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University and what they found was that using corn based ethanol resulted in a. Twenty percent greater greater Greenhouse Gas emissions than gasoline and thats simply because youre using fertilizer its the process and youre tearing up the earth which again brings up the you know to which makes mars a Greenhouse Gases we dont grow food anymore i would urge or we need cheaper food we dont need cheaper biofuel they subsidize armors to make food to grow food for people so that poor people can have a vegetable once a very good record rodgers build a good point as a kind of record rodgers dont forget to what is no use of the property over the place were going to see our full strobes it all to dot com coming up americas lawyer himself like preparatory orders or less to shut some light on a new report by Human Rights Watch highlighting Law Enforcement. Shadowy practice through something called her little structure stay true to the interim. When lawmakers manufacture consent to constant to the public well. When the ruling classes protect themselves. The financial merry go round lifts only the one percent told. To ignore middle of the room sick. Deluded i mean the real news is. Yes i was pretty good with the blog but you. Have removed muscle tension imo you also believe the words are almost the younger male all suitable for dinner one of the most up and wishes that show. Me ok thank you for coming on the scene if you build up a model of scotts move move to who could still be seen on t. V. Movies. Music the show dream meet you looks good. You will know the old judge took. The procedure to the armor should do you can you get other cronies up when you tell my boss leave you did to miss all the trails in my suspension of us they. Chose seemed wrong but all rolls just dont hold. Me. Get to shape out these days comes to the ticket and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. As you read the stand and hear some of. Our own move from one. Of our good armor on our show at the fair are rather after dark before for any kid. Im going to let him but i dont catch him then you. Can keep an eye on what i have seen as a child with a truffle that it doesnt. Work then our modeling on the show little subtle it does show that they owned model. Number set up around the hay for no one else and doing. Good for its whole food place choice the i knew you had an unfair awesome time in syria said. The issue. Of a. Model for the name after the couple fronts around mr hates it for jim and then oil for food our family and of course. The money. In an age of constant political turbulence in the permanent outraged culture many of us often take solace in having a rather solidly written constitution that protects our speech religion Voting Rights and a right above all to due process at least thats what they taught us in high school because apparently ideals and reality may diverge in todays legal world you see according to a report out this month by Human Rights Watch the federal government is deliberately concealing methods used by intelligence or Law Enforcement agencies to identify or investigate suspects including methods that may be legal and then creating a different story about how agents discovered the information leading to defendants going to prison without ever knowing enough to challenge the potentially rights violating origins of the cases against them legal experts refer to this alarming trend as a parallel construction and it doesnt seem like her hyperbole to call it the single greatest threat to our constitutional right to due process to help us understand just how commonplace this practice is and how serious that may be were joined today by mike papen tonio host of americas lawyer and veteran Trial Attorney welcome mike how are you could be here while youre there you know this doesnt seem quite as simple as the nice clean cut investigations from say your law and order t. V. Shows that you can you take us through this practice of what are your parallel construction what what is the what is that exactly but well the process are calling pirlo constructions a very clear violation of a persons Fourth Amendment rights i think with the laid out very well our Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agency in that they seem so hell bent on sending people to prison that theyve completely thrown out the constitution i mean theres no way to analyze. This without saying its violent of clearly violative of so many parts of the competition of the constitution when Law Enforcement or intelligence agencies break the law judges typically prohibit prosecutors from introducing evidence that was obtained is result of those illegal operations thats why we had so many stopgaps that developed in the sixtys everything from search and seizure laws to mirandizing people all of these things were were put in place because we understand that left unchecked Law Enforcement seems to seems to devolve they fall they fall to the lowest operating level and so History History has always shown us that and so in the sixtys weve the Supreme Court had to had to get involved and they had to say we need to stop some of this so whats happened here this is a throwback this is a throwback kind of approach to getting to creating probable cause parallel construction removes an incentive for for Law Enforcement to play by the rules because all they do is they throw out a big net they listen to they listen to telephone conversations they spy on you with cameras theyve got tons of theres no limitations to how this is used thats thats the point you dont want to miss theres no theres no limitation that says well we cant use it for this device but we can use it for this device think of it like this if you were to take this into into account its almost as if everybody right now i mean anybody with a brain is afraid to talk in front of a lexus about anything that significant lawyers are having remove them from their offices for gods sakes ok so take private contractors that then become part of this is throwing out in that in saying ok we caught this person a talking to person b. And there they were talking about Drug Exchange now we werent listening to this for that reason we were said that we were doing this because were were worried about terrorism. In that conversation they find out theres some exchange so what do they do they wait outside of b. s house and then as b. Drives away they try to come up with another element of probable cause to arrest a and b. Together even though it was the probable cause that exists is all based on what we what we call will that center the poisoned fruit which was the first time that they heard the conversation so i although this is just a back door way of getting round everything thats been established all the way back to the sixtys to protect american citizens and criminal conduct oh is this it is this had if this happens to someone you know regular citizen is this a matter of getting a really really good defense attorney who really understands and is competent in this field or in some ways our side these tactics essentially unbeatable in court. Well no theyre beatable but it takes a lot of money the people who are most affected by this are people who can afford to go out and buy the best Legal Counsel they can to handle the probable cause the issue and to suggest that this is in the illegal search and that the evidence should be thrown out that takes a lot of work now when theres a pattern of practice like were talking about here when this actually goes into full tilt youll have Police Divisions all over this country all the way from the f. B. I. To your local Sheriffs Office that in some way are going to be using this information and theyre not going theyre going to know that billy bob down the road is involved in moonshining you know because they heard they heard some conversation between billy bob and somebody else so theyre going to find another way to get to billy bob by way of probable cause heres the Bigger Picture and this is why your show cant overemphasizes i tell you this is sincerely as i can the issues that you talk about on your program about issues like deep state concerns what do we what happens when we have an f. B. I. That is spinning out of control and using thinks well there look you know like this like this this very issue of parallel construction what what happens when we fail to do what we did in the seventys with the Church Hearings its time for more hearings like listen you have a corrupt agency name it not mean you know f. B. I. Cia is there any one of them that you would say yeah they operate by their all the rules so you have corrupt agencies all the way down to the local sometimes depending on where youre located in the United States your local Police Departments that are corrupt in many many ways this is a tool that they have now to use in so many ways along with things that youve talked about on the show in addition to that but the point heres the point im making the point is its time for Church Hearings to start again look whats in the news today the story stories achieve cover just in the last few days youve got the you know of course the the russian fraudster. The fraud about the hacking where did that come from the f. B. I. The f. B. I. Story about about documents disappearing the g. P. S. Dos years story the new news memo i could go on ive got a whole page of this stuff what does that tell you it tells you that its not just a symptom anymore whats happening is this is fundamental and you have to have something that looks like the Church Hearings that where we found out this j. Edgar hoover cat you know dresses up like Carmen Miranda lives with his mother nut case a total nut case is running government out of fear and out of this very type of thing out of taking information and using it where he wants hes thats where we are now and for the American Public not to understand how serious this is the only way theyll see it is massive hearings that look just like the Church Hearings where we start calling these people to testify about all parts of this because theyre all connected well let me ask you this mike you know you bring up you know we need the church here and i love that idea and i think we need to start you know really getting to the root of this and really saying lets lets do the reset button lets start over root all this out how do we get the ball rolling how does your average citizen get that ball rolling to start with judges does it where does the bipartisan work and be american law good attorneys where can people start and start making these changes and making that difference to make this happen. Unfortunately it takes it takes people like church that had enough courage to say look im a im going to Cross Party Lines im not republican im not democrat im just saying that democracy is at risk here so frank so frank church started off with hearings that at first looked innocuous and then as they grew we started finding out these different layers that are being unloaded not by not by Corporate Media these days Corporate Media is part of the problem but theyre being unloaded element by element on social media on programs like yours programs like mine where we talk about it and of course you know. The Corporate Media says all geez this isnt something that we should be talking about well it takes courage youve got to find a senator youve got to find a house rep that has the courage to say that im going to go and im going to make this an issue that requires hearings and the hearings not just about any one of these parts theyre not just about you know the missing f. B. I. Documents now that its a horrible story theyre not just about that theyre not just about komi or mueller or all the all the intricacies involved in those characters theyre looking at the whole picture and saying we have a deep state that is worse than anything weve had in American History since the one nine hundred seventy s. In which time that we clean house again thats the point im making and it could happen with just a couple of senators with courage the same type of thing that frank church did and honestly ill tell you this right now as as our arcane as it may sound letters and constituents putting pressure on senators still does work today they still get they will still listen to the people if the people besiege their offices with enough calls to make that happen and saying hey lets lets do this lets get that foot forward lets do that and electing the right people all say it right here now weve got to start electing the right people to office throw out the democrat republican elites roll them out start getting in people who you know are out there fighting for you at the end of the day i think thats the most they give you a little bit of time left about a less than a minute whats your final thought i want to tell you i want to my final thought isnt this an irony ok here we have the deep state that wants to target they want to dismantle everything that weve done in the democratic process in electing a president i didnt electing i didnt vote for him but he is our president so they go after him in the process all these layers are unfolding and every layer is uglier than the next one and so is these layers unfold be careful what you ask for democrats john podesta hillary. Clinton f. B. I. Cia be careful what you ask for because in the end it might tell us an awful lot about what youre doing it seems far more significant that most employers might happen tony americas lawyer thank you for always coming on and illuminating us on this subject matter. Thank you. On march twenty fourth one thousand nine hundred forty two a photograph of one naomi parker freely appeared in newspapers as part of a story about how the women working at the Alameda Naval station during World War Two were giving up fashion for the fashion of safety clothes on the job in it you know ms harris pulled up in a very familiar current chip and for sixty years naomi thought she looked an awful lot like the famous an iconic rosie the riveter it took until a decade ago to be proven by seton hall researcher and Professor James kimball that naomi was indeed the inspiration behind rosie know me Parker Fraley passed away from cancer last week at the age of ninety six but her impact will remain she told People Magazine once quote the women of this country these days need some icons if they think im one im happy naomi were thank you because we were happy to have her and she said rowe and all the other rosie as we thank you you stood up in a time of crisis and just showed exactly what women are made of from leave out of our shoulders read a bit of room remember it was world we were not told we were loved enough sorts all you wall i love you i am tired robot and on top of the wall is watching those hawks in the great big him. Join me every thursday on me all excited with sure and ill be speaking to get us to the world of politics sports business im sure business ill see you the. Days ago the u. S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis updated in revised americas Global Defense strategy it is a dark vision of the world and calls for a massive defense spending what he calls a Defense Strategy critics say is a blueprint for the us without it. This is harlan kentucky. Boyces people were very funny using. A co money city with almost no co mines left. The jobs are gone the polarizer said id. Love to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. I remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and its happened its happened. I didnt need a minute didnt somebody who didnt get it look. At it. Russia is complicit in the assad regimes atrocities your behavior exposes your true motives. The un is america blames russia for the Chemical Attacks in syria regardless of who carried them out also this hour the us eight hundred says the destruction in the syrian city of bracket is beyond description after americas devastating Bombing Campaign there against Islamic State terrorists. Remain silent on the cell tanks to encourage germany to stick to its case against kurds in syria. A platform fake news and extremist propaganda a new survey shows that most people in the u. K. On social media to be better regulated. So theyre coming to you live from moscow youre watching r. T. International. Theres been a Fiery Exchange between russia and america at the u. N. Over who is to blame for Chemical Attacks in syria and how they should be investigated moscow says that future probe should require independent experts to visit the sites of alleged incidents that was rejected by the u. S. Russia is complicit in the assad regimes atrocities you are acting as judge and prosecutor russia is running from the facts your behavior exposes your true motives russia has the audacity to lecture this Security Council this is a long political spectacle for not going to accept any russian proposal that undermines our ability to get to the truth we should at least have taken a look at the draft before rejecting it russia all on its own killed the mechanism we had specifically tasked to identify those responsible q what do you need an investigative mechanism for before an investigation. You havent cuse the Syrian Government using chemical weapons. Well that rao there did come during a debate on how to tweak the system used to assess Chemical Attacks in syria the emergency meeting was held after the us secretary of state claimed that another attack took place in syria on monday he said that russia should shoulder the blame for that and other incidents. Whoever conducted the. Russia ultimately burrs responsibility for the victims of these and countless other syria targeted with chemical weapons since russia became involved in syria the problem is it hasnt even been confirmed that these attacks even happened let alone who is responsible and there are only two sources saying this and both are notoriously prorebel this whole blame russia game continued at the Security Council and it seemed akili statements were more about russia than anything else she even accused russia of killing the joint investigative mechanism but at the meeting russia said that the joint investigative mechanism became a Political Tool and called for an impartial investigation into all cases of chemical weapons use in syria including the joint investigative mechanisms new reports so were not going to accept any russian proposal that undermines our ability to get to the truth or that politicizes what must be an independent and impartial investigation. Of the fact that the us dismissed our proposal right from the start reveals the truth that they do not need an impartial investigative mechanism so even though several other Member States supported the proposal of a new impartial investigation the us rejected it saying that its ready to bring back the old joint investigative mechanism quote but all other suggestions are unacceptable so american reporting there well the mechanism she mentioned was established in twenty fifteen by the u. N. Security council along with the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons together they drew up several reports to accusing the Syrian Government of carrying out Chemical Attacks and included one of the deadliest two in concert in april last year however experts did not actually visit the site before reaching their conclusions well that is something that moscow says should change for future investigations and also underline the importance to have eyewitness accounts which have been heavily relied upon. In the past by the un rick sterling from the Syria Solidarity Movement is suspicious though that these latest allegations against russia come just before expected peace talks were seeing that in the past day or two before geneva negotiations would start there would be so flame up an atrocity and that again is what were seeing happen happen here so its really sad the the it looks like theres a possibility of ending the conflict in syria but evidently there are some forces that just want to prolong it and keep it going its really sad and just one five zero point its pretty stunning hypocrisy to hear the moralizing from the United States which have actually just the only cant use Nuclear Weapons and World War Two that used. Massive amounts of chemical weapons and in vietnam and massive amounts of direct you know iraq so that countries that use chemical weapons to the greatest extent. Among all countries it is in no position to be more allies. Well with Rex Tillerson by moscow for Chemical Attacks in syria Senior Correspondent what i guess the efforts now what responsibility washington should take for its involvement in the conflict the end justifies the means they say some things no matter how horrible just have to be done these are hard core fighters they have to be rooted out this is an ugly business but it is necessary business its only after when the dust settles and you see what youve done the choo start having second thoughts this is when you say that what did i just do. The devastation goes back as far as you can see it is almost beyond description how deep the damage is as many as a thousand strikes a month on record alone just strikes not including. Tanks and all that more than eighty percent of the city was deemed unfit to be in by the u. N. At city hall but raised so lets start with the obvious incredible work has to be done just to get people back into their homes except we wont pay here is the disclaimer stabilisation not reconstruction the us will help fix the pipes but someone else is going to have to sort out the rest of this mess no sir the Coalition Freed you you do the rest we humanity ariens including the u. N. Do not have access to iraq a city because of the presence of explosive hazard contamination which is endangering people trying to return to iraq a city and its also endangering humanitarian access over two hundred people have died while trying to return to their homes and hundreds more have been injured from our understanding of the reports that we have only a limited number of neighborhoods in iraq a city have been cleared for returns and thats mainly in the outskirts. So who is going to pay to rebuild an entire city the guys who helped the straw it say they wont the civilians returning from tents in refugee camps the Syrian Government which doesnt even control raca who. Were aghast you have reporting there were meanwhile thousands of protesters across europe a rally against turkeys military operation against the kurds in syria demonstrations were held in athens and london as people wave kurdish flags and carried antiwar banners a similar protest took place in the german city of mannheim two people there were angered that german made tanks are being used in the turkish offensive with more his patrol of the Turkish Military operation against the kurds in syria has caused some consternation here in germany however officials in berlin say that theyre only somewhat concerned about the actions of ankara the military confrontation between turkey and the Kurdish Forces carries rich in and. The last thing syria needs is another standoff imagine the surprise when german saw the footage of turkeys military offensive against the kurds and they saw german made leopard tanks as the speed ahead of that offensive it comes at a time when germanys foreign minister is the rio is pushing further upgrades for the tanks supplied by to encourage this includes things like upgrades to the mine protection abilities that they would have with rumors that other upgrades are in the pipeline for the hundreds of tanks provided by germany to turkey this is all seen is part of a Charm Offensive by the German Foreign minister as he seeks to normalize relations between germany and turkey. We are disturbed when we speak about nazi mentality bus. You do apply this type of mentality in germany. Does you know its a fact without question turkish nazis comparisons must stop unfortunately we see that these comparisons have not stopped. However when it comes to questions over whether german tanks are being used against the kurds answers from the German Government the norm the ground theres no official stance from the Defense Ministry from the Foreign Ministry or from those who deal with exports at the ministry of economics here no tanks see no tanks speak of no tanks thats the lying coming from the German Government at the moment but when it comes to the german people they dont seem convinced that they should be providing arms to turkey right now i dont think so why not. Because war is bad and all. The harm has caused a disturbance in this region so i dont think we should sell him tanks but i think thats awful became from the turks a fighting against an entire people should not be happening. Its terrible we should not be sending any weapons at all no matter whos behind

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