Still really. Like. Any other little girl. Like. You. Are totally prepared for the second option totally destroying north korea is a sick puppy north korean regime is calling the president words a load of nonsense obviously hes. A pretty smart cookie. He wish you a very happy i dont. Think you know what is going on and the love thats all over is you know. All about jerusalem. Absolutely shocking thats how a group of us republican congressman reacted to seeing a new top secret intelligence document they believe it details the abuse of surveillance powers under the Obama Administration i had that same shock feeling i was like wait a minute this actually happened from our Justice Department and this f. B. I. Thats how serious this is that there has been a real attempt to undermine this president that is the type of information that we need all americans to see immediately the American People deserve. They mosques they want to know whats in this document sadly much of the Mainstream Media will not be covering this today but in this house on this day let us know that indeed we are still one nation under god willing to protect life the content of the secret document is obviously unknown and its still unclear whether or not it will be released but judging by the comments made by the republicans its thought it could potentially outline a political bias within the f. B. I. And department of justice in investigating the whole so called russia collusion claim this in turn the democrats called the memo a profoundly misleading set of talking points which attacks the f. B. I. And gives a distorted view of the bureau t. V. Host and political commentator Steve Malzberg things the democrats have a reason for wanting to hide the memo from the public. I think its going to put a bigger cloud than already exists there has been a lot of talk that some members of the Obama Administration illegally and without any reason or rhyme went and got warrants against american civilians who were affiliated with trump with absolutely no reason to have those tain do you think obama didnt know about any of this this was his Justice Department his f. B. I. They were trying to get hillary elected i think this is going to go right to the top and by the way if this is such a bunch of nothing and thats bad talking points blah blah blah blah blah from adam schiff in the democrats on the committee then why not vote to release it so you could clear all this up whether everybody see it the democrats want to hide this document and we better get to the bottom of it and we all need to see it. But the u. K. Seems its on a new road with a new witch hunt against communism apparently underway a british historian has criticized universities in the u. K. For promoting positive thinking about the ideology he claims the pros and cons of the system of being given equal weighting of the claim by the historian came in response to a statement by the head of a monk System Society one London University fiona lolly told the b. B. C. Programme that communism was never given a chance to develop in the soviet union and therefore it did not fail well we spoke to her selves and she believes academics are talking communism must simply missing the point. I think its completely hypocritical and very typical of academics like him to kind of passionately you know talk about the death under the savior but i think this is you know very much selective outrage the media in general obviously dont paint marxism or socialism or really any kind of left wing politics in a positive light and thats because obviously in you know the media is owned by some group of people in the major is owned by a billionaire class have certain interests they want to protect i think people can think for themselves and i wouldnt take their headlines general opinion of the British Population its not just a story but the british media to developing something of a red mentality as of late much was made of the Prime Minister wearing about bracelet featuring frida kahlo a communist known for concerns about the poor elsewhere a buzz feed science editor was forced to lock down host social media due to abuse after writing that she wanted communism for christmas. But other red concerns justified well according to a new opinion poll nearly a quarter of young people actually view global businesses as the biggest threat and thats compared with just nine percent to view communism as a danger to the world a political activist george bada says the medias been doing all it can do about communism since the last century one needs to remember is that anybody of my age and old in this country and certainly in the us and across much of the west identifies communities in the soviet union and anytime like hard left or extreme left as pretty much different aspects of the same thing in the one nine hundred fifty s. When when the soviet union was showing very significant great significant rights of Economic Growth and the mainstream Foreign Policy journals were very much kind of writing these defensive narratives to try and explain away why the demonized system was apparently doing so well the propaganda story about communism in the soviet union and russia is a very narrow and misleading one compared to the complex reality that the marks among others did a very good job of explaining in complex and important ways i think one needs to distinguish between the propaganda and the historical reality. Or still to come here analogy International Law strike by french prison workers turns violent more on that after the break. Out all move along what has. Gone. On over this that i dont know why the show would be so there are rather just you know the crowds are the foil for a dinner together that. Im going to let slip out of my next question any question and keep an eye on what i used to lose a child is a tough call that it had. No effect on. Then im all in funny little bottle it. In my mind and then tell everyone i had enough for. Me. To get this whole full place choice to a gun the im here you have them and hey i sleep time is serious is. Crucial to our divorce from my love for them after the couple fights on this mr hayes to put a gym in and we are i hope it offered him in a clue. Manufacture consent to public wealth. When the ruling class is protect themselves. In the final. The one percent. We can all middle of the room say. The pastor in moscow violence has erupted in france at europes largest prison where guards have been striking over what they say are dangerous working conditions will continue the story here on the program for you now riot police fired tear gas at the protesting guards who are demanding an increase in security levels earlier at another prison in corsica to god was stopped by an inmate who had reportedly been radicalized inside the incident was revealed to us by a french prison union. Oh union is a well thats a serious incident to police in borgo prison ridiculous inmate brutally. Our french prisons of recently suffered several similar attacks a week ago three security staff were injured after an inmate set on them with scissors and a razor blade while on monday at another jail seven guards were attacked by an inmate in that case according to the ministry of justice the perpetrator had again been radicalized inside inmate violence i disobedience and radicalization triggered the nationwide guards strike the workers in turn have clashed with riot police. Striking guards are demanding that your thorough teens do something about the dangerous working conditions a representative of the Prison Guards union told r. T. France the authorities dont want to resolve the issue. Said. The government representatives are to blame they dont want to discuss the problem or to find a solution to our poor working conditions we demand an increase in the number of Prison Guards and also the creation of a special high security wing for radicalized prisoners. Some of them will determine if we are really determined to make ourselves heard and to ensure that our demands are met and we really want work conditions to be changed especially in terms of security that. Italy has launched a website targeting fake news the move comes ahead of marches general election if somebody wants to report a fake all they have to do is press a special button. First will allow users to help identify fake news placed online teams been set up to analyze the authenticity of anything flagged up by using special software and the italian interior minister has heaped praise on the system but some experts are slightly more skeptical its an entirely transparent and legitimate Public Service tool aimed at protecting citizens from unfounded news there is not even the slightest intention to enter the political debate you cannot create a people shaking news because everything that we are talking about in opinion at the end you can check the region of the news you will never read ariel independent to tell what is true for what is fake so i think we should try to fix the all media system took two to have an independent media system and then we can talk about fifty years or not. Us Disability Rights Foundation states it is high time for film directors to start casting people with disabilities to patrol the disabled and the groups president considers the situation offensive saying actors with disabilities are humiliated a group of disabled actors on their part are accused to film Directors Office criminal action although some still think the problem is being exaggerated. We found you on your own your voice. For the last is coming at the same communities as everyone else not a smart man. But i know what love is yeah yeah yeah my dress blues are a garbage bag in the closet are we going to screw up this is that you dont shrug the storm blow. The computer. I mean from some other. You know thirty years since my oscar win when no other actor with a disability has appeared in a leading role in the major Motion Picture it is clear to us that having actors playing disabled is in a fantastic and so many particular community culturally offensive. My name is stephen and. When we go down that road towards regulating free speech to that extent we ruin drama we ruin cinema some of the greatest overtures to people with mental disabilities physical disabilities have been given to us in cinema by non disabled people so its all about how theyre being portrayed marlay in that one has been a great example of someone who has participated in comedy about. Her disability because she thinks that its important to make sure that people of disability are not treated as a separate class but are treated like everyone else so that is i think at the core of what were discussing here today. I decide that morning here in moscow you well what headlines continue in about thirty minutes. Its all to see we have a great team but we need to strengthen before the free float world cold and your bets have been a legend to keep it so its at the back. In one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and im hoping to bring some of that weighting spirit to the aussie theme. Recently ive had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that Peter Schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will come on that story or three. Thousand the joke was only. Brush. I strike. Left left left more or less ok stuff thats really good that in order to overthrow a regime it does take popular discontent and Popular Mobilization but it also requires actors with in the leadership of the regime who feel that the regime is no longer serving the National Interest you need people in the military or the bureaucracy or both who are willing to see the regime change otherwise they would be able to put down a popular revolt but did not have support at higher levels. In the middle of the sixtys there were ten thousand millions to. In rolled in Higher Education in two thousand and fifteen there were two hundred million in less than fifteen years there expected to be four hundred million to. Hold. While the demand keeps growing University Tuition fees skyrocket the world over the cost of education is high increasing. Their. Work harder is more. I dont understand how can a school be a scam. In the name of so called economic pragmatism and as a result of International Competition university is a turning into a huge money making machine. And then in my family members went to university i think i wanted to be i wanted to be got one. From shanghai to new york paris to berlin countries around the world reflect trying different moves each remodelling its system in its own way but at what price and who profits from it was. At the starting point of our story which begins at the end of the ninetys. At that time you had this financial izing itself all the while expanding many intellectuals European University president s and expert groups engage in a vast reflection on how to build a more complete more ambitious europe. How to strengthen its intellectual scientific and technological influence. What is the secret of the United States and its economic power. The answer lies in Higher Education and research. A realm that has become undenied. Strategic. Search. At the end of the Twentieth Century american universities prevail and who europe is afraid afraid of finding itself on the sidelines it needs a strategy and so european gauges in a series of reforms to make its Higher Education more competitive so it can serve europes economy its productivity its job market and its liberal project england will quickly set the tone before anyone else and to get straight to the point. After the Second World War we had a system where local education authorities around the country were responsible for providing a grant to students and giving of covering tuitions fees. And that was at a time when roughly three percent of eighteen year olds went to university around twenty thousand. All science students will. Be required to attend lectures on physics chemistry mathematics and biology it will also be possible for science students to major in philosophy. Knowledge is not posted look at other huge net one in one and probably also all places all. In the one nine hundred eighty s. And nine hundred ninety s. There was a Funding Crisis amongst universities lots of vice chancellors complaining that they didnt have enough money to cover the amount of students are now coming through the system so the government commissioned a report and this was called a daring report and that came up with a number of recommendations almost one hundred recommendations roughly half for the government about how it could. Maintain sustain and improve Higher Education in the u. K. And one of the most controversial parts of that report was the introduction of tuition fees. In one thousand nine hundred seventy the british left led by its young charismatic candidate tony blair wins the elections after eighteen long years of conservative rule. At the age of forty three the head of the labor party takes charge of the country with a program whose foundation is to apply private sector management models to Public Services so as to make them more efficient more productive and Higher Education will be no exception. Right. We need to widen access to universities get more money into universities and the best and fairest way to do it is a balance between the state and the graduate situation face became reality and nine hundred ninety eight and it was a key landmark in the history of Higher Education in the u. K. Because at that moment the principle of Free Education free Higher Education in the u. K. Finished. For this historic reform tony blair introduces the yearly one thousand pound tuition fee a smooth way to start a fire. Prompted by his second term election tony blair authorizes universities to charge tuition fees up to three thousand three hundred pounds and tony blair head of britains labor party successfully passed a reform that the conservatives would never have dared bring forward. In two thousand and ten the labor party rallies the opposition the coalition made of liberal democrats conservatives led by David Cameron take charge of the country very rapidly the debate over jewish and fees arises on the political scene again this time the government intends to authorize tuition fees up to nine thousand pounds yearly all the while reducing the portion of public funding and it catered to universities this new reform violently divides both members of parliament and Public Opinion that have been very difficult choices to make we have opted for a such a policy is that provides a strong base for University Funding which makes a major contribution to reducing the deficit and introducing a significantly more progressive system of graduate paper and stuff we inherited and im proud to put forward that magic to this. Order. To know that. There is nothing a bank that tiny benefit to the lowest income graduates that justifies doubling or tripling the debt of the vast majority of right isnt it credible that the Party Opposite who actually introduced the principle of graduates paying and voted for to jewish and see increases is able to drum up quite so much fake anger on the issues out there was any young person ask any young person in any poor communities in our country what is your prospect what is your what do you want to do many would say. I want to study i want to qualify i want to go to university i want to achieve something in life. Hell have. A nice they are very cool they can have to borrow money to survive to get through university they simply will not do it this decision matters so much to so many people. Id say to the house if you dont believe in it vote against the interests of the right three hundred twenty three you know for the last three hundred true god. Was when it was really from three thousand that it became one thousand pounds i was up to the university if they wanted to introduce nine thousand pounds a maximum face or anything between six thousand and nine thousand and one surprisingly most university decided to set nine thousand pounds most students we have now half a Million Students going through every year most of those will be paying a minimum nine thousand pounds a year and thats stans. Over the course of fifteen years british politicians are ruling class that had enjoyed free access to education inflicted a paying system on the new generation. British students along with a european fellows now have to deal with these new rulings thats the way it is. Theyre young they long for a solid future that thirsty for knowledge and dream of climbing the social ladder all that has a price tag and theyd better get used to him. And if i grew up in a working class family in the south of poland the young woman could have enrolled in a university in krakow in copenhagen or even amsterdam. It would have been free in england and it was granted a student loan to pay for her nine thousand pounds tuition fee. I knew i was going to go abroad to study and i think well for a little while i thought it was going to be scotland but then i that i think i decided it was england you know like way back and it just stuck with me and i and i came here and it was it was scary it was so scary because i was away from home i was here alone i didnt have anywhere to turn to and look at me now i study chinese of all the crises that i could show this i cant wait for you know what the future holds and what im going to do i have so many ideas but willacy. I talked to my grandfather once and were talking about Everything Else and then kind of started talking about university and how much money that costs and everything and i had many thoughts about ok maybe maybe ill quit maybe ill you know its too much maybe its not worth it and then i realized well how my going to pay it back but thats one of the reasons why i stayed and other reason bigger even is that i like what i do i think im not quite sure where that came from my need to go to university i think is because. None of my family members went to university i think i wanted to be i wanted to be that one first person who did that and my mom my mom really wanted me to do that as well she did encourage me strongly i dont know what i would do without her if i failed i would i would feel like i failed her and i never want to do that ever. Because being here and doing what i do and being university is my way of paying her back for that shes done me. Yeah im good its my way of paying back everything. And. Will the european students be forced one day to get into debt. Should education become a sellable good. Mustiness become selfmade finance years to earn an education. Northern european countries

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