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From the office of the police chief of kabul so obviously this unfortunately would mean that all of those people waiting in the area were ordinary afghans we see this constant security and intelligence failures in kabul a sense two thousand and seventeen and unfortunately kabul in other major cities are now part of another very deadly front where the Islamic State in the taliban come time and again in the carry out these attacks who pays the price the people of afghanistan as we will see unfortunately with a lot of these attacks once the area has cleared there will be a real stories behind those numbers people who would have lost their breadwinners a boy would have lost a father a daughter would have lost. A father daughter would have also lost a close Family Member so unfortunately at this stage all i can just tell you is these heartbreaking images that have been shared with me and many of my colleagues which i really cannot share on social media because you can just see the carnage body parts limbs in and its just heartbreaking to see kabul being attacked time and again. Ok thank you for bringing us up to speed it does seem like we could see the death toll from this attack. Which the taliban have claimed continue to rise in the coming hours before now local journalists belong to the ari thank you for thank you for that. Afghanistan has seen a big increase in the number of attacks lately early this week an Islamic State Suicide Attack and detonated a car bomb at the office of the humanitarian group save the children in the city of jalalabad up to fifty people were reportedly in the building at the time of the attack at least two people were killed and a dozen more injured save the children announced it temporarily shutting down work in afghanistan last sunday thats how the bonds that it was behind a siege attack on a luxury hotel in kabul that left at least twenty two dead. Hard to discuss the situation further now im now joined by dr. Dean of the Jindal School of International Affairs a doctor thank you for joining us on the program now this is an attack of a significant scale we understand the death death toll could continue to rise throughout the day and it comes of course just a week off to tell about militants claimed the attack on that luxury hotel in the Capital Capital that left twenty two people dead what do all these incidents say about the state of security in afghanistan and in particular in the capital dhaka. And nikita very precarious and dangerous situation its been downhill in terms of securing even v. A. P. In kabul not to speak of the provinces that youre mentioning theres a shock deterioration and i escalated this to a few factors first of all their needs as youve met your correspondent mentioned a kind of or tit for tat battle between isis and the taliban and lead factions to prove that they have a monopoly over the terrorists piece and therefore each of them hes trying to outdo the other they dont of the deadliness of the strikes because isis are not going as not only struck in mongar hard in the east but also apparently has a kabul. Base and they are also actually our installations there in the past so taliban and the allied networks are of course of course to isis and theyre looking at also proving their might as the fighting season gets underway for another year so thats one factor the other big factor yes there is a tit for tat going on between the United States and pakistan so off of the Trump Organization cut military aid to pakistan saying that it is sponsoring taliban and how commie immediately the Intercontinental Hotel attack happened the one you mentioned just now we try to clear how conny handed it was almost like the pakistanis wanting the United States that you cannot cross the line or else we will head back into the now that the United States then gives one country back to work through an attack on her coming at will and now i see to be attacked in the heart of kabul as part of the state for attack and thats going on and the last act i want to mention ikey which is complicating is the argonne state is losing this battle because it is internally very very fragmented the president has ordered some key commanders and watermarks to be removed as governors and theyre unwilling to give up for example general at the moment who are in the province of buck in the not only of the white house the heads of the president you know the target and the pashtuns out again you. You know cross crossing each other so i think if you dig a lot of these starts to gather theres a massive as long as mentioning it turn against so you know of course students really young but also external and regional players are making it more and more and more violent yeah thats what i want to ask you with a spate of attacks recently claimed by the taliban how strong is the great now what is this thing about the strength all the time in afghanistan where they are controlling our countrys team at least forty percent of on the districts in the country and this is a record high for them since the United States into we need two thousand and one going backwards so theyre almost at the peak of their our territorial control for the first time and theyre on the rampage and conny network which is based in pakistan has also been carrying out these deadly strikes to prove that they have the capability to penetrate any cordon even in the country and even in the western part of afghanistan which part of iran where normally traditionally its been more secure than taliban you see thought they want to examine you here art and also as i just mentioned in the north beach one blows a fuse megastar into the former soviet space even though you are starting on strike so i think what theyre saying is i think they want to keep on pushing forward until they have in a stronger position to negotiate if i dont there is a negotiated settlement possible and i think just one has to come on board and thats not happening and the americans are free to do so and thats why i tell them what im getting stronger the term charlie again at the gentle school of International Affairs thank you for joining us on r. T. International. Were back after this short break to stay with us. Join me every thursday on the all excitement chill and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im sure both of those ill see you the. Closer you are when you dont. See. What. They could tell you. What the most. Space. Left in the. Living to know german to see that. You speak french. The. New. Busy signal to discuss. Welcome back the u. K. Has announced. Well be visiting britain in the second half of the year and to trauma activists found to stage a huge protest when he arrives but the us president seems unfazed. I think a lot of the people in your country like what i stand for they respect what i say and so those who voted for tough border are going to come to those who dont what do you say to them i dont care i dont care its just one of those things i dont i dont see anything you know why because i dont hear the u. S. Leaders trip to the u. K. Had originally been planned for february this year for the opening of the new u. S. Embassy in london however trying to cancel the visit citing his dislike of the new building arties the ali looks at how the u. K. And the u. S. Failed to find Common Ground in two thousand and seventeen and whether this year might be any better. The u. K. Prime minister to reason may has invited u. S. President donald trump to visit the United Kingdom later this year it comes as the two leaders met at the World Economic forum in davos and also comes amid rumors of a breakdown in the relationship between the two countries if you. Like he. Was the way they. Were what a great friend gracious getting into. Whether rumor or not what is real is that twenty seventeen saw a real strain in the socalled special relationship. Is the only way. To reason made dont focus on me focus on the destructive radical islamic terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom were doing just fine and perhaps a change of heart by President Trump in order to repair that relationship hes indicated that hes willing to apologize for retreating britain first if youre telling me that the harpy people horrible racist people are horrible i would certainly apologize if youd like me to do that i know nothing about them previous announcement of a potential visit by trump but provoked a backlash amongst british politicians i would not wish to issue. To speak in the royal gallery. Previous report suggests that mr trump himself postponed a potential visit to the u. K. Because he didnt want to be greeted by huge protests and attitudes have really changed a recent poll suggests that more than half fifty six percent of brits dont want President Trump to visit if donald trump comes to the u. K. He will hold the biggest protest in british history he will be mad by a million of us at. In a citizens arrest of him for incitement of racial hatred spoke to one of the protest organizers its a bit disappointing that trump will be visiting and the Prime Minister treat him a has has agreed to meet with him its not completely surprising to be honest but its disappointing you know the hes accountable to the electorate and i think the population of britain has more than made its views clear in the fact that we dont want trump to visit we cannot stand his views hes no racist tweets that hes come out with his racist policies hes going to come here that thats going to happen we cant do anything about that but whilst hes here we will ensure that we have him you know every step he takes in this country we will be there telling him what we think of him and telling him what we think of his policies should President Trump visit go ahead britains security agencies could be getting ready for some of the biggest protests to rock this city since the visit of george w. Bush in the wake of the iraq war. The r. T. In london. Turkish air strikes in the kurdish held african region of Northern Syria have reportedly killed seven civilians these are the latest pictures from the ground showing the aftermath of the attack is fear the air strikes may have claimed even more lives with people trapped under the rubble when it is claimed the turkish the Aerial Bombardments are targeting residential areas. There are no military zones here all of them are civilian areas and the civilians were asleep it was nothing they bombed even though there were no soldiers here we were all civilians. A lot michel fell about twenty five meters away shukno landed on my hand i want to know why they were shelling civilians to turkey is conducting what it describes as an anti terror operation in africa the offensive is supported by several anti Syrian Government groups the areas they hold are here marked in green but the turkish leader has vowed to expand the operation. You know you know were going to continue the only french operation until we achieve our goals and then as promised to clear month beach of tourists after that i was struggling up to the rocky until no teresa left. President says turkey will push on wood to the city of man big and then further to the east towards the iraqi border such a move could potentially threaten u. S. Personnel who are stationed in this area theyve been assisting the local cuds in that anti eisel operation with a pentagon official recently announcing the creation of a thirty thousand Strong Border Security Force in the region well this was to be comprised the launch of kurds something that infuriated ankara u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson house since backtracked on that idea saying officials misspoke antiwar activist richard baca says that the u. S. Is quote between two allies but we have what appears to be a somewhat intractable contradiction between the u. S. Interest in syria and the u. S. Interest in nato and so this is something that trying to find a way out of that is very difficult given the fact that it was the United States along with turkey saudi Arabia France britain which caused the destabilization of syria and led to the present circumstances and the United States on the other hand is tied in with the y. P. G. Forces inside syria who have been the main fighting forces that the u. S. Has been allied with in the battle against isis but more than that to maintain a u. S. Presence inside syria which the u. S. Military has been declaring is there for definitely will be back at the top of the sea that. As you read the stand in here from us and. Move from one. Of our good armor our mark showed me that there are rather tough it out before the four of them together that. Im going to let him but when i catch him then you can man kick and. I dont lose a child first of all that it doesnt it dont. Belong to one then im all in my machine little side of it does the other thing the only a lot of the. Members set up around the hey fun of doing. Good for its whole food place choice the i knew where youre from and theosophy chime in syria said. You she ought to have a. Model for that in africa will fuck around with mr hates it for jim and then boy i hope that our family in the course. Of the. If i were a palestinian i would seek to have myself and all of my friends and my family and leaders at the local level to a National Level be arrested by israel what you need to do is hold a mirror up to the israeli people and say this is what youre creating this is the reality on the ground were not using violence we will not cooperate with the occupation anymore i plead with the Public Opinion to give each of the nonviolent struggle because if you use violence you will never get the support of the israelis or the world. Do you notice. How. This. Guy has yet to tell us how huge this guy. Yes for the sake. Of truth had. For you why did. You draw the line. Why mr dykes easiest the serious you still. See just then you know with any real clear the membership new measures. You seem to have your own voice you could compel someone with the necessary to cope. With. His focus as she will be over all of us that is pursuing. Him in the with the drum track shall see if born from are there which. Is did you go through as diligence or still briscoe as. A mean old dear listener say. You didnt go for sure you were if there was just sixteen months bottles and you all servicing old. Timers are still in the us im not. Sure if you skewered. Sure shes calls on the open ocean already. Why do you believe it was told by some. Other girls there. Which is that you will drop them on the other two million. In the walls to be able. To support you in the. Balls and you. Know what. To do to rejoin the loose. It will be if there are little you will. Be able. To host you. Know more and. More your young which will to your bridge was a new. World order to mormons. Just. A bit you could. Suddenly see it. Up on that i wish i was a parson and young from a christian. Moreover the true purpose of the reefs nancy you would you choose you. Were true. Mormons come with them chinese youll see this in my own eyes you see im. Still going to see the paul posters compassed. Songs and albums the School Numbers from the. Northeast and its still under. Sixty. On the way and we did all the. Bullocks the most to get a few. Social emotional no question with the pitch and of course the whole logic of working on. This sort of all with a you know you try to justify it one more time for the young what in this process just a couple of. Girls want to thank you notes you may use a feel for a lot of technical stuff when those in the us you too often. And i assume exactly. What its not is not. Doing you should be the one doing. Is that you might settle for. That suggests. Yes that was pretty wild card its a wild card with abuse to me sure are. You sure. You know. Something that you know to wants to be. Sure you. You know we still speak. Truth. To these so you can. Choose to put. Your. Record. Or go read my work. Almost our home but almost all of. This to get a preview would short of the meaning. And then much as commanding is a clean channel which is trash now its just going to take you. Nothing you as well as no one gets it is but that in the course you can you knew you would you just dont get what its like at the tip because its a two post. Celebrities ever present. Just a little short of. Those much all over this just a little boy in which i. Just im showing no muscle there so six year olds little stories for thrills patroller for years just to cool one of the novels its also one of the. Source. Of so much as for why it sure is unwise to know what you want to. Sell out when the purple was the full text and while. You should also get a mix with girls go. To school was. The good news that. This issue is im just guessing all of. The fun here are lost on rules that just goes good even if it was last week and its this is going to be owned by those girls its only as good as. The book. Will do my. Just to the person yeah you do more than stalls for young people for smokers or when youre full of the icy Chill Solutions of the ocean or the. Glue should thats what theyll tell you george but the girl such a. Stuck record to him you know so was diminished or was a study or lost interest of joy a couple tells me was a. Video which is you know you need with the story seals would you please to learn the fault which is todays silk will soon do it much to my knowledge. He will stay on as a lawyer but then you must leave it in a soft touch of nelson my suspense and i was very. Much as you are now before you. Term scores can you merit your promise them with. Some. If. The. Tribute to. The motion for. Optimism is here. Here show up. For some essential. George. Bush. Tried to just shoot. For you. To. Do you. Know. You for you. See. The infantile form of the sun. If you stand it is similar sure switch from the. Yellow was the moment she chose for zoom the mom. To with three new my yes yes to most of those might mean choice but you must feel. Fear for their overall strategy mean youre going to win the social source not really mommy or. Bushnell there if there was. A promise to steer more through brush your muscle short of the part of the suction a powerful slide was last year the government from the east or the part of the young man or some of. My else it is just the most prestigious of the most closely as we pull from the school with the foolish to. The fullest im trippin because the other fellow in the school was the bushelful of the fall. And seen the door just for the fish in this film the mushroom just lazing plus there was. No bushnell doing this to the seven year old little bitch when this reply will feel they need to get in the woods to fulfill boys well you know bush will be getting paid that we will build also book and yet oh yeah. Heres will people been saying about redacted in the sixties full on

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