Transcripts For RT News 20180122

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As though the bus will try to roost you who has a true ally who got a. Shock and has a very busy area. Which is good enough to cause lots of was spreading and then it shallow one hundred plus knowledge of hosts and. Stuff. So. That the had. To fifteen. Minutes of. Kind of what i do dont want. Either of us amended. It a bit. But only when. One of. Zias says harlan kentucky. Boy says it was very funny using. A co money city with almost no coal mines left. The jobs are gone all the coal mines of said id. Love to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. I remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and its how its happened. When you dont usually see the teachers what they did they could put it. What they knew not through only ten space. Made. Love to know they killed said. Simeon claiming to know somebody did especially that. Alex you speak french. Most of those of you who was a. Little send them all to new. People so i was busy cutting up thoughts you have to. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure when ill be speaking to get off of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see if. Yes i was pretty ok with. Marketplace europe. Yeah i mean the last election i buy yes i believe well the answer was mostly were going to my wall so we will put you know one of the up and stood up in the bushes i shall. Pay for it thank you for telling him you made you think that you know im with you scouts moreover we knew that you could still be here at u g q u z should resign you took the stage. He was more than a bit yellow back. Leg the secret of the wind machine you can you could either call you up when you tell my boss and you could do to mr all the trails and most of this mission ill post. My. God you know oh. God look i distrusted her i get it when theres only. A good lets have that stuff out now why you asked me why but i now was i had to sit i did it she really well written words on its monday. And im were all. Gonna be thats a clock a sick bunch of looks and want us. Who want to still want is a get out sort of. And i have been i was i have had times even. Though recently in my mind. You. Know. I know sort of. A lot of us i dont know that i said this but and i just said i dont know if some of that and some of the show i do a lot. And i was not a moment going to go on the line at the for the show for my. Last. Good bye see move west without. One note of it all we had to put up a slip up of it and i had been watching and i did write. A letter. I made about a lot. Of the shackles was round in russia i love over there still could or couldnt wear on me emma and i said i had mine at all fifty. One why did you. All could you could. You see and i just said. Couldnt as you. Can with a show that was just so i think little of that ivy you do cool stuff in home. And wished you know much. Yet i didnt i so. I saw. Some of the. Sorry. Im sorry but i certainly dont want. To. I dont get. Me. Why we werent sure about. How do you know. Im crying. Let me. Have. Them here. Right around. That was that it was. Already. Under. Attack i believe you did have to be out of ice and i was kind of sad i watch it over there he had entity. At w. B. A whole way out of that automatic and i didnt the shark and i said it was such a film with my sudden and i was. Months or i dont know seven or is it a car where theres the. Only services and thats why i live most of the south which is my big toe jihads. Janish one of the. Men and me in talking dont touch it for that and then. Me for most of could decide i have not far can just stuff as neat as an outline will have to tear and here are the job i did i. Wish that i should show it aside. So i said lets have a last minute to say i asked you are an arts or so of study if i can they said yeah well show them said just cool Quarter Holding middle son has a known. Java job. The thought of. The top fee for the. Vehicle to stop on a condom and special from the shop it was so i. Dont do itin chunks of the show square off in no mcconnell conditional being a condition that while i wish. You good luck. I rounded and thought of kind of it after that. I had to knock on top of the coolant as a drop of a chunk shot it. Is a good mine his image you all can ruin his image of it on the side. And i was always stuck on a bit. You need to be on the. Out of the way of. Clothes i know no one with you. But i did i id board. First there can still has. Enough for the out of me you know how to tell cause. Its. Show off of ideas of how like. I said show us what i should know about ice and it. Because. Of the down. I was in on the whole. The job due to do this do you wall go. Choice for you the idea of hard to inaudible i. Was discovered and devastated does mark and devastated does mark. My most. Always he will say i was the support for you on the basic whoosh of sobriety and my get just. Was so theres a yellow mark to keep we are no tuna and look when we get to this whole. Issue a gun me i need a human. As ducks. To do a choice. System for them on i was in the midst of it today. I mean i dont miss it as i need a holistic some of them and almost. The amount. I know is she and i do a search in montana and in the meadow so. Our son was the for just enough folks. Mind discussing the. Circus. I mean to me he said. Maybe she does it all the way i thought i was just my. Own mistress may be on a cause her to want to make it home. Had. Always sounded to. Me to show a was she a good eric phillips. Has plenty to do you know. I should tell you how you get like maybe ill get a living here not that close. To him it into me i dont know if both of us are. Thats man made me couldve left. The house for admission ideational me. A she knows that i havent stuck. My lot farther than him after the couple fucked around and said it to jim and boy but i spoke with our friday. The down the room. And then the start of them. Said if a. Job with the doll ball was so. They still look how they showed it i would measure the muckle shuffle so its all the down will. Be home. So ill click on the enough saw that myself im with you that. This enough got milk in a number but no doubt saw in the show was a desperate and just. So. What politicians do. They put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. You somehow want to be preached. To going to be for us its like the full story in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the winds in the. West sydney. When lawmakers manufacture consent instead of public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. When the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. Of the time we can all middle of the room sick. I mean real news. The world. Prescribe medication is widespread on the us market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything was that as my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. To commit some sight was all who was made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects. Was was gellatly all to what i did was done on a cocktail of legal drugs. Just because somethings legal doesnt mean its safe. Haven buddy im stephen bob Taft Hollywood guy you know suspect every proud american first of all im just George Washington and r. V. Enthusiastic this is my buddy max famous financial guru well hes a little bit different im not a. Good one i know no one no doubt with all the drama happening in our country im hitting the road to have some fun meet Everyday Americans call me and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people. Oh. Boy. Here year ago. Dr brock here said this was their year toy seventy to go to all kinds of crazy eyes yeah it sure. Are experiencing a bit of a fall back. He sends its tanks into syria to tackle Kurdish Militia being trained by the usa the pentagon says it was warned of the move by ankara which had this message for washington. America do not encroach on our borders. And patients also if you come this hour be careful what you say classified documents claim the u. S. National Security Agency is using Voice Recognition software to spy on people and germanys political deadlock could be broken after the social democrats agreed to start a formal Coalition Talks with angle a move party although it may leave the empty Migrant Party is the main opposition in part. I welcome come july from moscow youre watching r. T. International now our top story this hour turkeys military operation against Kurdish Forces is entering its third day with anchors tanks now moving into syrian territory it comes after the u. S. Announced it is training Kurdish Militia to establish a new border force in the region. I. Well america has acknowledged that two of its allies in the middle east are in conflict and the u. S. Defense secretary here said that washington had been consulted about turkish operations with more now his illiterate. Unbelievable is this real a nato member telling daddy you know i mean for me to come in behave yourself oral point a gun and am i exaggerating a bit mr aired on didnt say that these exact words but turkeys got a Prime Minister who pretty much did anyone who gives Logistical Support to the white b. G. Is turkeys target for the record the white b. G. Equals the kurdish army and for all these years whos been giving the kurds all kinds of support right. Over the weekend the kurds were extended in all of branch thats what ankara calls its military op the kurds say they repelled an attack on sunday but where does that wipe e. G. Get its guns i made it tapered on couldnt care less why washingtons been helping the kurds to destroy eisel for this man the Kurdish Militias are no better than terrorists that explains his latest messages to america because the us is in the process of creating a terror army on our border so what we have to do is nip this terror army in the bud america do not encroach on our borders do not provoke us we will run out of patience does anyone from the Us Government have anything to say we urge turkey to exercise restraint and ensure that its military operations remain limited in scope and duration and scrupulous to avoid civilian casualties some very restrained council there to be restrained think about it mr aired on rants that america u. S. Officials dont hit back turkey rolls up the tanks flies out the more play sends soldiers over the border washington basically keeps stop after all this isnt about kim sly this week makes donald trump for one war so perhaps the turks and the kurds have succeeded in one thing together were juicing america to baffled silence. That was any pressure and what we did speak with a former Turkish Foreign minister who believes that despite all the warnings from turkey the u. S. Has triggered this conflict. You know this this was not going to. Church church wouldnt they were ok look were it to. Throw to prove. That you can you should not. On im. A musician to the terrorist group which is linked to the. Do injuries. But. Using civil who is chooses continue to this is were really explode. Well rallies against the military operation have been held in europe in turkey demonstrators were met by a heavy Police Presence there with reports the authorities used force to disperse the crowds at least twelve people have been detained there and scuffles also broke out between police and protesters. Now the u. S. National Security Agency is using Voice Recognition software to spy on people and detect their locations that is according to declassified documents obtained by the media. Picks up the story. My voice there isnt much to gather about my show you can tell im free now. That im american and thats. The n. S. A. However could do a lot more easily using my voice to identify who i am what language im speaking my gender and my dialect according to classified documents from the snowden archive the n. S. A. Has been developing technology to identify a speaker using just their voice for years when sigint transcribers work the same targets for a long time they sometimes can identify a certain. Individual in recorded conversations just by the sound of his voice and by his unique way of speaking this process was traditionally known as voice identification now rapidly improving technology is available that can do the same job but mathematically the Technology Works by analyzing your voice is unique features to create an individual voice print and once the n. S. A. Has that a single speaker can be almost instantaneously pinpointed even among massive databases now in two thousand and sixteen alone the n. S. A. Corded more than one hundred fifty one million records of americans phone calls and that was after their bulk collection abilities were limited by congress so theres no telling how many boyfriends they could have at their disposal and theoretically a person could be instantly located and tracked down as long as a microphone is somewhere nearby and as Edward Snowden pointed out theres almost no escaping mix these days i dont think anybody would augie you the police. Chase terrorists paedophiles who dont talk libero just told is heat surveillance what were talking about is everybody everything piece of data by everybody being collected and scanned by software thinking that look steve you and he could stop talking to people involved in very legitimate things like demonstrations stroy x. Even you know people who vote the wrong way this was the American Government is concerned another fear is that speaker recognition could end up discouraging people from speaking out it has the potential to unmask Anonymous Sources or tracking journalists or whistleblowers and according to the intercept this technology isnt only in american hands either it looks like interpol the European Union and china have their own version as well among others so you can run but you definitely cannot hide. Well from collecting information to losing it because the u. S. Federal court has revealed that the n. S. A. Deleted data connected to illegal wiretapping carried out by the george w. Bush administration the Agency Responded though saying the data was removed to simply free up space on its hard drives. The president ial Surveillance Program infinite quantum states a major criteria that were probably used to delete dates of a certain type in response to Mission Requirements to free up space and improve performance of the backup system the data in question was controversially collected after the nine eleven tragedy until two thousand and seven it was initially ordered by the court to be preserved for further examination but has not been a raised along with the backup tapes the information was deemed important to a number of pending lawsuits when a former n. S. A. Director and whistleblower we spoke to does say that this sort of data tends to disappear far too often its a way of covering your backside so that when the investigation started in the get they they just cant let that data be exposed thats all its just more evidence of their criminal activity the department of defense Inspector General did the same thing with material against whistleblowers even when the whistleblowers were in the court under under criminal law and his age in the criminal trial they destroyed evidence and it was only because it was exculpatory and they didnt want that out so now this is all deliberate even when they lie in front of congress or the people the United States or even the president or any of the cabinet it doesnt seem to matter theres no accountability here the Intelligence Community has so much power i mean even senator schumer told President Trump that he shouldnt be attacking the Intelligence Community because theyve got six ways to sunday to get back at you and these are the ways they do it. Now things that money doesnt talk when it comes to the u. S. Congress at the moment which remains shut for a third day as congressman failed to come to mutual decision on the u. S. Budget and while republicans and democrats to struggle to find a compromise the American Public is starting to feel the pinch. America knows this is the trump shutdown shes my favorite still sure shutdown so its not that nice little ring to it doesnt it Senate Democrats shut down this government a big fat failure after

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