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Still. Going to go. Like. They are totally prepared for the second option totally destroy north korea is a sick puppy North Koreans are. Just calling the president words a load of nonsense obviously hes a pretty smart cookie. He wish you a very happy hanukkah. Like. He did that what is going on and the love thats all over is youre. All about jerusalem. And some of those issues are already seeping through into the second year of. Absolutely shocking thats how a group of us republican congressman reacted to seeing a new top secret intelligence document they believe it details the abuse of surveillance powers under the Obama Administration i had that same shock feeling i was like wait a minute this actually happened from our Justice Department and this f. B. I. Thats how serious this is that there has been a real attempt to undermine this president that is the type of information that we need all americans to see immediately the American People deserve. They mosques they want to know whats in this document sadly much of the Mainstream Media will not be covering this today but in this house on this day let us know that indeed we are still one nation under god and willing to protect life the content of the secret document is obviously on known and its still unclear whether or not it will be released but judging by the comments made by the republicans its thought it could potentially outline a serious political bias within the f. B. I. And department of justice and investigating the socalled trump russia collusion claims in turn the democrats called the memo a profoundly misleading set of talking points which attacks the f. B. I. And gives a distorted view of the bureau t. V. Host and political commentator steve multibook things the democrats have a reason for wanting to hide the memo from the public. I think its going to put a bigger cloud than already exists there has been a lot of talk that some members of the Obama Administration illegally and without any reason or rhyme went and got warrants against american civilians who were affiliated with trump with absolutely no reason to have those obtained do you think obama didnt know about any of this this was his Justice Department his f. B. I. They were trying to get hillary elected i think this is going to go right to the top and by the way if this is such a bunch of nothing and thats bad talking points blah blah blah blah blah from adam schiff and the democrats on the committee then why not vote to release it so you could clear all this up whether everybody see it the democrats want to hide this document and we better get to the bottom of it and we all need to see it coming up here on the program on a british student feels the wrath of the media and a historian to simply expressing her opinion on communism and i find out what whipped up such a storm right after this break. Heres what people have been saying about rejected in the us is it actually just full on awesome billy show i go out of my way to find you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of r t americans do the same we are apparently better than blues as you see people you never heard of low taxes the next president of the world bank very. Seriously send us an email. Something disease free bulletproof. Not to be believed come with. As we say to be a community to combat. These fuels both promises as if you twit. It is good to have you with us today better dead than red one british student has been making headlines after appearing on a radio show and confessing her sympathies towards communism the story ended up starring much debate over how the universities are luring students to the left the one professor repeatedly quoted saying shes downplaying the crimes of stalin it was quite a storm whipped up over the opinion of twenty four year olds. Who had simply told the b. B. C. Programme she felt communism was never given a chance to develop in the soviet union and therefore it didnt actually fail well we spoke to her ourselves. I think its completely hypocritical and very typical of academics like him to kind of passionately you know talk about the deaths under the save even but i think this is you know very much selective outrage the media in general obviously dont paint marxism or socialism or really any kind of left wing politics in there in a positive light and thats because obviously in you know the media is owned by some group of people in the major is owned by a billionaire i have certain interests they want to protect i think people can think for themselves and i wouldnt take their headlines general opinion in the british but. Perhaps its not surprising the story was seized upon seems a red alerts have been flashing in the british media more as of late a much was made of the Prime Minister wearing a bracelet featuring frida kahlo a communist known for her concerns about the poor elsewhere a buzz feeds science editor was forced to lock down her social media account due to abuse after writing that she wanted communism for christmas. But does the public share the red fear of the media well according to a new opinion poll nine percent of young adults fear communism is a danger to the world compare that to global businesses to nearly a quarter think actually pose the biggest threat political activist george by shared his view on the story what one needs to remember is that anybody of my age and older in this country and certainly in the u. S. And across much of the west identifies communism the soviet union and the like hard left or extreme left as pretty much different aspects of the same thing in the one nine hundred fifty s. When when the soviet union was showing very significant great significant rates of Economic Growth the mainstream for policy journals were very much kind of writing these defensive narratives to try and explain away why the. System was apparently doing so well i think one needs to distinguish between the propaganda and the historical reality of. Italys launched a website targeting fake news the move comes ahead of marches general election if somebody wants to report a fake all they have to do is click on a special link online. The service will allow users to identify fake news online a team has been set up to analyze the authenticity of anything flagged up by using special software and the italian interior minister has been heaping praise on the system but some experts are slightly more skeptical. Its an entirely transparent and legitimate Public Service tool aimed at protecting citizens from unfounded news there is not even the slightest intention to enter the political debate you cannot create a brew or people checking news because everything that we are talking about its an opinion at the end you can check the region of the news you will never read aereo independent to see what is truth and what is fake so i think we should try to fix the all media system it took to do to have an independent media system and then we can talk about thinking is there not to. Us Disability Rights Foundation hitting out at film directors for failing to cast people with disabilities to portray the disabled the groups president says it is offensive and humiliates actors with disabilities a group of whom have accused directions of discrimination however some think the problem is being exaggerated. You know until your boys. Have already fallen just coming at the same communities as everyone else not a smart man. But i know. You got my dress blues or a garbage bag in the closet are we going to disclose this is that you dont shrug ever storm. The computer. Im sorry about that. In a thirty years since my oscar win when no other actor with a disability has appeared in a leading role in a major Motion Picture it is clear to us that having actors playing disabled is in a fan take and so many particularly to Draft Community culturally offensive. My name is steven pollock and. When we go down that road towards regulating free speech to that extent we ruin drama we ruin cinema some of the greatest overtures to people with mental disabilities physical disabilities have been given to us in cinema by non disabled people so its all about how theyre being portrayed marlay matlin has been a great example of someone who has participated in comedy about. Her disability because she thinks that its important to make sure that people of disability are not treated as a separate class but are treated like everyone else so that is i think at the core of what were discussing here today its not that i wont headlines return in half an hour. Because theres a Survival Guide book stacie just like all the stars at the federal reserve. Be sure there are you going to get it. Oh heck no this is a repatriations king would get the rest in seventy years. Bill of the seventy you guys are for. The warhawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battle is going. To do suck for the tell you that because of the public myself of the most important. Advertising tell me you are not cool enough to buy their product. On the hawks that we along the border will want. Today there are four Million Students studying abroad a trend thats on the rise in the game of global Competition International students are very much coveted the best research graduates are entirely taken care of as for the huge number of students that can afford studying abroad they represent an irresistible financial honeypot the expression Global Student market has become a household term among University Head offices. In france and Germany Foreign students dont pay tuition fees just yet but it changes soon to come in england they contribute fourteen billion euros ten billion pounds a year to the National Economy when a foreign student pays between twenty and thirty thousand euros a year twice as much as the European Student and it represents an additional consumer in the country a dream client. So the university of manchester house about ten thousand International Students which is the most of any u. K. University or there was a percentage its not the highest so those students are important to us for a number of reasons they bring diversity they bring different cultures they bring different backgrounds different ways of thinking our own students benefit from studying in an environment with students from very different backgrounds. Of course they also bring income to the university which is important the Largest Community Chinese Students which make up just under forty percent of the total International Student body. The crowds lining the streets around. The president visited we knew it was. During his visit president. Matters. Not a sale on. Me finish like just material. Right. Since the early ninetys chinese Higher Education is experiencing a spectacular growth. Over the course of thirteen years the number of students grew from seven million to thirty five million studying abroad has become an absolute must for all the chinese new benefiting from the economic boom this year over seven hundred thousand Young Chinese studying somewhere in the world a four hundred percent increase in fifteen years and the trend is unlikely to reverse. A new business is multiplying worldwide. Companies in rolling students in International Universities in terms of commercial Office Universe does in the u. S. U. K. And australia clinch first place. Shop arent tripping. Up. For all the money so that. You got it all for what it is im just out of a. Current tradition or youve been through the water. And even once you are taught out where the bulk of your true since you wash your own i dont jim. We are usually we are not ok to ship back to her home and amount of. Oil gushing have a bash with the earth around trying for a. Soup but. Are there so. Quick comparing our senora the others are not your engine you have. To choose a. Single step i mean. That in. A court of college. Try having a. Rougher year. So i thought that in your career i mean cash i would tell things that what should i mean please post from issue. Not all Chinese Students can afford studying in leading universities in those that truly matter not all students can afford to study abroad. Most of them are enrolled in universities based in their home province they dream of a Brighter Future in stocks that is the shanghai or beijing hundreds of thousands now migrate every year to big cities. But the chinese Economic System isnt quite ready to absorb all these young graduates. Dong is one of them he studied bioengineering for four years in a college from his province today he makes a living from odd jobs he dreams of working in the Film Industry he belongs to this new class of people that are educated but poor. And your view is shown no good life. Paging she didnt mention. Either it seems you do or hour on the phone with a farm family on the watch and they give you. Any higher order down there and see that you are all. Going to hide it and chanute or Wellness Center and she go try on the whole you can. Lead but you know how door and over to the house your home and your shemale change off on the right cheery cheer player not a tundra down the shes in the hunt for you in a disaster and she. You are a woman. And you hearts all that you are me. And you are. A group once more good youre a woman on the plane. Then to the journey and im kind and youre very good called me i can you walk on them be here i want to tear you do have a pirate heather have be our lawyer. Own idea or leave them in your quiet quiet manner your very cheap and some cook our eternal should do their dirty come on her or that as i hear me you moved your way to. Being in the. Rule one card you know hide your. Room or you know. That. Despite disenchanted hopes of upward mobility china has no intention of slowing down the development of its universities it wants to become a key player of global Higher Education the us australia and western europe all covered this new market countless partnerships are entered into every year between china and foreign countries. The entire world has its eyes set on china and china has its eye set on the entire world in two thousand and three tome University Researchers developed the shanghai ranking the most media tightest the most controversial and the most followed ranking report worldwide a world ranking based on the number of nobel prizes fields medals and publications in scientific journals the United States clearly dominates the ranking among the top two hundred there are over fifty american universities blish for french and for german. So im afraid International Rankings arent and i sound afraid because i absolutely hate but in some parts of the world in particular by all accounts it ranks. Strong. Printed for us of all of these. Yes. Dodger only president went off track is. Up to the end and raking in sit with your one and. From there the have it tucked it does rain can of gone for quantity even for friday up vegas and is it would see on the mentioned bill as mention the us i know my hero and i know man of god they come on this minute crowded mess and in the end the frog went into a scientist would you when you visited got of the phone to not mention quality. To shower and if you go for dinner and vent about just kind of orange being of a up. Whereas the criticism is substantial very few years in University President s resist this ranking grace the narcissistic offer is tempting be seen and be identified as the best and so countries increase university merges with an explicit objective build up the number of Research Labs multiply publications and accumulate awards they go climb the rankings in france the most representative project settled in the south of paris eighteen of the countrys top leading Higher Education Research Institutions grouped under a unique banner here lies the future pinnacle of french education and research the next french harvick stanford or mit a poll of sheer excellence amidst fields of beetroot. The new table that youre on that youre a daughter guardian or on it your daughter. Knew it and. For the. Challenges to cure the challenges. On this show. Hes called on the other old. Guy leveling on the. Gotta good news for sickle fest going to get back hell not good for you to toss almost on like an assault on. All guns all stopped it and. Its on all the because i have on the g. S. T. Money ali i well we need just if. I can buy manna. The french have other preoccupations besides rankings they need money more money france cover clee envisioned land but the successive governments are founded on thinkable to sharply increase tuition fees it would be political suicide so hypocrisy rules. Paying programs are gradually and in conspicuously being introduced in certain French University departments. At the forefront of the forthcoming marketisation prestigious institutions such as pope paris or. Have been authorized to introduce tuition fees these experiments are inconsequential for now but they are undoubtedly aimed to prepare for a change in the system one day or another. Between the global and brick longer him only resit it but ive because of fog of the in wonder how bridge endeavor going. From says president im glad im of our own image which is a far thats where i come for in this party and the exam to horseshoe alicia belongs bisan so im going to shift to im big business in them bill dont survive of it or the man of the shaft is the year them through. Something that is very important for us. Not to be only a Common Market as we say to be a community of then dont adopt. These views of process as if you twitter is sold here to power that from moscow prides dami need to it why the there be to be unsettling to communities you can see. As read the stand and hear from us and. Before long what i saw. An hour of good armor on mars for me and our brothers in a profit are the four orthodontic yes. Im going to let them but i dont catch them then you can there and pick and nail on what i dont think is a channel for truffle that it will never. Be bottled water then our modeling hi michelle the downside of that. Number set up around the hey how do you want to do it. And get the toefl first choice for the i knew where youre from and theosophy chime in syria says. British yards away. From my life for them after a couple fucks around mr hates it for jim and then where i hope that our family of course. The money. The two thousand and eight economic crisis turned some countries into paid. These are the countries with weaker economies that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation of flow gloat even the recession austerity is a very bad idea it doesnt work and it makes millions of people very unhappy those who are unemployed see their wages decline almost a decade how good are the results to stall a fifteen year old feasible by the people out of interest or why the old people with your daughter julie. Who treated beautiful blue she still claim what was i mean to for legal. Challenge nothing more than this she did not know it was always the case he found out they were not getting paid while the same measure is still in place to one of the consequences to weaken bluebirds lewdness move will first one of those was the truth the consumer is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision makers

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