Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20180118

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Hour with a full news program meanwhile coming up the panel on crosstalk delves into the information war between the Mainstream Media and dont trump. Hello and welcome to crossfire where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle are the Mainstream Media intentionally gaslighting the public against President Donald Trump the reverse appears to be equally true trump does with style gaslight the media what kind of body politic is this creating has the us become a collection of hysterical drama queens. Crosslinking gaslighting im joined by my guest reverend Jesse Lee Peterson in los angeles he is a counselor activist media commentator as well as on ther of the antidote healing america from the poison of hate blame and victimhood also in los angeles we have ron paul cohen he is a comedian and a frequent guest on the jimmy door show and the young turks as well as host of his own streaming program get your news on with wrong and in new york we cross to political pundit and journalist contributing to the Huffington Post all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate ron let me go to you i mean who is gaslighting whom here and is that a country that is just turned into a bunch of drama queens because from a distance from my Vantage Point my perch its a lot of drama queens out there not saying anything worth much listening to go ahead ron yeah you know heres the thing the media was in bad shape the Corporate Media in the United States was in very bad shape long before trump came along and theyre still in very bad shape now the way the media really gaslights the public is they try to make it out like everything was just hunky dory and we had this this perfectly functioning democracy where everybody was happy and then all of the sudden trump came along and disrupted everything well well in fact thats not true you know i mean if if trump is frankenstein the media is very much a victor. And you know this constant amplification and trump pretty much all of his policies are just general republican policies and i dislike these policies i strongly dislike trump but you know im not going to sit here and entertain this idea that hes some big outlier when in fact hes kind of the result of the system we have an excellent point there rob weighed in on that because i think thats absolutely. Really true here what were doing is were always getting these exaggerated reactions to everything that is said i mean like the old episode oh wow that took you know what two new cycles here i mean i dont really care about that language and if a country is in it why is it and did the u. S. Have a play in it ok those thats an interesting policy to talk about not about some callous vocabulary go ahead rob well ive been around for a while and my father worked in the Johnson White house and had his first meeting with the president when the president was sitting on the toilet so. I learned a lot up pretty jaded and you and i were talking prior to the show and i brought up a line which help our phrase from broadcast news when Albert Brooks says you know what that were in trouble in the news when we become more important than the story i feel theyre beating the story to death enough already and he said it hes going to say other oafish boorish stupid things but well im glad im doing this show with you today because i wanted to talk about ive been dying to talk about for a week now that its not like trump has so much created this environment youre right about the Victor Frankenstein the weve helped create him but its just i think the future unfortunately of politics is going to be based on social media and those kind of what forms i dont even know if were going to go back to the bipartisanship we once had its become emotional its become ideological and its become instantaneous with people putting their thumbs on their phones and everywhere members of the press or or part of the Kitchen Cabinet or the president of the United States you know jesse in los angeles i mean i this is a very good point im going to take you to both points for a moment what we heard from iran and rob here i mean if it if its really all about trump then its all about jake tapper and its also about rich. Well maddog its about chris cuomo that if this is of equal measure here personally i find all of it quite toxic because there are a lot of problems to solve in the u. S. And around the world i could care less what jake tapper thinks about anything to be honest with you ok go ahead jesse go ahead. You know president trauma i call him a great white hope he will go down in history as the best president and hes one of them for sure about the best president that just country has ever experienced the president by telling the true been straightforward and putting Country First and assess both and the children of the lie and the children of a lot of liberals the liberal media the democrats the right all republicans and it never tropper us the b. S. Both they never had a plan or any intent to make America Great again and we didnt know what i we knew was bad most of us knew it was bad but we didnt know how bad it was until this president came along and i spose what was really going on and now these people the light roaches they are running from the light because it behind into darkness for so long and the president is shining the light on them and they are running nuts with the president if he said this they are about haiti and and el salvador and africa mr truro if you look at those country there are loads and just now to complain about it was not the problem why not pretend why you pretend then that the problem doesnt exist and thats what the liberals and democrats have been gone they dont want to solve the problem they want their people brainwashed dumb dow and demoralized look at black americans was up are not all in or not all but most black americans are brainwashed dumbed down and demoralized and they have been kept that way since lyndon b. Johnson was last forty to fifty years and so they have told black americans that you cant make an america the greatest country on this out of heaven about the way they have told them you cant make it because of racism now we find out that racism never existent is allowed as when you. Well the children well in order to control what i was born on the plantation what we find always on an auto plantation what weve found out recently is theres only one racist in the world and he lives in the white house again this is nonsense i mean you know we can go partisan here or not its funny i mean it tells me the democrats dont have anything to say liberals dont have anything to say i mean he was first he was a russian agent now hes a racist ok then what are they going to try next i dont know ron one of the fascinating things about gaslighting is it is much is the media hate trump and trump hates the media its a symbiotic relationship they need each other its like theyre both balls of fire and the other is oxygen and this is what drives me nuts because its not pushing forward an agenda for people that are it genuinely need help and the u. S. Is in dire straits now and were not getting policy fixes you know trump is on this its a great presidency that the greatest year of any i told nonsense not much has happened ok and this is dreadful go ahead ron yeah i mean i i totally agree with you and you know i certainly do not think that trump is a great president at all but one thing thats happening is i think people are waking up to you know just a system where you know you have one side you have the democrats that pretty much give you nothing to vote for and then you have the republicans that give people something to vote against and i think people are waking up to this in the media which has an incentive to uphold the status quo because theyre benefiting from it you know they make it out i know you know. Keep going on. Going i dont. Know i didnt pay a whole lot of attack in zero. No not if you have it i know that pretty much how it is a lot of. Gentlemen that how hero on percents least thats not at all the one hand im going on in the one field and i dont know dont talk over each other to go about it work. Yes i mean im going back to work black americas going back to war. And theyll get it bonuses the jobs are now opened up again and youre going to start it up again so ron is not be an auditor the president has cut back on the regulation we are safer now under this president and it is precious that is the father must the worst president that this country has ever despairs Barrack Obama me he is going down and look at the money i get it would seem to have seen any jump in here rather than just saying it in a great again hang on let me jump in and robert let me go to rob before we go to the break here i think one of the interesting things that i find very curious here is that its hard to tell what is truly happening because if you just go into these echo chambers its all bad or its all good and i dont believe either one of them go ahead rob well im a political centrist. A left leaning political centrist and as you have said to me your right leaning political centrist peter and we need more of that thats what this country is based on bipartisanship and dealmaking i think a big problem were having here with looking at anything that the trumpet ministration has accomplished or not accomplished is he cant keep his mouth shut and his fingers off those tweets because somebody says it needs to he and this was a commentator who doesnt care for him to let me finish please jesse if trump just remained silent and did not and did not make the stupid comments that he made he probably have a much higher rating right now in popularity with the country with. Its a lot of people but you cant seem to control yourself would you not because its an emotional according to the child ok jesse twenty second would you not be honest about what youre not being honest about if the president wasnt tweeted if he wasnt speaking up we would know to trouville would you do it because the liberal media hate media hate him so much they are not talking about his assessors because they know why you didnt know the empat hes having on his contract gentlemen positive to jump in yeah they need him so much they need to go away and so were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on gaslighting stay with artist. I dont think that any country can push a button and get rid of trade this is far too important to be farmers to political backlash money is a very flexible thing and i think it will be very quick before people find ways around it because as they say in that it may be damaging it might cut it back but the idea that you could do anything nearly to the south is very unlikely. But rather stand. Up for what. I know that i know. Rather you know stuff that are more secure. Only and that compatible and i. Can keep an. Eye on. You. Michel the downside of. Embezzlement on the hay for not doing. A little. Good this whole fool place choice the i knew you had them and they are turning in serious since the lady who knew she had to hold a divorce from my last farthing to me after that i will fuck around with mr hates it for jim and then i hope that our freddie macor. Me the money. But no one was selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battles for installing. The new socks for the tell you that will be gossip and tabloid myself of the most Important News today. Awesome advertising how you think you are not cool enough and thats to buy your products. These are the hawks for me im on the board of one. Welcome back across the uk where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing gaslighting. Ok let me go back to iran and you know when i dont really learn much from the news ok at all ok and that goes for c. N. N. M s n b c fox ok i love the jimmy dorsey alter i love the jimmy door show i learned a lot from you guys but you know what i do learn from the Mainstream Media as i learn these words like trigger and micro aggression and i always find it so curious ok because trump is that cues to being a trigger for this sort of trigger for that but it seems to be the Mainstream Media is just one huge trigger that goes off once in a while and we go through an entire cycle of people crying and beating their fist and beating their chests and you know how can this happen to our country who is i mean it i just thought you know what are they all dishing for something because i just find it you know wheres the nooses and then i try to change the channel and its the same thing on the next channel just a different face i mean what is this what Corporate Culture has gotten down to i mean is it getting to the point whats the oldest man that could cry the loudest now on public airwaves ok this is what its gone down to me i mean its you should turn to the cartoon channel at least youll feel better go ahead ron. Yeah i mean well the Corporate Media in the United States you know its very much own by corporate interests you know i mean m s n b c for instance is owned by comcast so i mean right away you just have conflict of interest want to one and the fact that they are just so profit driven you know they they tend to focus on hyperbole and sensationalism instead of really objectively packing unpacking whats going on in the country and if they were to do that they would find out that the status quo is really broken then we need to make some sharp turns in regards to policy so they dont really want to do that instead its more fun to focus on you know instances of of sensationalism you know i mean you brought up the s whole example for instance you know that was talked about for you know a couple news cycles and ongoing meanwhile you know all the people that are supposed to be quote unquote resisting trump voted for a pfizer bill that pretty much its dens the ability of any president to two to pursue surveillance they also didnt push back on the whole idea for the wall nobody talked about the fact that dhaka didnt move forward because of this wall idea which i think is an awful idea most americans dont want i think its a racist idea we dont even know how much its going to cost trumps going to try to privatizing everything so basically he would use this to make his friends richer nobodys talking about these actual policy issues you believe that we need to be discussing you know instead is just what was going on Something Else trump said you know and that hillary say was wrong you know you know ron whats really interesting is that im kind of ambiguous about that while youre against it but i would be an interesting conversation to have wouldnt it ok instead let me go to ron and ramadan added right but instead ill show you how the Mainstream Media does it ok rob if your forward. Wall youre a racist end of conversation i mean rob what this is this is what i find again really troublesome is that if people if you disagree with me then somehow your immoral or lack morals i mean again thats to live there there is of course yeah go ahead rob. Theres no middle ground theres no nuance theres no discussion its youre right its become an either or circumstance and i just want to backtrack a little bit to what ron said before the break because some think its really important peter you and i have discussed this which is you had certain programs that really championed trump like m s n b c morning joe joe and mika had him on every day and gave him so much air time it was remarkable and now they suddenly seem stunned that hes the president the United States and theyre profiting now on both ends because all they do is beat the stories to death but i do think that its our obligation in the media to to report things and we owe it to the viewers and the public and our listeners to talk about more important issues like if trump has passed really bad legislation then lets talk about and i never see it discussed or shown on any of these shows or programs anywhere really about the new legislation thats gone through regarding wall street regarding regulations whats happening were just talking about peoples opinion as my grandmother used to say that the yacht at the yacht that. Youve said before i really like that you know jesse one of the things that i find very interesting and its this kind of boomerang effect here you know during the Campaign Anyone according to the clinton people if you supported donald trump you were deplorable well you know i come from the midwest i dont like being called a deplorable particularly from someone that i think has no moral standing whatsoever in the public eye and thats Hillary Clinton in her clan and now its of the same thing the same thing is happening is the more the morning joke and meager is i call them they go after the president the more they bore in the heartland people who say see these people on the coast i know youve ron i know you guys are in l. A. You guys get a free pass from me. Ok just on this one program ok because i hate california i hate california really do ok but i mean if there is any here and you know that its not now where i am ok so dont dont rub it in but you need to stay here but jesse you know what i think that again you know a lot of people in the midwest where his supporters are more because we say we should talk about the issues you know are these programs creating jobs in the right kind of jobs you know thats the kind of conversation we should all be having but you know if the m. S. M. B c says you know hes stealing the livelihood of the people in the midwest they get it and they beat him for it there hes only going to sustain his popularity because hes hated by the Mainstream Media not based on his real record real or imagined go ahead jesse. I do want to just very respond to ron about the wall the reason that one of the reason the president is president is because he is a supporter of putting up a big beautiful wall and thats not racist to put out war a war to protect the americas that is not going to be anything bigger but give or not a chance and what what what our life for ron to do if you think its ok not to put a wall up to go eleven to enter cities and urban areas and see what black americans are going through as a result of the war not be in there you have illegal aliens coming across the borders the land in and the urban areas or black communities the. Hurt of black ice and the area of Education Health care they are bringing in m. S. Thirty game violence there bring you draw and then they hate black people that people having to move out of their areas to the south either to join till alabama because a radical liberal got this democrat and the liberal media got this media were not spose the negative impact that open borders having on black people and i realize now is included godless john lewis and the wicked witch from the west my city water but the liberals dont care about but people they only want their vote and thats why they want the wall down they dont want to wall there because these illegals are coming in and they are given illegals free stuff and the same manner that they have done to blacks for the last fifty years or so and they are somehow this is that youre making someone a summer grow that general de shraddha party. They hear about they want more about ok people at all ron so let me go to ron here and you know people voted for the president because he want to he will put a big beautiful wall up ok you see c. N. N. And all of the little cry and oh we saw her. Well no. Let me go to. Jesse i need the equal time i need equal time for everyone here ron ok all right lets take the wall as an example here depending on what cable station i go to its a good idea its a bad idea but i never really hear experts explain why its bad why its good all i hear is no moral preening all the time oh its moral you know your races tell me how it will go to work how much is it going to cost just how does that change reality how is it part of a larger immigration because im for Immigration Reform this is the stuff i want to know but i never learned any of it go ahead ron yeah and all right lets put the moral argument aside because you know we definitely do not have a consensus there i think its a morally disgusting idea but thats a moral judgment call so lets look at it economically we dont know exactly how much its going to cost we dont even know theres a lot of numbers that have been thrown out there furthermore donald trump wants to privatized the entire thing so this would just be given to contractors and lets be honest this is a big this is a big Billionaires Club that none of us are in jesse your not and im not in a peter youre not in it rob youre not in it we are not in it so this obviously there are no trump having the pockets of his friends. And thats all we would get out of this and it wouldnt be all right well then well then i guess youre in the club and maybe youre for the wall because you have a financial incentive to be so ok but this is proving my point wanted to hang on hang on a little of the more on this yes go right ahead because this is what im trying to get at gentlemen is to have a. Gun should i discussion about drug policy ok go ahead. What whats wrong brings up a really good point lets forget about the moral issue here because im against the wall but ive done my research and i did it years ago when i did my Due Diligence all you have to do is google Inspector General border wall and you will see the billions and billions and billions of money that would not only spent but wasted we have tried to build walls weve tried to put up motion detectors weve tried to use satellites every single thing the government has tried to implement under democrat and republican president s hes have failed because its been proven untenable and unbuildable but we have a president ial candidate who nothing and cared nothing about this and has to believe that it was going to build it its. Its not ridiculous its right there google the Inspector Generals report you can see the money thats been spent on it and thats what should be discussed how are we going to build it how im going to be here is what is the Road Construction i dont have. It why dont you chat which is around if you believe a wall dont work wont work is a row and also if you build youre comparing apples and oranges are not really all around your house. Why dont you tear down the wall around your home are a few wow ready gentlemen all night down and i think its only better to take down walls and i think we build one on this program many thanks to my kids in los angeles and in new york and thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time and remember. The two thousand and eight economic crisis turned some countries into paychecks these were the countries with weaker economies that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation of slow gloats even the recession steadies a very bad idea. It doesnt work and it makes millions of people very unhappy those who are unemployed see their wages decline off the whole most a decade how good are the results you saw last at the new york hes welcome by the people gathered in which to watch the world get people to see what i do in a choice. To be in full view she still clematis i mean to for legal. Challenge must be more than this she did not was always think they see something and not get it. While the same mission is still in place to one of the consequences to. Bluebirds who dispute who will first be one of the slew truthy consider this is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision making. Heres what people have been saying about redacted in that its you know i think its full on awesome well the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah mr john all over a Party America is doing the same thing we are apparently better than food nothings better and see the people youve never heard of love redacted tonight not the president of the world bank though hey im going to write it seriously send us an email. All. But of all according to a while back two thousand and twelve is expected to be the first year since the financial crisis that the Global Economy it wont be all prayed. At or near its full capacity if things are indeed Getting Better why are so few people noticing it well to discuss that im now joined by. Former first deputy managing director of the International Monetary fund and former chief economist at the world bank professor krueger its a great honor to talk to you thank you very much for being available pleased to be here now first of all let me start with this seemingly unrelated issue youre visiting russia the time when the United States department of state listed this country as one of the most dangerous places in the world to visit together with states like sudan and pakistan and the specific recommendation for the group of countries would be to reconsider your travel why are you defining recommendation of the American Government well im not even a report i saw in the newspaper didnt even list in the same categories theres a level three countries. Thought that

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