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All about russia and the European Parliament with members clashing over threats and fake news allegedly coming from moscow. Joining us this hour youre watching r. T. International. North and south korea have agreed to march together under a unified flag at the Winter Olympics thats according to a statement made by the representatives of pyongyang and seoul following todays talks between the two countries. South march together in the Opening Ceremony under the korean flag from a single north south female ice hockey team. South and north korean officials met for a third time in the space of just a few days to discuss peace efforts meanwhile western allies of the one nine hundred fifty s. Korean war gathered in canada for separate talks on the Current Crisis with a seemingly different approach. The pressure came to continue until north korea takes decisive steps to do nuclear i think. Is to send out a very clear message we want to intensify that pressure it is not the time to use pressure or to revert career the surest path to peace is to keep threatening north korea into submission after a long and challenging meeting thats the best the value of a group could come up with the purpose of our meetings today is to improve the effectiveness of the maximum Pressure Campaign and combat north koreas attempts to evade sanctions the United States looks forward to hearing from our protest votes on how we can best do that more sanctions toughest sanctions though one might wonder what there is left of north korea to sanction or why they would work now when they havent for seventy years a few of the participants also proposed ripping up all diplomatic relations with the north that or to work and defuse things reinforcing autonomous majors when where available. To include cutting off diplomatic ties to his nose career solid meeting of north koreas former enemies literally almost all of these countries were participants off the korean war on the side of south korea states such as luxembourg colombia greece belgium difficult to imagine what relevance they have to the korean crisis these days but there you go noticeably absent with two countries that are actually relevant to the crisis apart from north korea itself the two countries that actually share a border with the north china and russia. Russia and china were not invited to this meeting so they just said the meeting would take place on the sixteenth of january. You can come in the evening we will tell you what we have agreed on this was unacceptable what the state Department Said about russia supporting this meeting thats a complete lie we consider this meeting harmful to. The most important parties involved in the Korean Peninsula Nuclear Issue arent taking part in the meeting we dont know what the goal of this meeting is so i dont think this meeting is legal or representative from the very beginning china has been opposed to this meeting should ok so you invited a bunch of countries that have little to do with the crisis and came up with all the tried tested and failed solutions they went a step further refusing any advice russia and china have long stood by a double freeze meaning north korea stops doing this. And south korea and the United States stop sending nuclear bomb is to harass the north and poors with the war games. No said Rex Tillerson when the north does it its a provocation when we do it its deterrents have a jew away but couldnt you wait. At long last after years north korea and south Korea Holding direct face to face negotiations the olympics around the corner and everyone with any sense once things settle down so what does the Vancouver Group do while it gathers all of north koreas former enemies and declares it intends to tighten the noose around kim jong uns neck hows that for a path to peace. And joining me live now is security analyst and former u. K. Army officer charles shoe breach very good evening t. Charles when i first heard about this story was it was a wow moment for me i was extremely surprised to see this breakthrough i mean is it a considerable breakthrough for you or not well actually just a week ago. I suggested when i was being asked about this issue the talks were just starting down between north and south and i suggested perhaps it might even come to a joint team but you know im surprised i think many people will be especially in the south but its a considerable cost diplomatic achievement for the north and arguably for the south notwithstanding that undoubtedly in both countries there will be opponents of it because after all it will be perceived as one going soft on the other and of course that mechanism and rhetoric indeed works both ways but i think its particular ironic really as your report is just mentioned or alluded to at least. This if you like not exactly a full on repression one is going on or at least a thawing of tensions between north and south at least to the degree that weve seen so far is happening in vancouver the former allies of south korea of course are tightening the noose as they call it increasing the rhetoric and raising the temperature at exactly the same time as the country that fifty or so years ago actually more than fifty years ago now isnt it that actually went to war in the korean war on behalf of south korea south korea itself today is seemingly at least for the time being rejecting that belligerent approach and actually adopting an approach of talking and trying to ease tensions and seemingly with first steps results those talks taking place in canada between the korean war allies do you think they. Are fact perhaps they inspired this unified team or do you think more of a hindrance. Its difficult to know to be frank because of course we dont know fully the mechanisms by which Decision Making is made in the north we dont know what influence has been brought to bear on the leader by different factions there will be probably different factions in the leadership that want one policy or another and at different times one policy will be favored over the other whether soft approach or hard approach just as there is in the Foreign Policy machinery of any country even to ship a totalitarian dictatorship will have these different Interest Groups winning influence at different times so its different difficult to know the degree to which this kind of pressure has if you like push north korea in one direction or indeed the irrationality is perceived of donald trump himself in terms of his threats and so on it may be that actually that is push north korea in one direction or another but its also telling i think that these talks themselves started on the back of south korea agreeing to persuade america to at least pause its exercises its military exercises which its just been described by a constant as harassing the north and certainly from the north perspective more than an irritant actually threatening the north security lets not forget that its in the backdrop with the backdrop of the last decade of a half of states having given up their w. And d. For think about libya think about iraq that then became victims of the United States one way or another and of course that has been a major driver in countries such as north korea seeking to obtain these weapons of mass destruction in the first place and so what weve got today i think is weve got a further step down the road of where when as i mentioned indeed a week ago we seem to be seeing yet further steps where it appears to be the case that when the interests and the Foreign Policy and the actions of United States are put to one side local players are to some degree at least able to start finding. Solutions and thats not just in korea of course weve seen that to some degree in syria with the process since the Peace Process is overseen by russia turkey and iran and also of course arguably to some degree in ukraine with them its a process that once america its sidelined to some degree local players can at least to some degree make some progress toward securing their own local interests which is usually peace and stability charles bridge is my guess much appreciate your expert analysis there charles is a security analyst and former u. K. Army officer thank you. Weve been on the u. N. Agency for Palestinian Refugees has slammed americas decision to freeze more than half of its planned funding for the organization the agency has called it the worst Funding Crisis in its history white house spokesperson announced the decision earlier. We committed a voluntary contribution of sixty Million Dollars for twenty eight thousand so far sixty five Million Dollars that is money that will be held for future consideration its money thats been frozen at this time its not being canceled its just being held for future consideration but this is not aimed at punishing anyone. The move sparked massive protests in gaza with many venting their anger at the United States you can see here People Holding up banners and chanting slogans theyre demanding further assistance for refugees. Hundred decided out of the world the arab Celebrity One who has a connection to the palestinian course is responsible for this we are the Palestinian People who were evicted from our homes towns and we have a right to the support of the u. N. Our doubling our them which provides a minimum of assistance to the Palestinian People are that what is now provided is not enough for a family to leave on for a month of these middle east correspondent paula takes a closer look at how the decision could affect refugees what we have heard from the United Nations relief and works agency that this american money freeze will result in a dramatic reduction on the lives of palestinians this is a humanitarian and Relief Agency that supports some five point nine million registered palestinians and their descendants who fled away expelled from israel during the one nine hundred forty eight and nine hundred sixty seven wards they currently reside in the palestinian territories in gaza in East Jerusalem as well as in jordan syria and lebanon and this is why there is some concern being expressed that particularly in those host countries this decision by the american President Donald Trump could result in any instability now this is a huge blow to him because the United States is the single largest donor and it follows course from the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to have the agency close down or to. Whether. You are an r. W. A is an organization that perpetuates the right to return for Palestinian Refugees narrative in order to eliminate the state of israel therefore the un r w a must become a thing of the past now for nearly seventy years on what has been a lifeline to the palestinians who say that without it basic access to Services Like Education Health care sanitation what some think vanished and leave hundreds of thousands of children even more vulnerable than they are today there is also concern about his latest here and the minds the ability of the United Nations to respond in the future if and when there is a flare up of violence. He spoke to dr Mustafa Barghouti general secretary of the Palestinian National initiative he says the decision will hurt Palestinian Refugees scattered across the middle east. These are now more than five million or six million refugees that will be punished for being good if you use they would be deprived from schools for to double the price on a mythical case to illegally people deprived from shelters to people with disabilities this is a very serious blow to the work of a very Important Agency that is providing humanitarian aid to Palestinian Refugees in syria and lebanon in jordan and palestine itself. Back in june the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. The haley tweeted a picture of herself posing with Palestinian Refugees attic in her post she explained how she managed to speak with them about their hopes and dreams two weeks ago she altered her tone calling future funding of the Refugee Agency into question. I think the president has basically said that he doesnt want to give any additional funding arced start fining until the palestinians are agreeing to come back to the negotiation table and what we saw with the resolution was not helpful to the situation were trying to move for a Peace Process but if that doesnt happen the president is not going to continue to find that situation this. Is directed. That ides of the Palestinian Refugees are typical to see what the clue more to just so. Just because were not coming to the table from. Mr president that im posting because of the negotiations those who are viewed as i dont know his dick and off the issue of diffuser. Of the issue of settlements so is the will is the empty why would the students come to. A site and over to him and this will never happen. But because of the European Parliament have had a busy day discussing russia and threats coming from moscow peter oliver has more on the debate now what we did see is this polarizing any piece on one side the group that said that russia was the root of all fake news and lies they were trying to drum up support and extra cash for the east struck calm task force now thats the e. U. Body that tries to look into and expose what it sees as fake news particularly it has its eyes set on news. Media outpost coming out of russia after the sputnik featured very heavy in some of the rhetoric coming from these enemy piece theyre focused firmly on the fact that every vote in europe was potentially the target of a test of the russian fleet. There are russian agents in this area parliament right now and theyre already trying to actively influence our elections russia to come to other channels are dangerous its quite interesting. That the communists and the name extremists nationalists in this chamber they see russian this information. And of course your carbs but we can see you elsewhere there are also voices pointed back towards those same amy piece you just heard from saying that they were just looking for a bogeyman a scapegoat for their own political failings and that russia fitted about skate go perfectly we need to be careful when using phrases like fitness im not trying to defend the russian regime im just rather skeptical of references to interference in the us and european elections there is no evidence of such a. System lies and lies and lies are being told throughout europe and we hear the same story over and over again. Should you say that the Russian Media spreads false figures and facts to us when have russians provided false facts when i followed events in libya afghanistan iraq and syria and in all instances ive seen the transatlantic lies the media have been reporting not once was there any evidence provided to back up claims that either r. T. Or sputnik it had faked a new story is also worth noticing that the german m. E. P. From the Christian Democratic Union party David Mcallister he suggested that members of the European Parliament should be banned from speaking to r. T. Or sputnik whilst theyre on e. U. Premises so thats perhaps something to look forward to in the future what we will hear though is that theyll publish the findings of following from this debate on whether there needs to be more financing for the east struck on task force in the spring keeping an eye on not expect to see this debate over fake news not going anywhere anytime soon. Russias Investigative Committee is claiming new evidence refutes allegations of state sponsored sample swapping at the start elim pigs are to be done hawkins has more. Well this is the result of a low inquiry by russias Investigative Committee going all the way back to last year with regards to that doping scandal theyve looked into some new details of course of google account before head of moscows anti doping approach really from now whistleblower and fugitive in the United States into some of the Technical Details in his allegations namely how allegedly these samples were transported and tampered with they found out that these samples were transported to the social abode three under strict conditions of supervision and then processed during daytime periods of between thirty minutes and two hours so a very rapid turnaround that of course contradicts the counts which was quite different the people coming. Here. I was in a little. Suit. Claiming that this alleged operation took place in the dead of night it was of course his claims that resulted in this scandal which resulted in the banning of many russian athletes and blanket ban and subsequently on the team. Himself of course is a controversial enough figure as we said hes the former head of moscows and he brought three he is wanted there in russia on Drug Trafficking charges on selling and moving dangerous and illegal substances we understand hes now under a Witness Protection Program in the United States nevertheless despite these charges it was his evidence his allegations that led to the Mclaren Report subsequently used as a basis for this banning blanket banning of russian athletes at International Olympic events just last month we learned there are you see decided to impose a ban on the blanket ban on russian athletes at the south korean winter Olympic Games making them participate hundred neutral flag not under russian flag not playing the russian at them. So this result really puts into question. Any of rotten coughs allegations raises more questions that all says but certainly a very interesting turn to this story will be very interesting to see to follow it and see where it goes after this. Activist supporting the recent movement against Sexual Misconduct taking aim at their peers all those actors and other public figures who dare to doubt the direction in which the so called me to campaign is going face a furious backlash has the latest examples i feel like every time you turn around another me too headline has hit the press with new accusations from directors to actors to fashion photographers but it seems weve reached a turning point as renowned feminists are concerned that the campaign is becoming a witch hunt take Margaret Atwood author of a handmaids tale and acclaimed work attacking mythologising who says shes starting to doubt the movement the structure of guilty because accused has applied to many more episodes in Human History than salem my fundamental position is that women are human beings the full range of sente and demonic behaviors this entails including criminal ones theyre not incapable of wrongdoing the backlash shes received online and in the media has been ruthless strange how someone so brilliant can demonstrate so little insight and self reflection i guess privilege is blinding which margaret and i would get back to reading dystopian future but im a surgeon ist world instead of you know actively creating it. I mean Seventy Eight year olds on exactly knowing that progressive takes congolese a right the first female African American secretary of state also says me too maybe changing perceptions of women and not for the better i do think we have to be a little bit careful lets not turn women into still flakes lets not infantilize women over in france one hundred influential female artists are being led by actress Catherine Deneuve and signing an open Campaign Letter against me to rape is a crime but in system comes the floor is not a crime nor is gallantry of sharpness aggression now this liberation of speech has been turned on its head but the reaction to that was furious and to know it was forced to issue a hasty apology a few prominent men have also voiced their reservations one of them was actor liam neeson there is a bit of a witch hunt type of thing that people. Touching some girls from the or something their been dropped from their proof around or something unsurprisingly recent comments have also been less than well received by many the problem here seems to be that theres often a if you arent with us youre against us mentality with movements such as me to those who are speaking out about their concerns are not condoning Sexual Assault nor attacking the campaign itself but more often than not their words are twisted or go unheard outward may have said it best herself in times of extremes extremists when. Pro independence supporters have held a must rally in catalonia celebrating the first session of the new Regional Parliament which has a separatist majority. Massive rallies of common sizes come to them is vote for independence was declared illegal by madrid and the sort of number of Pro Independence politicians jailed well we cant. Only the colors put them on went into exile in belgium many now expressed hope hell return power. We expect that from here today man can be proclaimed president the best option when he but he swears in as president in brussels because what people have chosen it and then he comes back to catalonia as an elected president. Im not a lawyer but i think there is a way that he can be elected and street in brussels you know thats what is best for the country disobey the spanish more likely to make the catalan republic go forward there is a whole country behind him a social majority that wants the catalan republic we dont have anything to do with the spanish more emotionally mentally speaking and we want to make the republic go forward. As the first session of parliament wraps up the question of the election of the regions president remains open and i was put on claims that he could run the region via skype or through a special representative of the session lasted the seams of those parliamentarians who were absent due to imprisonment or exile or marked with yellow ribbons the symbol of the Independence Movement apart from Pro Independence activists anti breakaway movements have been gaining popularity as well for example to bania its a fictional land inside catalonia which includes the barcelona and try to go in the regions there activists who came up with the idea wanted to split from catalonia and join spain this is their reasoning. Is that we went from being one of the main drivers of the spanish economy to mediocre autonomy at the exit of more than three thousand companies was followed by encouraging the civil population to disobey the Constitutional Order to get a republic that lasted eight seconds and without any international support. Im going to break away from the studio of the hall for an hour oh you will stay with us though see you at the top of the out. There. Are the Mainstream Media intentionally gaslighting the public against President Donald Trump three verse appears to be equally true trump does with style gaslight the media what kind of body politic is this creating has the us become a collection of hysterical drama queens. Im Afshin Rattansi were back with a brand new series of going underground as today the u. S. Senate holds hearings with facebook you tube and twitter about terrorism against the United States coming up in this first show of the new series is the liquidation of the taxpayer funded private contractor karelian one of the final nails in the coffin of the post stature and privatization of u. K. Society we get the take of the chair of the u. K. International trade committee and well have the s. N. P. Who reveals plans for a new Scottish Independence referendum to break up the United Kingdom within fifteen months and did the Birthday Week of Martin Luther king jr who along with malcolm x. Had a different vision for the western hemisphere what makes. Us army veteran Margaret Stevens of the speculation that the catastrophic me poor life outcomes of the caribbean referenced by donald trump bar the island of cuba from the headlines why you should keep your pennies power away from the hard pressed homeless but think about sending them to plan from gaza all this and more coming up in our First Episode of this new season but first straight to our top story the minority u. K. Government led by Prime Minister theresa may is today scrambling to keep British Public Services Running because of mondays liquidation of taxpayer funded multibillion pound Trans National contract a karelian allegedly one of the most shorted companies on the London Stock Exchange meaning the city of london knew it face problems karelian continued to win taxpayer funded contracts even as it paid out shareholder dividends what it faced a pensions black hole tourism a presided over two billion pounds in contracts being given to former Advisors Company after profit warnings and with a Civil Service oversight role concerned with really an unfilled questions in even mainstream. Central whether its time to rethink capitalism after decades of labor outsourcing joining me now is angus mcneil hes the chair of Britains International trade select committee as well as being on the u. K. S National Security Strategy Committee and the s. N. P. Shadow spokesperson for the environment and Rural Affairs analyst thanks so much for coming back on before we go into the iraq other issues surrounding this debacle or your only National Security Strategy Committee what implications for defense of the realm given that karelian is in charge of certain facilities around britains Nuclear Deterrent in scotland a naval base well the tentacles of cotillion seem to be everywhere the tarmac in the past a company that i was very weak of i did a degree in Civil Engineering they built some of the floating docks. And they would undoubtedly be still be. Delivering for the ministry of defense its a concern in defense of its a concern of the civil side as well primarily of course my my sympathies and understanding because foster to the workers the employees who are losing their jobs who find themselves in a precarious situation hes forty thousand affected indeed you know whats the management penalty you know we see managers here on bonuses clawbacks been taken away you dont know

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