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A number of russian athletes who are still reeling from the fact that they will not be able to compete under their own flag will now be hit with another blow others said to be excluded from the list are prominent hockey players and figure skaters again all of whom have never tested positive for doping and yet they will not be forced to watch the games from the sidelines with forty three other other teammates who have been hit by bans earlier and another Gold Medalist who is also thought to be excluded speed skater victor that he thought korean by birth which means that his dreams of competing in his home country are looking rather dim at this point and while condemnation of the decision has continued to flow in thats unlikely to change the mind well i want to take a look at some of the reaction because a number of International Athletes as well as heads of olympic committees have condemned the bombing of athletes whove never tested positive for substances the head of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee says everyone who broke the rules must be punished but that the measures taken against russia not being politically motivated one french. By athlete has also said he believes the finger is being unfairly pointed at the whole country and the international by athlone union head has claimed the organization has not been involved in the this isnt making process where russian are police from seven different disciplines are said to be missing from the list of eligible competitors including five Prominent Russian short track speed skaters three by aka lawn champions on a two time World Champion Cross Country skier none have ever tested positive for doping bees as well a number of russian ice hockey players bobsledders figure skaters who didnt even participate in the sortie twenty fourteen Olympic Games they are missing two from the list eligible to compete some sports unions and federations have already demanded that the i. O. C. Clarify its the situation the i. O. C. Head has claimed it wants to give way to a quote new clean generation the i. O. C. Wanted to give clean russian athletes the opportunity to participate and give a young and new generation of clean russian athletes the opportunity to be at the Olympic Games and be ambassadors for a new clean russian sport well a sociology professor at Aston University in the u. K. Sees empty russian history is ongoing and time is running out for the updates to appeal. The olympic tournament itself is an invitation only event and that means that the organizers have the power to asians or individuals willy nilly they can do it as they please there is some kind of attempt to ostracize russia russia is the bad guy of sport at the moment has been for the past twelve eighteen months we know that it isnt getting a fair shake that we havent seen evidence to support these allegations that there is state sponsored doping but the world or most of the world at least seems to have accepted that there is some kind of systematic doping going on in russia because of that reason i think that anyone who is associated with russia is automatically lumped together with a nation that is collectively guilty of doping which is not the sort of course that the rest of the world isnt taking dobe. To enhance their performances in sport because i think every other country is participating in some kind of doping but the point is that russia has been stuck with that label and that stigma is going to be awfully difficult to erase in the years to come the closer it gets to the the start date with a couple of weeks away now of course the more difficult it is to appeal this decision its going to be too late to go to the court of arbitration for sport its unlikely to get a favorable decision from that court so in other words theyve excluded them in the full knowledge that they wont be there in in korea to compete. Leading us democrats are claiming that russian bots are once again attempting to manipulate Public Opinion this time by amplifying calls for the release of a potentially explosive congressional medal on social media let my pen brought me up the details of the details earlier lets hear what he had to say. But according to the democrats there is yet another russian conspiracy against the american way of life now this is all regarding the hashtag release the memo there is a memo that has been seen by Top Republican leaders that purportedly had allegedly shows vast misconduct by the f. B. I. In their investigation of trump in russia and possibly spying on donald trump now there has been a huge call on social media for this memo to be released now the democrats say that this is a kremlin plot and they are calling on facebook and twitter to reveal the role of russian bots are in allegedly promoting this hash tag release the memo we are witnessing and doing it by the russian government through kremlin link social media actress directly acting to intervene and influence our democratic process we urge your companies to need to take necessary steps to expose india to counts involved in this influence operation now how do they know that its russia thats to blame for this social media upsurge well all of the citations in their letter is simply media reports that are rather unsubstantiated now whats particularly interesting is that this hash tag released the memo it was started by Top Republican leaders who saw the memo called it job dropping were outraged by its content and demanded that the American People be aware of how the f. B. I. Was conducting its work i had that same shock feeling i was like wait a minute this actually happened from our Justice Department and this f. B. I. Thats how serious this is that there has been a real attempt to undermine this president that is the type of information that we need all americans to see immediately the American People deserve. They must say they want to know whats in this document sadly much of the Mainstream Media will not be covering this today but in this house on this day let us know that indeed we are still one nation under god and willing to protect life now they hash tag release the memo originated with Top Republican leaders concerned about the activities of the f. B. I. And now its been taken up by millions of americans however it looks like the Democratic Party which seems to be quite concerned about the calls to release the memo is falling back on their old canard russia did it. If someone asks were are you from would you be offended very question has stirred debates about racism for a social Media Campaign was launched in sweden and he explains. Well a year from now sounds like an innocent enough question doesnt it but it could land you in trouble heres why actually to explain that i first need to tell you about an online Campaign Launched in sweden to help expose racism hash tag no stranger we hope to raise Awareness Regarding the extensive issue of racism that actually does exist in sweden although many want to believe that we live in the worlds most tolerant country they had a wrist shakespearean sense of being subjected to racism and ten south asking why me from rob some people up the wrong way even though i was born here people always ask me where im from i hate it when they do that nobody put are you decide where my home is where i come from doesnt concern you and it shouldnt matter i say shouldnt we ever ask people about their country of origin to be on the safe side. Well heres some advice from a man behind the hashtag no stranger campaign you can also question just make sure you do it right its ok to wonder about someones country of origin but it should not be the very first thing to ask a stranger about because the reaction that follows is usually very stereotypical and racist like oh youre from viet nam i think its quite terrible that you guys eat dogs. So its name first originated and no follow up question got it. At least two people have been killed a dozen more injured in the afghan city of jalalabad a suicide attacker detonated a car bomb at the office of the humanitarian group save the children reportedly up to fifty people were in the building at the time save the children has now announced its temporarily shutting down work in afghanistan according to afghan media i so has claimed responsibility for the attack theres eyewitnesses describe the assault. The sound of gunfire then a very big explosion took place i think it was a car bomb there were several other explosions and more gunfire. Im sure you could hear first i heard gunfire when a car bomb exploded and suicide attackers came. In this area several residents were brutally killed the situation is very bad. Well with the security situation worsening in afghanistan the u. S. Is increasing the number of combat aircraft it has in the size of the country according to a nato press release washington wants to step up efforts to cripple taliban control infrastructure and cut off the fundamentalists movements Revenue Streams its estimated that the taliban effectively controls around forty percent of afghanistan on sunday it was behind an attack on a luxury hotel and cable that left at least twenty two political analysts muslim sure believes that there will be no stability in the country to leave us actually with drawls present carries out of the hand of his government as a valve you criticize it saying you are dominance and they are in afghanistan at all and there is no chance are there is no hope to be a stable afghanistan under the dominance of United States the big question is why it day by day the situation is going to do real day by day the Afghan People has become hopeless. If the United States is couldnt defeat i. A. S. Or taliban in the country so they should confess that. Violence has flared between the kurdish and turkish communities and Frankfurt Police had to step in and separate the groups on several arrests have been made tension is growing over turkeys military operation against the kurds in northern syria. I was. With. A. While and choose to around two hundred people gathered in mannheim to protest decent german made tanks in the turkish offensive heres peter all over with more and not just the Turkish Military operation against the kurds in syria has caused some consternation here in germany however officials in berlin say that theyre only somewhat concerned about the actions of ankara the military confrontation between turkey and the Kurdish Forces carries reached in. The last thing syria needs is another standoff imagine the surprise when german saw the footage all of turkeys military offensive against the kurds and they saw german made leopard tanks as the speed ahead of that offensive it comes at a time when germanys Foreign Ministers there is pushing. For the tanks supplied by lynn to conquer this includes things like upgrades to the mine protection abilities that they would have with rumors that other upgrades are in the pipeline for the hundreds of tanks provided by germany to turkey bases all scene is part of a Charm Offensive by the German Foreign minister as he seeks to normalize relations between germany and turkey. Well mostly only your disturbed when we speak about nazi mentality but you do apply this type of mentality in germany. Does you know its a fact without question turkeys nazis comparisons must stop unfortunately we see that these comparisons have not stopped. However when it comes to questions over whether german tanks are being used against the kurds answers from the German Government the norm the ground theres no official stance from the Defense Ministry from the Foreign Ministry or from those who deal with exports at the ministry of economics here no tanks see no tanks to speak of no tanks is the lying coming from the German Government at the moment but when it comes to the german people they dont seem convinced that they should be providing arms to turkey right now i dont think so why not. Because boris. Is not a han has caused a disturbance in this region so i dont think we should sell him tanks but i think thats awful became from the turks a fighting against an entire people should not be happening this is terrible we should not be sending any weapons at all no matter who is behind the. More than two hundred high profile Saudi Arabians are at the forefront of the gulf states corruption crackdown doesnt are being detained at the Rich Carlton Hotel in riyadh however all criminal proceedings may be dropped if they agree to pay a hefty sum for their liberty. Well talks with those suspected of corruption were expected to end this month with half of the detainees already agreeing to pick up the check and local media are reporting that almost one hundred the of those figures who didnt pay up will soon be referred to the Public Prosecution for trial its a story will be closely following in the coming days as well thats it for now were going underground again shortly to stay with us for the lives the episode and ill be back with the global News Headlines in thirty stay with. A plate for many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got. The ball isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the families its the age of the super money billionaire owners and spending to twenty million. Poor. Its an experience like nothing else not to because i want to show what i think what i know about the beautiful guy but great so what chance with. And thinks its going to take. Days ago the u. S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis updated in revised americas Global Defense strategy it is a dark vision of the world and calls for a massive defense spending what he calls a Defense Strategy critics say is a blueprint for war without it. Im Afshin Rattansi were going underground as the architects of neo liberalism in davos face the fact that forty two people have as much wealth as the worlds three point seven billion poorest coming up on the show is britain enabling the worlds worst humanitarian crisis is angular marco rules out selling german machines to kill children in yemen we ask labor m. P. Lloyd Russell Boyle whether the u. K. Set to become the post breaks it International Weapons deal or of choice and unacceptable and unsustainable thats what u. K. And geopolitics found says about the global system it claims but eighty two percent of all Global Wealth in twenty seventeen into the hands of the richest one percent plus on the headlines how the grenfell towers legacy to go up in smoke and whos been whitewashing a blacklist all the more going up in todays going underground but first how disunited is nato today the usa is supporting the neo marxist white b. G. In syria its leader is a lot to learn and who and where is or chill are now de facto backed by Donald Trumps u. S. Taxpayer dollars for almost fifteen years john has languished in a turkish prison as the only inmate guarded by fifteen hundred turkish soldiers of the original un is a solitary figure sitting in a remote turkish prison of the sea of marmara he thoughts had lots of time to rethink the strategies of the struggle for cut his rights and independence he also reflected on other key issues the violent guerrilla tactics and strategies obvious marxist inspired peter terry yes donald trump is backing and he isis new marxists against his fellow nato ally turkey which is using warplanes against them thats what britain drazen may continue to factor eight i says an alqaeda linked groups in syria amid so many bizarre. Alliances opposed breck that u. K. Looks forward to selling more arms for more conflict around the world joining me now is labor m. P. A member of the u. K. Arms export controls committee Lloyd Russell more lloyd welcome to going underground so your fellow member of the u. K. Arms export control committee bully let them sit on mondays show that we have the strictest weapons control system regime in the world just like tourism a said usually agree couldnt agree. With that statement to tour im afraid we have on paper a. Relatively stringent system even on paper we dont have the strictest system we follow the consolidated criteria which is a criteria to sell weapons which is an easy set of standards so on paper we just follow the east and. Two years ago this government weakened that so they changed the presumption to allow ourselves if there was a political dimension and to override other conditions which other we interest than if its a repressive regime even if the suppressive regime and. One example would be in twenty fifteen a company that was exporting from norway via the u. K. To afghan warlords was found guilty in norway of corruption and bribery in that deal the directors of the norwegian part of the company and now in jail the warlords have been prosecuted in africa and in britain we are still giving arms export licenses to that very company so that is an example of where the idea that we have the strictest in the world is just not true clearly this is a Prime Minister keep saying it is a standard response to every question in parliament when she is asked about yemen or other countries where british arms are involved because theyre getting themselves because they dont want to face up to the reality that britain is sanctioning weapons that go to places like saudi arabia and they used to kill innocent people the u. N. Report was very clear that there is little evidence that it is. For self defense and it is just an aggressive attack on the m. And by saudi and that is the reality the conservatives dont want to face up to so they just continue this mantra in the hope that if they say it enough it will come true they do with all things that they know schools funding in the n. H. S. Theres no winter crisis they say but we all know its there its the same with the arms trade they all pretend that theres no problem because then theyd have to live up to it she only ritual for vice chair of the tory party to be on the show one of the few european politicians who visited yemen and seen some of the carnage unicef has been on this road theyve talked about it pulling the film was a safe zone on your committee as well it said saudi arabia is now beginning to allow women to drive because so things are changing in saudi arabia yes but the argument is not that the sound is a bombing we mean in saudi arabia the argument is theyre bombing the heck out of people in yemen you know kind so what theyre doing for people in saudi is neither here nor there when were talking about the arms now actually theyre allowing them in after many many years of not to drive in saudi arabia is hardly the Gold Standard of we means equality in feminism but again what would the tory party really know about those kinds of things well i will ensure their point of view female Prime Ministers. Is that exporting arms to saudi arabia does not enable violence and when the r. A. F. Is training these pilots these are the war planes theyre not its not britain thats creating the mess and the death destruction of europe this is like theres an america say we dont need gun controls its not guns that kill people its the people firing them saying in a kind of exports do not contribute to deaths well yes if they were put in a box and not used by the saudis they dont contribute to death but do we really believe they are putting them in storage after spending billions on them no the point of the consolidated criterion the point of having a huge humanitarian. The basis for how we export licenses is we do not want to have a knobs export system a bit like the russians do for example where its just a political decision the point was to make sure we took it out of just the hands of politicians to work out who our friends and who our foes are and to something where youre looking more objectively are these weapons going to be young people because its pretty rich for a labor m. P. Just talk like you do we know tony blair it was done the Serious Fraud Office Inquiry into the systems in the biggest arms deal with this countrys ever signed over saudi arabia i mean very senior tory figures have been on this show and even former ambassadors saying saudi arabia could threaten to stop security counterterror cooperation if we dont sell them killing machines well in terms of former labor Party Governments selling weapons and closing down investigations that was totally wrong of course it was the labor party with robin cook first of all started actually even publishing where we were selling arms they were the first we were the first people to put in a consolidated criteria and adopt the e. U. Standards but that doesnt mean that there were no faults most people i think have seen the labor party is under new management now and then back on to the other point the idea that the saudis will suddenly have us over a barrel and they were cooperate with we just start cheering effect that beatrice does on british street we didnt sell them weapons we had here is some of the saudi ideology is the ideology that is causing terrorism around the world this is causing danger to our streets and actually to not cooperate with saudi would probably make our country a great deal safer do you think theres a growing understanding in parliament to the british weapons are now ending up in the hands of isis. In the middle east in other battlegrounds years of war there is some understanding and there is some cross Party Support to the idea that we need to start monitoring where weapons go bearing in mind with our supposedly so robust regime. We only look to see where the first owner of that weapon is now if only doesnt use it they sell it on second hand weapons we dont monitor that and so could go anywhere we saw when we had friend after and get afy was in libya we sold a huge amounts of arms and weapons they were put in stashes then of course we decided he wasnt such a nice chap and we caused him to his regime to fall and those weapons Light Weapons and heavy weapons then across the mcgregor in the hands of some of the most violent and nasty people that you can imagine british weapons being used to cool danger to british citizens and citizens around the world and that is the problem if you dont monitor where the weapons and end up in when youre on this committee im sure there will be people saying what most people say to defend the arms industry. Best the weapons are used implication is to kill people in yemen then we lose vital jobs in britain well lets see as it was being in our lives let us through. Perspective on this first of all we are talking about not point to five percent of our g. D. P. This is about the same size of the Beverage Industry or the plastics industry now were just talking about planning plastic cups and straws and putting charges on bags and trying to stop we dont hear people saying well you cant ban plastics because it will make jobs be lost what we say is that we will transform those jobs into things that are environmentally friendly well is the same with killing machines now we can still to ship building because you need ship building even without arms being attached to those ships you can still do car building and manufacturing all those jobs are transferable and actually they wouldnt even need to change company because the companies would just diversify as well the most you would surprise you receive you conservative groceries have also made the argument on this program that if we didnt sell the weapon someone else would oh thats fine someones being mugged down the end of your road well if someone else is doing the mugging i might as well because ill get a few bucks that its that kind of moral argument is no morals at all im afraid. If we have overall less weapons in this world overall the world will be a safer place we knew that corbin is your leader is a minority you are a minority of the Parliamentary Labor Party it wasnt that long ago that people like hillary burned all the leadership candidates trying to destroy his premiership voted to bomb damascus. You sure the labor party in parliament agrees with you on these ideas and issues about the arms trade the labor party is not just a party in parliament we have a party of trade unionists members of activists of peace campaigners and i know the party is on our side on this matter though of course there is an argument to be won for some people that need persuading but im sure the members of the party will make their voice very clear to their m. P. s and im sure their m. P. s will come on side do you think theyll be any investigation of british support for moderate rebels as they were called once by your parliamentary labor colleagues little of the conservative party in parliament other any british weapons in the hands of what are now al qaeda. In syria trying to get rid of president assad of syria i have not seen evidence directly that british weapons are being used actively by diane but it would not surprise me if there were because we dont track them and we should track them and we should investigate we also dont prosecute when export license is not abided by last year we prosecuted only one person the year before no people two thousand and fifty no people are prosecuted you can go back youve got to go back almost in two thousand and eleven for the prosecution before the most recent one when theres only geopolitical right would say what you are doing is in effect supporting Russian Foreign policy iranian Foreign Policy youre not helping our allies like saudi arabia in the great game that is the middle east right now im afraid i dont consider saudi arabia one of our allies so maybe thats where we. Differ with the american. Administration of course we need to make sure that we reduce arms trade multilaterally thats why i am pleased of course that britain has signed the arms trade treaty something russia hasnt and we need to persuade russia and coerce russia to do that and we need to make sure that we do that in a diplomatic way not in a aggressive way but the danger is that if we keep watering down our own requirements we will become no better than russia no better than iran and that is not what we should do. They have been selling arms to countries ready to. Go to reenter yes but what i mean in terms of arms sales we become no better in the sense that we dont have an independent body monitoring the russian around sell weapons according to political decisions rather than looking at the whole humanitarian issue you can make sure those weapons are not going to be used to breach International Humanitarian law you can make sure that those weapons we know that britain is really the center arguably over

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