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That call attention for the vast majority of people the vast majority of people think this is a perfectly innocent campaign involving children of all races. A warm welcome youre watching artie international with me mickey aaron good to have you with us this hour. Our Space Mission already shrouded in secrecy has now grown even more mysterious now so made rumors about the fate of a top secret u. S. Government satellites there reusable space x. Rocket which launched it safely returns to earth but questions are being asked over what happened to the payload trenker has the details of the cryptic launch well the intriguing or mysterious thing about this is that ahead of the launch and during it and the media there were so many stories about the tops. Secret Spy Satellite which belongs to the u. S. Government being launched by illinois mosques space x. Company it was called zoom but now almost two days after the launch everyone is pretty much in the dark about its fate sunday nights launch was lifestream to body space six but only until a certain stage. We have had successful lift off of falcon nine carrying. Those then the satellites deployment into orbit wasnt shown or reported on at all now if the mission is so secrecy it isnt any fad at some stage is all to live stream but a sense that while on the one hand it is true and we know that the usual practice for this kind of limited access to the stream is like that for missions of that secretive nature but then neither space x. Nor the manufacture of the satellite confirmed that the launch was successful and this led to the first doubts appearing other any other reasons to think that something posted the math going wrong then too respected news organizations in the u. S. Wall street journal and bloomberg reported that zuma may have fallen back to earth or burned in the planets atmosphere and when they get that classified information from Anonymous Sources within the u. S. Government and also the industry what they did is they were question or comment from the pentagon from the satellites manufacturer and of course from you and musks company as well and this is what theyve got we have nothing to add to the satellite cadillac at this time we cannot comment on classified missions we do not comment on missions of this nature. As of right now reviews of the data indicate full can nine performed normally so where did these comments or rather no comment replies leave us so lets put all the doubts aside and assume that the satellite Delivery Mission was a success does that mean that there is so much secrecy behind the payload that no one is entitled to know even about whether it reached orbit or not why was there no object in the us catalogue and what kind of spying is it out there for the questions are going to be there to stay on the other hand if its confirmed that the mission was a fail or its not going to be a refutation disaster for space six but we know that elon musks next step was going to be to start sending humans into space and in this case it could prove to be an image problem and we will see whether thats going to affect elon musks plans to do more Space Business with the u. S. Government. North and south korea have held their First Official talks in more than two years the negotiations were held in the Demilitarized Zone between the two countries and heres what preceded the negotiations january the third saw the reopening of a cross border telephone line the following day donald trump agreed to delay military drills with soul until after next months Winter Olympics in south korea. Has been following developments. It went well which is rare to hear these days when it comes to the koreas one north korea agreed to send a delegation to the Winter Olympics in pyongyang chang sportspeople performance for the cultural events its simple if the north attends the olympics its much less likely to stage a provocation launch another missile to family reunions relatives separated by the war that havent seen each other for decades could be allowed reunions the extra month and three perhaps most importantly south korea has proposed face to face meetings between the norths and the souths military officials in order to deescalate tensions at long last alternately to denuclearize the peninsula its a long shorts but its a start with number one i think we should be engaged in these talks in an earnest sincere manner to give a new years gift namely the results of the talks to the korean nation. As you mentioned earlier we hope to bring a precious gift to your people but matches the expectations of our people it is been a chaotic year from escalation to escalation saber rattling and childish rhetoric near enough every month the u. S. And south korea would stage war games on the norths borders and send a message. They even sent Nuclear Bombers to the north borders north korea was no less provocative and it tested increasingly advanced Ballistic Missiles stage suspected Nuclear Weapons tests and. It now reportedly has the capacity to hit mainland United States and kim jong moon has boasted he has his own button and his desk is part of who is button is big contest with trump which is why these talks was so important they allow for a pause for hotheads to cool off and for tightened fingers to ease off on the triggers i think its a step back from a military solution because there is no military solution it other than death and destruction of hundreds of thousands or a Million People or more in the long run both sides would benefit from peace whether there are people within each government that have an objective to maintain this conflict to maintain the battle state the probably our however you know so its hard to say put north korea into one camp however i see what can come from the talks is a type of peace. Treaty and the type of situation where these countries can learn to live in peace and thats only going to come from building relationships the latest talks follow months of escalation in rhetoric and saber rattling between north korea and the u. S. However donald trump claims his aggressive attitude towards pyongyang is exactly what made the diplomatic breakthrough possible. Totally destroy north korea thats called the military option the nuclear and Ballistic Missile programs of that regime require a determined response. Little rocket man is a sick puppy. A lot of people said a lot of people have written that without my rhetoric and without my tough stance and such a stance i mean this is this is what has to be done if it has to be done that they wouldnt be talking about olympics that they wouldnt be talking right. Hundreds have been protesting across spain claiming gross mistreatment of refugees in the country they are cry was sparked by the governments decision to temporarily housed newcomers and a jail in the town of. Figures called lou its not a question got to do so jail but it could have been treated better. The government has used this prison for five hundred Seventy Eight male migrants from algeria since november this is totally illegal second the conditions under which the migrants live there are illegal they guarded by riot police have been unable to see their relatives they couldnt even embrace each other. The prisons in the mountains in the Southern Province of malaga and thats how partly a population of about nine thousand after dont know hold nationally renowned bullfights has been declared a historic artistic site for its unique Architectural Heritage however archie donor is now gaining global attention for all the wrong reasons just over a week ago one migrant was found dead in his cell at the prison site however spanish authorities claim that the facility is brand new and serves as a convenient shelter we feel it is better that the migrants be held in the center with the latest technology sanitary facilities share was heating beds sports areas but to put them in camps in other countries and its not just one spanish region that has been facing difficulties with the migrant influx recent figures show more than twenty thousand refugees have crossed into spain via the mediterranean just in the past year thats more than double the number in twenty sixty we spoke to maria vega from the United Nations Human Rights Council in spain she compares the spanish crisis to similar cases in European Countries and claims that authorities can do more. U. N. H. C. R. Has been always saying refugees and Asylum Seekers should not be kept in detention are just the top of the iceberg of a situation that is not properly. And a situation that has been a high level of in previous haitian for a long time the figure thing two thousand and seventeen have increased over one hundred percent compared to the previous years. Still we are talking about really monitor Board Members there is no war the twenty seven thousand people in one year when in the past weve seen with one million you to leave receive in over one hundred thousand people on a yearly basis so weve therefore believe that spain should be doing much more in this regard. There are calls to boycott the clothing giant h. And m. After it advertised a black child modeling a hoodie with the words coolest monkey in the jungle after a huge backlash h. And m. Took down the image however that hasnt stopped a social media store with the brand of being labeled racist and insensitive. Marketing fail him down puts a black child in a hoodie that reads and the coolest monkey in the jungle and the white child is the survival expert and now fox have pretending like they dont know the black children have long been racially characterized as monkeys. Is just irony i highly doubt they were like lets put the monkey hoodie on a bill like al make and say theres a white supremacist who works for h. And thought it was funny to make a blackboard mandala hoody that said coolest monkey in the german h. And m. Is not an American Company brands do not have to be familiar with usas or other countries historical conflicts on how to do Background Research for advertising a simple hoodie youre all going to feel how you all feel about the nation i am new to situation i thought the hoodoo was cute sue me that got a little black boy in a monkey hoodie of course its offensive but its so obvious im hysterical over the lack of awareness by. We discussed whether the ad is racially insensitive with the new guitars the editor of spike magazine with me for a dollar a from models of diversity. The whole issue is with this Advertising Campaign its an Advertising Campaign that international is an International Campaign and its so obvious that if youre going to use a connotation like monkey whether a child is a monkey youre going to choose a black child hold for the campaign and the white child as a survivor of the jungle there is not going to have connotations its ridiculous to think its not going to have any contagions whatsoever i think is a really sad i think what has happened is the word monkey has been used because this boy is a child and the word monkey is used to describe children of all races because theyre cheeky and mischief first and you can see this across childrens clothes for children of all races and this was part of a jungle themed clothing line the idea that this was somehow racially malevolent i think is utterly ludicrous im so disappointed by this campaign ive seen them do they always use a mix of models but this is really not you know its ill timed to say the least is what this campaign is its really badly thought by a board of white. Because even if it was even if theres that opinion its just like buckley thought it might be parents that are negatively thinking about this you cannot deny the connotations that it held i dont think this has that connotation for the vast majority of people the vast majority of people think this is a perfectly innocent campaign involving children of all races involved in the jungle and i think its really sad when adults pre conceptions about racism and race get read into childhood interactions i think that is potentially extremely corrosive if this kind of thinking gets into our School Environment for example what are we going to end up saying that black children cant be involved in games that might involve jungle animals children are going to get involved in games involve jungle animals but if you dont know specifically choose a campaign where the. Lap child is chosen as the monkey and the wild child is chosen as the jungle survivor in a climate of racial tension you know thats going to have connotations especially for their parents i was bullied by a whole class called a monkey by the by a whole class when i was going into a class and then really had an affair and if thats going to have an effect on me thats going to have an effect on generations to come because youre the parent of that child you cant get away from the strongest way we can deal with this is by moving children beyond race that should be the goal for everyone in society is making children not think about their race thats the way we should be proceeding but what this thinking does is that it reads into peoples motivations a racist and malign motivation and the previous speaker just did exactly that they said well theres a white board of people this must be a racist thing this must be racial why cant it simply be that this is a child a child who is black or white who cares it doesnt matter the swedish based clothing giant has apologized in a statement to the controversial hoodies been scrapped from both is Online Platforms and Stores Across the globe the retailer also said that the garments in question will no longer be sold where she reveals details of attacks on its bases in syria well tell you all about it after this short break. Unfortunately it appears that once people learn that youve reported a Sexual Assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared of you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. What holds his hands to you so. He put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Some people want to be preached. To going to be pros this is what before three of them or cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of my. First soup. Our corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and the color of the matter over their heads up saudi arabia these days is as corrupt as the day is long and hes just stealing money from folks and with us try to be at it but america is like thats reform meanwhile ok already there actually are in the process of reform but thats evil. Russias Defense Ministry has revealed the details of two attempted drone attacks on two of its bases in syria both were repels and there were no casualties or damage caused to the bases well lets look at the main tool of the attack is a g. P. S. Guided homemade drone is able to walk rate from the distance of up to one hundred kilometers and carry a range of homemade explosives russias Defense Ministry said thirteen such devices were used in the attacks all were intercepted by the fact terrorists in syria operate such technology has raised concerns at the pentagon to a spokesperson is worried such devices are freely available on the open market as well as now bring in professor of history and International Relations at Lebanese University in beirut jamal mccain mr mccain perhaps you can tell us just how dangerous are these homemade drones. Well there are very dangerous especially that they could be manufactured at home by terrorists and they could be. Terrorists could be found on technology that is available in the market for a very consumer so this is how serious it is especially that it could not be controlled by by states and by. Agencies so i believe that this should raise concern about the capacities accumulated by the terrorists in syria and that could be used as were out on the globe to be what were seeing here is a new terror attack taken should we expect more sector attacks from now on. Well i believe so because the terrorists the they have what is considered as a backward ideology however they enjoy. So to speak a to take in terms of weaponry in terms of Music Technology and modern tools of. Internet. Where the very creative and developing measures. Weapons so thats why i believe this should raise concern and bring governments together. In order to Counter Measure the this development so far we see that various states and governments misquoted the meeting and they are trying to use especially the west they are trying to use dollars groups for geopolitical objectives by believe that this could backfire on them and it could also raise concerns about security in the west in general and in the United States saying it seems like this im sorry to interrupt it does seem like drones like this can be quite easily intercepted went into military bases but what kind of scenario would play out if this is if they were aimed at civilian targets. This is what i mean actually because. The governments or the military could be found that airbase but what about. Lets say cities what what about societies what about public buildings so governments could not spread that or. Lets say an energy. To protect everyone and this raises concern and i do believe that these terrorist groups have enjoyed at one point the backing of certain western states. Which made them. Develop that of the techniques and thats why it is of big concern for every state every government to court to be named and cooperate with other governments to come to the federal system and the pentagon says seriously concerns that such devices can be freely boortz that i what needs to change here and does something needs to change here. Definitely i believe that so far the United States of america and the pentagon try to use these terrorist groups. I mean to undermine hostile governments or governments that they considered hostile to them. Like syria iraq even russia for example thats why i believe these terrorist groups have enjoyed a certain amount of the ability for them to act and develop better technologies and methods and thats why i believe that the first thing that the pentagon under United States should do is to join forces with russia in order to counter these terrorist groups and not try to use these terrorist groups as a means to undermine. Our allies in the region mainly syria jamal wakim first of history and International Relations at Lebanese University in beirut thank you for your time. But we have to hear your thoughts on a day story so do get in touch by following us on facebook and twitter ill be back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines. Manufacture consent to public will. When the ruling classes protect themselves. Listen. We can all middle of the room see. The two thousand and eight economic crisis turn some countries into paychecks. These are the countries with we can recall them is that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation of flow bloat even the recession austerity is a very bad idea it doesnt work and it makes millions of people very unhappy those who are unemployed see their wages decline almost a decade how good are the results she saw all of these are providing people gathered in which to watch her obese people with your daughter julie a choice. To be in full view she is still plumbers i mean to for legal. Challenge not stick with this she was always the case she something and im getting. Why at the same Mission Still in place to one of the consequences to weaken bluebirds. I will first. Off this is the truth the consider this is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision making. Heres what people have been saying about rejected a night with you i suspect it is full on also for all the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah mr john all over a Party America is doing the same we are apparently better than two thousand and six and see the savior you never heard of love redacted the night president of the world bank paid money to write me seriously send us an email. Ratings will sell you. All right january nineteenth marg your calendars talk watch your because that is the date the United States congress will face its the next deadlines and september fourth deadlines and september thirtieth to pass the twenty eighth budget for United States of america is the whole budget january nineteenth twenty eighteen is they still havent still havent gotten around to giving us a budget you see unlike the rest of us who face real world consequences for missed deadlines and unbalanced budgets the us Congress Gets to pass the old continuing resolution in order to continue to dodge their important responsibilities like say keeping the government funded and running properly in january nineteenth marks the sunset of now their fourth continuing resolution but passing budgets on time isnt the only important responsibility congress has been ignoring now on a regular pretty regular basis. According to a recent survey by gov spend dot com congressional members and the us voting public are incredibly far apart on Spending Priorities for example gov spend discovered that when it comes to just the discretionary funding budget americans thought military spending should be cut in half and education science and energy and environment deserve to be roughly doubled or more but congress on the other hand decided that allocating six hundred thirty nine billion to the pentagon while giving just fifty nine billion for education was a was a much better use of taxpayer dollars. I guess to our illustrious elected officials a brand new gerald ford aircraft carriers far more important to our well being than heating city schools and baltimore seems that congress is also ignoring the will of the citizenry they represent relegating us to a pretty low spot on the totem pole of congressional priorities which is why which is why it is time to break out the wood carver and start watching the harks. You get the. Real deal with. The bottom. Like you said i got. This. Week so. Rather than watching the Hard Sciences i wrote a bunch of guns out of the wall and see yeah Goodness Gracious little bit of a divide between what Congress Makes a priority and what we what we what yeah im not allowed to just get to it seems like this administration over and over again sort of says well get to it next week where a little later its a little that all of us get are we got to it i see that in my taxes i dont consider that my light bill medical bills they dont take that im just barely about where it is Pretty Amazing our congress can just keep going to kicking the can down the road for what you had one job one job and your one job one really important job which is to make sure that the money one goes the right place which is a whole nother conversation but i think its that idea of how do people even understand as to do people do most americans have a concept of how much what i wouldnt really spend and on what i dont is the i dont think and i yeah all right i know its the illusion versus the reality really to i mean look when they surveyed the zero two thousand some odd taxpayers they are

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