sat with his body for six hours until i called the police in one oclock in the morning very calmly saying that i had committed homicide and opened the door for them and then i was arrested and charged first degree murder when the police came in and arrested me now ask me why didnt i run i said i want to stay with my son is in a better place now he was living how and i stay with him as long as possible. For fourteen long days David Carr Michael was psychotic and suffered drug withdrawals in his jail cell before awakening to the ultimate tera psychosis lasted for two weeks and africa my psychosis a couple weeks after everything happened i was devastated i cried for three days in segregation the London Middlesex Attention Center i cannot believe what i had ian was laid to rest by davids family it would be months before d. N. A. Tests indicated that carmichaels body was unable to metabolize the paxil he did jested and that the drug was the likely cause of this unthinkable act dr peter bergen says hes seen it all before nenni people do not have the a rare event zines in their livers to properly destroy s. S. R. I. Drugs when they get no bloodstream so the judge pairs to liver and they dont get quote metabolized me they dont get broken down so you might get the equivalent of a ten milligram dose of an s. S. R. I. But your blood level is thirty or forty and there are studies out of australia correlating the violence with the lack of the enzyme for these drugs the public has no understanding of how part or other as a society trigger homicidal psychotic episode and they may not care now but there is evidence based on d. N. A. Their past what did cause me to kill my son. And its something that i have to live with and i want to mourn the power you know my stigma is after charitableness thing around that loans us. And people beat me up emotionally when im out there thats why theyll never be me up as much as a beat myself up for life or for her part jillian who was only fourteen when the tragedy occurred says she grew up the day she grasped what it really happened to her father i realized who he was before who he was during the period of time that he was taking medication. And i realize it was two different people david credits julian is the reason he did not take his own life while in prison there were several times when i was either in jail or in a Psychiatric Hospital where i related to my own life what kept me going was my daughter julia said one line and it was im a good dad im going to be a dad again and that was my hope and you know jillian whatever she was doing wherever she was was thinking that she wanted her dad back in her life to how can i not accept him back you you know hes an amazing man hes my father and i love him David Carmichael was found not criminally responsible for his sons death as two psychiatrists one working for the defense and one for the prosecution both agreed that he was psychotic at the time of the tragedy i was like a care about this you know his the empathy for me but i think you know when i tell you what i. Yeah the pain will never go away ian was just an amazing person and he was an amazing brother and he was an amazing friend and amazing son he just he had so much life yeah sorry. By two thousand and four the British Government had virtually banned access our eyes for children and young adults in light of the real risk of suicide and violence but in america the us f. D. A. Remained unconvinced and demanded more studies for over twenty years thomas luck was head of f. D. A. Psychopharmacology division and had been in the thick of the s. S. R. I. Controversy since well before the one nine hundred ninety one prozac hearings lockring left f. D. A. In two thousand and twelve and started a new business dedicated to helping Drug Companies get f. D. A. Approval for their drugs but he was not alone at the intersection of Public Service and personal profit i do not find from didnt today that there is credible evidence to support a conclusion that an eye depressant drugs cause the emergence and or the intensification of suicidality and or other violent behaviors when dr daniel casey resurfaced nine years after the one thousand nine hundred one prozac hearings he chad he did so as a paid Expert Witness for pfizer

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